May 6, 2023
Hoy es Cinco de Mayo,
Hola, decidí eso voy escribir en español practicar. Hoy yo comí un sandwich de Panera Bread. Mi padre conductió me a Panera. Nosotros estamos consiguiendo un carro nuevo manana. El carro es negro. Yo practí español hoy pero no soy buena en eso. Voy a practicar mas para mejorar. Yo necesito ir a dormir ahora. Adios!
May 6, 2023
May 6, 2023
May 6, 2023
May 6, 2023
May 6, 2023
May 6, 2023
May 6, 2023
In this skit, two guys and their client start a meeting.
As the title suggests, one of the men behaves suspiciously from beginning to end, while the other two don't seem to care.
He is on something for sure.
If I encountered a person like this, I would get scared instead of getting angry.
May 5, 2023
Je me réveille à dix heures du matin et je prévois toutes les choses à faire pendant la journée. Malgré mes efforts pour être productif le matin, je ne fais pas beaucoup de choses à cette période-là et j'écoute de la musique au lieu d'étudier. L'après-midi, j'étudie de treize heures à seize heures. Je n'ai pas besoin de sortir dehors ou de me réveiller tôt puisque je suis en vacances. À cause de ça, je passe du temps à la maison. Aprés l’étude je crochète en regardant des videos sur youtube. En plus, j’essaie de lire souvant. J'ai fini un roman il y a quelques jours. Cependant, je profiter de attendre un peu entre chaque lecture parce que je trouve que ça me donne du temps pour réfléchir sur le contenu du livre, donc je ne lis rien pour le moment.
Le soir, j'aide ma mère dans son travail. Elle vend des bonbons et je gère ses affaires. Mon coupain vient chez moi vers dix-neuf heures, mais pas forcément tous les jours. Voilà, c'est globalement ma routine. Je me couche tard aussi, vers deux heures du matin.
May 5, 2023
May 5, 2023
Sono stanchissima! È già sabato notte e sono ancora sveglia. Mio marito è dal suo migliore amico ( che abita a un piano superiore ) e io sto ascoltando la musica mentre gioco a qualcosa sul telefono. Non si sono visti da qualche settimana. Anche se siamo tutti vicini, non significa che non abbiamo le nostre vite o i nostri piani indipendenti.
Ieri mi sono allenata sulla Switch e adesso mi sento un po' più piena di energie di ieri. A volte sono pigrissima, altre sono attiva.
Ieri pomeriggio mi sono incontrata con mia mamma per bere un frappé. Dopo averlo bevuto, siamo andate da lei.
Mi piace molto avere i venerdì liberi, ho più tempo libero per fare tutto ciò che voglio rispetto al mese scorso ( ho avuto i weekend liberi ).
Sto per addormentarmi, quindi mi preparo per andare a letto. A domani!
May 5, 2023
759 42 39 510 - setecientos cincuenta y nueve, cuarenta y dos, treinta y nueve, quinientos y diez
254 968 880 31 - doscientos cincuenta y cuatro, noevecientos sesenta y ocho, ochocientos ochenta, trienta y uno
11 22 1963 - once vientidós mil noevecientos sesenta y tres
724 1918 - sietecientos vienticuatro y mil noevecientos dieciocho
2030 571 999 - dós mil treinta, quinicientos setenta y uno, noevecientos noventa y nueve
555 888 919 - quinicientos cincuenta y cinco, ochocientos ochenta y ocho, noevecientos y diecinueve
123 459 3688 - ciento y vientitrés, cuatrocientos cincuenta y nueve, tres mil seiscientos ochenta y ocho
2003 97 1983 - dós mil y trés, noventa y siete, mil noevecientos ochenta y trés
1717 - mil sietecientos diecisiete
May 5, 2023
May 5, 2023
May 5, 2023
May 5, 2023
Abito nel nord della mia paese, Svezia, e qui la primavera viene molto più tardi che in otre paesi della Europa. Ad esempio, Tutta la neve non è scomparsa e ce n’è ancora decimetri ai luoghi dove non c’è il sole. Ma oggi ho deciso di camminare nella foresta. C’era tantissima neve e i miei cacciato sono diventati bagnati però questo no ha stato il mio più grande problema. Una volta quando ero sulla mia stata ho guardato i miei piedi e mi sono reso conto che è stato in piedi in un nido di vespe. Fortunatamente ho potuto uscirci senza essere punto!
May 5, 2023
May 5, 2023
Je ne pense pas que je communique très différemment en ligne et en personne. C’est plutôt à qui je communique qui fait la différence. Mes amis et moi avons tendance à parler d’une manière très ironique et moqueuse entre nous. Nous exagérons souvent nos avis et prenons des positions assez extrêmes pour faire rire. Mais nous nous connaissons très bien, donc il n’y a que rarement des malentendus. Sinon, quand j’écris en ligne, comme quand je parle avec les autres en personne, j’essaie à choisir mes mots soigneusement et ne tirer pas des conclusions hâtives. J’ai habitude d’écrire et de parler assez formellement avec ceux que je ne connais pas bien en ligne et hors ligne. Pourtant, dans les écrits moins formels, j’utilise énormément d’emojis pour que mes émotions et mes intentions soient bien comprises.
May 5, 2023
May 5, 2023
May 5, 2023
1. 水母比恐龙古老。
2. 水母很好地适应气候变化。
3. 水母去过外太空。
5. 很多海洋生物捕食它们。
6. 许多水母在黑暗中能发光。
7. 能在每一片海洋找到水母。
8. 至少有一个不朽的水母物种。
9. 在水母蜇伤上排尿是无用的。.
如果你发现自己被水母蜇伤,最明智的反应是用镊子小心地取出所有触手,然后用热水浸泡被蜇伤了的地方。 如果被蜇伤后出现严重的反应或失去意识,请立即就医。
10. 有些水母物种有毒,但也有些物种完全可以吃。
May 5, 2023
The photo in question -->
The first thing that catches my eyes in this picture is that it looks like the photo was taken indoors, as I can see some walls in the background. I can also see a lot of sunlight coming through the windows in the background, so I suppose that the photo was surely taken in the morning or afternoon. It shows a group of people sitting on a sofa and using a tablet in the foreground. One of them seems middle-aged to me, maybe in her thirties. The other two are a child and a baby. All of them have straight fair hair. Two of them are wearing long-sleeved t-shirt and jeans. If I had to take a guess, I'd say they are probably a family. They seem to be in a house, because I can see what look like a kitchen in the background. Judging by the looks of their faces, I'd say they are rather focused on what the tablet is displaying.
May 5, 2023
Microsoft Purviewというサービスは色々なデータのガバナンスサービスです。ガバナンスというのは何でしょう?これを説明すると、「このダーたは何ですか?」という質問や「この話題についてデータが有りますか?」という質問や「どうやってこの大切なデータとアクセス管理できますか」という質問を解決するサービスです。PurviewはMicrosoftのガバナンスサービスです。Microsoft Azureに有るデータだけではなく、オンプレミスデータやマルチクラウドSaaSのデータもガバナンスができます。想像すれば、会社内のデータには広い景色が有るでしょう。売上の谷やサプライチェーンの海岸やファイナンスの山脈やマーケティングの平原が想像出来るでしょう。そのデータランドスケープ全体を使って最新地図を作ることができます。Microsoft Purviewを使用することで、データアナリストやデータコンシューマーが価値のある信頼性の高いデータを見つけることが可能となります。
May 5, 2023
Life is a philosophy, and as long as we breathe we have to face whatever fate throws at us. One of the most important lessons I've learned is self-love, which I believe is the key to happiness. I learned this about a few months ago, quite recently. However, there had been some people who helped me to understand it.
As I entered adolescence, I had many insecurities about myself. About my appearance, personality, etc. I was too blind to notice my positive traits. When I turned 15, I finally started breaking down the wall of low self-esteem. One of the biggest factors was my friends. With their support, I observed my own worth and some unique traits I have. They taught me that self-love isn't selfish. A gigantic gap lies between confidence and vanity, and my friends have shown me that difference. Confidence allows you to broaden your horizons, while vanity cripples you from seeing anything beyond yourself. They have given me such a gift - the freedom to walk around with my head held high and live my life without seeking others’ approval. Will people judge me? Of course some will. But does it matter? No. As long as I am happy with living my life the way I feel is healthiest and happiest, that’s what truly matters.
My friends have truly changed my life.
P.S. : I thought that some information was unnecesary + I rephrased particular sentences.
May 5, 2023
To learn english, i use langage reactor. It's app that we can ad to youtub. I can keep unkown word and study with quizlet.
I want now to speak about the chosen. It's story about Jesus and his apostle. At this episode Jesus is coming but just someone know him. It's cool because we can understand the context of this story. Sometime we can to read the gospel like a book but people say that he was god but also a man. He have friend and they apostle have joice and problem. I thing about peter. It's first pope but both a people that he give information against his jews brother. His wife cry because she dont recognize her husband : he play game, he dont make shabbat. He said : "who is your faith ?"
It's cool because sometime when we read the gospel we dont remember all of that he dont write. It's not importante but to understand well we need open us eyes of the story of this guy.
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