courageuse19's avatar

March 17, 2023

Día 137 de mi reto

Hoy es el día 137 de mi reto de español. Hoy leí un libro en inglès y un poco en frances.

courageuse19's avatar

March 17, 2023

Writing Challenge Day 167

Today is day 167 of my daily English writing challenge. Today I was filmed another recipe but felt tired so I prefered to take a rest.

thomasmichaelwallace's avatar

March 17, 2023





interestingthoughts's avatar

March 17, 2023

Una historia baja

Julianna y su perro, Meera, han andando en el parque. Están muy feliz y no creen que ellas podrían estar en peligro. ¡De repente, un lobo viene de los arboles!
Meera ladró a el lobo. "¡Meera, no!" Julianna dijo. El lobo camino a ellas. "¡Correr!" Julianna gritó. Juntas, ellas corrieron a la ciudad. Entonces, ellas se relajaron. El lobo salio del parque, y no lo vieron.

vinaspa's avatar

March 17, 2023

Berlin Berlin

Ich sehe jetzt "Berlin Berlin" auf Netflix. Es ist wunderbar, nicht nur umgangssprachliche Ausdrücke, sondern auch um allgemeine Wörter zu lernen. Wenn ich schon auf das Niveau C2 auch bin, so fehlt mir immer noch unglaublich viele alltägliche Wörter. Überraschend ist es nicht, da ich nie zuvor weder in Deutschland gelebt habe, noch bin ich in einer deutschsprachigen Umgebung aufgewachsen. Es gibt einfach umfangreiche Wörter, die man aus keinem Lehrbuch lernen kann. Man muss entweder auf Deutsch leben oder viel Kontakt mit der Sprache haben.

Ich habe heute die Folge der ersten Staffel gesehen, in denen Lolle sich in ihren Chef verliebt. Spoiler alert: Wenn du diese Serie noch nicht gesehen hast und hast vor, sie dir anzuschauen, hör lieber jetzt auf, diesen Text zu lesen. Ich werde ein paar Ereignisse verraten und das wird natürlich die Überraschung verderben.

Ihr Chef ist verheiratet und hat Kinder. Trotzdem lässt sie sich auf ihn ein. Die beiden beginnen eine romantische, aber selbstverständlich versteckte Beziehung. Ihr Cousin warnt sie auf, dass sie nur seine Geliebte ist. Sie will das nicht glauben und bietet ihn mehrmals, dass er seiner Frau erzählt, dass sie zusammen sind. Er macht das nicht und letztendlich fasst Lolle den Entschluss, sich von ihm zu trennen. Ich weiß, es ist nur eine Fernsehserie, aber die Schauspielerin ist so gut und ihr Liebeskummer wird so schmerzhaft dargestellt, dass mir nichts übriggeblieben ist, als zu weinen.

Natürlich wusste sie schon, dass er verheiratet ist. Man kann "Selber schuld" sagen, aber es geht um diese junge Frau, die von einer kleinen Stadt nach Berlin gezogen ist, die wenig Erfahrung hat und für wen alles neu ist. Wer kann sie urteilen? Sie hat ehrlich gehofft, dass er sich von seiner Frau trennen würde, um mit ihr sein zu können...

tosha's avatar

March 17, 2023

Le serpent

J’aime les serpents, je pense qu’ils sont des animaux très élégants et intéressants, avoir la manière de survive sur la Terre sans jambes et bras, la nature est incroyable !

C’est une passion que j’ai depuis que je suis enfante. Où j’habite il y a un jardin zoologique avec une section dédiée aux reptiles, elle était toujours la préférée de ma mère et moi, pendant que mon père en a peur.

Quand j’avais 5 ans, un cirque itinérant est arrivé dans mon village, avec les clowns il y avait aussi un homme avec un serpent. Il s’est exclamé à un certain point : « qui veut prendre ce serpent ? », j’ai levé la main, tout excitée, finalement l’occasion de toucher un vrai serpent ! Seulement moi et une autre fille nous sommes portées volontaires. Quand l’homme a mis le serpent sur nos épaules, j’étais un peu nerveuse, mais en même temps, beaucoup contente.

Mes parents n’étaient pas avec moi dans ce moment, quand ma mère est venue pour me ramener à la maison, une femme lui a dit : « ta fille est vraiment courageuse ! »
Elle a compris ces mots plusieurs années plus tard, parce que je n’ai raconté pas cette aventure en ce moment, j’ai attendu des ans.

anouk's avatar

March 17, 2023

! (III)

Après des pages et des pages d'encre sué et pleuré, si difficiles à comprendre que les saisir serait un tour de force, j'ai croisé le passage que je vais vous présenter.
« Le garçon tenait sa main sur la jambe de sa femme, et les doigts caressent tantôt la joue tantôt la cuisse; ou du moins c'est tout ce que j'ai remarqué avec le seul coup d'œil que je me peux permettre. Et ce coup d'œil était très doux: deux jeunes amoureux se caressant dans un banc, souriants et insouciants; et ceci sera pour eux le banc plus doux et plus beau, et je semble sentir dans mes yeux cette douceur qui pourrait sembler seulement leur!
Quelle beauté! Je l'adore! Quelle beauté celle de l'observation du Beau pour un rêveur! Entre l'amour et l'observation des amoureux, pourquoi semble-je préférer l'observation? Mais parce que au-delà de ces caresses je vois des choses que je ne veux pas du tout vivre, et que je voudrais oublier! Et je parle des yeux de la femme, trop sûre d'elle, soit dit en passant; elle semble utiliser l'amour en soignant ses problèms. Tous ses amis ont vécu plusieurs histoires d'amour, cependant pour elle ceci est la première; et elle se sent maintenant bien, pas au-dessous de ses amis! Et je parierais que ce garçon n'est qu'un parmi plusieurs pour elle: les émotions de cette femme, que j'ai découvert d'haïr, sont gonflées, exaspérées!
Et voilà: sitôt que je m'éloigne même à peine de mon insouciant flânerie, que je commence à analyser ce que m'entoure un peu plus rationnellement, hélas, je sens mon cœur se serrer et commencer à pleurer, bien que l'orgueil sèche toujours les yeux.
Pourquoi tout ce qu'est réel semble devoir être à la fois nauséabond? Et pourquoi en revanche tout ce qui est au-delà de la réalité, à savoir tout ce que je dois imaginer, est si doux?»
Ce qui suit est bien plus délirant et pas du tout compréhensible, du moins pour moi.

ashconsueno's avatar

March 17, 2023

Los problemas que me enfrente en mi estudio de idiomas

Estoy buscando un o unos profesores con los que puedo hablar y aprender con ellos. No obstante, creo que acabó sin nada. ¡Quiero practicar con muchas ganas!

Hay un sitio web donde se puede practicar hablar en escrito o en voz con la inteligencia artificial. Parece que es una buena idea pero no estoy segura. ¿Se puede sustituir a las personas perfectamente? No sé por qué siempre no puedo hacer un buen trabajo en lo que haga.

El pago de este servicio tiene que se paga por un año, y si quieren pagar por mes, sería muy caro. No quiero pagar tanto dinero y no sé si continuo usando esto por un año.

No quiero pagar por un año en una vez. Debido a los malos experiencias, me temo que el app de repente convierte en algo no útil o algo así.

No quiero desperdiciar mi dinero. Estoy segura que nadie quiere su dinero se desperdicia.

He empezado usar an APP, o sea, un sitio web pero es muy caro. 5 dólares por un mes. La plataforma no es muy fácil de usar. Mis objetivos principales son que recibo tanto correcciones para mis oraciones, lo que he dicho y como explicaciones por mis errores para que no cometa tal errores otra vez.
Me parece que los explicaciones son desaparecidos.

No sé. No soy perfeccionista. Quiero tener un buen base de español.
5$ por mes no es muy caro pero tengo que pagar el coste de un año. Entonces, es caro. Porque no sé si me ayudará. Me apunto en Spanish kwiziq hace unos meses, y está un poco de decepcionado. Mis preguntas que he poner en el web, no reciben contestas. Nadie resolve nada de mis preguntas.
Y su rectos de escribir y escuchar no son útiles a veces. No puedo aprender más vocabulario porque se trata de algunos temas que no me interesan o no me sirve

Este foro, también, busco usarlo y espero que haya sido diferente y puede ser útil. No lo sé también porque esto es sólo mi cuarto entrada. ¿Debería usar diario en vez de entrada? No lo sé también. Suspiro cada vez que me siento atrapada y desanimada.

Lo siento por mis quejas. Es que todos requiere dinero y además me esfuerzo mucho en todos los ejercicios o todo esto. Entonces, es una mentira si digo que no me importa o no estoy decepcionada de todo esto.

matthew96521's avatar

March 17, 2023

Cosa faccio nella mattina e nel pomeriggio

Nella mattina primero faccio a ducho e vesitio. Mi piace avere i duchi caldi e non mi piace quando è freddo. Dopo quel faccio la colazione e sento alla una cosa come musica o qualcosa altra. Se è un oggo quando vado alla scuola faccio la mia borsa e vado. Se è un oggo quando non vado alla scuola faccio qualcose diverse.

Dopo vado alla scuola qualtempo faccio il mio lavoro di casa e poi imparo l'Italiano o solo imparo l'italiano. Anche qualtempo primero suono la chiattara. Dopo queste cose faccio qualcosa e poi vado nel mio letto.

Quel era cosa faccio normalamente nella mattina e pomeriggio. Grazie per leggere :).

alexwong2164's avatar

March 17, 2023

too expensive

N1 Exam cost HK$700

Last month I had a good success experience on a 10k marathon.

After that I was thinking let’s have a similar distance race each month.

But when I find out the entry fee for nowadays marathon race is around HK$500.

I give up this idea immediately.

Today I was thinking a new goal, let’s take the N1 exam again.

I haven’t try this exam more than 4 years.

I do want to get a N1 qualification if possible.

But when I check the JLPT website and find out it cost HK$700 to take the exam.

I give up that idea immediately.

Why they are charge so much?

redmedina1234's avatar

March 17, 2023

¿Cuáles crees que son tus fortalezas y debilidades?

Siempre he considerado que mi voz es una de mis fortalezas. Tiene un sonido claro y su calidad es similar a una voz de radio. Otro más, soy muy persistente. No me doy por vencido fácilmente. He estudiado inglés por muchos años hasta alcanzar un nivel comparable con los hablantes nativos. Mi experiencia en esto es ahora mi guía para aprender y alcanzar un nivel alto en español.
¿Debilidades? A veces estoy muy perezoso,especialmente en los días en que hace frío y lluviosos. Pero siempre trato de controlarlo teniendo metas que alcanzar.

sergio's avatar

March 17, 2023

What makes you nervous? What do you try to deal with it?

I am not sure, I find it difficult to identify what makes me nervous. But I would say there are certain triggers or situations that raise significantly my nerves. On one hand, it makes me nervous to have a lot on and to have a huge workload. It puts so much pressure on me and doesn't let me unwind during all day. And on the other hand, another thing that overwhelms me is not having the control of a complex situation. All that said, I have ways to get over this. Whenever I feel both nervous and anxious, I stop whatever I am doing in that moment and go for a walk at the park or take the dog out. Of course, don't take this seriously; this helps me, so it may not work for you.

js's avatar

March 17, 2023

Vida cotidiana 17

Ayer decidí ir al gimnasio temprano, antes de ir a la oficina, y me alegro de haberlo hecho. Traje conmigo un cambio de ropa y jabón, y me duché allí con agua fría después de mi sesión de entrenamiento, lo que me dio más energía para empezar el día. Me sentía mucho mejor a lo largo del día y ya que trabajamos hasta las 9 de la noche, no hubiera tenido tiempo para ir al gimnasio después, porque cierran a las 9. Esta mañana pienso hacer lo mismo, y estoy intentando terminar con todas mis cosas para que pueda llegar antes de las 7:20. Creo que hace mal clima hoy y habrán ráfagas de viento y rachas de lluvia. Mi coche queda muy lejos de donde estoy ahora, pero espero que no haya problema en llegar. Después, tengo que pasar por la ferretería para comprar algunas cosas que necesitamos hoy.

satyras's avatar

March 17, 2023


Hallo zusammen, heute möchte Ich folgendes Thema Präsentation :Leistungssport.
Meine Präsentation besteht aus folgenden Teilen:
Erst,Verschiedene Bereiche des Leistungssports. Danach, die Vorteile und Nachteile das Leistungssports. Schließlich werde ich über Profifußball genauer sprechen.
Wenn ich das Wort Leistungssport lese, denke ich automatisch an der olympischen Spiele. Es gibt vielfältige Sportarten, die zum Leistungsport zählen. z.B. Schwimmen, Bogenschießen, Eislaufen, Wasserspringen, Ringeturnen und Gewichtheben.
Das Ziel des Leistungssport ist schneller, Kräftiger und am besten, eine hohe Leistung zu erreichen.

Deswegen leiden fast alle zielstrebigen Sportler unter großen Druck. Sie trainieren sich ganz Tag auf dem Sportplatz und es ist denkbar, dass sie sich verletzen könnten.
Außerdem möchte ich darauf hinweisen, dass Profisportler keinen lebenslangen Beruf ist. Nachdem die Profisportler den Sportplatz verlassen haben, es wäre für sie problematisch, ihre Lebensunterhalt zu verdienen.
Es stimmt zwar viele Nachteile, aber ich möchte sagen, dass Leistungssport gleichzeitig eine neue Chance für Sportler. Sie könnten berühmt sein und damit viel Geld verdienen. Außerdem werden sie sich erfolgreich fühlen und viele von ihnen könnten Selbstverwirklichung und Karriere unter einen Hut bringen.
Ein auffälliges Beispiel ist Profifußballsportler und Weltmeisterschaft, die derzeit nicht nur in der Sportwelt sondern in vielen Aspekten eine wichtige Rolle spielt.
Dieser Wettbewerb den Sportler eine Möglichkeit anbietet, die körperlichen oder geistigen Fähigkeiten miteinander zu vergleichen und selbst zu beweisen.
Übrigens verbindet heutzutage die Weltmeisterschaft mit Milliarden Geschäfts.  Das Gastgeber kann unzählige Touristen und Fußballfans locken und damit ein gutes Ansehen für die ganz Welt zeigen, was für zukünftige Entwicklung positive ist.

linneasaurus's avatar

March 17, 2023

Projects and Presentations


sho's avatar

March 17, 2023

Grammar Practice 8, 10

I'd like to speak English naturally, not sound like a textbook, so please teach me strictly so that I can speak like a native speaker!🙇‍♂️
It's alright if you change an entire sentence!

Grammar Practice 8
Present simple and continuous

At least it’s not raining.

Every time I watch it, my heart aches.

How much do you study Japanese everyday?
I study for about 3 hours every day.

How much are you studying it today?
I'm studying it for about 3 hours today.

How much time is it gonna take?(時間はどれくらいかかりそう?

Your English is getting better.
That’s very kind of to say. Thank you.
Please assist me to do better.
Okay. Leave it to me.

Grammar Practice 10
was, were

I was a student back then.

He was born rich.

She was as beautiful as ever.

I assumed you were 18.

We were lucky with the timing.

All in all it was good.

It was all I could do not to laugh.

It was all I could do to stay awake.

It was normal back then.(当時はそれが普通だった)

sho's avatar

March 17, 2023

Grammar practice 9

I'd like to speak English naturally, not sound like a textbook, so please teach me strictly so that I can speak like a native speaker!🙇‍♂️
It's alright if you change an entire sentence!

Grammar Practice 9
Have, have got, got

You have a beautiful smile.
You’ve got a beautiful smile.
You got a beautiful smile.

I have a feeling something good is going to happen.
I get the feeling something good is going to happen.
I gotta feeling something good is going to happen.
なぜかI get a feelingとは言わない。"I got a" or "I get the" or "I got the"

I get a feeling in my arms when something is about to go wrong. 何か問題が起きそうなとき、腕に感じる。とは言える。おそらく現在形で常のことだからaを使える。

I had that feeling. そんな気はしてた。

I somehow had that feeling.
I had that feeling for some reason.

I don’t have a sister.
I haven’t got a sister.
I don’t get a sister. Got aではなくなるため意味が変わる

Do you have any siblings? 自然
Have you got any siblings?
Do you get any siblings? Gotではなくなるため意味が変わる

Have gotとgotは変化不可。Haveのみ。
I have a small plant in my room.
I had a small plant in my room.
I'll / I'm gonna have a small plant in my room.

I have to go.
I’ve got to go.
I got to go. I gotta go.

You don’t have to wear a mask.自然
You haven’t got to wear a mask.
You don’t get to wear a mask. Got toではなくなるため意味が変わる

Do I have to wear a mask?自然
Have I got to wear a mask?
Do I get to wear a mask? Got toではなくなるため意味が変わる

Have got toとgot toは変化不可。Have toのみ。
I have to pick up a prescription from the pharmacy.
I had to pick up a prescription from the pharmacy.
I’ll have to pick up a prescription from the pharmacy.


I’m ready. I have my things packed.
I’m ready. I‘ve got my things packed.

I’ll have my friends help me with my homework.
I’ll have gotten my friends help me with my homework.

I had gotten my friends to help me.

Any idea? (何か思いつかない?)
Please give me some time. There's got to be something we can do.

Have you got a car?(車持ってる?)
=Do you have a car?

* Have you got a pen?
* I’ve got a pen.

 It’s got a lot of beans in it.= It has a lot of beans in it.
Oh, one sec, cancel that. Wait a minute. Well, I'll have this and this instead.

I have headaches often.(よく頭痛がする。)
I have got headaches often.(×)(よく頭痛がする。)

・「習慣」や、「日常的」な事柄に対しては、have gotは❌

・現在形のみ、have gottaは疑問、否定文にはできない。

I have a headache today.(今日頭が痛い。)
I’ve got a headache today.(今日頭が痛い。)⭕️

I got a problem.

I've gotten a figure from my brother awhile ago. I didn't want it at all, though.
What figure?
JuJutsu Kaisen. But I don't know the man coz I've never seen it.

What have you got to lose?

「have you got」は「do you have」と全く同じものです。英語では「I have ~」と「I’ve got ~」は同じもので、「have got」は「get」の完了形ではないですね。たとえば「I have a pen.」と「I’ve got a pen.」は全く同じ意味です。他にも
「I have time.(時間はあるよ)」
「I’ve got time.(時間はあるよ)」
「Do you have a car?(車を持っている?)」「Have you got a car?(車を持っている?)」
「How much time do you have?(時間はどれくらいある?)」
「How much time have you got?(時間はどれくらいある?)」など。
「have 名詞 to 動詞」はめちゃくちゃよく使う文型です。たとえば
「I have work to do.(やらなきゃいけない仕事がある)」
「I’ve got something to say.(言いたいことがある)」
「I’ve got nothing to lose.(失う物は何もない)」など。

Something got in my eye.
Gimme a sec, can you see by this? これで見れる?

Are you okay with bugs?
I used to love them when I was a kid, but I don't really like them now. Especially wiggly ones and moths. But there are a lot of bugs in Japan, so I want to be able to love them again.

What did you get up to yesterday?"(昨日は何をしたの?get up to = do
Nah. I was at home studying English.




ごめん。The trafic is bad. 遅れるかも。

Oh, where is he?
He was here a second ago, but where'd he go...

Oh, where is he?
He went to the bathroom.

Do you know where the key is?
I think I saw one around here. I'll look for it.

Sorry, The trafic is bad. I might be late.

Oh, it's clearing up.晴れてきた

Oh, it's cleared up.おー!晴れてる

Oh? It's stopped raining?雨止んだ?



Do you think it will rain until noon?

Guess if it will stop raining soon.
Yes, it will. Yesterday it was raining in the morning, but it stopped after that, so it will stop again today. What do you think?
I don't think it's going to stop.
Let's see who's right. What if we lose?

今日何したの?」What did you do today?= What have you been up to?

What were you doing at that time then? じゃあその時何してたの?

How did you get through it?"で、「どのようにしてその状況を切り抜けたの?=立ち直ったの?

始めた経緯。どうして始めたの?「How did you get into that?


Do you have plans for tomorrow?
Yeah, I'm going out with friends tomorrow.
How about the day after tomorrow?

A.Are you home?
B.Yes. I just got home.= I've just got back from work.

I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.

Are you leaving already?

もうランチ食べたの? - you’ve already eaten lunch?

You’ve finished already?= You’re already finished? Too fast! This is not a drink.

Just leave what you cannot finish, no worries!"(食べれなかったら残していいからね。)
Thank you. These are insanely delicious, but actually I've just eaten dinner. Can I save these until tomorrow?

I just haven't met that person yet.

Has it already started?もう始まっちゃったかな?
Let's hope not.そうじゃないことを祈ろう

It hasn't hit me yet.

Are you going out tomorrow?
Perhaps/possibly. But I haven't decided yet.

Are you going to give him gift?
Have you gotten it yet?
Not yet.

I’ve drink too much already.

I'm already in bed.
What’s wrong? Are you not feeling well?
No. I just want to get into the habit of early to bed and early to rise.

Has the train already left?
I think it's just barely ok. But if we can't make it, just go to the next one.
Yeah, but let's hurry just in case.

Have you ever played golf?
Yes, I have. In PE when I was in college.
You had a P.E. class in college?
Yes, they did.
Did you enjoy it?
So so. It was fun during class, but I couldn’t be bothered to get changed. So on days when we had PE, I would go to school in those clothes like windbreakers or something.


How has your mother been?

Have you seen this movie?

Where did he go?
I don't know.
Oh, we were looking for you. Where have you been?
I'm sorry, I went to the bathroom.

Are you there already?!
Not yet.

Have you ever traveled abroad?
Yes, but only once when I was a kid, to Guam.

sho's avatar

March 17, 2023

Grammar Practice 7

I'd like to speak English naturally, not sound like a textbook, so please teach me strictly so that I can speak like a native speaker!🙇‍♂️
It's alright if you change an entire sentence!

Grammar Practice 7
Present simple questions

Do you often wear clothes of that color?
So so, but I like it.

Do you drink?
I only drink socially. Decide according to people and places.

Do you think she'll like it?

Do you know where it is?

Does she cook?

What's he like?
He is kind. He's a man who is considerate of others.

Does it make sense?

What does he look like?
He's cool. Everything looks good on him.

What are you like drunk?
It makes me sick and want to throw up.

What's the difference between this and this?

How does it work?

How far is it?
It’s about a 20-minute walk.

How bad does it look?
I don't know. I'll try my best anyway.

What time does the store close?
Sorry I have no idea, but it never hurts to get there early.

Who's that man?
He's a famous comedian.

What does this mean?(これどういう意味?

If you could date anyone, who would you date?
Hmm, I wonder who... The one that comes to mind right now is Kendall Jenner. I've never met her, so I don't know, but I like like that her pure freedom. It's just my image, though. I want to keep up with her. Of course quote unquote.

Who do you think is the most beautiful?
I wonder who she is. There are so many beautiful women out there, right. Hmm, seriously, I'm torn. I'll look into it now.

試合中なら進行形の「Who’s winning?(どっちが勝ってるの?どっちが勝ちそう?」なら未来形の「Who’s going to win?

「What do you like about it?

What made you start studying English?
I wanted to interact with different people and broaden my horizons.

What do you think about it?
How do you feel about this restaurant?(このレストラン、どう思う?
How do you like the food?([食べ物を指して]それ、どう?

What is it like when somebody does it.

How does that make you feel?

How do I look?
Yes! Stunning!

How much do I owe you?

How much longer do you think it will take?
Maybe 30 minutes.

How do you get rid of stress?
Depending on what the stress is, but working out and taking a bath will refresh me, and then sleep will revive me.

「Do you know」だと名詞節の前ですが、「do you think」は必ず間に入ります。
「Do you know where it is?(どこにあるか知っている?)」
「Where do you think it is?(どこにあると思う?)」
「Do you know how long it’s going to take?(時間がどれくらいかかるか知っている?)」
「How long do you think it’s going to take?(時間がどれくらいかかると思う?)」
「Do you know what this is made from?(どうやってできたか知っている?)」
「What do you think this is made from?(どうやってできたと思う?)」など。
「Where do you think you’re going?(どこ行くんだ?)」
「Who do you think you are?(何様のつもり?)」など。

Where would you like to go when you come to Japan?

Where did you go then?

Where did you get that top?
It was in online.

I get where you’re coming from but they tried, too. So let's forget about it and enjoy the moment!

When is it?

When did you come?

Since when are you vegan?

What made you decide to go vegan?

I have no idea! Why is that a problem?

Why was he late?

Why would they do that?

Why don't you like it?

Why do you do that?

Why is it that?

Why don't you give it a try? You might like it.試しにやってみたら?気にいるかもよ

Why were you up so early?

How come you set your language level to 1? Your Japanese is perfect!(how comeは予想外のとき)

What's the matter?

What kind of music do you like?

What are your favorite movies?

What did you eat breakfast?

What are your favorite colors?

What color clothes do you wear most often?

What do you say?

What manga do you have?

What's wrong with him?

What’s the secret of beauty?

What's this dish called?

How do you say this in English?

How often is that?

How much do I owe you?

How would a native speaker say this?

How was it?

How about dinner tonight?(今夜、食事はいかがですか?

What about transportation? Are we going get a rental car?(移動手段はどうするのですか?レンタカーを借りるのですか?

What about breakfast? Is it included?(朝食は?付いてきますか?

あなたはどうですか?はHowでもWhatでも。相手に物事を提案したり、誘ったりする時に使われるのがHow 。会話の中で(まだ)解決していない問題や潜在的な問題を確認するときにWhat。特定の人や物事が、出来事や商品などにセットとして含まれているかを尋ねるときはWhat。

Heyy What are you up to? 今何してるの?

Which do you use more regularly? どっちが日常でよく使う?

Which is more commonly used?どっちの方がよく使う?

Which way is the more natural?

Which sounds more natural?

Which one sounds the most natural?

Which do you prefer? とWhich do you like more?は同じ。

Which do you think is the coolest?

Which color do you think is best?

Which do you use more often?

Which person would you date in this movie?

How long will it take you to get there?

How many stops is it?
It's three stops from here.

What are your favorite fruits?

How many strawberries do you think you can eat at best?
どのくらいイチゴ食べれると思う?(it may seem formal, so when talking to friends or people lower than you, you can just remove "at best" to make it casual.)

"A few of us are going to the bar, would you like to come along?
-I would like to but I can't. I'm studying English for the exam tomorrow.
-How long are you studying for? ( How long are you planning to study?)
-For at least another hour.
-Stop by afterwards, if you want(if you finish early.) I'm sure we will still be there.
-Ok, I'll do that. Thanks!

How often do you eat out?

How often do you watch movies?

How often do you see your family?

How many times did you do this?
How many times have you done this?

How many have you eaten it, max?

How much is it with the discount?

How expensive is it?
How much more expensive is it?

How much time off do you have?

How old is this building?

How much was it?

How much do you study Japanese everyday?
about 3 hours a day

- how long do you study it for?
*maybe about 3 hours a day.

sho's avatar

March 17, 2023

Grammar Practice 6

I'd like to speak English naturally, not sound like a textbook, so please teach me strictly so that I can speak like a native speaker!🙇‍♂️
It's alright if you change an entire sentence!

Grammar Practice 6
Present simple negative

I don’t
You don’t
We don’t
They don’t
He doesn’t
She doesn’t
It doesn’t

I don't drink coffee a lot, but I love the smell.

He doesn't work very hard. So I don't want to work with him.

It doesn't snow much here. About twice a year.

I don't like sushi. I don't like vinegared rice

I don't think she'll like it.

I don't care of him.

I don't use it very often.

I don't watch much TV these days.

I never smoke. Just once.

Sometimes. But it doesn’t happen very often. たまにね。でもあんまり起きない。

I don’t do it a lot.

I never see him anymore.

It's not that I don't like her, but I never call my mother.

She never does it. neverは三単現になる

He doesn't know when to quit.

Let's hope it doesn't come to that.必ず良くないことに対し

It doesn't last.

It doesn't fit.

It doesn't suit me.

It doesn't matter what he says.

Doesn't that a bit make sense?

I don't want to settle.

sho's avatar

March 17, 2023

Grammar Practice 3, 4, 5

I'd like to speak English naturally, not sound like a textbook, so please teach me strictly so that I can speak like a native speaker!🙇‍♂️
It's alright if you change an entire sentence!

Grammar Practice 3
I am doing etc.

Did you complete that?
I'm getting there. Please taste testing it when it's ready.

Are you watching it?
No. You can change it.

Is there a more natural way to say that?

Is my understanding correct? 私の理解は正しい?

Did I get that right?

Look. Someone's swimming even though the weather is this bad.
I wonder he can swim in such choppy waves. I’m sure I'd drown quickly.

I wonder what is going to be built.
I heard it's a shopping mall. Maybe.

I don't drink much coffee, but I love the aroma. I want to aroma it all the time.

What's this line?これなんの列?
I wonder. Do you want to check it out?

He always doesn't listen to me, so I thought I should just let him do what he wanted. I thought it would be better for both of us.

Do you study English every day?
Yes. I study every day.

Something smells good.

I don't make my bed very often. Only when people come.

I don't use the vacuum cleaner much. I use the lint roller a lot.
I'm busy in the morning. I can't vacuum at night because it's too noisy. With a lint roller, I can do it anytime. But I do vacuum on weekends. Sometimes I forget, though. No, maybe often.

How many times a day do you brush your teeth?
Three or four times a day.

What color do you wear a lot?
I think black. Or I usually wear white, navy, or other safe colors. But as a accent colour, a primary color, a bright color, a provocative color? Anyway, I like to add a little accent to safe colors.

I never smoke.
Never smoked once?
I smoked once when I was in middle school, but I don't smoke anymore.

Do you drink often?
No. I hardly ever. Sometimes I drink when I understand the situation, but most of the time I end up not drinking.

You like it this way?こんな感じが好きなんだ?
I don't wear it myself, but I like it. 自分では着ないけど、好きだよ。

I don't think there are many 9-to-5 jobs in Japan. I don't hear much about it around me, and I'm not either. For example, with my father, he leaves home at 7:30 and comes back at 6:30 once a month. He usually comes home at 8:30 or 9 o'clock. Ever since I was a kid. But still, it was a little faster, before we moved he sometimes couldn't come home. It took him two hours to commute. One way. It's nuts tho. Anyway, so it is normal for me to work that much. But like father, like son. It took me two and a half hours to university. One way.

How many hours a day do you sleep?
Six or seven hours, I think. I'd like to make it a habit to add another hour or so.

What do you commute by?
Bus, train, and walk.
How long does it take?
About an hour.



Wait, what is Petrol?
Petrol means gasoline? I didn't know! Oh, sorry. Let's go on.

How often do you wash your car?
Maybe once a month.
Wow. You like cars, huh?
Yeah? Do you?
I don't have a car, but when I was a kid, my dad probably only washed it once every six months or so.

Does it rain a lot there?
It hasn't been raining much lately. It doesn't look like my day.

What's it like where you live?
Well, there is nothing special about it. So, it is not a tourist-friendly place at all. There are supermarkets, convenience stores, and hospitals nearby, so it's not inconvenient, but it's not fun.

Does it snow here in winter?
Some years it snow, some years it doesn't, but the years when it snows are a little more.

Do you live in a big city?
I don't know. Maybe not.

Does it rain a lot where you live?
Hmmm. Not a little. There are a lot of it in summer.


My brother used to always use too much hot water when he bathed. In our house, if you use too much hot water, only water comes out. He used it without thinking about the other people and the water bill. He also left the heater on. I thought they didn't know the word "saving". No matter what anyone said to him, he didn't change. When I saw him for the first time in years, he was bathing much faster and using less hot water than I did, he had grown up, but he was not saving any electricity.

How often do you soak in the bath?
In winter, I take a nice hot bath almost every day. In other seasons, I almost never take a bath. Sometimes I take a nice cold bath in summer.

How often do you use your car?
I don't have a car, but I don't use my parents' car at all either. I haven't used it in a couple of years.

Please teach me some often used phrases.

Aren’t you going to get that?
Yes, It'll be fine later.

Grammar Practice 4
are you doing?

How is he doing?
He's almost better.

How is she feeling?
She's getting better.

Are you feeling sick or something?
I ate too much.

What are you waiting for?
I'm doing a final check to make sure I haven't forgotten anything. Just in case.

How's quitting smoking going?

Grammar Practice 5
Present simple

He makes it look easy.

He looks nice.

That sounds expensive.

She runs hot and cold.

I wonder what he does.

He does everything by the book.

sho's avatar

March 17, 2023

Grammar Practice 2

I'd like to speak English naturally, not sound like a textbook, so please teach me strictly so that I can speak like a native speaker!🙇‍♂️
It's alright if you change an entire sentence!

Grammar Practice 2
am, is are (questions)

Are you free to hang out tomorrow?
Yes, I'm free! Let's!!

Is it cold in your room?
Yeah. I have been trying to save electricity. So I haven't turned on a AC last year and this year yet.

Those shoes are nice!(/ Nice sneaker!) How much are they?
I forgot. Maybe $300 or so?
They're expensive. You're rich.
No. I just buy things with the intention of selling them after I use them. They're expensive, but at the same time, I can sell them for more than normal. If the value goes down by $100, it's still normal, if I think of it as I bought the shoes with that money.

How was that hotel?
It was good! But there were more and more guests with children, and I couldn't relax, so I had decided not to go there. Besides, it's more fun to make new discoveries.

Hey, can you tell me what time it is?
Sure. Well, it's 1:20 p.m.
Oh, it was already past noon? Have you had lunch?
Oh... So have you had dinner?
No. haha
So could I take you for a meal?
Haha okay. Thanks.

How old are your birds?
The left will be 4 this year. The right will be 2. We also had birds before and they were 7, 5 and 2.
What happened to the 2 year old birdie?
It was an accident. When my mother tried to sit down, the baby ran and came under her buttocks and crushed by her. She was
crying all day. I've learned to pay attention carefully when I walk too.

sergio's avatar

March 17, 2023

Tell a story that begins with: "When he read the message..."

When he read the message from his friend, Matthew felt both excited and very nervous. It was nearly eight o'clock a.m and he had just got up. He couldn't believe that he and his friend José had been chosen to take part in the Olympic Games! They have been practising athletics since they were at school, and now they were about to compete professionally. Matthew told it to his family and all of his friends. They helped him a lot as he was struggling with his anxiety the previous days to the tournament. Gradually, he was able to deal with it so he thought he was ready to compete.

On the day of the competition the weather was well and sunny, so they thought it was a good omen. The first to take part in the track and field event was Matthew. José wished him good luck but Matthew wasn't able to listen to him because he was very nervous. Then, the race started. In the beginning, he performed very well but, after some minutes,unfortunately he fell down and hurt his leg gravely. He was fast taken to the infirmary. When he recovered, he saw through the window that it was his friend's turn. Matthew was amazed by José's perfomance. He nearly won the race. In the end, José and Matthew's family came to the infirmary to celebrate Jose's second place with him.

sho's avatar

March 17, 2023

Grammar Practice 1

I'd like to speak English naturally, not sound like a textbook, so please teach me strictly so that I can speak like a native speaker!🙇‍♂️
It's alright if you change an entire sentence!

Grammar Practice 1
am, is, are

I'm Shougo!
Where is your name from?
Shou means a general or a shougun. Go is me. So it means I'm a general. As you can see. I don’t live up to it, but I appreciate it. This is the kind of name we have in Japan. ゆうだい. Do you know how to read it? This is Yudai. I'm sure I'll be paranoid soon.

How old are you?
I'm 25.

Where are you from?
I'm from Japan.
Where in Japan?
Now live in Tokyo. But I was born in Chiba and moved to Saitama in the third grade.
Saitama is like new jersey of Japan. Because there is nothing.

What do you do?
Like manufacturing.

What are your favorite colors?
Black. It'll work with any color.

Do you like sports?
Not so much now. But I used to like martial arts.
Did you do it?
No. But I liked it because for some reason I was strong. Back then, I could have at least beaten Batman. Not Superman, though.
What about Aquaman?
I can't swim, so I lose.
What about Wonder Woman?
I am killed by beauty.
I was fast in elementary school, but I guess I'm slow now, so I lose.
What about Cyborg?
I don't remember him much, so I win.
How can you win if you don't remember?
Because if he's made an impression, he's strong.

So... What do you like to do in your free time?
Watching movies and searching for clothes on the Internet. But lately I've been interested in learning something. Studying English, IT, bookkeeping, and reading something.

This is japan.
物を渡す時以外「here is」というフレーズを使ってはいけません。
(本を渡して)Here is your book! ◯
床を指して Here is Japan. X
なので「ここは」と英語で言いたいほとんどの場合は「this is」を使います。

Can I open the window?
Oh, sorry. Was it cold?
Just a little. But no problem.

How old is your brother?
I have no idea. I never thought about it. Maybe four years older. So 29. I guess.

How is your brother?
He's ill. He's in bed.
Hope he gets well soon.

Do you think ghosts are scary?
No. I don't believe it. But I'd be surprised if they come out suddenly like at night. So I'm more scared of haunted houses than ghosts. It's fun, though. How about you?

So, is there anything that make you feel scared or afraid?
I'm scared of cockroaches.

What time is it?
One a.m.
It's that time already. Are you sleepy?

Ann and I are good friends.
Oh when did you meet her?

Have you seen the key?
It's on the table.

Did you eat dinner?
Not yet. I'm not hungry. I'm tired.
What happened? 何かあった?

What is your favorite season?
I guess fall. I like winter fashion. But winter is too cold, so fall it is. Summer and winter are fun. But the temperatures, I would say I hate them. My hands and toes get cold easily because of my sensitivity to cold or poor circulation. Worst of all, I can't feel my toes. Also I sweat a lot. So I don't like summer and winter. But I like winter fashion, so I guess I don't like summer more.
What about spring?
I like it. But I think fall is better.

CN12345N's avatar

March 17, 2023

Ma vie déroulée V

Finalement c'est vendredi!

J'ai passé une bonne semaine. Les cours n'étaient pas très difficiles, peut-être un peu ennuyeux. Je suis en train d'attendre de recevoir mes notes de fraçais, la professeure est trop parresseusse! Mais je sais pas si je vais le reussir ou non. J'ai beaucoup de foi.

Le mercredi j'ai allé au stade Santiago Bernabeu pour voir le Champions League, et le Real Madrid á gagné. Mais conduire dans Madrid est TROP compliqué. Beaucoup de voitures, des motos, des personnes... Et les rues sont difficiles aussi. Je vous recommendez d'acheter un billet de train ou métro pour voyager sur Madrid.

Je pense que cet week-end mes amis et moi nous parlerons sur oú nous voyagerons cet été. Mais j'ai besoin d'argent pour ça :P.

Je n'ai utilisé un cyclomoteur rien, mais je crois que si quelqu'un me donnerais un peu du temps avec un moto, j'apprenderais rapidement. Je veux apprendre pour travailler dans le répartition de la norriture.

shadowfax26's avatar

March 17, 2023

Un altro giorno di primavera

Stamattina mi sono svegliata piuttosto prima, però la sveglia non è stata spiacevole - sapevo che oggi ho una bella giornata davanti a me.

Ho iniziato a studiare un po' alle sette e meno un quarto, ho ripassato l'imperativo e mi sono esercitata un pochino in italiano. Mi allenerò per un mezzo d'ora dopo che aver pranzato sulla Switch durante una pausa. Fino ad allora lavorerò. Ci sono troppe cose da fare ma ne ho sempre molte.

Aspetto il weekend con pazienza, mi dico me stessa "Abbi pazienza!", "Sii paziente!" quasi ogni giorno allo specchio oppure in casa. Mi piace lavorare comunque ma a volte mi sembra che il tempo vola troppo velocemente, sento che non ho più tempo. Quando ero bambina avevo il tempo per fare un sacco di cose dalla mattina alla sera. Questi giorni provo a farle piano piano.