Romany's avatar

Sept. 4, 2023

Apprendre cuisiner à un jeune âge

J’ aimais toujours cuisiner. Dès un jeune âge, je portais mon tablier et mon chapeau et avec un bol et un cuillère en bois, j’aidais ma mère préparer les repas. Ce dont je me souviens, c’est mélanger les salades, faire les sandwichs et couper les fruits. Comme adulte, j’ai commencé collectionner les livres de recette. J’en avais beaucoup. Mes livres de recettes préférés étaient ceux avec beaucoup de photos.

Lorsque mes filles grandissaient, j’ai acheté un livre de cuisine faite pour les enfants. C’était une bande dessinées et mes filles l’adoraient. J’ai de merveilleux souvenirs de nous cuisiner chaque week-end. Ma fille aînée adorait faire des biscuits et l’autre fille préparerait toujours des tartes au chocolat. Après chaque séance de cuisson, la farine, la sucre et la beurre étaient partout. Je me souviens d’avoir rigolé beaucoup et d’avoir bien amusé.

Hier, j’ai lu un article qu’il s’agissait une jeune fille qui a écrit un livre de recette. Elle n’a que 8 ans. Apparemment, elle a eu l’idée de le faire pour que ses copains puissent refaire ses recettes.

shadowfax26's avatar

Sept. 4, 2023


Mi sono svegliata davvero presto, alle sei e mezzo. Devo abituarmi di nuovo a un orario diverso.

Stamattina ho studiato un po' d'italiano ( per mezz'ora ) e poi mi sono preparata a lavorare. Cerco di non lamentarmi di un programma così mattutino.

Preferisco essere mattiniera ad essere dormiglione. Dopo aver bevuto due caffè mi sono sentita piena di energie, quindi sono riuscita a fare ormai molti dei miei compiti.

Dopo aver finito il turno, uscirò a fare una passeggiata. Pioveva quando mi sono svegliata, spero che pioverà di nuovo quando uscirò.

Molta gente preferisca l'estate, ma a me dispiace. Ho aspetatto quest'aria fresca, le piogge, le foglie ingiallite.

Lavoro da quasi 4 ore, ne sono rimaste solo 4 e mezzo finché non finisco il lavoro.

A domani!

Romany's avatar

Sept. 4, 2023

Une recette : gâteau Hummingbird

Ma fille et son mari vont passer le week-end chez nous. J’ai décidé de préparer un gâteau spécial pour célébrer l’occasion. Pour leurs visites précédentes, une fois, j’ai préparé un gâteau de chocolat et l’autre fois un gâteau de banane. Je sais qu’ils sont leurs gâteaux préférés. Cependant, cette fois-ci, je voudrais cuire un gâteau que je n’ai jamais essayé.

J’ai parlé à mes amis et j’ai lu de nombreuses recettes sur l’internet. Enfin, le choix était entre un gâteau Hummingbird ou un gâteau de betterave. Les ingrédients principaux du premier sont les bananes et l’ananas. Les ingrédients principaux du deuxième sont évidemment la betterave et le chocolat.

Alors, j’ai décidé de préparer le Hummingbird puisque la méthode était très simple. Ses ingrédients étaient la farine auto levante, l’huile, la noix de coco desséchée, la purée de banane, l’ananas écrasé, un peu de cannelle et deux œufs. En bref, on mélange tous ces ingrédients et on le cuit pendant une heure et demi.

Jack's avatar

Sept. 4, 2023

Painful Memories

Every time I recall the situations of me taking vehicles in the nineties, I still feel horrified.

My first workplace was in a county that was in another city, so from my home village to that county was a long distance, about two hundred kilometers.

At that time, I only returned home before Chinese New Year. When I went to my workplace after the New Year, I had to go to a town near my village to take a long-distance bus. Since the bus was not departing from the town, when it arrived in the town, it was already full of passengers.

Every time I took the bus, I always needed my older brother to help. He threw my luggage into the bus through the bus windows first, and then he tried his best to push me into the car from the crowd. He often disliked me for being a coward. Every time he helped me to get on the bus, he was panting with fatigue, but was very proud.

One time, I took a bus to Hangzhou. Many passengers didn't have seats. They could only stand on the bus shoulder by shoulder. I was the one among them. After not long, I had to squat down and fall asleep because of fatigue. Suddenly I felt extremely uncomfortable and I felt I was going to die.

I tried my best to stand up and I heard the sound of something breaking. It was my waistband - while I was standing up suddenly, something scratched it and it was broken.

It was more than six hundred kilometers between Hangzhou and my home city. Even now, I still can't believe how I can get through the long distance on a bus without a seat. If I had done it at my current age, I would definitely have died.

Another embarrassing thing was also taking place on a long-distance bus, and I can't figure out the reason even now - At midnight, the driver didn't stop the bus if someone wanted to pee.

One time I was on a bus in Zhejiang province at midnight and I wanted to pee. The driver told me that I could pee through the bus window. Of course, I couldn't pee that way, and I could only find some wide-mouth bottles or plastic bags.

Taking a train back then was also a struggle. There were only those ordinary green trains, and they were slow and crowded. Passengers often had no seats and had to bend their bodies and lie down under train seats. I did that several times too.

It is always a pain recalling these unpleasant things. I hope they never happen again.

kiki2023's avatar

Sept. 4, 2023

書く練習 (十五)


karamzin's avatar

Sept. 4, 2023

I need to practice Used to, be used to, get used to, would

1. It used to be the biggest cinema in the city, but now it's an abandoned building
2. I used to cook when I had more free time
3. My mother used to work as an engineer
4. I didn't use to study at my school well
5. Did it use to be a museum here?

1. I'm used to working at home
2. They weren't used to living without you
3. She isn't used to having a party
4. I will be used to new town
5. He hasn't been used doing a homework at his school. So, he didn't do a homework at an university

1. She's getting used to cooking food for her husband everyday
2. Children are getting used to brushing teeth every morning and evening
3. I lived In a bad neighborhood. So, I got used to fighting with boys
4. I'm not get used to living alone. I have no family, no friends, no one
5. I got used to doing sport

1. I'd watch a lot of movies
2. She would work at a supermarket
3. We would walk at night
4. We would draw wonderful pictures
5. He would spend a lot of time im the gym

maymaymay_'s avatar

Sept. 4, 2023

IELTS Speaking Answers

1. Do you like the place you live in?
Absolutely! I love where I live. My house is situated at the end of a peaceful cul-de-sac, which connects to the bustling main street in the heart of the city. It's the perfect blend of convenience and tranquility. Whenever I need to run errands or go shopping, I can simply take a short walk to nearby supermarkets, open markets, and large stores. When I return home, I can enjoy a calm and serene atmosphere, shielded from the noise of traffic. It's truly the best of both worlds.

2. Are there any landmarks/iconic buildings near your place?
Yes, there are. Just around 500 meters away from my house, there is the city's largest clothing store, known for its wide range of expensive brands and even featuring an indoor children's playground. If you head right from the store for about 15 minutes, you'll come across the city square, which serves as a venue for major events like the New Year fireworks display. But if you head right from the store, you'll spot the Victory Monument, a significant landmark built to honor the famous Battle of Buon Ma Thuot in the spring of 1975. This battle played a crucial role in liberating the Central Highlands and the Southern region. The monument itself has an interesting design inspired by the indigenous people's ancient weapon, the crossbow. You'll notice a tall and straight pillar resembling an arrow, while the round gate represents the bow.

In front of the gate is a concrete replica of a tank that led the forces of Buon Ma Thuot and crashed through the gates of the enemy's command headquarters.

3. What is your high school like?
My high school is the second most prestigious public school in the city, known for its high-quality teachers and excellent facilities. It is situated in a secluded neighborhood, away from the main street, providing a peaceful and serene environment for learning.

I was enrolled in the advanced class, which offered more challenging coursework in subjects like English, math, and language compared to regular classes. The class sizes were relatively large, with around 40 students.
Classes started at 7 am, and we would have a break at about 9, which I spent chatting with my friends about our favorite movies and novels. The school day would typically end at around 11, and there were occasionally extracurricular activities in the afternoon, such as embroidery or basketball.
In terms of academic performance, I maintained an average level. I wasn't exceptional, but I also didn't struggle.

mtraam's avatar

Sept. 4, 2023

Livre numérique ou livre en papier?

Sujet: La nouvelle technologie remplace-t-elle la lecture traditionnelle?
L’apparence de la nouvelle technologie fait partie intégrante dans le développement de l’humanité d’où le changement universel. Comme les inventions artificielles nous aident à réformer la vie quotidienne en facilitant les activités humaines dont la lecture est le premier pas d’innovation vers le future. Mais on pose alors la question si cette dernière remplace totalement la lecture traditionnelle. Personnellement, je trouve que

Premièrement, les livres en ligne sont très divers à choisir. Généralement, il ressemble à une ressource littéraire abondante qui permets aux lecteurs d’accéder non seulement à centaines ouvrages différents mais aussi à ceux de multi-langue que possible. De plus, à côté de forme de texte, l’Ebook existe aussi sous forme de sonorité ou de…

Deuxièmement, la commodité des livres téléchargés est indéniable. En effet, ceux traditionnels prennent trop de place à ranger si bien qu’ils font d’une maison d’une librairie exigu. Par contre, avec l’Ebook, on réduits des espaces de stockage au maximum car ce qu’on doit pour faire la lecture dans ce cas là, c’est tout simplement une tablette ou un téléphone portable. Particulièrement, on peut l’emporter à n’import où et lire n’importe quand grâce à la compacité de l’appareil.

Cependant, on ne peut pas nier qu’on préfère parfois les livres en papier. D’une part, certaines lectures concernent la batterie d’Ebook qui peut éteindre ou tomber en panne n’importe quand. D’autre part, regarder à l’écran à une longue durée faitigue facilement des yeux en menant les maladies visuelles. Finalement, les livres numériques ne donnent pas aux lecteurs des sensations irremplaçables et des sentiments nostalgiques comme ceux traditionnels.

En conclusion, bien que la nouvelle technologie rende davantage profits à considérer dont la compacité du dispositif et l’abondance d’ouvrages. Mais à ma part, ils ne remplacent jamais les livres traditionnels car ils sont quand même l’invention artificielle qui ne peut pas répondre aux besoins sentimals des lecteurs.

sivanc's avatar

Sept. 4, 2023



我偶尔回到这个网站写日记。也许是因为这里的人一直又客气又有帮助,所以我在这里写日记的时候感觉很舒服。虽然我学中文学了好几年了,但是我觉得我的中文也好简单。毕业大学一后,我练习中文的机会越来越少,担心有一天我什么都记不得。我打算这个夏天去中国旅行,但是生活很复杂,不可以预期将来会发生什么不方便的事。其实我原来打算一月跟女朋友去,但是她突然不在冬天毕业, 而在春天才毕业,让我很失望,表示生活的不可预期性。反正我们去的时候肯定是练习中文的一个好机会,也是体验世界和中国文化的一个好机会。

再见!- Sivan

Bees's avatar

Sept. 4, 2023




Bees's avatar

Sept. 4, 2023

加拿大 無標記院住民墓地又被發現



japprends's avatar

Sept. 4, 2023

Nous avons une fuite d'eau

Ça fait plus que deux mois depuis nous avons dit à la propriétaire qu'il y a une petite fuite d'eau sous le lavabo. Sauf maintenant la fuite est pire et il faut que nous utilisions un déshumidificateur dans la cuisine. Cette machine génère beaucoup de la chaleur, et nous sommes dans une canicule cette semaine. Je laisse les fenêtres ouvertes mais les volets restent fermés parce que je suis gravement allergique aux moustiques. Quelques peuvent mêmes rentrent. Il n'est pas confortable ici.

oceandrive76's avatar

Sept. 4, 2023

¿Cuál es mejor - clases o aprender por ti solo?

En nuestro mundo cada vez más dominado por las computadoras, saber cómo escribir código se ha vuelto una habilidad esencial, y no solo para los trabajos relacionados con los aparatos electrónicos. Cómo no, las clases de código se han vuelto muy populares, especialmente las de en línea. No obstante, aún creo yo que las clases ofrecidas por las universidades son mejores.

Las clases en línea no te permiten conocer a gente de la industria y, por lo tanto, terminas sabiendo cómo codigar pero sin algún contacto que te ayude a conseguir empleo. Las universidades, por otro lado, suelen tener recursos e incluso departamentos enteros dedicados a ayudarte ganar experiencia y, además, a menudo poseen enlaces con empresas locales, lo que te facilita aún más encontrar empleo. De hecho, es común ya tener un puesto de trabajo listo para ti para cuando termines con tus estudios.

Además, los profesos te exponen a un montón de temas y recursos que nunca encontrarías por ti solo. A menudo queremos enfocarnos en lo que creamos "útil" y olvidarnos de todo lo demás; sin embargo, el buen trabajo exige un entendimiento profundo y nos cuenta averiguar lo que no sepamos ya. ¡Por eso gastan gobiernos y empresas millones de dólares cada año! Aunque los profesores no sepan todo y a veces nos enseñen cosas que no vayamos a usar nunca, eso no es su objetivo - los profesores están para guiarnos y mostrarnos lo que desconocemos, por eso son tan importantes.

Hay muchos que discuten que no es necesario asistir a clases y pagar cientos de dólares para algo que se puede aprender por ti solo, en línea y gratis. Y tienen un punto - pero sigo creyendo en la importancia de asistir a clases, aunque sea solo por el "networking". Porque, aunque seas el mejor programador del mundo y sabes todo sobre la ciencia de la computación, aún te quedas sin trabajo si no conoces a alguien en la industria.

Jack's avatar

Sept. 4, 2023

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes were largely planted in my area when I was a child. They were our main food and usually planted in May, and harvested in October.

After harvesting them, people had two ways to store them. One, they sliced the sweet potatoes into slices and dried them in the sun, and then collected them and stored them in houses. Two, they dug cellars and stored sweet potatoes in the cellars.

People almost ate sweet potatoes for three meals every day. In the morning, mothers cut sweet potatoes into pieces and put them into a pot filled with water, and then heated the pot to boil them. Sometimes, people didn't even cut sweet potatoes, but directly put them in the pot.

As for the dried sweet potato slices, people had two ways to eat them. One was to crush the slices and put them into a pot filled with water to cook them. Another way was to grind the slices into flour to make food. People usually used flour to make noodles and steamed buns.

Let me tell you how to make steamed sweet potato flour buns. It was so simple: you mixed the flour and a certain amount of water to make a dough, and then made the dough into many small doughs and flattened the small doughs, finally stuck the flat doughs in a pot (water was at the bottom of the pot and didn't reach where the flat dough was sticking) to cook them.

As for those small and broken sweet potatoes, people put them under their eaves to dry them, because the less water in them, the more delicious they were. When people boiled this kind of sweet potatoes, they tasted more sweet than ordinary ones.

I grew up eating sweet potatoes and everyone grew up with it. So there was a common saying in my area, "sweet potato flour, sweet potato buns, without them we can't survive."

Sweet potatoes used to be the essential food to feed us, but now people have more good alternatives to them, and they have become an exquisite dish in restaurants.

ashleysburton's avatar

Sept. 4, 2023


Je pense que je suis d'accord avec cette phrase. Même si l’amour peut nous blesser, l’amour est une belle chose. Avec amour, nous créons de beaux souvenirs. L'amour nous incite à exprimer de belles qualités, telles que la patience, l'honnêteté et l'empathie. Même si ces choses ne soient pas permanentes si vous perdez l’amour, elles en valent la peine. Au total, l’amour est un bon sentiment qui vaut la peine de le perdre.

ttiegann's avatar

Sept. 3, 2023

3. September 2023

Heute ist der zweite Tag im mein schreibpraxis. Ich bin in meine Studentenzimmer mit mein mitbewohner, Mel. Sie ist sehr lustig und wirklich nett. Ich mag sie, und ich bin aufgeregt, mit sie zu leben. Dieses Jahr macht wird sehr spaß. Gestern ich fühlte krank, aber heute ich fühle ein bisschen besser. Ich denke, es war nur allergien. Meine Klassen beginnen am Mittwoch. Ich hoffe, ich fühle wird besser vorher. Ich bin sehr aufgeregt, aber auch nervös für meine klassen.

lsk_pen's avatar

Sept. 3, 2023






jhan2022's avatar

Sept. 3, 2023

The world of the Shining Prince

I liked this books a lot, it's organized in a easy way and it's easy to understand. Heian Kyo was the capital of ancient Japan and a place of great sophistication and wealth, so much that they comunicated almost only using poems, as so a bad poem was meet with social shame. They were also obssesed with rank and style, so much that they had dictated by law which colors, tone and lenght on clothes could be used based on each person rank. This went so far that a woman, whose sleeves were the wrong tone (they used multi-layered ones), would have being subject to the court scorn, not directly of course, but through gossip and backhanded comments.

maymaymay_'s avatar

Sept. 3, 2023

IELTS Speaking Answers

Describe A Film Character Played By An Actor Or Actress Whom You Admire
I'm not a movie buff, so my options for choosing a film character are somewhat limited. However, there is one character who has left a lasting impact on me, and that is Katniss Everdeen from "The Hunger Games" film series, brilliantly portrayed by Jennifer Lawrence.
I first encountered this film series during my final year of high school, and I was immediately captivated by its intense fight scenes and the suspense of the tributes trying to survive the cruel survival game. As the movies progressed, I found myself deeply rooting for Katniss. Her brave decision to volunteer as a tribute for her sister, despite knowing the hardships she would face, her refusal to conform to the opulent and sugar-coated life that the Capitol presented, and her unwavering commitment to joining the rebellion, even after witnessing her close stylist and confidant being executed for their involvement, all resonated deeply with me. I eagerly anticipated the downfall of the Capitol, and the scenes where Katniss took a stand were incredibly satisfying.

The main reason for my deep admiration for this character undoubtedly lies in the remarkable performance of Jennifer Lawrence. She flawlessly captures Katniss's internal struggles, vulnerability, doubt, and love, even in scenes where there isn't much dialogue to explicitly express the character's thoughts—her actions and expressions speak volumes. Jennifer Lawrence truly brought Katniss to life in a way that felt authentic and relatable.

To shed more light on Jennifer Lawrence, while I may not know much about her personal life, I greatly admire her journey from a humble background to becoming a global superstar, which, in many ways, mirrors Katniss's own journey. I've watched some of her short videos in which she comes across as down-to-earth, likable, and relatable. Many people adore her because they see aspects of her character in themselves.

In conclusion, Jennifer Lawrence's portrayal of Katniss Everdeen in "The Hunger Games" was critically acclaimed worldwide. The character, brought to life by her outstanding performance, left an indelible mark on me and many others, showcasing the power of cinema to create relatable and inspiring characters.

Kaity's avatar

Sept. 3, 2023

Please correct my Japanese

プロジェクト・ゾンボイド はサバイルホラーゲームです。舞台はケンタッキーで、プレイヤーはゾンビの黙示録から生き伸びなければならないです。怖いかもしらないけど、本当に楽しいです。ユーチューブで英語と日本語のプロジェクト・ゾンボイドの動画を見ています。

video gameszombiesproject zomboid
eefee's avatar

Sept. 3, 2023

Reise nach Venedig

Letzte Woche haben wir Venedig besucht. Bevor war ich niemals in Venedig oder Italien. Deshalb war das eine spannende Reise für mich.

Zuerst haben wir das Stadtzentrum erkundet. Es gab viele Sehenswürdigkeiten in Venedig, sie waren sehr interessant. Nachdem wir ein wenig erkundet hatten, haben wir das leckere Essen probiert. Die Speise in Italien ist besonders köstlich!

Nach das Stadtzentrum sind wir zu anderen Inseln gereist. Murano war besonders interessant. Da kann man viele interessante Glasgeschäfte finden. Wir haben einen Teil der Produktion gesehen.

Im Allgemeinen war es eine schöne Reise. In die Zukunft würde ich gerne wieder dorthin gehen.

BlackGlasses's avatar

Sept. 3, 2023



quillington's avatar

Sept. 3, 2023

Prezenty dla nauczycieli

Chcę wysłać moim nauczycielom prezenty dla Boże Narodzenie. Wiem, że są trzy miesiące przed tą dniem, ale lubię przygotować. Myślę, że amerykańskie przekąski i listy byłyby fajne. Czy Polacy kupują amerykańskie przekąski z sklepu? To prawdopodobnie zły pomysł jeśli każdy osoby mogą kupić te wszędzie. xD

Heisenberg13's avatar

Sept. 3, 2023


Bei meinem Vortrag geht es um das Versenden von E-Mails. Man darf nicht übersehen , dass elektronische Geräte wie zum Beispiel Computer, Handy usw. unersetzlicher Teil des Alltagsleben geworden sind. Es ist erwähnenswert , dass wir diese Geräte nutzen , um auf dem Laufenden bleiben zu können. Mit Hilfe von E-Mails können wir wichtige Informationen austauschen.

Für das Versenden von E-Mails spricht die Tatsache, dass somit sowohl mit Freunden als auch auf geschäftlicher Ebene mit Kollegen kommunizieren können. Außerdem senden wir anhand der E-Mails erforderliche Informationen, mit denen wir um eine Arbeitstelle bewerben.

Andererseits bringt das Versenden von E-Mails einige gefährliche Folgen mit sich. Beim Versenden von Informationen , die persönliche Daten enthalten ,bestet das risiko , dass sie von Dieben bzw. Hackern gestohlen werden können. Aus diesem Grund sollten wir Sicherheitssoftware auf unserem Pc hochladen , um nicht mit solchen Diebstählen zu konfrontieren.

Was die Situation in meinem Heimatland betrifft, möchte ich betonen, dass das Versenden E-Mails nicht so weit verbreitet ist. Die Menschen nutzen E-Mails hauptsächlich aus geschäftlichen Gründen.
Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass das Versenden von E-Mails einen wichtigen Teil des Arbeitslebens ausmacht.

Jack's avatar

Sept. 3, 2023

A Chat Message

Hello Tim, I hope you've been doing well recently. It is really nice to hear from you, and thank you for your reminders.

Now, I want to tell you more about my opinion on correcting others' essays. I have corrected foreigners' Chinese writings about 10,000 times. My principal in that is: as long as their sentences don't have grammar mistakes, I won't correct them. If I rewrite the sentences for improvement, I will let them know.

If I change their correct sentences based on my preferences or just for improvement and without any explanation left, they will be confused: is my sentence incorrect? Are they rewriting my sentences based on their preferences? Are they perfecting my writing? And so on.

Some people might say you need to make their writing perfect, but I don't think so. As long as their sentences don't have any grammar mistakes, over time they'll gradually improve their writing skills by themselves.

In Chinese, there is a proverb, 抜苗助长. The story is about a person who wants his crop to grow faster, so he pulls his crop seedlings up. Of course, he is doing a stupid thing and he ends up with his crop dying.

David (I don't know that his other name is Peter) does help many Chinese people on Hello talk. I also notice that he likes to make too many changes when he corrects other people's English writings. But I really don't know if he is doing the right correction. After all, English is not my mother tongue.

I see many Chinese people who correct foreigners' Chinese writings on HelloTalk, many times, they are over correcting. In my opinion, they are not helping foreigners, but doing the opposite. I know this because Chinese is my mother tongue.

Again, I am really grateful for your reminders. I will see that as different ways to express my thoughts. Thank you Tim. You are such a kind and helpful person. I hope for all the best things for you. Take care, and talk to you soon.