Feb. 8, 2023
Today I talked with an Australian girl on Discord. We have seventeen hour time difference. I really liked the Australian accent, I think that sounds quite similar to British accent but it's more understandable for me. She was very kind in correcting my speaking, now I know what I need to improve. I hope I can help her to practice her Spanish next time. Recently I have been interested about Canadian culture and Australian culture, so I'm going to read more articles related to them.
A time ago I used to put excuses to avoid speaking with native speakers. But now I think that it's a good opportunity to learn about other culture and have fun trying to express your thoughts to someone in your target language.
I think that trying to understand others is the best way to create good relationships and make peace. That's why I love language learning as I need to change the way that I think and learn about another culture in order to understand native speakers. If "God" created the languages, it wasn't to separate us but it was to connect us.
Thanks for reading.
Feb. 8, 2023
Once upon a time, when most of the customers were going to leave with very little consumption. All of my colleagues and even my boss had given up this travel group, they were seated on the chairs to have a rest. I walked slowly and ushered a smiling guest from a corner to the cashier's desk, this gentleman paid US$700 for it. My boss was gobsmacked for a while and quickly ran toward the desk.
During the time when I've been working there, I created a sale record for a single person at about HK$ 25,000. (the unit currency in sale volume was generally in Hong Kong and US Dollars)
The second one I did well was - how to sell a Souvenir Coin Album. We had hundreds of a specific
Chinese currency coin albums were left by the former owner of the exhibition center (The Center once bankrupted before, then my current boss later bought it and hire us to go on), and they piled on the ground with thick dust in a small warehouse.
I told my guests, "The coin album is the first buy here because the handover of Hong Kong in 1997 is approaching. This kind of specific coin album had a special meaning for it since it included some Hong Kong coins, and the quantity of the coin album is not large, even some coin lovers in the world are now trying to collect it because they believe the price will soar a year later. In order to express our sincere to all of you, our exhibition center allows any of you to buy no more than one coin album, HK$100 for each." In fact, I didn't know how much it really cost, I guessed it was worth no more than HK$20. We sold out the coin album in two months, my boss smiled and was excited to buy more coin albums from wholesalers.
Feb. 8, 2023
今、私の夢はその経験を自分に生きられたり、学びたり、私の人生を一部にします、後で自分が出来たら、この経験には私と同じ日本文化を興味のほかの人を伝えられます。そのため, 私たちの多く好む文化や言語への関心が高まれます。
Feb. 7, 2023
Feb. 7, 2023
Feb. 7, 2023
Feb. 7, 2023
Feb. 7, 2023
Today is day 129 of my daily English challenge. Five days ago, my friend didn't send me an email. That's why I felt he is not good. Today, he had send an email that told me he was not doing well.
Today I baked two sweets. My family liked them! I am really happy to take care of my family and especially Mom.
Feb. 7, 2023
Feb. 7, 2023
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
schon lange beobachte ich Ihre interessante Arbeit aus der Ferne, heute möchte ich
mich bei Ihnen
Im 2019 habe ich erfolgreich mein Studium der Humanmedizin an der Universität zu Damaskus abgeschlossen.
Schon während meines Studiums galt mein besonderes Interesse der Orthopädie.
Neben dem Studium habe ich nicht nur die deutsche Sprache bis Niveau B2, sondern auch die Medizinische Fachbegriffe auf Latein und auf Deutsch gelernt.
Gerne würde ich eine Hospitation zur
Orthopädie bei Ihnen im Hause machen.
An Ihrer Abteilung reizt mich besonders die hohe Qualität der Patientenversorgung
und das breite Spektrum der Orthopädie mit all seinen Facetten.
Besonders viel Freude bereitet mir der Umgang mit den Patienten, der für mich ein
sehr wichtiger Bestandteil des ärztlichen Berufes ist.
Der Kontakt mit den Menschen bereitet mir große Freude, da ich sehr kontaktfreudig bin. In schon bestehende Arbeitsgruppen füge ich mich schnell ein, da meine Stärken Flexibilität, Teamfähigkeit, Verantwortung und
Hilfsbereitschaft sind.
Des Weiteren bin ich sehr eigenmotiviert am
Arbeitsplatz und habe eine hohe Lernbereitschaft.
Über die Möglichkeit, Sie bei einem persönlichen Gespräch von meinen Fähigkeiten überzeugen zu können, freue ich mich.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Feb. 7, 2023
Bisam posted a journal where he invites us to play a game. To play this game, you need to write a journal in your target language including the continuation of this story and ask your correctors to follow the story.
This is what I wrote:
At that moment, I closed the door and I turned around. I panicked when I realized that the man was right beside me. Ha was waiting for me to enter in this room , according to his plan. He was looking at me, with those beautiful blue eyes and he took a few seconds to open his mouth and whisper "stay." Immediately I looked at his expression of sadness, just like a small dog. "Have you read the letter yet?" he said. "No... no yet" I answered him. I take it out of my pocket and I couldn't help but read the words "I still love you, please, come back."
Will continue...
Feb. 7, 2023
És molt difícil gestionar el transport de les ciutats grans. El trànsit seria fatal si tothom condueix el seu cotxe, i més no és ecològic tampoc.
Em sembla molt important que els ajuntaments inverteixin diners en autobusos, trens, tramvies, metros i qualsevol tipus de transport públic de què puguin pensar.
Una mena de baixar l'ús de cotxes en les ciutats és instal·lar camis de bici per tota la ciutat i construir un sistema de bicis compartides. Hi ha molts conductors que es queixen de les ciclistes, però a mi, em sembla més important que tinguem carreteres amb menys cotxes, i que animin als ciutadans a tenir una vida més saludable. També, sense tants cotxes pel carrer, els ciutadans i els minusvàlids podrien accedir els pàrquings més fàcilment.
Feb. 7, 2023
Feb. 7, 2023
Feb. 7, 2023
The idea of getting feedback for my writing came to me from Fluent Forever book. This is a very good book which I can recommend.
It describes a nice way of learning a language that heavily uses a spaced repetition program. The one that I use is called Anki. A spaced repetition program helps learn and remember various things such as words, grammar, pronunciation and so on.
The book promotes getting feedback for writing as one of the best ways to learn what pieces of words or grammar you're missing.
Feb. 7, 2023
L'année dernière, je me suis trompée dans ma vie: Je n'avais pas mettre des objectifs. Je ne peux penser qu'une seule accomplissement qui me rend fier: j'avais passer un examen en français et j'ai eu des resultats B1 et B2. C'est tout. Le reste (et la plupart de l'année) je n'avais qu'attendre pour quelque chose positive d'arriver. Pour conclure, j'ai perdu beaucoup du temps.
J'ai terminé l'année dernière très insatisfait. Je me sens beaucoup comme un perdant et je ne suis pas fier de moi. Cependant, j'apprends de cette faute.
Cette année de 2023, je mets des objectifs spécifiques et je vais travailler dur de les rayer de ma liste.
Feb. 7, 2023
-Essential decisions to be made are informed to board of managers and evaluated with managers.
- At least two experts are appointed to your cases in which you need a support.
-Our approach is to build a coordination and communatication with company’s accounting department.
-We inform you about incentives, tax amnesty and other taxation issues in time.
-We assist the company on trade code, and transactions in the chamber of commerce and support on financial issues.
-Our Social security experts replies your questions on social security and labour law.
-In the audits, we recommend our clients the measures avoiding their loss of rights rather than finding a mistake.
-Accounting deparment of the company may get through to us anytime, if they have a question related taxation.
-Our activities are put into practice by prioritising not creating any risk on Corporate Income Tax, and considering the law of rules and other regulations.
Feb. 7, 2023
Feb. 7, 2023
▶ Conozco un juego que se llama el “cadáver exquisito” (no estoy seguro de la traducción, en francés es “cadavre exquis”). Aquí está una propuesta: podemos jugarlo en este sitio. Así son las reglas: alguien escribe un texto en un primer idioma (yo en español). La persona que me corrige (o cualquiera persona) escribe la seguida en algún idioma que quiere, etc. La historia va a cambiar de idioma, de sentido y no sé que va a pasar, pero podría ser divertido… Así, ¡comienzo! ◀
Entré en la cocina e inmediatamente lo vi sobre la mesa. Mi corazón me golpeó con mucha fuerza. Me dije que no era posible, pero estaba aquí. Alguien había puesto esa letra sobre la mesa. Él hubiera debido ser muy silencio y muy rápido. Ya quise leerla, pero sabía que fue imposible. Me recordaba muchas cosas que habían pasado hace mucho tiempo. Pero, estaba en la cocina, tenía que hacer cuidado.
Avancé rápidamente y con un gesto preciso, escondí la letra en mi vestido. Si alguien fue observándome, se podía parecer natural. Coge el vaso sobre la mesa y lo bebí. No tenía ninguna sed, pero debía actuar con método. En la ventana, observé el huerto como si quería ver la tortuga. Pero, traté de comprobar si alguien fue aquí. Volví en la última cama del pasillo y cerré la puerta después de mí.
Feb. 7, 2023
Quand on cherche « voyage solo en Égypte, est-ce que c’est en sécurité » sur Google, on peut trouver des articles qui disent « l’Égypte, un de 10 pais dangereux pour visiter », « jamais allez à l’Égypte seule » et aussi celles qui disent « tu n’imagine pas - c’est possible de voyager seule en Égypte, un pais sain et sauf ». Étant donné que l’Egypte est un pais de l’arabe, il semblait que la femme n’est pas être respectée là-bas et donc il est dangereuse de voyager seule dans ce pais-là. En plus, il dit que les locaux demandent de pour-boire de touristes sans raison et qu’il faut utiliser le taxi pour arriver aux destinations touristiques parce que le réseau du transporte n’est pas très développé. Et il n’y a pas de prix fixé pour le trajet, alors on risque de se charger trop cher. Mais de l’autre côté, on dit que la femme est precious dans les yeux des arabes, et donc la femme qui voyage seule en Égypte sera protégée.
Je ne suis pas sûre si c’est une bonne idée d’y aller le décembre seule (bon, ce sera quelque jours dans un université locale mais en tout cas, pour le reste du voyage, il me faudra débrouiller seule) mais ce que je suis sûre, c’est que mon arabe devrait être plus fluide pour communiquer avec les locaux et me profiter du voyage.
Feb. 7, 2023
Feb. 7, 2023
Acabo de revisar el calendario y me dio un repentino susto cuando vi que solo nos queda alrededor de una semana antes de mudarnos.
Desde que la pantalla de mi celular se rajó, creo que se me está cayendo de mis manos más que nunca, como si tuviera una mente propia y ahora quiere destruirse completamente.
Aunque la inminente mudanza nos ha hecho repensar si todas nuestras cosas son necesarias, realmente no hemos encontrado mucho que queremos desechar.
Siempre es una decepción comprar un nuevo estilo de café y darte cuenta de que no sabe cómo se describe en el paquete.
Feb. 7, 2023
1) Lefoglaltam ezt szobat mára. Tessék, küldhet nekem az útmutatást, hagy felvegyem a kulcsokat?
2) Mikor a vonat megy el/érkédik meg?
3) Ez a vonat, ami megy Esztergomba? Az összeköttetés van, vagy az út közvetlen?
4) A vonat/busz áll állomásnál X le?
5) Mennyibe kerül egy jegy? Megfogom egy oda-vissza jegyet, tessék. Fizethetek a bankkartyával?
6) Tanácsai helyi ételekröl/borokról vannak?
1) I booked this room for today. Can you please send me the instructions to retrieve the keys?
2) When does the train depart/arrive?
3) Is it the train going to Esztergom? Is there a connection or is it direct?
4) Does the train/bus stop at station X?
5) How much does a ticket cost? I'll take a two-way ticket, please. Can I pay by card?
6) Do you have any suggestions about local food/wine?
Feb. 7, 2023
今回は日本だけでなく、海外まで影響を及ぼしているポエトリー・ラップのアーティスト 春ねむりをご紹介します。
Feb. 7, 2023
17:05:31 (UTC)
Streaks reset at midnight (00:00)