boloroyun's avatar

Jan. 20, 2023


Hallo an alle,
heute möchte ich schreiben darüber, dass Weblogs, wie es im Internet nutzt, ich selbst stehe auf dem Stadtpunkt, dass es die Artikelsart im Internet ist.
Früher gab es persönliche Journaling- Websites, die chronologische Genauigkeit in Form von Tagebüchern, speziellen Themen usw. zeigten. Und heutzutage ist Bloggen ein riesiges Konzept geworden. Eine weitere Ursache für Weblogs immer beliebter ist, Leser, wenn Sie den Blog lesen, können Sie einen Kommentar im Blog hinterlassen. Ich würde das Beste halten, wenn man Blog liest, kann man Wikipedia oder andere Websites nutzen. Blog hat den Vorteil, dass es oft umsonst ist und, wenn Leser zusätzliche Dienste wünschen, können sie dafür bezahlen. Heutzutage gibt es ganze Portal-Site von Co-Autoren, und Netzwerk verwendet.

Jack's avatar

Jan. 20, 2023

The Chinese New Year Holiday

Actually, the Chinese New Year has only three days off, but we did have seven days off.

These seven days include two days on the weekend, three holidays and two working days.

So on the first weekend after the Chinese New Year, we can't have a rest as usual. We have to go to work because we had two more days off during the holiday.

Going to work these two days on the weekend is to make up for the two days of extra rest during the Chinese New Year holiday.

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Jan. 20, 2023

My Life in SZ (3)

It's a simple job to be sitting beside the line, you can be a good worker unless you are determined to turn to be a robot. Unfortunately, I was not that kind of person.
One day, when I was working as usual. A colleague beside me warned me, "Don't be sleepy anymore, the boss's son is coming to visit the workshop, and he will bring some of his classmates to see this factory. " "Oh, I didn't sleep well last because two roommates came back to the dormitory after the night shift at 3 o'clock in the morning," I replied to her in a low voice. Speaking can arouse and clear my mind.

About one hour passed. A hand touched me saying, "Hey, hey, how are you? " “Oh, sorry” I immediately woke up and involuntarily answered to the "greeting". A handsome teenager with sparking clean leisure clothes was standing beside me with a smile while four other peers staring at me too. I could feel his smile was full of sympathy, the eyes of his classmates filled with pity. I adjusted my following glasses and continued to work. No one blamed me afterward because everyone know it was normal for a newcomer.

We had one hour free from 12:00 to one o'clock including lunch and rest. From the workshop to the canteen would spend 5 minutes, canteen to the dormitory 10 minutes. It would cost me 30 minutes to work on time in the afternoon. Nearly all of the employees finished their lunch in 5 minutes. I had no time to sleep in a bed, so I often lean a box in the workshop to take a 10 minutes nap.

The most terrible recollection feeling was the dormitory in the Worker House.

sherry0128's avatar

Jan. 20, 2023

Diary 1/17 & 1/18

Today I finished one of my studying processes for January. It's so early than I expected. I think the reason is that I considered too many unpredictable things and thus not arranged more I could handle. When the new semester starts, it will be better to manage time than on winter vacation.

I went to have lunch with my friends from high school. We ate at the all-you-can-eat restaurant which I ate before. We always find a day to hang out on the long vacation because we are all busy during a semester. But this time one friend was
absent due to the exam preparation. After she takes the exam, another one will go to Japan. Therefore, this vacation we can't have a date that no one being absent. I appreciate every time we meet because I know we will become more and more busy when we all enter the workforce. If we work in the different city, it's more difficult to contact regularly.

Inesssssss's avatar

Jan. 20, 2023

The Year of Rabbit

This Year is the year of Rabbit. There are some fun facts about rabbit I read from a post. A word in chinese "玉兔捣药", which means a moon rabbit pounding herb medecines. A moon rabbit is a mythical figure that lives on the moon. In Chinese folklore, the rabbit often is portrayed as a companion of the Moon goddess Chang'e, constantly pounding the elixir of life for her. The image of this story was first displayed on a painting in the Western Han Dynasty. That was a long long time ago.
Rabbit's feet is not only a ordinary animal's feet. It means lucky and auspicious. Some people will hang a pendent of rabbit feet in the car for wishing a save and nice journey.
In Buddhist scriptures, cony hair indicated a extremely tiny material phenomenon. I don't get the meaning of a extremely tiny material phenomenon. it said that there is four-character word means a rabbit grows horns and a tortoise hair to metaphor Failing to achieve something but with obsession.
May the beauty and joy of rabbit year remain with us throughout the whole year!

js's avatar

Jan. 20, 2023

Divagaciones 5

Todo se alineó a destiempo y ni siquiera estábamos preparados para ocuparnos de eso.

La nieve seguía acumulándose a tutiplén y para cuando estábamos listos para irnos, las condiciones habían empeorado tanto que no era posible.

No necesariamente queremos arrojarlo a los lobos, pero tampoco queremos que nos siga causando problemas aquí.

¿Le dan un préstamo a cada hijo de vecino pero no nos consideran en absoluto, qué pasa?

shadowfax26's avatar

Jan. 20, 2023


Anche se oggi è venerdì, posso dire che per me oggi è martedì, perché lavoro tutti i fine settimane questo mese.

Il mio programma al lavoro e strano e non è lo stesso ogni mese. Almeno ho ancora un posto di lavoro, purtroppo certa gente non può dire lo stesso.

Ogni volta che la mezznotte si avvicina, mi sento felice. Stacco il lavoro e poi posso rilassarmi senza preoccupazioni.

Ovviamente studio sempre, non c'è un giorno in cui non studio. È una prova di carattere a questo punto, no?

Questo è quello che succede quando ci si ha dei obiettivi nella vita.

A volte è stancante, ma se io provo spesso ad imparare, posso raggiungere i miei obiettivi.

Oggi studio più di ieri, in questo modo posso diventare una persona migliore.

Generalmente, mi piace studiare e leggere, fortunatamente ho del tempo da fare tutto quello che voglio.

Un giorno sarà più facile, lo so.

rainonatent's avatar

Jan. 20, 2023





プログラミングするときに、エディターで書いてボタンを押すとすぐに正しいか間違いかどうかを知ることができる。この即座のフィードバックを使って、速く色々な解答をしてみることができる。 それに対して、言語を独学するとき先生がいないで自分で答えを遅くみつけなければいけない。



僕の限界ですよ!僕の日本語をこれで全部使いました。複雑な話について書いてみたかったんです。 もっと練習がいるなぁ。。。

sennag's avatar

Jan. 20, 2023


Prefiero libros físicos mucho mucho más que digitales. Hay solo algo especial sobre cogiendo un libro en mis manos y siendo capaz girar las páginas. También me gusta viendo mi progresa con un marcador físico. No puedo hacerlo con los libros digitales y no me gusta mirar en las pantallas por un largo tiempo.

gribee's avatar

Jan. 20, 2023

Cleaning day w/ my bf

Девятнадцать январь 2023

Сегодня, я проснулся в десять утро. Я не спала хорошо. У меня не было снов. Ну, я их не помню по крайней мере.
Сейчас, я пью Монстер энергетик которую мой парень купил для меня. Он такой милый.
Мы уберём в дома после обед. Нам нужно пойдем в магазин за новым чистящими средствами.

russiandaily routineрусскийsimplechoresработу по дому
Romany's avatar

Jan. 20, 2023

La Nouvelle Année chinoise

Dimanche prochaine, le 22 janvier, des millions de personnes vont célébrer la Nouvelle Année chinoise. C’est la fête, la plus importante en Chine et dans nombreux d’autre pays. Selon un chiffre que j’ai vu récemment, la population chinoise ou d’origine chinoise est environ 1,5 milliards de personnes : c’est vertigineux !

Selon la tradition chinoise, il y a 12 signes lunaires : ces signes font le zodiaque chinois et, chaque année est représentée par un signe animal comme le serpent, le tigre et le singe. Cette année, c’est l’année du lapin. Le date de la Nouvelle Année dépend sur le calendrier lunaire et change chaque année. Traditionnellement, le festival dure 16 jours, commençant avec le réveillon de la nouvelle année et culminant avec le festival des lanternes. Cette période est un temps pour l’action de grâce, les célébrations et passer du temps avec les proches.

Apparemment, l’Année du lapin représente de l’énergie paisible et patiente. Il faut puiser dans cette énergie et l’exploiter. Alors, les points sur lesquels il faut se concentrer cette année sont nombreux. Mon ami, m’a conseillé d’établir des liens solides avec les autres, profiter des possibilités de réseautage (networking opportunities) et augmenter mes revenus, mais à même temps d’être prudente et vigilante. N’oubliez pas que le lapin est sage, douce, patiente mais aussi circonspect.

Eledaria's avatar

Jan. 20, 2023






felixir's avatar

Jan. 20, 2023

-(으)ㄴ/는 편이다

1. 제 친구는 수줍은 편이어서 대중 연설을 싫어해요.
무서우니까 저도 대중 연설을 싫어해요.

2. 그 식당이 좋아요?
네. 근데 음식은 매운 편이에요.

3. 수진이의 점수는 완벽하구나!
맞아, 수진이는 똑똑한 편이야. 너무 부러워.

4. 살을 빼져요?
네. 요즘 저는 건강한 편이에요.

5. 피아노를 칠 수 알아요?
10년으로 쳐서 잘하는 편이에요.

Fernanhaiku's avatar

Jan. 20, 2023

Day 13: Languages That I would Like to Learn

I fell in love with Japanese when I saw its writing system in the movie "My Neighbour Totoro" by Studio Ghibli. Japanese is tradicionally written in columns from top to bottom with three writing systems which are: hiragana, katakana and kanji. But there is more languages that attract my attention, one of those is Norwegian because I want to know more about Nordic culture, Nordic mythology and Vikings history.
French is another one that I would like to learn because sounds very smooth and romantic, and also because I would like to learn how to cook French food. I'm a native Spanish speaker and I'm currently learning English, so I think that learning French could be easier for me. French is from the same language family than Spanish and forty percent of English vocabulary is from French language.
I also really love how Italian is spoken, sometimes when I'm happy, I sing Italian songs which I learned from memory when I was in middle school. There are many languages that I would like to try but, for now, I can just only focus on two. Maybe after mastering English language, I will start learning one of those. My limit right now is two languages, English and Japanese.

eqeos's avatar

Jan. 20, 2023










Scarlett_Father's avatar

Jan. 20, 2023

My Life in SZ (2)

Two days later, I moved from my friend's home to a dormitory in a six-storey Staff Building without an elevator. There were several other comparatively older and bad-state low-rise buildings nearby, which were called Worker Houses.

There were 6 metal bunk beds in my dormitory. I forget which floor I was living on and how much I paid for it each month. An HR staff ushered me in pointing to a top bunk and saying, "It's your bed, you can take relax and rejuvenate at noon from 12:00 to one o'clock in the afternoon, of course, you can sleep here at night." In fact, I never touched my bed at noon.

I sat by an assembly line, some ornaments like elves, Christmas trees, smashed snow, reindeer, and more others toward to my hands through a motor-driven conveyor. First, I must put them into a crystal sphere which had already piled on my place. Then, put it on the conveyor belt again, some other workers were waiting for it and prepared to do the next process.

The ornaments were so beautiful in my eyes when I first saw them put on the tables; hanging on the walls; piling on the ground. So many various ornaments filled every corner of the workshop. They will go to thousands of families in the world through our hands, making them sing, dance, and sing on the great days by the end of December.

No matter how much I loved these kinds of Christmas accessories before, I looked at them as disgusting after one hour of working by the assembly line.

qeadz's avatar

Jan. 20, 2023

Canned Wine

최근에 한 예상하지 않은 유행이 통조림 포도주이다.
많은 사람들에게 이런 포도주 모습이 이상해 보일 수가 있다.
포도주 먼저 일어났을 때부터 몇년 뒤까지 병을 썼다.
어느 포도주 만드는 사람들한테 나쁜 맛이 있을까 봐 이 병에 담은 방법을 안본다.

shacovian's avatar

Jan. 19, 2023


さっきチャレンジしていたので、チャレンジと言えないだろう。一週ころにした。それは悪かった。もっと日したら、よかった。 でもいいよ。まだ日本語を毎日勉強していた。毎日勉強するのは一番大切だと思う。チャレンジを止めてから、漢字とか言葉がもっと習っている。僕の書くのがまだ下手のに、書きすぎなければいけない。


TarYosh's avatar

Jan. 19, 2023

Self Introduction for "About me" Section on LangCorrect

I am an English learner and a video game oriented content creator who often posts videos and does live-streams on Twitch and YouTube.

I also do language learning related live-streams on Twitch sometimes.

I have used another language corrections website Lang-8 for a long time.
Since it doesn’t accept new users anymore and its community is kind of dead, so I started to mainly use LangCorrect.

My immediate goal is to improve my English, especially speaking and writing.

Check out the related links in the note section.

BlackGlasses's avatar

Jan. 19, 2023


暇な時、テレビで「How the Universe Works」という宇宙のドキュメンタリーを見ます。すごく面白いですね。

cristinaaquafina101's avatar

Jan. 19, 2023

Ils se battent pour rien

C'est impossible de ne jamais se battre mais je sais. Mais il y a des occasions où les raisons pour se disputer sont ridicules.

Aujourd'hui je suis témoin d'une querelle ridicule. Le sujet? la météo.
Il y avait deux camarades de classe qui étaient crié. J'ai demandé ce qui s'est passé et vous ne devinerez jamais¡
( on va leur appeler Pancho et Trancho)
Tout était parce que Trancho avait dit qu'il préférait la chaleur et Pancho préférait le froid.
Et Pancho disait que le froid était mieux donc Trancho répondait que non que la chaleur était la meilleure du monde.

Moi, je crois qu'il n'y a pas de raison pour se disputer d'une chose comme ça.
À la fin si quelqu'un préfère la chaleur ou le froid ça ne change pas la météo et les saisons.

thomasmichaelwallace's avatar

Jan. 19, 2023



qqmorais's avatar

Jan. 19, 2023


I want to write some things I'm grateful for. Most of the time I ruminate on things I don't have or on failed plans, but for now on I want to be thankful for good things I have in my life and for small things I have accomplished. I'm grateful for having a roof over my head, and healthy food everyday, for being physically healthy and having a stable job. I don't have so many friends but I have one who is worth than many of them. And a family, though is crazy sometimes, is always supportive. I'm happy for being able to write this entry in English by myself and for reading English news on the internet easily, watching some videos without subtitles. I think theses things are great accomplishment.

liya_allien's avatar

Jan. 19, 2023

The Big Fraud: MMM Cooperative of Sergey Mavrodi

The fraudster Sergey Mavrodi created one of the largest Ponzi schemes across the world and deceived millions of people. His story was a bit of shock for me since I don’t think that kind of fraud would be possible today in the first place. I mean, today we at least can quickly google the information about anyone and didn’t buy into the promises of a stranger. However, in the USSR people couldn’t just open Google Search and make sure that some weird guy doesn’t try to steal from them. It seems that people’s ignorance was a major reason of Mavrodi's success.

Mavrodi definitely wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth. In fact, he was quite an odd man with an odd jobs. First he worked as a software engineer, then used to sell pirate audio cassettes. He collected butterflies and bred fishes, worn spectacles and scruffy clothes. It’s thought to be that he was the first who imported the personal computers to the USSR. To be honest, he didn’t give an impression of someone who would became a highly successful millionaire down the road at all.

It wasn’t until 1990s that Mavrodi’s company, MMM Cooperative, got it start. At first, the company sold only personal computers. However, shortly after, the business was on the rise, and Sergey decided to launch a huge PR campaign. For example, he made a New Year’s Christmas TV ad in which he addressed to the average Russians. That kind of add before him had made only a Russian President but it seems Mavrodi didn’t concern himself with business etiquette.

On February 1994, Sergey started to sell MMM shares. Thanks to PR campaign on TV, which is proved to be highly effective, the Russians already knew who Mavrodi was and at once began to buy shares. There was no shortage of enthusiastic investors, and it’s said that about 15 millions of the Russians participated in MMM Cooperation. Why is it that people were ready to give Mavrodi their money in the first place? Well, because in the USSR people lived in poverty, and they simply wanted to have any hope for the future.

MMM Cooperation became so popular that Sergey and his assistants hadn’t time to count all the money, so they measured them simply by eye or by the size of a room. At a certain point, Mavrodi even created his own currency with his portrait on banknotes — that money were called MMM coupons and were in circulation with ruble, dollar and other currencies.

It was utterly ridiculous that on August 1994, Sergey was accused with tax evasion instead of a fraud. He was sent to jail for 70 days. Soon thereafter he was released, MMM Cooperation was closed, and Mavrodi disappeared and was put on the international most wanted list. He was arrested in 2003 in his Moscow apartment where he had been hiding. He was sentenced for four years and six months, but soon was again released because at the time he had already spent most of his custody time in pre-trial custody. By comparison, the fraudster Bernie Madoff four years later was sentenced to 150 years in prison by the similar Ponzi fraud.

MMM was one of the biggest financial pyramid scheme in history. According to calculations, people invested from $100 million to a billion dollars in Mavrodi’s company and lost all their savings. Investors weren’t really wealthy — rather, they were poor people with their last savings. More than 50 people committed suicide when they realised they lost everything. Money was never found, and it’s believed that Mavrodi send them out of the Russia through offshore companies.

judar's avatar

Jan. 19, 2023

Mis vacaciones

En el verano, iré con mi amiga a Corea, su país natal. Visitaremos su familia y disfrutaremos el país. Nunca he visitado Corea, pero creo que será una experiencia muy buena. Quizás fuere un poco difícil para encontraré los platos sin carne porque me prefiero esos, pero trataré de vivir como los lugareños tanto como pueda. Estoy nerviosa de conocer con su familia, especialmente sus padres jajaja