Jan. 15, 2023
Estaba caminando fuera durante la temporada veraniega en un bosque caducifolio—ahora había oscurecido, con las estrellas iluminando el firmamento. Me dejé llevar por la luz bellísima surgiendo de los cielos, aunque, seguramente, sentiendo solo—nadie estaba cerca de mí, significando que mi estadía en los bosques era solitario. No fui capaz de tomar mis ojos del ciel—una vez, caminando adelante y viendo arriba, incluso choqué contra un árbol. Caminando por una distancia determinada por algún tiempo, salí del bosque y crucé a un campo, con hierba verde creciendo en el piso de esto, así como lavandas, manzanillas y flores de iris. Yo caminaba en serenidad, no temiendo la oscuridad, pues arriba eran al menos miríadas estrellas que iluminaban la tierra debajo. Sabía adonde yo iba, incluso si yo era, francamente, despreocupdo con lo que pasaba debajo mis pies. Caminaba así por un tiempo que no puedo determinar, y seguía caminando, no siendo agotado, a pesar de la longitud del viaje. Aunque tan fijos estaban mis ojos en el cielo que cuando me acercaba a una aldea cercana, no vi que caminaba directamente hacia un pozo—así choqué la piedra de esto con mi pie y el ímpetu me llevó el resto de mi cuerpo adentro, en el agua. El agua era fría, casi lo suficientemente fría como para entumecer los miembros de mi cuerpo—intenté escalar de esto, pero me parecía que las piedras no se extendían lo suficiente de las paredes del revestimiento del pozo para que me agarrará a ellas. Había unas personas que atisbaron en el pozo y se reyeron del hecho que fallé de prestar atención debajo mis pies—estas personas después se alejaron. Pero hubo un viejo que oyó los chapoteos adentro del pozo—él astibó en el pozo, y poco dispués volvió con una cuerda, ayudando llevarme del agua, que era casi entumecida. Cuando pude salir, era extremadamente agradecido al viejo, y lo conté que era dispuesto de quedarme con él para ser voluntario con sus tareas domésticas. Él se rió afablemente de mi propuesta, amicablemente consentiendo a esto mientras que sonreía a mí con sus ojos amables. No hubo un viento cuando salí—así que no sentía una presencia de frío fuerte. Él me invitó a su cabaña leñosa, y lo seguí. Él me invitó a sentarme frente a una chimenea, para que mi ropa se secará, y me contó acostarme en una cama para recibir descanso—desde allá, me contaría historias de la aldea, del área que la rodeaba, de la sabiduría que ha acumuladó a través de su vida, y yo no podía dejar de escuchar, hasta que mis pestañas finalmente, a regañadientes, empezaron a cerrarse—dije al hombre de mi cansancio, y él entendió. Él me deseyó que durmiera bien, así como yo a él… Desde allá, se acostó en una otra cama y se durmió. Aunque fui burlado por muchas otras que me vieron en el pozo, hubo alguien que fue allá que me ayudó, y también pareció de entenderme—esto me hizo más feliz y más tranquilo. Ahora estaba tumbado en una cama, con una manta cubriendo mi cuerpo, mientras que yo viera las estrellas a través de una ventana, escuchando el crepitar cercano de los restos de leña dentro de la chimenea, pronto convertida en brasas. La quietud, así como mi cansancio, finalmente, por la noche, me habían hecho caer en un profundo sueño.
Jan. 15, 2023
Jan. 15, 2023
Une bonne résolution que j'ai est d'être en meilleure santé. Ça veux dire que je mangerai plus diététique et ferai plus de sport cette année.
Aujourd'hui j'y presque arrivais ! Je m'étais levée à l'heure malgré le week-end. J'avais fait un petit-déjeuner avec des germes de soja, un croissant, et un petit pâte au poulet. J'étais allée au supermarché à pied. J'avais fait de la shakshuka avec des haricots au lieu d'œufs pour le dîner.
Puis, j'ai dû finir un essai important, donc j'ai mangé un huitéme d'un bocal de Nutella à cause de stress.
J'ai fini le essai, mais je vais essayer plus fort demain d'être en bonne santé. Je déteste la saison d'examens !
Jan. 15, 2023
Jan. 15, 2023
Parfois il est mieux d'oublier sa fierté et faire ce qu'est necessaire. C'est stupide de pas attirer ses objectifs à cause d'être trop fier. Il y a aucune mal d'avouer ses desires. Par exemple s'il y a une personne qu'on trouve agreable, c'est évident qu'on tente de parler avec ces gens mais en plein cas quelques personnes sont trop fier pour le faire parce qu'ils ont peur d'être rejeté ou cela est trop gêant pour eux. À cela je réponds qu'il y a quelques temps ou on doit oublier sa fierté débile et tente d'attirer ce qu'on veux.
Jan. 15, 2023
I'm a Spanish native speaker, living in Mexico. Recently I have noticed that my generation, generation Z, uses many English phrases on informal context. For example: one day, I asked to my friend in Spanish "what would you like to study in collage?" And she answered me "I don't know," in English. Youger generations use words and phrases like: I don't know, you know what I mean, Don't worry, anyways, whatever, who knows?, aesthetic, OMG and many others that I can't remember right now. This phenomenon may be just in fashion, however for me it's too much funnier to think that this is the beginning of a new language. Similar to something that happens in Philippines, their dialy life language is a combination of Tagalog, English and Spanish. If this fashion keeps going, maybe in three hundred years we're going to speak "Spanglish" in Mexico.
Jan. 15, 2023
Achoche fui a una clase de boxeo con mi compañero de piso. La primera parte consistió en algunos ejercicios básicos, tales como saltar a la cuerda y lanzar pelotas pesadas. Luego, pasamos unos 20 minutos golpeando sacos de arena y mejorando nuestra forma con el entrenador. Verás, todo iba bien hasta que empezamos a hacer los ejercicios de core. Estábamos en el cuadrilátero y el entrenador nos hizo hacer planchas durante 2 minutos. Poco después, notaba que me temblaban los brazos y sentía que mi cuerpo no podía más. Al mirar el cronómetro del entrenador, me di cuenta de que sólo habían pasado 30 segundos. A tan solo un minuto de empezar, tuve que bajarme al suelo. Pasamos el resto de la sesión haciendo ejercicios así y resultó que no pude completar nada.
Aunque no he investigado mucho sobre el tema, cada vez es más evidente que necesito dedicarme al fortalecer el core fuera de las clases de boxeo. El plan es crear mi propio circuito de entrenamiento para el core, que pienso hacer 3 veces a la semana. Consistirá en 4 o 5 tipos de ejercicio principalmente para el nivel principiante, como la plancha rodilla cruzada, el puente, el elevamiento de piernas y la plancha baja con torsión. Además, me centraré en desarrollar mi forma para asegurarme de que los estoy haciendo bien. Con este plan, espero que las partes que más odio en las clases de boxeo me vayan mejor.
Jan. 15, 2023
最近我花了不少的时间学习中国的不同的地理。中国各地都很有趣的地方,可是我发现有一座醒目的城市:重庆。很少印尼人知道这座城市。我对中国足球联赛感兴趣,所以我知道他。 以前从重庆有一个俱乐部,但是几个月前这个俱乐部不存在了。他破产终结了。当我听说这个消息,我就在网上查了破产的原因。
我突然想了解更多关于重庆。我发现重庆的地理情况非常反常。这个城市的高低不平,他有山谷、 悬崖、 温泉、 瀑布等等。传奇般的长江也流经重庆。此外,建筑风格又独特又新式。比如我觉得洪崖洞非常迷人。他看起来像一座从幻想世界的城堡。在洪崖洞里面逛逛会一定难忘的经历。目前的我只能想像!
Jan. 15, 2023
Jan. 15, 2023
Jan. 14, 2023
Generalmente, diría que soy muy bien en mis estudios. Sin embargo, hoy solo quiero ver los programas y dormir. Obviamente, no hice nada trabajo :( he estado muy cansado últimamente pero quiero tratar de hacer estudiar. Habría dormido mas si supiera que me afectaría así. Espero que haga algo, porque no quiero quedo atrás en el colegio jajaja
Jan. 14, 2023
Jan. 14, 2023
Today is day 105 of my daily English challenge. Today my sister was sick. She has a cold. I had to take care of my sister, even although I am in pain but I could not leave my sister without to help her. I took her a medicine and prepared a hot soupe. If she feels good I think she can go work tomorrow.
Jan. 14, 2023
Ya fue hace un par de horas que yo paseaba entre las rocas, buscando mi camino. A veces había unos arboles pero el suelo estaba duro y seco. No había nadie. Repentinamente, después una pequeña colina vi algo se mover … ¡o alguien!
Enfrente de mi, pudieron ver un tipo de cabra. No estoy seguro de que he visto. En mi mente, estaba como si me pregunté “¿quien es esta cabra?” y el sujeto de mi pregunta se dijo “¿quien es este cabrón?”. No lo sé pero ella me miró.
No me encuentro tan bien como fuera posible. Empecé a ver que la cabra tenía compañeras. Estaban detrás las rocas y la vegetación. He actuado como lo de siempre cuando veo un animal salvaje : con cuidado. No sabía que paso en sus cabezas, solo sabía que no quería a volver. La noche estaba acerca y tenía que seguir el camino. Pero no me gustó que crear mas miedo. Las cabras no me pareció agresivas pero no sabía si mi presencia las parecí pacifico. Quedaba un poco sin mover entonces seguí adelante un poco. Las cabras se alejaron un poco. Hemos continuado así, tranquilo y me fui, sin decir "¡Adiós!".
Ahora, no estoy seguro de que paso. Ya no sé si estaban cabras salvajes o no. Espero que no les he molestadas.
Jan. 14, 2023
What to do after Secondary School in Spain?
Despite political efforts to change dynamics on young choices when they finish ESO (Obligatory Secondary Education), everything have remained almost in the same way for 20 years. Some of them decide go ahead and start Bachellor in order to get a degree in the future, whereas others choose to get immersed in the proffesional world and learning directly from the practical experience.
Students who choose continuing their formation
Unfortunately, most students in this case opt for the technical or scientific brand of Bachellor, which is supposed to assure a better future (in economical terms). On the contrary those who prefer the humanistic brand mostly want to do a linguistic degree, such as, philology or translation and interpretation, because of the same reason. In both cases, they are often influenced by family, some teachers and media, where they get this basic orientation from. As a note, currently there is not much differences in this way due to gender.
Students who prefer start working
On the other hand, the main part of young who opt for this alternative, doing so because they have been disencouraged throughout ESO and not properly informed. In this case, mechanical jobs related with contruction, gardening and welding are most likely between boys; and others like administrative and nurse auxiliar (both after a short curse) are so in case of girls.
Informacion source
The information described above comes firstly from secondary schools, phycologists especialized in orientation and lastly from my personal experience.
On summary, what was expressed above corresponds with a general scheme which have been almost static throughough the last two decades.
Jan. 14, 2023
In the last decades more and more people are getting distracted for the amount of work and leisure activities around them. However they don’t usually take into account the importance that keeping on shape have on their lives. Linked to this topic I saw a programme on the radio where theses issues were discussed more in deep.
From all the solutions the solutions provided on this programme, I would like to highlight two of them, that is, better facilities and a proper advertising.
Firstly, I completely agree on what one of the participant told about the facilities: there is need of plenty of these, especially on small towns and villages, where lacks of public funding make the existing ones obsolete or they need to be repaired. Besides, people can not afford paying a gym, so the only alternative to this areas for its inhabitants is going running, which is not a very stimulating activity for most them.
Secondly, but not less important, any kind of sport activity must be widely announced, in order to keep people from different ages informed. That is the most unexpensive (mostly free) way to attack the problem at its source, specially for those activities aimed at young people, through social networks. What is described above link perfectly with was expressed by the broadcaster in the radio programme, who stated that just good facilities without a proper advertising about the activities which are taken place in your local area is senseless.
As a conclusion, both facilities availability and advertising are indispensable in order to encourage people from all ages to find spaces in their busy agendas for getting started again in doing physical exercise.
Jan. 14, 2023
My experience with the appartment in Sordo Street 7 in Cazalla de la Sierra
I have spend a week with my girlfriend on Christmas holidays in a lovely appartment in Cazalla de la Sierra and it was pleasant to find out such a renting and for a lower price than I expected for the Christmas holidays, so why should I try it with other places or regions?
First of all, I have to say that the welcome by the owner, Pedro, has been excellent, mostly because he was aware of any details we needed or question we had about, however much unimportant it looked like.
Regarding to the accomodation, despite of the tiny size of the house, which fits properly for a couple, it was everything on hand and fully prepared for a short stay, that is: indispensable furniture in the living room, a good equipped kitchen and a bathroom which looked like a spa.
Beyond the described above, the neighbourhood was silent and people very welcoming and charming. As an example, we got lost at first to find the location, because of works in the road next to the place, and a group of workers let us cross over it and even helped us to carry our luggages.
Finally, I highly recommend to visit the village‘s castle, where landscapes are atonishing, specially if you want to spend a recovery time surrounded by nature. Not far away you will find an endless list of hiking routes, so it is perfect for people appasionated by the environment.
On summary, after our stay in this really nice location we have no doubts that we will come back in the next holidays.
Jan. 14, 2023
My first week in Düsseldorf (Germany)
As starting point, I am glad to Seville University for this opportunity. Although it was just one week, it was enough time to get to know more about the country, beyond the topics I have ever heard about.
My stay was much easier thanks to Gloria, the previous student who enjoyed the benefits of this programme. Most of the places we visited were alongside the Rin river, where the main part of clubs, bars and discos are located on. I was fascinated how easy was for me, a not much outgoing person, to meet new people from different nationatilities over there. During my stay I spent my time mainly with a group of young au pairs, who show me a gastronomical route in this area. It was amazing the variety of local plates you can find, since my general idea about German food didn’t go far away from sausaches and spicy sauces. Apart from that I could taste a good variety of beers (nothing to do with the Spanish ones).
Moreover, Gloria recommended me a good climb gym, which fit perfectly for me to reduce all calories from the activities described above. I knew about German climbers fame, but I couldn’t imagine how many gyms you found here.
After my exchange in Germany and having talked with Gloria, I may say that ours experiences were pretty similar each other, mainly due to all the outgoing environment is focused along the river. In fact, she already knew the au pair group I mentioned above.
As an overview of the programme, it was an unforgettable experience that I strongly recommend to any students who wish a first approach of what they can feel staying abroad, not only because improving your English skills but for opening your mind, especially in a multicultural city as Düsseldorf.
Jan. 14, 2023
Die German International School Boston ist eine zweisprachige Ausbildung, die eine Bildung vom Kindergarten bis zur 12. Klasse zur Verfügung stellt und seit 2011 als Exzellente Deutsche Schule im Ausland anerkannt wurde.
Die Lehranstalt besteht aus zwei Gebäuden: Das Erste wäre der Upper Campus, wo die Klasse 1 bis 12. beherbergt. Die Vorschul- und Kindergartenkinder spielen sich im neu gestalteten Lowe Campus ab. Beide befinden sich unweit vom Wissenschaftsstandort Cambridge mit Harvard und MIT sowie der Innenstadt Bostons.
Die Schule hält sich an einen international angesehenen deutschen Lernplan und setzt sich zum Ziel, die Schülerschaft gründlich auf die Zukunft in einer globalen Welt vorzubereiten.
Die German International School Boston gehört zum Teil eines Netzwerks, das aus 140 offiziell anerkannten Internationalen Deutschen Schulen weltweit besteht. Dieses Netzwerk ist bedeutsam, da es sich um eine wertvolle Quelle des Wissens und der zuverlässigen Praktiken handelt. Das ermöglicht Austauschprogramme für Schüler/-innen in der Oberstufe und bringt damit zustande, dass sie zur kulturellen und sozialen Vielseitigkeit beitragen können.
Darüber hinaus empfängt die Bildungsanstalt ebenfalls Gastschüler/-innen aus Deutschland, Spanien, Italien oder Mexiko. Sie werden in ihren betreffenden Klasen eingeteilt und eine Aufnahme bei einer Gastfamilie gewährt. Das könnte ein halbes oder ganzes Jahr dauern.
Bezüglich des Deutschunterrichts an der Schule wird die deutsche Sprache als Hauptunterrichtssprache eingesetzt. Das Englische als unabhängiger Fachbereich wird erst ab Klassen 1 bis 12 unterrichtet und zudem kommt es als Unterrichtssprache für Kunst, amerikanische Geschichte und Sport zum Einsatz. Die Bildungsanstalt setzt sich nämlich zum Ziel, dass die Schüler/-innen bis zur 8. Klasse imstande sind, beide Sprachen flüssig zu sprechen.
Die Diversität und die unterschiedlichen Sichtweisen spielen ebenso eine wichtige Rolle für die Schule. Auch wenn es überall Deutsch zu vernehmen ist, herrschen auf den Fluren verschiedene Sprachen aus der vielsprachigen Schulgemeinschaft, nämlich: Spanisch, Französisch, Hebräisch, Mandarin, Türkisch, Russisch und Akan.
Nachdem die Lernenden erfolgreich die Schule abgeschlossen haben, können sie sowohl über ein Deutsch Internationales Abitur als auch einen amerikanischen Highschool-Abschluss verfügen. Damit sind sie in der Lage, an einigen besten Universitäten in Deutschland, Europa und den Vereinigten Staaten zu studieren.
Hinsichtlich der außerschulischen Aktivitäten werden nahezu täglich verschiedene Veranstaltungen auf den zwei Campus durchgeführt. Dazu gehören virtuelle Lesungen, Ausflüge, Events für die Schulgemeinschaft, Clubs und so weiter. Dazu sind die Eltern eingeladen, sich an den Aktivitäten der Schule zu beteiligen.
Jan. 14, 2023
Lately politicians are arguing about the necessity to limit tourist quantity in the cities in someway. I support the limitation of tourism for several reasons:
Firstly, massive tourism have enormous affectation in the local citizens way of living, especially in small cities, because city businesses tends to focus on tourist necessities leaving aside local people ones.
As a result, housing market exclusively offer small houses for seasonal stay with very high prices. By the same token small local shops with daily basis goods are replaced for restaurants and night clubs and bars.
Another important point is that tourists in large quantities usually produce environmental issues, standing out the ones related with noise and dirtiness, since tourists tend to have a very active nightlife the whole week, not only during the weekends.
In summary, although tourism is the main income of our country we should keep a balance in number between local people and tourists; taking some measures to prevent massive tourism.
Jan. 14, 2023
De nos jours, on a tendance à l’apprentissage à la maison. À ma réflexion, je suis d’accord pour l’instruction dans la famille. Certains se posent la question, si les enfants qui apprennent sans l’école, ont des difficultés d’acquérir des connaissances comme les enfants qui étudient à l’école. Pour moi, l’instruction au sein de la famille permet aux enfants d’apprendre à leurs rythmes et leurs besoins. Mon cousin est un exemple d’apprentissage chez lui. Il s’intéresse à la biologie et passe la plupart de temps à rechercher des connaissances liées à la biologie, au lieu d’apprendre beaucoup de métiers en classe, qu’il n’aime pas. De plus, un problème est mis en place “Est-ce que les enfants qui suivent l’apprentissage chez eux sont difficile de se faire des amis ?” Il est clair que les amis ne se font pas uniquement dans le cadre scolaire. Ils peuvent se faire des amis quand ils font du sport, partent en randonnée ou participent à des activités,... De mon point de vue, ils peuvent se rencontrer plus d’amis que les enfants étudient à l’école. Leurs amis peuvent être dans de nombreux domaines différents, par exemple dans le domaine sportif ou culturel,... C’est notamment une bonne chance pour eux de gagner des connaissances dans beaucoup de domaines. Certains indiquent un point faisable d’apprentissage en famille. Quand les enfants étudient à la maison, les parents jouent le rôle de professeur. Est-ce que l’apprentissage peut avoir lieu, dans ce cas, les parents n’ont pas assez de niveau pour enseigner à leurs enfants ? Je crois qu’ils peuvent être libres de choisir les supports et faire appel à des professeurs qui s’adaptent à leurs enfants. C’est le texte d’aujourd’hui.
Jan. 14, 2023
Am meistens bin ich sehr leise, und ärger mich nicht so oft. Naturlich gibt es Dige, die mich ärger. Zum Beispiel, wenn man eine Überweisung braucht, und wenn man ein Bild von Kontonummber anstatt die Schreibende Konntonummber durch Whtasapp schickt, das ist so unangehnem, wenn man die Schreibende Kontonummer shickt, kann man einfach copy/paste im bankapp, und es gibt weniger fehler, wenn ich die Kontonmmer aus ein Bild schrieben muss, könnte ich ein fehler machen, zum beispiel einen anderen Ziffer schrieben.
Ich ärgere mich ein auch bischen, wenn andere Leute nicht an die Regeln halten, Die Gemeinschaft funktioniert besser, wenn alle was si mussen machen
Jan. 14, 2023
VCD and DVD players were fashionable at that time. Some crew members from Southeast Asian countries often bought some DVD players which were labeled made in Japan, they were happy and said to me they were quite cheaper than that in Japan. I would be not surprised if I saw one crew member buy over ten DVD players, their eyes were full of hope, and even gave a thumb to me. Later one of them told me they would sell them to make money when they return home.
One day, I asked a familiar shop owner, "Do the crew members know your DVD players are not from Japan? They are actually made in a small factory which hid in an alley."
"I guess most of them know it; however, the quality of DVD players made in China was really not bad. The technology of making the player is not complicated, we can copy 90% of the parts from the original one made in Japan. " He said it with a nonchalant smile.
“Really?” I moved my eyes onto the DVD players which were full on the shelves, touching on logos which engraved with "Panasonic" and "SONY"(both are famous Japanese electric brands).
From this point, we can see that both legal and illegal products have their own customers, and can give joy and wealth to different people.
Do you think Humans or cigarette smuggling are not the right things?
I personally disagree vehemently, all the activities defined as illegal are from the interest of the government. Why do so many people find their happy life after a risky stowaway; why Marlboro and cars made in Japan can be cheap if without paying tax to customs? We will no need to risk our lives to do these activities without the government.
In the contrast, I believe we'll be living better if all the governments are collapsed. We all want to live in a happy and fair society, human being is the only necessity, and the existence of government is redundant.
Jan. 14, 2023
I like reading books.
I sometimes think I might be a reading addict.
But I can’t read fast.
When I went to a manga cafe, where you can enjoy food and drinks, read comics etc, with my sister, we were there about an hour.
During that time, my sister read about 6 comics, but I could only read a book.
I know the reason why I read comics slow.
Because I don't just read the text, I look at pictures in every detail.
During I read, I think like “How wonderful line it is! How the author draw it?” “This composition is amazing!” “The author is too talented to draw such expressions” etc.
But even novels are slow.
I lent my sister a novel that took me about 6 hours to read, and she read it in about an hour.
Did she really understand what the story was talking about? I thought.
Anyway, I think it's good if you read books quickly because you can read a lot of it, and it's also good if you read it slowly because you can enjoy it for a long time.
Jan. 14, 2023
An Chinese documentary film director name Tong XU made three documentaries. We call those the 'vagrant trilogy' and Fortune Teller is one of them. The leading role is a crippled aged man who makes his living by fortune-telling.His name is Baicheng LI. In the beginning of the film, a young girl name Xiaoyan TANG was find consultant from LI. LI told her that she's gonna be lonely in this life time. He gave her one solution is to change her name and she accepted. That's how they got to know each other. Becasue of this documentary, they keep in touch till now. In the film, she's a girl who was running a brothel and caught by the police at the end. The part of her story was ended.
After watching this documentary, I admire him for his kindness, positive, fortitude. I admire her for her indomitable spirit and a vivd character. I think they are all heroes in their life. So I searched TANG in Weibo out of curiosity. Trying to find their trails. After all, twelve years have passed. What surprised me is she become a director and got married with Tong XU. And LI is no longer a fortune teller. His life beome a bit better. What inspiring me is that there is always a silver lining in the cloud. All we need to do is to keep going and no complains. We can be our own fortune teller.
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