Aug. 5, 2023
I have been learning English for almost four years. In the first year from September of 2019 to July of 2020, I learned English in a way I did when I was in school, but I think I wasted the first year, because what I did in the first year didn't help with my writing and speaking.
In July 2020, a female Canadian tutor on Italki who was in Japan then told me about the LangCorrect website, and I think that was when I really started learning English.
After I practiced writing in English for a year, I think I made a lot of progress. At least I could write short English paragraphs, which I couldn't do a year ago.
I still couldn't speak English although I could write English, which made me very uncomfortable, because my goal of learning English this time was to speak English fluently.
So I started to book online lessons to practice my speaking. The first English online school I attended was in the Philippines, and all the teachers in the school were almost all female. They were young and most of them were just graduating from university.
They were enthusiastic, energetic, positive and friendly, but some of them had strong accents, which made it difficult for me to understand.
Anyway, I learned English there for a year, and I finally could speak in English. When I realized that I couldn't get further improvement, I stopped learning there.
But, I just stopped learning in that school, and I didn't stop learning English. After that, I booked lessons on Italki a lesson per day until now.
So far I have paid about 50000 CNY for my online lessons, but I still don't think I can speak English fluently. I can only speak slowly, and often make mistakes. Of course, like other Chinese, I have a Chinese accent, and it is really difficult to get rid of.
I don't know when I should stop learning English, maybe in one more year. I know I can't speak English as fluently as a native English speaker does in my lifetime, but I want to speak English not too badly.
Aug. 5, 2023
Sono riuscita a svegliarmi alle 7 e mezzo - quando ho sentito la sveglia pensavo alle ferie. Alla fine del mese ho 4 giorni liberi, li aspetto con impazienza.
Ho appena parlato al telefono con mia mamma - lei e la sua amica aspettano il volo per Bologna. Sono ancora in Catania, mi spegavano che ci sono molte persone che non vedono l'ora di partire - si trovano nella stessa situazione.
Fortunatamente mia mamma e la sua amica hanno trovato un posto in cui dormire per 2 notti. Mia mamma proverà a godere questi giorni, cercherà anche il posto in cui andremo a settembre.
Stamattina mi sono ricordata del compleanno di mia zia, quindi le ho augurato un buon compleanno. Non parlo da molto tempo con lei, ma secondo me alla maggioranza piace leggere parole carine.
Vado a studiare un po' d'italiano, a domani!
Aug. 5, 2023
Aug. 5, 2023
Le dimanche, nous sommes allés à la plage. C’était vraiment une belle journée et nous avons décidé de faire un pique-nique. Mon amie a fait une tarte, j’ai préparé une salade et une autre amie a fait des sandwichs. Comme d’habitude, il y avait trop de nourriture.
En arrivant à la plage, avons étendu le tapis de pique-nique sur le sable et avons ouvert un grand parasol pour avoir un peu d’ombre. Nous étions prudentes et nous avons appliqué beaucoup de crème solaire. En plus, nous avons porté nos lunettes de soleil et des chapeaux. Il faut faire attention car le soleil en Australie est vraiment fort.
Nous avons passé une journée très agréable en parlant de tout et de rien : oui je sais, les femmes sont très douées pour cela. Nous avons bavardé de nos emplois, nos projets de vacances et nos vies. En ce qui concerne nos projets de vacances, ce jour là, nous avons décidé de planifier une vacance à Nouvelle Zélande pendant Noël. Quel beau projet !
Aug. 5, 2023
Aug. 4, 2023
Aug. 4, 2023
Aug. 4, 2023
Aug. 4, 2023
Kuten kirjoitin aikaisemmin, tänä kesänä vietin pari päivää Hämeenlinnassa, johon matkustin laivalla Tampereelta. Laiva saapui illalla, mutta koska päivät ovat kesänä pitkiä, oli vielä valoisaa. Vuokraamaani asuntoon sisäänkirjautumisen jälkeen lähdin kävelemään ympäri kaupunkia. Näin muun muassa Kauppatorin, joka siihen aikaan oli jo ihan tyhjä. Menin vielä pienille ostoksille ja palasin asuntoon.
Hämeenlinna on tosi pieni kaupunki, mutta se on yksi Suomen vanhimmista kaupungeista. Kaupunki sijaitsee Vanajaveden vierellä, joka on suuri ja muihin maakuntiin ulottuva järvi. Hämeenlinnassa on pari siltaa, jotka ylittävät Vanajaveden, mukaan lukien yksi rautatiesilta.
Todennäköisesti kaupungin suosituin nähtävyys on Hämeen linna, joka perustettiin keskiajalla. Se sijaitsee aivan järven rannalla. Siinä kävin seuraavana päivänä sen jälkeen, kun saavuin Hämeenlinnaan. Linnassa on lukuisia huoneita, joista löytyy erilaisia näyttelyjä. Voi myös lukea linnan historiasta.
Linnan vierellä sijaitsee vankilamuseo. Se on entinen vankila, joka perustettiin 1800-luvun toisella puolella. Se toimi vankilana vuoteen 1993 asti ja sen jälken siitä tuli museo. Vankilamuseon katsottuani menin syömään Hämeen linnan ravintolaan. Täytyy myöntä, että linnan sisällä sijaitseva ravintola on tosi tunnelmallinen.
Aug. 4, 2023
Her name is Kasia. We met on the program NAWA in Torun, Poland. We had learned Polish language in one class. Moreover we had been lived together for one year. Now we meet not very often because i am in Poland and she is in Belarus. We also will study in different universities next year and it will influenced on our fruequency of meetings. But, luckily AGH(her university) and PK (mine) located in the one city. We like to watch films and than discuss them for a long time. We enjoy to travel and just hang out together. We can speak about anything. Kasia is important/significant person for me bacause I met not a lot of people whom I am at ease around . She always listen to me. And i like how we grow personally together.
Aug. 4, 2023
Aug. 4, 2023
Aug. 4, 2023
I decided to join the cram school yesterday. The reason why I did this is because I found that after nearly two months of self-study; my efficiency of absorbing all the knowledges that is required is inadequate. That means I'm not able to be prepared before the recruitment for Starlex by the end of this year. This problem has bothered me for almost two months, I'm glad that I don't have to worry about this problem from now on. Hope I'll be able to concentrate after starting the courses of cram school.
Aug. 4, 2023
Aug. 4, 2023
"Einkaufen im Internet" ist ein Thema, über welches heutzutage aktuell viel diskutiert wird. Ich stimme Kinan's Meinung zu. Heutzutage wird das Internet in jeder Ableitung von unserer Gesellschaft in der Bildung, dem Spielen, der Arbeit und am meisten in dem Einkaufen. Das Einkaufen im Internet ist sehr einfacher, man muss nicht viel Zeit verbringen und für das Benzin und den Parkplatz bezahlen. Ich gebe zu, dass das Produkt vielleicht nach 30 Tagen kommt, schlechtes Produkt ist oder anderes Produkt kommt. Dazu muss man von einer bekannten Firma oder Seite einkaufen.
Ich finde, dass Einkaufen im Internet sehr praktisch ist und es viele Möglichkeiten, aus denen man wählen kann, gibt.
Aug. 4, 2023
How can a person be a good online English teacher?
I am not an online English teacher, and I am just an ordinary English learner. But from my experience as an English learner, I can tell you how to be a good online English teacher.
Most online English learners just want to practice their speaking, because they can practice their reading, listening and writing themselves.
So, to be a good teacher, please remember the following things.
1. Make sure your English is good, otherwise, don't be an English teacher.
2. Speak clearly and slowly and make sure that your teaching equipment is of good quality.
3. When your students are speaking, don't interrupt them, just keep quiet and listen to them, and note down the mistakes they make.
4. Never speak too much, and try to make your students speak as much as possible.
5. Always follow your students' thoughts and talk about what your students are talking about.
7. Send the corrections to your students whenever you find their mistakes.
8. Keep in mind that your students booking your lessons is to practice their speaking, so all you should do is to ask them questions, listen to them and correct them.
The aforementioned how to be a good online English teacher is so simple, but it seems like many online English teachers don't know that.
They speak too much.
Aug. 4, 2023
Aug. 4, 2023
"Arbeit am Sonntag und an der Ferien" ist ein interessantes Thema, über welches heutzutage aktuell viel diskutiert wird. Ich arbeite bei Microsoft und arbeite nicht an der Ferien, weil ich mit meiner Familie sitzen, mehr Zeit verbringen, spielen und ausgehen möchte. Außerdem muss man seine Energie tanken. Manchmal muss ich an Ferien arbeiten, weil ich viele Arbeite habe und in einem ruhigen Zimmer ohne jegliche Distraktion arbeiten möchte. Je, manchmal muss man am Sonntag und an der Ferien arbeiten, aber ich finde, dass es ist sehr stressvoll für den Arbeitnehmer und seine Familie.
Aug. 4, 2023
In this year, my husband and I visited Norway. It was our first journey in Scandinavian country. Preparation to Norway was a long process. We have created a detailed plan and route. The journey has been amazing, and I want to share it with you. I hope this article will help somebody to enjoy Norway.
## 1st day
We arrived to Bergen late at night, checked in the apartment and went to sleep.
## 2nd day
Bergen was the first city which we discovered. It is really beautiful city with toy multicoloured houses.
I have some advice to visit Bergen.
Bergen is located on the west coast of Norway, consequently it has a wet oceanic climate. Rainfall is plentiful in all seasons. Average precipitation is 2412.8 mm (Wikipedia). For compering, average precipitation in Saint-Petersburg (considering the most raining city in Russia) is 670 mm. It was raining almost all days while we were there. I advise having waterproof clothes, boots, case for a back. To go everywhere with an umbrella is not convenient, but a good raincoat is a perfect idea.
We were walking and sightseeing in Bergen all day. You can choose sights suitable for you.
Here is our list:
1. Bryggen Hansa Quarter
We were walking on historical part of the city several hours. Part with old wood multicoloured houses seemed more attractive for me. We went around, inside houses and imagined how the city had been many years ago.
2. Here are several sights belonging to old part of Bergen.
1. Bergenhus Fortress
2. St. Mary's Church
3. Fishmarket in Bergen
Bergen's famous Fish Market suggests the freshest fish and seafood. It is one of Norway's most visited outdoors markets, which is good suitable for diner. We had a tasty diner in Fishme restaurant located in the market with nice view on multicoloured Bergen’s houses. It is not a cheap place, but we had a holiday and wanted to enjoy our meal in beautiful place.
4. VilVite - Bergen Science Center
We visited VilVite due to huge rain and had around 2 hours there. It is a modern science center with interactive exhibits, workshops & 3D film shows. There are a lot of children, but it is interesting for adults also.
5. Fløibanen
Funicular, with a 5 to 8 minute journey to the top station offering far-reaching views over Bergen. It works till late evening, and we visited it last. If weather is good, you can buy an one-way ticket and walk down through nice places.
Aug. 4, 2023
Il faut que nous étudions parce que les examens sont proche.
Il faut que nous recherchent sur meteiers pour notre futur.
Il est utile que pour les etudiants dans francais ou des stages est obligatoire.
Il est important que vous pense sur la futur.
Bien que toute les stimulus est tres bien mais je penais que stimulus ... est le plus benefic.
Il est regrettable que je n'a pas faire des stages.
Si j’avais plus du temps, j’aurais faire des stages/ etude l’étranger.
Si j’avais connu sur le programme, j’aurais le faire.
Si j’avais habite en France, j’aimerais rejoindre d’erasmus+.
Si je n’avais pas le dentiste, j’aimerais etude l’étranger.
Quelle pensez-vous?
Etes vous d’accord?
Voltez-vous faire un exchange?
pourquoi avez-vous voulu être prof de français?
Avez-vous faites de stage?
Aug. 4, 2023
Lavoro da 3 ore, il tempo è passato velocemente. Sono preoccupata per mia mamma - il suo volo per Bucarest ( avrebbe dovuto venire domani ) è stato annullato, senza motivo.
È orribile, mi dispiace così tanto! Ha trovato un volo di ritorno per lunedì, ma tutto costa di più adesso. Deve anche trovare un posto in cui può dormire.
Stamattina mi sono svegliata molto presto. Dopo aver bevuto un caffè, ho fatto una passeggiata. Mentre stavo ritornando a casa, ho visto mio papà per strada. Siamo andati da lui - ha voluto darci del cibo che ha preparato.
Non riesco a pensare nemmeno al lavoro a causa dei preoccupazioni. Spero che tutto vada bene per mia mamma. A domani!
Aug. 4, 2023
Si quieres mejorar tu comprensión auditiva en una lengua extranjera, una buena herramienta son los pódcast. No importa que te interesa, puedes encontrar un pódcast que te divertirá. Uno de los pódcast en español que más me ha gustado se llama Dentrísimo. Cada episodio el anfitrión habla con un nuevo invitado de la cosa que más le apasiona. Han hablado de temas tan diversos como Cuba, sartenes y gatos. Recién ha comenzado una nueva temporada de que tengo muchas ganas de escuchar.
Si estás aprendiendo inglés con un acento británico y te interesa la política, un pódcast que te recomiendo es "The Rest is Politics". Está creado por dos hombres que tienen raíces en las dos adversarias partidas políticas más populares del Reino Unido. Analizan las noticias nacionales y internacionales con un punto de vista interesante (aunque un poco pijo). Los dos tienen muchas diferencias, pero también encuentran mucho en común.
Si eres un hispanohablante o un catalanohablante, por favor recómanme tus pódcast preferidos!
Aug. 4, 2023
Recently, I study Chinese in English less time. It seems something was missed and I found it. I wanted to learn something new. So,I have chosen five languages, which want to learn. I don’t know what language I want to learn yet. So I have chosen a few languages. Today I will start to learn Japanese and German. Later, I’m going to study Uzbek language, Swedish and Korean language. This is what I wanted. I have been studying Chinese for 2 years and English roughly 2 years . And sometimes I want something new, because think in Chinese or English seems usual, and I think new thing it’s like a new drink. When you study something for a long time, you adopt it. And it’s don’t seem like interesting. I’m still love Chinese in English, but I love new things too. I think it’s like my vector of life. Good luck for me☆彡
Aug. 4, 2023
Les enfants sont des victimes de l’exploitation de travail non seulement aux pays pauvres, mais aussi pour tout les pays du monde. Bien que ce type de travail soit illégal, on le fait aussi comme un outil de gagne la vie. Qu’en pensez-vous?
De nos jours, l’exploitation de travail des enfants est un des problèmes alarmants et notables. Puisque non seulement les pays pauvres mais aussi ceux en développement les profitent de manière illégale sans concerner son inhumanité. En négligeant tous les aspects morals, ce type de travail se considère alors comme un outil de gagne la vie. Personnellement, je suis absolument le contre pour ces deux raisons ci-dessous.
Premièrement, les enfants ne sont que des êtres naifs et mineurs qui n’ont pas conscience suffisamment de distinguer le vrai et le faux. Par conséquent, les patrons de certaines usines les persuadent de travailler et promettent qu’ils vont bénéficer une grande somme d’argents du jour au lendemain. Donc, avec un intellect incomplet, les gamins et les fillets l’acceptent en leur faisant confiance sans savoir qu’ils sont tous trompés.
Deuxièmement , ce type de travail dont l'environnement sont trop toxique et agressif pour les enfants affecte négativement à leurs santé. Théoriquement, ils travaillent dans les endroits où existe la violence, l’abuse et l’accident professionnel. Loin d’en prendre responsabilité, les patrons continuent à les maltraiter en formant une grande traumatisme de physique et de mentalité auprès les jeunes.
Cependant, bien que ce type de travil soit illégal, il reste difficile à le surveiller. Étant donné ses profits tirés, cette activité se développe presque partout de sorte que certains familles favorisent leurs enfants à le fait. C’est pourquoi, il est impossible d’accuser son illégalité en raison de l’approbation des jeunes et de leurs proches.
En conclusion, l’exploitation du travail des enfants reste toujours une activité illégale en les abusant physiquement et mentalement. C’est pourquoi, il est nécessaire de le critiquer avec violence et de donner non seulement les solutions mais aussi les punitions adéquats pour ces actes de crime. De plus, on doit apprendre aux jeunes et expliquer aux leurs familles ses aspects négatifs.
Aug. 4, 2023
When I was in middle school my English teacher tried to tought me the English language, specially the American accent, however, his classes were boring and I didn't learn much. When I entered highschool my new english teacher showed me the British accent and I immediately fell in love with the English language. Before knowing about British accent I used to think that English was the most awful language on earth, then I discovered the british accent and I really got interested into it and I even started learning English in my freetime by myself. Some weeks ago I was talking to an American girl to practice my speaking. She asked me "are you learning the British accent or the American accent?" I didn't know what to answer. Right now my accent is more American than British. Due to that little talk that we had made me realized that I still love the British accent.
"I always finish what I start" It's a promise that I did to myself and is a mantra that I say to myself when I want to give up. If I started learning the british accent, I'll keep learning English until my British accent and pronunciation becomes perfect.
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