March 3, 2023
March 3, 2023
A new day and new review. What about Steven Spielberg's picture "Terminal"? It's not a new (I mean production years) movie and I have no clue how I could miss it. For sure, the majority of people have seen this film. Tom Hanks, damn, he is so a talented actor. The movie still blows with warm fillings and emotions. This is the story of one guy without vailed American visa, who spent a small part of his life in the airport terminal. He had enough inside power to enjoy this time, earn money, and find new friends. I highly recommended to watch it in good company and if you want to have a pleasant aftertaste.
March 3, 2023
Hola a todos. ¡Espero que les vaya bien!
Recientemente me ha parecido difícil de elegir cuando y donde a gastar dinero. La verdad es que soy muy coda (frugal) y puedo ser muy estricta con las cosas que compro. Pienso que es una costumbre que mis padres me han enseñado.
Cuando estaba en mi orientación de la universidad, todas personas se estaban llevando ropa de moda. Aunque pago mis cuentas y son muy caras, no creo que sería imposible a comprar el estilo de ropa que me encanta una vez en cuando.
Además, mis amigos y yo hemos empezado a planar nuestro viaje a Japón el junio que viene. No he viajado por avión antes, así que me pone nerviosa, especialmente, cuando pienso en todas cosas que podrían salir malas.
Originalmente, queríamos ir a Japón el noviembre pasado, pero mi amiga y yo no habíamos recibido nuestros pasaportes en tiempo, tuvimos cancelárselo. Espero que todo se fuere bien.
Gracias por leer y sus correcciones. :))
March 3, 2023
March 3, 2023
March 3, 2023
Chaque pays a un film qui a influencé propre culture. Quand on exprime cette idée on pense aux films plus engagés, mais en réalité les comédies et les films comiques sont à la base de la transformation culturelle et quelquefois du vocabulaire.
Par exemple l’écrivain Yu Hua, dans son livre « La Chine en dix mots » explique comme le mot 忽悠 (embrouiller), est entré dans la langue commune. Le Gala de Nouvel An est une émission organisée par la Télévision centrale de Chine pour fêter la nouvelle année lunaire. Pendant le spectacle, il y a des segments de chants, de balles et de sketches comiques. Le comédien Zhao Benshan a récité la part d’un marchand malhonnête qui essayait de vendre des prothèses à des gens qui avaient toutes les deux jambes. Grâce à ce sketch le mot 忽悠, qu’avait origine du nord-ouest, a été popularisé dans toute la Chine continentale.
Je veux parler aussi de la saga des films comiques le plus influent par la culture italienne : Fantozzi. Fantozzi est comptable dans la Mégaentreprise, où il est traité comme un esclave, il a une femme qui n’aime pas et une fille très laide. Il n’y a pas de vrais amis et il s’attire des problèmes parce qu’il est malchanceux. L’histoire est une tragicomédie racontée avec un ton absurdiste et épique. Ce film a donné à la langue italienne beaucoup d’expressions ; je ne crois pas que tous les Italiens aiment Fantozzi, mais je suis sûre que tous les Italiens savent « 92 minutes d'applaudissements », « le nuage de Fantozzi » et le match de football « bacheliers contre mariés ».
March 3, 2023
March 3, 2023
March 3, 2023
March 3, 2023
In relation to the water throwing at Easter , it might be a symbol of spring and rebirth. It possibly conjures watering the seeds so that the sprouts grow into beautiful plants . Nowadays you can actually freely enjoy "the fun" at your own yard or garden and these are mostly children or youths that will take part in it. Throwing a bucket of water at a passing bus would mean receiving a ticket for the jokester. A softer way of implementing this old custom is spraying your family member with some perfume when they don't expect it (e.g to wake them up).
March 3, 2023
Within the earthquake's epicentre
- most buildings (homes, schools, supermarkets) also statues fell apart (collapsed),
- balconies fell off/ down,
- fences , trees, any upright structures fell over/down.
Powerful floods, gusts of wind carried away any people's belongings met on their way ,
-trees and any upright structures were knocked down,
-people, animals unable to steady themselves were being knocked over,
-freak gusts blew vehicles off streets and thrusted wooden huts even a kilometer aside.
March 3, 2023
Mes penses sur le proverbe "il faut tout un village pour élever un enfant" :
Les enfants sont influencés par toutes les adultes dans leur vie, pas que leurs parents.
Il est nécessaire que les enfants soient exposés aux avis différents que les avis dans leur maison.
(Comment est-ce qu'on dit "Children need to be exposed to opinions other than their own?")
Une personne ne peut pas élever un enfant toute seule, il faut des autres qui font du travail aussi.
Ces phrases sont pour mon cours de français, mais je ne les corrigerai pas, alors je ne veux pas tricher ! Je voulais juste voir si ces phrases sont correctes :) Merci !
March 3, 2023
March 3, 2023
In this post, I'm going to continue practising tenses and conditionals. I bear in mind that I'll probably be able to use grammar on the fly if I study enough, so that's a strong incentive to deal with it. I’ve been recently practicing grammar in a couple of posts and I'm going to continue do this for a while. Studying the rules is interesting even though I often have to go back to square one and revise rules again and again.
It's been raining non-stop for around an hour. I'm now sitting on a balcony and feeling humid, fresh breeze and the sunshine that is streaming through the window. Weather is becoming better and better, which makes me happy. When I was living in Russia, the people there were always complaining about the cold and wind. I can relate to them to some extent because the winter in Russia is truly tough. However, I've always chosen to just grin and bear it. I'm now living in a place with a comfortable, warm climate and like it a lot. I'm particularly waiting for the end of March because from that moment on, there will be emerging a lot of new flowers all spring. I suppose that I'll be walking much more than I do now and, probably, will be hiking in mountains within a month.
I’m listening to a podcast which is called “Stuff you should know” at the moment, and the hosts are choosing truly interesting topics for their episodes. Last week, I was listening to episodes about the invention of LSD and the reign of the British kings, and they proved to be insightful and informative. I've also recently listened to an episode about flamingo's breeds. I never thought that I would be interested in such topics, but this podcast turned out to be right up my street.
As soon as I've finished this post, I'm going out to see a dog which lives in a park. I saw her on the streets a lot but we've only recently become friends. Once I went for a walk and she immediately made a beeline for me and sat next. After that, I've occasionally been walking with her and she's seemingly gotten used to me. I suppose she's been living here for a couple of years, but I've never seen her with other dogs. Truth is, I'd loved dogs for ages before I met this one, but I've never thought that I'd like some dog that much. Of course, she isn't all sweetness and light, but I think we get along. In April, it'll have been a year since the first time I met her.
She'll now probably be sleeping or poking around in a search of food. I'm going to buy her some treats and to play with her for a while. I'll have fed her before we walk along a lake, otherwise, she might fight with the other dogs who live there. She had already fighted with them before, so I don't want it to happen again. At the time, I'd been out a city for a while. Neighbors told me that "my" dog had been injured when I returned home. As it turned out later, the dog had been fighting with other dogs for weeks before this last skirmish. If I hadn't left the city that day, maybe she wouldn’t have been injured because we were often walking together. I sometimes feel a little bad about this incident. OK, it's time to finish this post, or I'll have been writing it for years before I stop.
March 3, 2023
March 3, 2023
Today I accidently saw a clip which is about how to deal with the energy vampire. The clip present that there are three types of peoople in this world, in short. The uplifting people, neutrual people, not-lifting people. If you spend 5 minutes with each of them, when you walk away, you will feel great with the uplifting people, feel the same with the neutral people and feel tired and exhausted with the not-upliting people. And I think teh not-lifting ones are the energy vampire.
There are two types of energy vampires. The one is trasient and the other inherently. The fomer one is someone who suffer from catastrophes and pains, they are consumed a lot of energy for couple years. It's temporarily. But the latter one they have always been this way, the sad face, the negative attitudes towards everything.
I born to be a sensitive people. I read some books and know about the energy but the concept of energy vampire is pretty new for me. That explained why most of the time I enjoy stay by myself. I have many friends, but I couldn't spend with them every day, I need to 'charge' myself for sometime so that I could go out to work or meet stranges with fresh and positive energy.
The end of the clip shows the best way to deal with those people is to practice the art of being affectionately detached, but always kind, gentle and loving towrads them.
This is a complex world, but people can be so simple if we all have a loving gentel tender heart.
March 3, 2023
Sono ritornata a lavoro, non ho voglia di fare niente adesso. Ma la vita va avanti comunque. Fuori non è né carne né pesce come negli ultimi giorni. Fra poche ore la mia mamma viene a trovarci e ci dà molti dolci deliziosi e piatti che ha cucinato per noi. Lo fa perché ci ama tantissimo e si prende sempre cura di noi.
Spero di piova di nuovo presto, mi piace quel bel tempo anche se molti lo detestano. Ho dormito abbastanza bene la scorsa notte, posso ragionare lucidamente perché sono molto riposata. Quando ci si dorme bene, la giornata diventa sopportabile.
Dopo aver bevuto un caffè, mi assicuro che la mia lista di "cose da fare" per oggi è seguita. Finora ho già fatto molte cose, come al solito. Sono più produttiva di mattina e non vorrei cambiare questo.
A volte ho più tempo per scrivere nel diario, altre non ce l'ho ma provo sempre ad avere il tempo per studiare di più.
Di mattina ho ascoltato alcune notizie in italiano per abituarmi alla lingua. Ho capito il tema abbastanza bene, da domani posso ascoltarne di nuovo. Forse l'uscita delle parole dalla mia mente sarà piacevole se passo il tempo in modo piacevole.
Fra quasi sei ore chiudo a lavoro, non vedo l'ora!
March 3, 2023
Heute habe ich ein interessanten Artikel mit dem Titel "Die Sonnenbrillen - Analogie" gelesen.
Darin erzählt der Verfasser eine Analogie über Sonnenbrillen.
Was bedeutet die Sonnenbrillen genau im Text?
Am Anfang finde ich unverständlich, wenn der Autor so beschrieben hat, z.B. in einem deutschsprachigen Land, jeder Menschen mit zwei Beinen, zwei Augen, einer Nase, einem Mund und einer Brille geboren wird.
Aber nachdem ich den ganzen Text gelesen habe, verstehe ich, dass die Sonnenbrillen für verschiedene kulturelle Hintergründe stehen und die Farbe der Sonnenbrillengläser ist anhand der verschiedenen Kulturellen Hintergründe unterschiedlich.
Der Autor hat auch ein reizvolles Beispiel genannt. Eine Person mit gelben Sonnenbrille reist im anderen Land an. In diesem Land trägt man blaue Sonnenbrille.
Der Reisende bleibt in einem Zeitraum und allmählich hat er das Gefühl, dass er genug erfahren hat. Er kehrt nach dem eigenen Land zurück und behauptet, dass die Kultur des Reiselands grün ist.
Wie kommt es zu dieser Situation?
Der Grund liegt daran, dass der Reisende vorher die Sonnenbrille nicht abnimmt.
Er interpretiert neue Kultur durch eigene Werte und Einstellungen.
Um diese Missverständnisse zu vermeiden, sollten wir zuerst die eigene Sonnenbrille abnehmen und offen und frei bleiben.
Ich halte es für wichtig, statt der Bewertung etwas von einer neuen Kultur zu lernen.
Außerdem spielt die Fähigkeit, mehr als eine Seite einem Begriffen aufzunehmen, eine bedeutsame Rolle. Wir sollten eine doppelte Sichtweise entwickeln.
Ich bin der Meinung, dass diese Fähigkeiten zeitgemäß sind und vor allem unseren Horizont erweitern können.
March 3, 2023
Meine Bestellung vom 15. März
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Ich habe vor zwei Monaten eine Kaffeemaschine bestellt, die ich bis heute nicht bekommen habe, sondern habe ein leeres Paket erhalten, nur die Rechnung war drinnen.
Obwohl ich Ihnen zwei E-Mails geschickt habe, habe ich keine Antwort erhalten, und das machte mir sehr ärgerlich.
Ich möchte Sie auffordern, dass Sie mir ab sofort die Maschine schicken, sonst können Sie mir als Kunde nicht behalten. Ich muss leider sagen, dass Ihr Service mich sehr enttäuscht hat. Bis ich die Maschine bekomme, bezahle ich natürlich keine Rechnung, und wenn ich spätestens bis nächste Woche keine Antwort habe, beschwere ich mich im Internet auf der Kundenseite.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ghaith Alsheikh
March 3, 2023
My mother is going to visit me this Friday.
It’s kind of wired for me to say “my mom will ‘visit’ me”. She lives in our hometwon which is a small countryside. I work at the capital of the Province. Although we almost chat online everyday, I hardly meet her in reality except the holidays and festivals after I graduated.
Time goes by, I grow into an adult, my mom back to her childhood. I care about my mom like a mother cares about her daughter. Actually, it is that she acts like a child.
In our hometown, there is a little of infrastructure like bus and subway. My mother seldom travels far. She only went to Beijing once at her thirty with my cousion and me. It was a celebration for me because I went to my grade 7 from primary school. Her another trip was going to Shanghai. Of course, it’s because of me again. I got my college degree at there. Before I left Shanghai, I invited my parents to have a travel in Shanghai.
I said a lot for proving that she was lack of the experiences of living in morden city. She cannot order the train ticket or the hotel through the smart phone APPs . She never take the subway alone. Like a child. That’s the reason I worry about her.
I have to go to work at Friday which means my mom should take the subway from the train station to my house alone. She said it’s OK but I still get nervous. It seems that she is a little girl who exicted to go to school by herself, I am the anxious mother.
Was she worry about me when I am a little girl plan to go to school by myself?lol.
Hope everthing is fine.
March 3, 2023
One month one topic II
Last month I decided to only reading one topic of book within that month.
After make that decision many new ideas come to my head.
For the books I will not only reading just once.
I will read at least twice or more and I need to a write a report regarding what I feel.
I also need to post that report into a blog.
Furthermore, reading books will get new knowledge but sometimes can be outdated.
Some books are wrote in 3, 4 years ago.
So, blog or internet should be the most update platform to get new information.
I am happy that decision can help me get a clear direction.
March 3, 2023
¡Hola a todos! Espero que les vaya bien.
Estoy en la parte de mi aprendizaje del español dónde tengo que hablar con nativos con frecuencia. Así que me gustaría utilizar este diario para pedirlos si les interesaría en hacer un intercambio semanal conmigo por la aplicación Discord. La pregunta es ¿qué puedo ofrecerlos como una compañera de intercambio?
Es probable que han recibido mis correcciones antes. Puedo darlos correcciones muy claras y detalladas. Además, puedo enseñarlos la jerga de inglés y la cultura de mi país Australia si les gustaría aprenderla.
Asimismo soy comunicativa y entregada a aprender español, así que sería muy flexible con la hora de hablar. Puedo explicarlos gramática específica, sólo corregir las áreas que son relevantes a tus objetivos del aprendizaje, por ejemplo sonar natural, hablar como nativo o simplemente son capaz de hablar con nativos sin problema.
Siéntanse libres de dejar tu nombre de Discord si les interesa. Me emociona de hablar con ustedes.
March 3, 2023
One month one topic II
Last month I decided to only reading one topic of book within that month.
After make that decision many new ideas come to my head.
For the books I will not only reading just once.
I will read at least twice or more and I need to a write a report regarding what I feel.
I also need to post that report into a blog.
Furthermore, reading books will get new knowledge but sometimes can be outdated.
Some books are wrote in 3, 4 years ago.
So, blog or internet should be the most update platform to get new information.
I am happy that decision can help me get a clear direction.
March 3, 2023
Today is the last day I was in this training session. It lasted for four days from February 28th. After every Chinese communist party congress, government employees need to learn the spirit of the congresses.
This training session is to train the spirit of the 20th CPC congress and is held in a district party school. All the teachers are from a municipal party school and the central party school. But the lessons given by teachers in central party school are videos.
The training times are from 8:30 to 11:30 in the morning, 2:30 to 5:30 in the afternoon, and 7:00 to 8:30 at night.
All trainees are not allowed to leave the campus during the whole training period. I feel that I am in another lockdown like I once had in the pandemic.
I think no one really wants to attend this kind of training, but as government employees, they have to.
Fortunately, the training will end by 4:30 this afternoon, and I can go home immediately afterwards. I feel very happy now.
March 3, 2023
I think that I have an addiction to listenening to music. I listen to music even when I'm not ejoying it at all, itmakes me less productive and makes me more and more even more procrastinator. This habit of listening to music in every moment it needs to be fixed. So I'm going to stop listening to music for two weeks but I'll make an exeption if I'm practicing dancing.
Thanks for reading!!
13:24:31 (UTC)
Streaks reset at midnight (00:00)