Sept. 6, 2023
I come to Jinzhai County several times because of my work needs.
Jinzhai is located in the mid-east part of Anhui Province, where it's the Dabie mountain area.
It covers 3814 square kilometers of land and has 675371 population.
Most of the land in Jinzhai is covered by mountains, and vegetation is everywhere, so the air here is very fresh.
There are many reservoirs, waterfalls, rivers and streams here. It is said that the water here has good quality and can be drunk directly.
Jinzhai is rich in products and has many specialties, such as the Lu’anGuapian green tea, Chinese chestnut, bamboo shoots, fragrant mushrooms and wood ears.
The county seat of Jinzhai is clear and tidy. All the buildings here look brand new and special. So in 2020, it was rated as a National Health Civilization City.
It's also known as the cradle of the Red Army and the birthplace of the Chinese revolution. Statistically, 59 Chinese generals were born and raised here.
Its transport is very developed. It has high speed railways and highways. People here can go to every big city along them.
Since it is a mountainous area, it has many beautiful scenic spots. The most famous ones are Tiantangzhai, Yanzihe Grand Canyon and Meishan Reservoir.
Since the all mentioned above, it's been a tourist destination county now. Every day, people from other parts of China come here for sightseeing.
Sept. 6, 2023
Je n’ai jamais entendu parler d’une grève au Japon. Pour autant que je sache, les japonais sont très disciplinés et respectueux de la loi. Les grèves au Japon est bien entendu un événement rarissime contrairement à la France. Lorsque j’ai lu le titre d’une grève dans le journal, j’avais hâte de lire l’article. En bref, il s’agissait la vente d’un grand magasin de Tokyo. L’article compare cet magasin à Harrods à Londres. Nul doute, vous connaissez Harrods, un grand magasin célébrissime. Le magasin Seibu Ikebukuro est un magasin haut de gamme, immense avec douze étages et fréquenté par 100 000 clients par jour.
Un groupe d’investissements américains l’ont acheté et apparemment, il voudrait le reconvertir en magasin d’électronique. J’étais perplexe car il existe autant de magasins électroniques au Japon. Je ne comprends pas à cent pour-cent cette décision. Il me semble d’être une décision un peu bizarre, un peu ridicule.
Alors, revenons à la grève. Les employés protestent contre la vente et ils ont été en grève depuis jeudi dernier. L’article a compris des commentaires des clients et je vous cite l’un qui m’a frappé. « Les grands magasins sont des services essentiels comme des bureaux de poste ou des banques. Donc les grèves devraient être interdites dans ces secteurs ». Pour autant, il me semble qu’en général, la population soutient cette grève.
Sept. 6, 2023
Sept. 6, 2023
Ho iniziato la giornata alla grande! Mi sono svegliata alle 5 e mezzo. Quando sono uscita a fare una passeggiata, era ancora buio fuori.
Dopo esser ritornata, ho fatto un caffè, ho dato da mangiare ai gatti e ho studiato un po' d'italiano. Ho avuto del tempo per allenarmi con la Switch ( c'è un gioco in cui si può fare sport ).
Non ho ancora fatto colazione, ma mangerò fra un'ora o due.
Sono meno pigra di prima, in realtà sono produttiva giorno dopo giorno. Faccio ogni giorno i compiti personali durante la pausa pranzo. In più, sono quasi sempre la più produttiva dei miei colleghi - mi piace più lavorare di mattina invece da sera.
A domani!
Sept. 6, 2023
4. Which room do you like the most?
Well, my favorite room would have to be my bedroom. You see, I enjoy having some alone time, and my bedroom is perfect for that. It's not just a bedroom but also my workspace since I work at home.
I spend most of my time in that room. When I feel tired or overwhelmed, I can just jump onto my bed for a quick power nap. Now, I must admit, the view from my bedroom is not the greatest. Unfortunately, my neighbor's house blocks the entire window, so I don't really get to see much outside. But that's okay! I've made the room really comfortable and cozy, so it feels like my own little oasis.
So yeah, my bedroom is definitely my favorite room in the house. It's where I can work, relax, and have some much-needed alone time.
5. Is life convenient around your place?
Yes, life around my place is very convenient. I live on the main street in the center of the city, There are well-stocked supermarkets where I can easily find everything I need, vibrant open markets where I can buy fresh produce and local goods, large retail stores with a wide selection of clothing and shoes, and restaurants and street vendors that offer a wide range of foods from different parts of the world. It is also very easy to get around. There are car and motorbike taxis everywhere.
6. Are there any markets/shops near your place?
Yes, there are several markets and shops near my neighborhood. Just 500 meters to the west, there is the city's largest open market where my mom often buys meat and vegetables for our meals. It's a bustling place with a wide variety of fresh produce and local goods available.
Opposite the open market, there is the city's largest clothing store, which offers a wide range of luxury brands and even features an indoor children's playground. I have never shopped there though.
In addition to these larger establishments, there are also numerous smaller shops lining the streets. These shops provide a diverse range of products, and you can find almost anything you need from them. Whether it's medicine, household items, electronics, or clothing, there is a wide selection available.
So it is very convenient for me to run errands or go shopping.
7. Are there anything you dislike about your place?
Yes, there is one thing I dislike about my place. When I was living in Ho Chi Minh City for university, I used to rely on online food delivery services as I didn't know how to ride a motorbike. However, in Buon Ma Thuot, these services are relatively new and have limited options for food and restaurants. It becomes challenging for me to find the specific shops that sell the types of food I want to eat and are also conveniently located near my place. As a result, when I have cravings for something different from my mom's cooking, I often end up settling for instant noodles instead.
Sept. 6, 2023
Sept. 6, 2023
Antes trabaja como logopeda, pero ahora estoy de baja por maternidad.
Empezaré a trabajar el próximo mes de abril.
Mi marido, mi hijo y yo somos una familia de tres.
Mi marido es de México y el llegó a Japón hace 5 anos.
Es un compañero muy amable y fiable.
Mi hijo tiene siete meses. Se ríe mucho y es muy guapo.
Sept. 6, 2023
Sept. 6, 2023
Ein anderer sehr wichtig Philosophe ist Auguste Comte, der ,,Cours de philosophie positive'' (,,Kurs der positivistischer Philosophie'') schrieb. Er glaubt, dass es drei Stadien des Wissen gibt: das theologisches oder fiktives, das metaphysisches oder abstraktes, und das wissenschaftliches oder positivistisches. Das Erste betrifft ein intimes Wissen der Wesen: es gibt übernatürliche Kräfte, die als Hauptursache und Zweckursache gelten, und die durch eine direkte und kontinuierlich Aktion agieren. Das Zweite ist vorübergehend und es verknüpf jedes Phänomen mit einer abstrakter Entität. Das Dritte basiert auf dem Bewusstsein des Fehlens des absoluten Wissens: man verlässt die Forschung des Ursprungs und der Hauptursache, und jetzt versucht man, durch die Beobachtung und das Denken die Phänomene miteinander in Beziehung setzen. Diese drei Stadien sind eine Notwendigkeit des menschlichen Geistes, genau wie die der Theorie oder des Abstraktes. Das Endziel des Positivismus ist die Entdeckung der Naturgesetze und die Verringerung euer Zahl. Schließlich hofft Comte auf die Union der Physik, der Astronomie, der Chemie und der Physiologie für ein enzyklopädisches Wissen.
Sept. 5, 2023
Sept. 5, 2023
I see. I have been looking for a place where it is like spring for many years, but I failed, because as you said, there is no such kind of place.
Do you know Yunnan province? The capital Kunming is called 春城. It means that the weather in Kunming seems like spring all year round.
Not only Kunming, but many other cities in Yunnan Province also have nice weather. The temperature in those cities is usually between 5 and 27 degrees Celsius.
Before, I wanted to buy an apartment in a medium sized coastal city in China. For example, on Hainan island. But now, I have changed my mind.
I will live a sojourn life in China, such as spending summer in the Shandong peninsula (where it is cool in summer), spending winter in Hainan island (where it is warm in winter).
However, I can only do it after I retire. In addition, before I live a sojourn life, I will spend three to five years travelling abroad and in China first. After I have done the traveling, maybe I will do a small business for fun if I am still healthy enough by then. Anyway, who knows?
Thank you for your messages. They gave me the opportunity to practice my writing. Bye bye and talk to you soon.
Sept. 5, 2023
Sept. 5, 2023
Je me suis récemment inscrite à la bibliothèque. Lire des livres assez simples, cela m’aide à apprendre la langue française. Je préfère le genre qui est pour les jeunes, comme les adolescents.
Le dernier livre que j’ai lu parlait d’un garçon de 10 ans. Il était gravement malade, avec leucémie, et il restait dans l'hôpital. Il a eu un conflit avec ses parents et a dit qu’il les détestait. Cependant, il a formé une amitié forte avec une vieille dame qui visitait les enfants de l’hôpital.
Je suis contente de trouver des livres que je peux bien comprendre, avec des histoires pas ennuyeuses.
Sept. 5, 2023
Obrigado pela sua resposta e pelas amáveis palavras. Estive a viver em Lisboa durante três meses este ano e quero melhorar o meu nível.
Anexei meu currículo. Está escrito em inglês - espero que esteja tudo bem para você.
Se você tiver mais alguma dúvida, por favor me avise.
Com os melhores cumprimentos,
Sept. 5, 2023
Sept. 5, 2023
Some companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. Some people think it is good, while others think there are disadvantages to this. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
Certain businesses utilize sports sponsorship as part of their marketing strategy. While some believe this approach is advantageous, others argue that it comes with drawbacks. In my opinion, sports sponsorship can have both advantages and disadvantages.
"When a company sponsors a sports event, its logo can be displayed around the venue and on athletes' gear. This helps the event's audience become aware of the sponsoring companies, which can influence their purchasing decisions as people are more likely to buy products they are familiar with. This impact becomes especially significant when they sponsor major events like the Olympics or the FIFA World Cup, which draw in millions or even billions of viewers. Moreover, the positive associations and emotions people have for specific sports events, teams, or athletes can transfer to the companies that sponsor them. This enhances the sponsors’ public image, attracting customers to choose them over competitors. For instance, Coca-Cola's sponsorship of the World Cup allows the brand to align itself with the excitement, joy, and positive emotions that fans experience during the tournament.
However, such marketing strategies can also lead to negative outcomes. If the sponsored event, team, or athlete becomes involved in controversies, scandals, or negative publicity, the sponsor can be negatively associated with those issues. Its reputation and public image can be damaged, and it may even face backlash and protests as a result. For example, Nike faced backlash for their endorsement deal with cyclist Lance Armstrong, who was stripped of his Tour de France titles and admitted to doping. Additionally, sponsoring sports, especially for high-profile events or teams, can be costly. If the expected returns on investment don't materialize, the finance of the sponsor can be strained. A prime example of this is Vodafone, which faced financial challenges due to the escalating expenses of its sponsorship with Manchester United and chose to discontinue its contract in 2005.
In conclusion, while sponsoring sports can help companies increase their visibility, recognition, and brand image, it also carries the risk of reputation damage and financial strain.
Sept. 5, 2023
Sept. 5, 2023
Un golpe seco me hizo temblar.
Antes de eso el bosque era silencioso, oscuro. Ni pájaro ni liebre se mostró bajo de velo de la noche. Como si hubiera algo que llevaba peligro. Y ahora se ha despertado.
Mis compañeros de viaje se levantaron también. El elfo no pude ver nada a pesar de su vista nocturna. Hace un momento el dracónico apagó la hoguera. El druida era preparando los caballos para montar.
El otro golpe sonó. Fue claro que es el tiempo de largar de aquí.
El hocico de inimaginable terror se apareció entre de los pines lejos. Fue el oso de tamaño grandísimo con el rostro de un búho.
Sept. 5, 2023
Sept. 5, 2023
Bilender is one of the leading Ankara based accounting firm which was established in 2012 that has been providing wide range of services such as accounting, audit, taxation, social security, trade code etc. Founder of the company is a former senior tax inspector. There are twenty of us on board of the company, each of whom has different expertise. In addition to that, we hires 30 of external accountants and auditor. Our premises is located in downtown of Ankara, the size of which of 350 square meter. We always take our clients serious regardless of its size and contribute to them a lot.
Sept. 5, 2023
Sept. 5, 2023
« Je me suis éloigné de moi-même, j'ai oublié tout ce qu'était pour moi important ; j'ai tué moi-même, et donc je suis mort ! Et j'ai fait tout ça seulement pour les autres ! Je voulais les comprendre, parler avec tous et rire de tout ce qui est pour moi si drôle. Oh, je ris souvent, mais toujours seul ; mon rire se perd et il ne trouve jamais un garçon, une fille, ou même une pierre avec lesquelles rire. Donc, après avoir parlé et ri avec moi-même pour des années et des années, j'ai décidé de tuer tout ce que je suis pour renaître dans les autres : maintenant je cherche à ressusciter dans les yeux des autres, à m'emballer avec leurs sourires et à vivre dans ceux-là. Je voudrais les faire miens ! Ceci est mavérité ! Je voudrais être les autres et que les autres étaient moi : je voudrais cette vie commune dans laquelle le sourire d'un est le sourire de tous. Oh, mon Dieu, être heureux quand il, elle, ou encore la pierre tout à l'heure, sont heureux, ne serait-ce pas très doux ? Sourire parce que le vent chatouille cette pierre, parce qu'elle donc rit, se bouge, parce qu'elle cherche à fuir ce vent ami qui adore l'ennuyer ! Et je suis heureux de l'amitié entre ce vent et cette pierre ! Je me suis éloigné du ridicule de remarquer tout ça, et donc mes yeux peuvent le voir, voir cette amitié ! Et l'amour entre l'herbe et le vent, ou entre la terre et le feu ?! Oh, je suis ivre de tout ça ! Je ne suis personne, je suis mort, et je vas renaître dans tout ce que j'aime, dans tout ce que je vois avec les yeux de celui qu'on ne peut que définir « heureux de vivre ». »
Sept. 5, 2023
Shopping is the favorite pastime for most of the young people. Why do you think is that? Do you think they should be encouraged to do some other useful activities?
For the majority of young individuals, shopping is their top choice leisure activity due to various reasons. In my opinion, it is crucial to motivate them to allocate time to more meaningful pursuits instead.
Several factors contribute to young people's preference for shopping during their free time. The act of acquiring new and desired items can trigger the release of dopamine and endorphins. This, in turn, creates feelings of satisfaction and pleasure. Additionally, through window shopping or online browsing, young individuals can discover the latest fashion, technology, or home decoration trends, explore diverse styles, and envision themselves incorporating these items into their lives. This exploration and anticipation can be mentally stimulating and enjoyable while diverting their attention away from the stresses and pressures of daily life. Collectively, these factors make shopping an attractive leisure activity for young individuals.
However, such preference should be discouraged/demotivated. When individuals engage in shopping regularly, they may become dependent and addicted to the pleasure created by the release of dopamine and endorphins. To satisfy this addiction, they may impulsively spend their hard-earned money on unnecessary items, which reduces the funds available for savings or investments that can ensure financial security. Impulsive purchases may also lead to overspending, accumulating credit card debt, and therefore, financial problems. Moreover, spending free time shopping is unproductive and does not contribute to a fulfilling and successful life in the long term. Consequently, individuals should instead engage in sports, fitness, educational pursuits, and other constructive activities that promote personal growth, physical well-being, and skill development.
In conclusion, while most young individuals prefer shopping during their free time to gain feelings of excitement, satisfaction, and happiness, along with a temporary escape from daily life's stressors and worries, this inclination should be dissuaded as it can lead to unproductive use of time and financial issues.
Sept. 5, 2023
Sept. 5, 2023
Tous les lundis, je participe dans un groupe de conversation où on discute en français des sujets intéressants. C’est un group assez petit n’ayant que 15 membres. Nous parlons de nos intérêts et souvent il s’agit d’un film ou un livre qu’on a vu ou lu la semaine précédente. Par exemple la semaine dernière, Vivienne a parlé d’un film anglais qui s’appelait le « Sound of Freedom ». Elle nous l’a fortement recommandé. Rick nous a décrit le film « Godland », un film danois dans lequel le cinématographie était merveilleuse.
Alors, cette fois, moi aussi, je veux parler d’un film que j’ai vu récemment. Cependant, faites attention, ce n’est pas un film que je vais vous recommander. Ma fille qui nous rend visite m’a persuadée d’aller voir le film Barbie. Je n’étais pas très enthousiaste car honnêtement, ce n’est pas mon genre de film. J’aime plutôt les films policières et les comédies. En plus je n’ai jamais joué avec la poupée Barbie.
J’ai lu toutes les critiques sur internet et j’ai été persuadée. Mon Dieu, j’ai détesté le film. Lorsque j’étais dans le cinema, les mots qui sont venus à l’esprit était plastique, rose et ennuyant. En bref, le film était nul. Il n’y avait pas une histoire très profonde non plus. Le message sous-jacent était clair : il s’agissait de « girl power ».
Je suis sidérée, vraiment étonnée puisque ce film est un block buster. Alors, je veux partager quelques chiffres avec vous. Le film a gagné plus de 1,4 milliards de dollars. Grâce à ce succès, on le considère comme l’un des plus rentables films de tous les temps. D’après les critiques, il est possible que Margot Robbie et Ryan Gosling remporteront un Oscar. J’aime ces deux acteurs, mais à mon avis, leur interprétation ici ne mérite jamais un Oscar.
21:51:00 (UTC)
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