yazankoukeh's avatar

Aug. 29, 2023


Liebe Lara,
wie geht's dir? Hoffentlich geht's dir gut. Ich schreibe dir diese E-Mail, um dir über, warum habe ich dir vor langer Zeit geschrieben habe, zu erzählen.

Jetzt bin ich im Krankenhaus, weil mein Bein gebrochen ist und mein Rücken mir wehtut. Stell dir vor, ein Autofahrer ist bei Rot über Kreuzung gefahren. Er fuhr zu schnell.

Du solltest mich im Krankenhaus besuchen.
Ich werde mich sehr auf deinen Besuch freuen.

Viele Grüße

dein Yazan

bestj's avatar

Aug. 29, 2023




Jack's avatar

Aug. 29, 2023

Catching Hares

When I was a child, the most interesting thing in autumn was seeing adults catching hares.

Farmers in my area usually plant cotton and sweet potatoes. The harvest season of the crops was at the end of September or the beginning of October.

At that time, the weather had become cold, and people needed to wear thick clothes.

After people harvested sweet potatoes, some broken sweet potatoes still remained in the field, so children liked to dig up the remaining sweet potatoes, and often, their dogs were with them.

Sometimes, while they were digging up the sweet potatoes, they saw a crowd of people coming to a piece of cotton field, and the people carried wooden sticks and nets.

The cotton fields in my area were all square shaped. The people's nets were very long rectangular in shape. The net was about 60 centimeters high and 60 meters long.

They used several short wooden sticks to stand up the net first along one side of the cotton field, and then they spread out to the other three sides, and gradually went into the cotton field.

While they were doing this, they used a long stick beating the cotton stalks on their left and right (the cotton had harvested and only remained stalks), and shouted out loudly. Of course, no one knew exactly what they were shouting.

Soon after, hares ran to the net and were trapped by the net. This was the most exciting moment. If a hare escaped from the net, the dogs in the field would deadly chase it. But no dog ran faster than a hare. The chasing was only a waste of dogs.

Even now, I still don't know where the people were from (maybe they were from other villages), and how they dealt with those hares. Anyway, seeing adults catch hares in the cotton fields was the most exciting thing in my childhood.

Romany's avatar

Aug. 29, 2023

La poupée Barbie

Le film Barbie dont tout le monde parlent, c’est quoi? C’est la question que je me suis demandé. Sur la télé, sur les réseaux sociaux et dans l’internet, on ne parle que de ce film. Apparemment, le film est un block buster et selon les commentaires, Margot Robbie et Ryan Gosling qui jouent les rôles principaux vont remporter les Oscars. J’aime tous ces deux acteurs et donc j’ai décidé de voir le film. Comme j’ai imaginé, Margot Robbie était parfaite comme Barbie.

Néanmoins, je n’ai pas aimé le film du tout. Il n’y avait pas une vraie histoire. Le message principal était le pouvoir des filles. Je m’ennuyais et si je devais le décrire en un mot, ce serait plastique.

Après avoir vu le film, je me suis intéressée à l’origine de la poupée Barbie. En bref, la poupée est née le 9 mars 1959 aux États-Unis. Elle était crée par Ruth Handler qui était l’une des fondateurs de Mattel. Mattel est une société américaine de jouets très connue. Alors, Barbie ne vieillissait jamais et au fil des années Barbie exerçait plus de 150 métiers : mannequin, astronaute, pilote et beaucoup plus encore. À l’époque Barbie était très populaire mais pour moi sa popularité est aujourd’hui en baisse. Néanmoins, après ce film, sa popularité va encore augmenter.

Romany's avatar

Aug. 29, 2023

Étudier à l’université

Grant a 18 ans et cette année, il va à l’université. À ce moment, il habite aux États-Unis avec ses parents et ses deux frères. Il est l’aîné d’entre eux. Grant est très sportif et au lycée, il jouait au basket ball. Il nage très bien et ça fait deux ans qu’il a reçu une formation de sauveteur. Dans sa chambre, sur le mur, il a accroché son certificat. Ses parents sont très fières de son fils.

Pendant l’année dernière, Grant a visité de nombreuses universités. Je lui a demandé le type d’université qu’il souhaiterait. Il m’a répondu qu’il souhaiterait une université avec beaucoup d’étudiants dans une grande ville. Les petites universités dans les régions isolées ne l’intéressent pas. Cependant, d’après lui, le sport et l’esprit de l’université étaient importants pour lui.

Après avoir visité de nombreuses universités, il a enfin trouvé l’université de ses rêves. Cette université est très connu, se trouve dans une grande ville au nord des États-Unis et en plus, son équipe de basket ball est forte. Pendant la première année, il a choisi de vivre sur le campus. Il a déjà rencontré son compagnon de chambre. Apparemment, il est gentil et je suis certaine qu’ils vont s’entendre bien. La semaine prochaine, les parents de Grant vont l’emmener à l’université. Il va quitter le nid et la prochaine étape de sa vie va commencer.

kiki2023's avatar

Aug. 29, 2023

書く練習 (九)

午前中にうちの犬ちゃんは犬の学校に行きました。私は家にいたんですが、母によると、 犬ちゃんは楽しまなかったそうです。楽しまなくてもいいと思います。
私が犬だったら、 犬の学校に行きたくないと思います。

Jack's avatar

Aug. 29, 2023


When I was in middle school, students were required to stay at school day and night during learning days (from Monday to Saturday. The school had dormitories and a cafeteria).

The school was in my hometown, Gongji, which was 3 kilometers away from my village.

Sometimes, I broke the rule—I went home at night (because I really missed my family). To shorten the distance, I always took a short path straight crossing through the fields (back then, people went somewhere only by walking, they didn't even have a bike).

Along the path, there were many tombs, so I had to be brave enough to walk through them. I heard many ghost stories from adults, but I didn't believe it.

Sometimes, I saw a black shadow quickly running away when I was walking on the path. I was really frightened, but I always told myself, be easy, it isn't a ghost. It must be a stray dog, pig, or something like that. Just because it is at night, I am not able to see what they really are.

I remember one day, I felt like peeing at midnight, but I couldn't open my eyes because of sleepiness. I opened the door and went to the front yard with my eyes closed (families in the countryside back then all had a large front yard, which was not what you thought that looked like a beautiful garden. They were in fact dirt ground). During this, I managed to open a crack in my eyes, in order not to be tripped by something.

I suddenly saw a black column right in front of me, and I was really scared at that moment. But I immediately told myself, no worries, it was in my home—there wouldn't be any ghosts in my home.

I always thought that if you were facing evil, the only way to overcome it was to be more evil than it. So I decided to pee towards it. I immediately knew that it was not a ghost as soon as I heard the sound when I was peeing it. But I still didn't know what the hell it really was—I had never seen this kind of thing in my front yard.

After I finished the pee, I didn't feel that sleepy, and I could open my eyes. I thought I needed to figure out what the hell it really was. Otherwise, I couldn't fall asleep again, and it would upset me for the rest of my life.

Yet ironically, it turned out that it was the basket my family used to wash the straw for our cattle. It was a tall basket with a wide opening and a narrow bottom. But somehow someone put it upside down.

Even now, I still don't believe in ghosts, but I have to admit that I do feel scared under some circumstances. In my opinion, if you trust ghosts, they exist. If you don't believe them, they don't exist.

yazankoukeh's avatar

Aug. 29, 2023

Handys in der Firma.

Als Programmierer benutze ich mein Handy hauptsächlich, um mit meinen Kollegen und Kunden zu kommunizieren, aber wann ich mich konzentrieren möchte, liege ich mein Handy in anderem Zimmer.

Bei uns in Syrien gibt es keine Regel auf die Handynutzung in der Firma, aber Handys sind unverzichtbaren Bestandteil geworden, sei es im täglichen Leben der Menschen oder im Arbeitsumfeld.

Handys in der Firma haben, wie alles im Leben, Vor- und Nachteile.

Einerseits können Mitarbeiter einfacher und schneller vielleicht einen Vorschlag von Kollegen oder die Meinung von dem Kunden bekommen. Außerdem muss der Programmierer zu viel im Internet suchen und das spart viel Zeit.
Mitarbeiter können so auch außerhalb des Büros auf Informationen zugreifen und ihre Aufgaben erledigen. Dies fördert die Mobilität und Flexibilität im Arbeitsalltag.

Andererseits würden Mitarbeiter sich nicht um die Arbeit konzentrieren. Zum Beispiel immer im Internet surfen und sich mit Freunden unterhalten. Besonders in große Firmen verschwenden das viel Zeit, also kostet das die Firma viel Geld.

Meiner Meinung nach sollte Mitarbeiter für persönlichen Sachen nur in der Pause das Handy benutzen. Handys sind ein sehr kräftiges Werkzeug, wenn wir es weislich benutzen.

maymaymay_'s avatar

Aug. 29, 2023

IELTS Speaking Answers

11. Which do you prefer, studying alone or with others?

I would rather study alone than study with others. This is because I need complete silence in order to concentrate as I am easily distracted by noise. Additionally, as an introvert, being in the presence of others can make me feel too self-conscious, which hinders my ability to focus. While some people argue that studying in a group can provide different perspectives and ideas, I can easily search online for that.

12. What kinds of subjects are often considered challenging?
Well, for many students, mathematics, physics, and chemistry fall into that category. They are filled with intricate and abstract formulas that you need to memorize. But it is not just about memory work, you also have to use these formulas to tackle real-world problems, and that is no walk in the park. Foreign languages also make students scratch their heads. Learning unfamiliar grammar ruleS, vocabulary, and pronication can be a real uphill climb.

14. Speaking of studying, who matters more, teachers or classmates?

Personally, I believe that teachers carry more weight when it comes to studying. A good teacher can make all the difference in how well a student does in a class, not just by teaching effectively, but also by offering constructive feedback and guidance. Plus, if there are any issues with classmates that might be impacting your ability to learn, a teacher can step in and help address those. On the other hand, if you're struggling because of a bad teacher, it can be really tough to overcome that on your own. So yeah, in my opinion, teachers are definitely more important when it comes to studying.

15. What is the most important quality of a teacher?
I guess it is effective communication skills. As you know, the primary role of teachers is to help their students grasp and internalize new concepts, and this requires the ability to clearly and simply communicate complex ideas. A teacher who possesses strong communication skills can effectively impart knowledge to students, allowing them to understand and retain the subject matter more easily.

16. Are there anything you wish your school to improve?
Yes, there are. I wish my school had provided more practical knowledge and skills that could be applicable to my profession and life in general, such as communication skills, teamwork, collaboration, and digital literacy. Schools often focus too much on theoretical concepts that are not directly transferable to the real world. Instead, if they had offered courses that taught students how to communicate and collaborate more effectively with others, for example, it would have been more beneficial.

lintopher's avatar

Aug. 29, 2023

Passage au hasard 11

C’est toujours bon d'amener une amie plus lente avec toi en randonnée. Si tu rencontres des ours, tout le groupe ne doit pas s'inquiéter. Seulement la personne la plus lente dans le groupe le doit. C'était la leçon qu' ils allaient apprendre ce jour-là.

brendina's avatar

Aug. 29, 2023

La autopresentación, Dia 1


¿Que tal? Soy Brenda y soy de Estados Unidos. Nací en Los Ángeles. He vivido en San Francisco, París, Bangkok, Osaka, Nara y Tokio, pero ahora estoy vivo en Los Ángeles también. Mí familia de historia está mucho complicado. Hablo, escucho, leo y escribo inglés, japonés y mandarín. Trabajo como escritor en casa.

A continuación, quiero aprender español porque me gusta mucho el idioma en sí, la cultura, la comida y la gente! Un día quiero visitar un país de habla hispana. El primer país al que quiero ir es España porque tengo amigos en España.

Me gusta bailar, leer libros, escuchar música, aprender idiomas, viajar y desarrollo personal.

Hoy estoy calliente. Que calor en Los Ángeles! Quiero comprar 5 botellas de agua fría.

Este es mi primer diario. Gracias por leer. ¡Seamos amigos!

spainespañolhobbiesespañaself introductionlearning spanish
michael122's avatar

Aug. 28, 2023

Der kulturelle Unterschied

Wer von seiner Heimat verlässt und in einem neuen Land lebt, hat bestimmt mal kulturelle Unterschiede von verschiedenen Arten erfahren. Als Ausländer sind sie mit gewissen Umgebungen aufgewachsen, die jedoch vollkommen anders sind als hier. Um mit der fremden Kultur zurechtzukommen, muss man ausgeschlossen und bereit ist, die ohne Vorurteil zu annehmen. Das heißt, dass man erst die Bräuche und Kleinigkeiten einer Kultur kennenlernt, bevor man sich darüber beschwert oder sogar alles der Kultur ablehnt. Die Sprache zu erlernen, bringt man den Menschen und der Kultur nahe, weil nur dann kann man die lokale Gespräche und Texte verstehen, die das Denken und der Geist den Menschen zeigen. Die Unterhaltung- und die Pop-Kultur sind auch hilfreich, weil sie darstellen, wie sieht das übliche Leben in diesem Land aus.

Bees's avatar

Aug. 28, 2023




juestebanmar's avatar

Aug. 28, 2023



efra's avatar

Aug. 28, 2023


在过去的一年里,我一直在使用Chat GPT进行我的工作,主要是编码和学习汉语。当我尝试使用它来编写代码时,有时会出现错误的回答。然而,我注意到只要我按照算法规则提出问题,它就能够给出正确的回答。尽管如此,还有一些情况下它提供了关于编码方面的错误信息。

hannahmt's avatar

Aug. 28, 2023

El día libre de mis sueños

Si podría diseñar un día perfecto, iría así....
Me levantaría por la mañana y desayunar en un trozo de pan con tomate. Antes, montaría en bici por lado del río que está en el bosque cerca de mi casa. Al volver a casa, quedaría con mi novio para ir a la playa y pasaríamos la tarde nadando en el mar y comiendo helado. Regresaríamos a la ciudad para ducharnos antes de salir al restaurante con nuestros amigos. Acabaría el día jugando a juegos de mesa con mis amigos queridos.
Cómo sería el día libre de tus sueños?

maymaymay_'s avatar

Aug. 28, 2023

IELTS Speaking Answers

7. What technology do you use at work/when you study?
I use a variety of applications for work. As I am currently working from home, I use Facebook and Google Mail to communicate with coworkers and customers and Zoom for team meetings. I also use many components of Microsoft Office, such as Word for creating promotional letters and invoices and PowerPoint for presentations, like every other office worker.

When I was studying at university, my laptop was essential. Instead of having physical notebooks and textbooks cluttering my workspace, I downloaded necessary materials in PDF form. For note-taking, I relied on Google Docs and Microsoft Word. I also used my laptop to take online classes through Skype. I wish I could use Zoom though, as it is more convenient, but it did not exist yet at that time.

8. What was your first day at school like?
I cannot recall any memories about my initial day at school, as it happened such a long time ago. However, I guess that I was like any other child, feeling anxious and scared, crying and yelling for my parents, and wondering why they left me alone with strangers. I can only imagine how difficult it must be for elementary school teachers to handle first-time students who are scared and emotional. It must be a real challenge.

I suppose that I must have acted like many other children on their first day, experiencing a sense of panic, bursting into tears, and shouting for their parents while questioning why they had left them alone with strangers. I can only imagine how challenging it must be for elementary school teachers to manage first-time students who are going through such an overwhelming experience. It is a true test of their patience and teaching abilities.

9. How much time do you spend studying every day?
During my university years, I was not particularly a diligent learner. I used to procrastinate my studies until a week before the exams, and I only spent around two to three hours revising each subject. That is why I got a mediocre performance at my university.

10. Does your major/study live up to your expectations?
Unfortunately, no. Most of my classes focused on too much on theoretical concepts that were not transferable to the workplace. When I started my first job, I had to be trained from the ground up on tasks, and the things I had learned in my major were of no help. I wish there were classes that could teach me practical knowledge and skills that would be applicable in the professional setting.

courageuse19's avatar

Aug. 28, 2023

Día 237 de mi reto

Día 237 de mi reto

Hoy es el día 237 de mi reto de español. Ayer, cociné un plato tradicional. Estaba muy delicioso.

jnpathetic's avatar

Aug. 28, 2023


L'angoisse est naturelle. Ce n'est rien de que l'on devrait avoir honte. Cependant c'est quand même enervant quand on essaye de se calmer mais notre corps s'en fiche de notre serveau. C'est-à-dire par exemple quand on sait qu'une situation n'est pas aussi grave qu'elle semble mais on se sent paniquer pourtant. Est-ce qu'il y a une particulière raison pour ça. J'imagine que c'est une habtitude qui passera lorsque l'on y subit plusieurs fois.

courageuse19's avatar

Aug. 28, 2023

Writing Challenge, Day 267

Writing Challenge, Day 267
Today is Day 267 of my daily English writing challenge. Yesterday, I cooked a traditionnel Algerian dish. It was so good. I hope get a lot of views on TikTok.

lethanhhang's avatar

Aug. 28, 2023

IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay

Rich countries are getting richer while poor countries are getting poorer. What is the cause of this? What could be done to solve this problem?

Economic inequality between wealthier and less affluent countries is on the rise. While several factors contribute to this issue, there are solutions that less affluent countries can employ to mitigate it.

The widening wealth gap can be attributed to disparities in innovation and technology, coupled with unequal trade relationships. Wealthier nations tend to heavily invest in research and development (R&D). This, in turn, leads to the creation of cutting-edge industries and increased productivity, enabling them to offer high-quality products at competitive prices. They also often expand their operations into poorer countries to take advantage of cheaper raw materials and labor, further lowering production costs. These abilities enable them to dominate global trade and accumulate more wealth. Conversely, due to limited access to advanced technologies and insufficient investments in R&D, poorer countries struggle to keep up with the pace of technological advancements and compete in the global market. Moreover, they often rely heavily on exporting raw materials or goods with narrower profit margins and face unfavorable trade conditions such as strict trade barriers and high tariffs. These conditions make it challenging for them co compete in the global market, hindering economic progress and potentially exacerbating poverty.

However, strategies can be implemented to address these problems. Firstly, less affluent countries should collaborate with each other during trade negotiations to strengthen their bargaining power. By this, they can strive for more favorable trade terms like reduced tariffs and better market access, ensuring beneficial outcomes from international trade. One successful example of such collaboration is the Pacific Alliance, where member countries, including Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru, have negotiated free trade agreements with countries like Australia, Canada, and Singapore through joint efforts. Secondly, governments in poorer nations can drive the development of new or improved products and services and, therefore, enhance their competitiveness in the global market race through supporting businesses engaged in R&D activities. This support can include financial incentives such as grants, low-interest loans, and tax incentives, along with mentorship programs and intellectual property protection. For example, Singapore has stimulated its innovation by offering substantial tax incentives to companies investing in R&D activities.

Innovation and technology disparities, combined with unequal trade relationships, have significantly widened the imbalance in wealth between impoverished and wealthier nations. However underprivileged countries can bridge this gap by supporting R&D activities within their borders and collaborating with other developing nations during trade negotiations.

ashleysburton's avatar

Aug. 28, 2023

Une nouvelle langue cet été

Je n'ai pas commencé à étudier une nouvelle langue cet été, mais je pense que je suis devenue plus motivée pour étudier la même langue cet été. J'étudie le français depuis quelques années, mais je n'étais pas très réguliere donc je n'ai pas vu beaucoup de progrès. Cependant, cet été, je consacre au moins une heure chaque jour à apprendre le français.

ashleysburton's avatar

Aug. 28, 2023

La chaleur d'été

Je pense que la chaleur d'été me motive à étudier ma langue cible parce qu'elle me donne une raison de m'allonger au soleil. Parfois, je me sens mal de m'allonger au soleil et de ne rien faire ... cependant, si j'étudie ma langue cible en étant allongée au soleil, je suis à la fois productive et à l'aise. :)

ashleysburton's avatar

Aug. 28, 2023

Un langue etrangere

Bonjour ! J'apprends la langue française ... elle n'est pas étrangère dans mon pays, parce que c'est l'une de nos langues nationales (au Canada, c'est l'anglais et le français). Cependant, je souhaite apprendre cette langue parce que je souhaite devenir enseignante depuis mon enfance. Lorsque j'étais au lycée et que je choisissais mon programme universitaire, il y avait un surplus d'enseignants, donc c'était difficile de trouver un emploi dans le domaine. Cependant, il y avait une pénurie de professeurs de français. J'ai donc décidé d'apprendre la langue et de devenir professeur de français. J'ai déjà terminé mon baccalauréat ès arts et je retourne maintenant à l'université pour « teachers college ». Bien sûr, il est important que je continue à apprendre cette langue et que j'essaie de la parler couramment avant d'obtenir cette licence. J'ai fait du bon travail au premier cycle, j'ai même figuré plusieurs fois sur la liste d'honneur du principal d’éducation. Cependant, j’ai encore du mal à parler couramment la langue. Mais je vais continuer d'essayer !

Jack's avatar

Aug. 28, 2023

My Wife

After I was transferred to my hometown, Fuyang, a coworker introduced a woman to me. She was a nurse at a traditional Chinese hospital.

A few months later, we felt like we were the right one for each other, so we planned to get married.

According to Chinese tradition, after a woman decides to marry a man, the man should visit the woman’s family.

When a man visits his parents-in-law, he is supposed to bringing gifts . One of the indispensable gifts is Chinese liquor.

Back then, the best Chinese liquor people considered in my area was 古井贡酒, which was said to be given to emperors once in Chinese history.

The 古井贡酒 was very expensive. My wife knew that I was not able to afford it. She said, don’t worry, I can take two bottles of it from my family to you. I was shocked and said, it is not good.

She still stuck to her idea. She said, no worries, my parents won’t know. They never count how many liquors they have.

She immediately took two bottles of that liquor to me. Then I bought two chickens, fruits and candies and visited her family.

Among those gifts, the liquors were the most expensive ones. Up to now, I still feel grateful to my wife. She didn’t embarrass me, but helped me.