Jan. 5, 2023
Jan. 5, 2023
Jan. 4, 2023
Jan. 4, 2023
Once upon a time, a very respectable eminent monk was going to die.
His disciples asked him if he had any regrets for his life because those disciples didn't want him to die with regrets.
At first, the eminent monk didn't say, but his disciples could see from his face that he had, and he just didn't want to say.
His disciples insisted on asking him because they didn't want their master to die with regrets. He was so disciplined all his life and respectable.
Finally, the monk said, "I have no regrets in my entire life unless there is one thing. I have been a monk for my whole life, so I never know what a woman really looks like."
Then his disciples hired a prostitute for him. After seeing the butt of the prostitute, the monk finally closed his eyes and died.
The last word he left for this world was "Oh, it's the same as nun's!"
Jan. 4, 2023
Lately, I've been listening to a lot of Russian post-punk. My boyfriend (who doesn't speak Russian) listened to it a year ago, but since it's sad, and had another mindset, I told him to stop the music because I didn't like it. He didn't play it again until two months ago. I'm guessing he forgot about it.
He re-played a game that he didn't touch for 2 years, and it's an online game that is quite popular in Russia and Ukraine, so people communicate in Russian quite a lot, sometimes even more than in English. I think this is the reason why he remember about this type of music.
Jan. 4, 2023
Jan. 4, 2023
Today is the 95th day of my daily English challenge.
My mother, my nieces and nephew were traveling to Algiers today at 9 pm but My mother canceled the reservation because the children may be sleeping at the airport that's why will be traveling tomorow at the afternoon. The children I were happy to staying one day more but at this moment I feel so sad to see the children going tomorrow.
Jan. 4, 2023
How many times the most silly thing has happened that hampered you to do something? and then you realize that you dodge a bullet.
I think that everybody has experienced that in their life.
I do not think the future is something written, your destinity change with your choices.
That is why sometimes my anxiety skyrockets, because I think "what if this turns up in a terrible ending". I cannot stop thinking that every step I take matters. A simple yes or no could change everything. As it has been seen throught history. That after an event everything got so different.
At the end, I am for the idea that, not everything happens for a reason, there are things that are coincidence, simply bad or good luck. Or at least that relieves a little bit more my anxiety... Sometimes.
Jan. 4, 2023
Last day, my roommate was so mad, and it turned to me. I'm SO mad today! I thought I could take a breath after the exams. But, it wasn't like what I thought. I had a meeting discussing the presentation. Because we had already separated the work into six parts, everyone had had their own job. As a result, I expected it didn't took much time. However, the fact was cruel. Some teammates said that they had temporary job, so they were absent. I totally understand, it is always busy at the end of a semester, but someone just had disappeared for about four hours. She didn't notice in advanced. Me and the other member organized and revised the entire presentation by our own. I spent more two hours than I expected, because some parts were like the finished products of ctrl C and ctrl V. When everything was done, the one who disappeared came out, and said sorry, I was busy at that time. Wow! Such a weak teammate!
Jan. 4, 2023
The founder, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may God have mercy on him, was not just a ruler, but rather he was a father to us, so he implanted within the soul of every citizen the spirit of cooperation and love of goodness, whether on the local, Arab or global side. You do not know surrender or fatigue, and the most prominent personalities that inspired him are His Highness, our brother Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. He is still following in the footsteps of his late father and will not stop until the United Arab Emirates reaches its highest position and the people know it at the forefront.
Jan. 4, 2023
Para mí, lo más importante que he aprendido en toda mi vida son dos cosas:
- ser agradecido
- ser amable
Si sabe cómo ser agradecido, se siente más feliz porque se aprende cómo estar feliz con lo que tiene.
Si sabe cómo ser amable, puede tener más cariño con la gente en el mundo y hará más amor y paz.
Jan. 4, 2023
Jan. 4, 2023
J’ai recommencé faire d’exercice après avoir fait une pause pendant deux semaines.
Je ne sais pas comment continuer le course conversation parceque ça semble que le prof s’est arrêté ses cours.
Je suis contente que j’aie un apartment confortable où j’arrive me concentrer et je me sens détendue.
Jan. 4, 2023
My husband started to be fed up with hairdressers. He always back from them unhappy. He bought a hair clipper to get a haircut at home. I was going to be his new hairdresser. My husband has a medium-length hairstyle, so getting a haircut is not so easy. Anyway, I decided to try it after watching some tutorials on YouTube. I made a couple of mistakes but my husband was happier than ever with his new haircut and many people at his work complimented his haircut. Even after two months, the haircut looks great.
Yesterday I asked my husband for the same favour. Unfortunately, now my haircut isn't great. He cut too much and the haircut isn't straight. Now I need to wait a month or two until my hair will grow and then he will try again in a different way.
Jan. 4, 2023
Jan. 4, 2023
Ceci est le premier jour de mon défi d'écriture. Je ne sais pas si j'écrirai très souvent mais on verra bien.
En ce moment, je suis à mon école primaire avec ma maman parce qu'elle est la patronne et elle doit faire du travail mais je suis tellement fatigué. Les élèves de cet école sont pas encore faire la rentrée mais les employés commence leur travail aujourd'hui. La rentrée est le prochain mardi.
Nous (ma maman et moi) avions été là depuis environ 9h au matin et puisque j'ai eu mon ordinateur, j'ai décidé à étudier quelque chose. Je viens d'étudier la personnalité. Elle est un des sujets que j'apprendrai à la fac pendant ma prochaine semestre mais je l'ai pas encore fini. Hier, j'ai étudié la développement humaine et à mon avis, elle est un sujet très intéressant. Cependant, la théorie psychosexuelle de Freud est très louche. Je ne peux pas croire qu'autrefois, les gens pensaient qu'il avait raison. C'est incroyablement fou !
Quand même, je suis toujours fatigué (j'ai soif aussi) et j'espère qu'on sort bientôt d'ici.
Jan. 4, 2023
My brother is an engineer. He wakes up at 7am to go to work. He works for a defense company.
He comes home at 5pm, and watches a lot of movies (both old and new). He really loves movies and TV shows.
أخي مهندس. هو يذهب الى عمل في الساعة السابعة. هو يعمل في الشركة دفاع.
يذهب الى بيت في الساعة اخامس, و يشاهد فلم. يحب الفلم و برنامج تلفزيوني.
Jan. 4, 2023
When I was a 19 year old college student I read the English version of "I am a cat."
Although , at the time I did not know anything about Japanese history, politics, or economics .
I thought it was just a cute story about a cat.
The other day, I stumbled upon the book in a bookstore and thought I should try and read it again.
I still have to study Japanese culture in detail however it brings back memories.
Jan. 4, 2023
It a retelling of a listening material in test and I put the original article in the notes.
My writing:
A medieval scholar argued that identity and unity play more important role in the flourish of empire rather than fate or opportunity. He used the term asabiyyah that means a group feeling or social cohesion to quantify the inner power of an empire. The asabiyyah helps society form the communal virtue and makes a powerful empire.
Usually, nomadic society have stronger asabiyyah than sedentary society because they move together, depend on each other and share the same resource and common goal. As a result, the nomadic society is tend to take over sedentary society. However, after the conquest, the nomadic society is actually sedentary and lose their asabiyyah.
The process is divided into five steps as follows:
First, conquest. The nomads are thirsty for the luxury the sedentary society enjoys so they start attacking and finally win the war against the fading military of sedentary society.
Second, consolidation. The leader of nomadic tribe become the king of the empire and rules the conquered sedentary people.
Third, integration. One example is that the nomadic society has the own language but lacks writing system, so they use the sedentary society character. The integration happens in literature, art and more fields.
Fourth, decadence. As the upper class in the empire, the nomads favor luxury more than work inevitably so they lose the traditional virtue like military skills. Finally, the asabiyyah weaken.
Fifth, downfall. Other society with strong asabiyyah is interested in the empire and takes over the decay society. The cycle repeats over and over again.
The example to the theory is the rise and fall of the Mongol Empire. It expanded rapidly but collapsed suddenly, which happened only in one century. Under the leadership of Genghis Khan, the empire grew into a transcontinental empire but after the death of Khan the dispute among his descendants spilt the country and the civil war ruined the empire. The interesting part is that the topic of the dispute is whether Mongol Empire became a sedentary society or stayed nomadic. It corresponds to the idea that sedentary society have disadvantage in asabiyyah.
Personally, I am interested in the passage because the conflict and integration between nomadic and sedentary society is the main plot through Chinese history. In addition, the cycle of empire is researched and explained by many famous Chinese historians and politicians. I learned and read many passages about it in Chinese but it's the first time I find someone explains it in English. The term asabiyyah is an innovational concept to explain it for me.
Jan. 4, 2023
Jan. 4, 2023
(az szöveg után, forditás angolul van)
A tömegközlekedésekre (vonatra vagy buszra) felszálok. Nincs jogísványom, ezért kell hassználom a tömegközlekedéseket, és ez is környezetbarát. Nem sürün kicserélem az elektronikat : telefonom négy éves vagy, és nekem egy laptop van, aminek tíz éves vagy. Ma ez nem föszámítógépem (ez nagyon lassú!), de még mindig működik, ezért megöriztem ezt máig. Persze, mikor elmegyok valahova, nem kidobom szemétemet környezetre. Nem tudok, ha életmódom valóban környezetbárat. Úgy gondolok, hogy ez se legjobb se legrosszabb.
I take public transportation (bus or train). I don't have any driving license, so I have to use public transportation, but it's also eco-friendly. I don't often change my electronic devices: my phone is four years old and I have a laptop that is ten. Today, it's not my main computer anymore (it's so slow!) but it's still working so I've kept it up until today. Of course, when I go somewhere, I don't litter. I don't know if my lifestyle is really eco-friendly. I think it's neither the best nor the worst.
Jan. 4, 2023
Das Schlimmste an diesem Jahr ist einerseits die Tatsache des menschlichen Elends. Der Krieg, den Russland der Ukraine erklärt hat, ist das deutlichste Beispiel dafür.
Aber in kleinerem Maßstab ist der unaufhaltsame Lauf der Zeit, der sich vor allem bei unseren älteren Leuten anschauen lässt. Sie werden immer selbstsüchtig, weil sie nicht daran merken, dass wir (ihren Nachwuchs) andere Probleme haben. Es ist schade, dass manche Menschen immer mehr brummiger werden, wenn sie feststellen, dass weniger Kraft und Autonomie haben, ihren Charakter verbittert wird.
Im Gegenteil, das Beste des Jahres war das Treffen mit meiner Familie in Heiligabend, das jahrelang nicht möglich war, zuerst wegen der Krankheit meines Vaters und dann wegen der Ausgangsperren der Pandemie.
Jan. 4, 2023
Jan. 4, 2023
A lot of time, my experience in ShenZhen (a vibrant city in southern China which adjacent to Hongkong, I will abbreviate it as SZ), in 1998, is still vivid in my remembrance. In this small series, I will be putting my memory into words on Langcorrect.
This writing is a challenge for me. I have outlined some portrait in my mind. They are optimistic young man (me), greedy captains of freighters, voracious and lustful army officers, human and cigarette smuggling...
Jan. 4, 2023
Кто в этот город не влюблён, когда хоть сутки пробыл он в Ленинграде, в Ленинграде…
Когда увидел наяву Фонтанку, зимний и Неву, и сада летного листву в Ленинграде.
(Мостов рисунок кружим мной??) и ночи белые весной чаруют взоры в Ленинграде.
Пускай другие города судьба учит нас иногда, но сердце наше навсегда в Ленинграде.
Мы видим сквозь туманным мглу адмиралтейскую иглу в Ленинграде, в Ленинграде.
И на Аничковым мосту кони застывших на льду и строгих зданий красоту в Ленинграде.
О Ленинграде мы поем и все гордимся , что живем в любимом нашем Ленинграде.
Нас каждый день к труду зовет и каждый день ведет вперёд, лишь ночью отдых настает в Ленинграде.
20:23:39 (UTC)
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