Oct. 20, 2023
Oct. 20, 2023
Dépenses une nuit dans la rue de l`hiver
Pendant le mois de Décembre, un organisme de défense des sans-abris organisé un événement pour sensibiliser l'opinion publique sur le sans-abrisme. Ils contesté les gens à dépenser une nuit dans les rues, et j`ai décidé de participer parce que je voulais comprendre les difficultés que les sans-abris expérience. J`ai commencé avec un jour de prèparation. J`ai rencontré avec les personnes de l`organisme pour apprendre leurs mission. J`ai appris beaucoup de facteurs sur le sans-abrisme comme l'instabilité économique, addiction, et santé mentale.
Donc, par une nuit froide d`hiver, je suis sorti dans les rues avec un sac de couchage, quelques couvertures et quelques vêtements. Quand le température baisse et le jour est devenu plus sombre, j`ai commencé de réaliser le realité sévère de les sans-abris. J`ai realisé pour beaucoup de les individus, il y a pas de lit ou le confort d`une maison chauffée.
Pendant la nuit longue, j`ai experiénce beaucoup de défis. Il était difficile de trouver un endroit sûr pour dépenser la nuit. Le froid était inconfortable et le bruit de la ville a rendu le sommeil difficile. Je me suis sentie vulnérable et exposée, mais je savais que pour moi, il est juste une nuit, cependant pour les sans-abris, il est tout les jours.
Malgré les difficultés, j`ai vu aussi la résilience de la communauté des sans-abris. J'ai rencontré des personnes qui partagé leurs histoires et expériences, m'offrant gentillesse, même dans des circonstances difficiles. Leur force est une source d'inspiration.
Donc, je te demande , chers étudiants, pour s'impliquer dans lutter contre le sans-abrisme. Vous pouvez faire du bénévolat dans des refuges, faire des dons à des organisations de sans-abri ou participer à des initiatives visant à sensibiliser le public à ce problème. En travaillant ensemble, nous pouvons faire la différence.
Oct. 20, 2023
Nowadays many people have access to computers on a wide basis and a large number of children play computer games. What are the possible and negative impacts of playing computer games and what can be done to minimize the bad effects?
In recent times, the widespread availability of ocmputers has led to an increase in the number of children playing computer games. While these games can provide entertainment and eudcaiotnal advantage, there are also some drawback collisions associated with excessive gaming. There are some positive and negative effects of children playing computer games and suggest strategies to reduce the harmful issues.
On the one hand, playing computer games has some benefit outcomes. Firstly, games have a dissension result in cognitive and intellectual development. For example, a player needs attentiveness, fast reaction, and often logical thinking to compte a mission in a shooter. In addition, games for teenagers also have such an asvantage as they help developmental skills and memory. To illustrate, barr conducted a study and found that students playing computer games improved their communication, resoourfulness, a d adaptability significantly,
On the other hand, ther are people who believe that playing computer games has brought several detrimental effect on younger people. One of the major contradiction impacts of children playing computer games is the potential for addiction. As a result, youngsters cna become so engrossed in gaming that they neglect other important activiies, such as homework, physical exercise, and soialising with friends and family. Another outturn id that imprudent gaming can upshot a child’s emotional well-being, leading to increase aggression and mood sw ings. For instance, a study published in the journal “pediatrics” found that adolescents who played video games for more than three hours a day were more like likely to have behavioural and emotional problems, including hyperactivity, problems with peers, etc.
To keep down the disadvantage belongings to youth playing computer games, parents and educators can deal with this problem. First of all, parents sould limit the amount of time their juveniles spend on gaming while also encouraging them to participate in other ac tivities, such as sports, reading, and creative hobbies. Furthermore, instructors can incorporate digital literacy programs into their curriculum, teraching pupils how to use compmuters and technology responsibility and abundantly.
Oct. 20, 2023
मेरा प्रिय नगर मास्को है। इस नगर में मेरा जन्म हुआ और यहाँ मैं मेरा सारा जीवन रह रहा हूँ। मास्को बहुत सा बड़ा है, इसलिए मैं हमेशा सैर करने के लिए नयी दिलचस्प जगहें पा सकता हूँ। मैं सैर करना बहुत पसंद करता हूँ। मैं मास्को की मेट्रो भी पसंद करता हूँ। मेट्रो में मैं आम तौर पर किताबें पढ़ता हूँ। मेरी प्रिय किताबों की दुकान मास्को के केंद्र में स्थित है। उसमें तीन मंज़िलें हैं और वह बड़े पुस्तकालय के समान है।
(If you are going to write any comments, please write them in English; my Hindi is not so good yet. Thanks!)
Oct. 20, 2023
I migrated to Cyprus at the beginning of this year. I expected that it would be difficult to speak with people or explain something but it appears that many people here know the Russian language.
Part of them migrated from Georgia and Armenia they were born in the USSR which is why their generation still knows some Russian.
There is a big community of Georgians and Armenians they even have some weight in the government
One Greek taxi driver lifted me to an airport, and I discovered that Pontic Greeks can speak Russian too.
Once, I had been hanging out with my friend. We were sitting on a bench talking of nothing when Greek senior women stopped and made a compliment in Greek. I understood that was the compliment because, after our confused faces, she pointed at my legs and gave a thumbs up. She didn't speak English at all, but when she found out we are Russians, she switched and with poor Russian said how much she loves Russian literature and that she used to speak better in the past but it was difficult to find a Russian book here.
After that episode, I felt bad because even senior people knew my language better than I knew theirs after living here for half of the year.
For now, I practice some Greek in Duolingo and learned some greetings and words of gratitude but I'm scared to use them because I feel like an imposter who trying to trick locals with little knowledge
Oct. 20, 2023
Oct. 20, 2023
Oct. 20, 2023
Sta arrivando il weekend, che felicità! Piano piano finisco tutto ciò che devo fare.
Mia mamma verrà fra qualche ora. Fortunatamente a volte le giornate lavorative sono tranquille, ma non dipende da me. Sono grata di avere quest'opportunità di poter passare del tempo con mia mamma durante il lavoro. Non sta mai molto da noi.
Sto per studiare un po'. A domani!
Oct. 20, 2023
The picture(https://imgur.com/a/hdtPZiI) is called “Beard”. Everything begins with a woman entering the shop and leaving her baby alone. Not the best idea if you ask me. A pedestrian enters the next frame: he is an old man with a beard similar to Lenin’s one, hat and glasses. The man gets interested with the kid in the left alone pushchair, so he bends towards. Really, I can’t think why he would do this with the strange child, but the kid doesn’t like his privacy interfered, so he grabs the man’s beard, and he wouldn’t let it go. The man finally detaches him, but the kid has torn off his beard.
The last frame shows us the smiling kid with the torn off beard in his grasp and the shocked mother who has just left the store. I think the man got what he deserved because people shouldn’t do whatever they want with strange children. And, of course, mothers shouldn’t leave their children alone.
Oct. 20, 2023
Oct. 20, 2023
A pilot should be rational, observant, responsible and assertive. Staying healthy is the basic qualification, preventing any physical problems might occurs during a flight. Ability of English and handling multitask are also required; these are essential to make the whole procedure being operated properly no matter in a learning phase or being a commercial pilot already from the crew briefing before every flight until parking the airplane in the harbour and step out of the cockpit. Last but not least, dealing with emergency situations correctly while keeping calm makes value of an outstanding pilot. Although it’s rare that severe problems will happened en route nowadays, pilots should have this skill and always pursuing a higher quality to make the flight safe.
Oct. 20, 2023
Some people think that children should begin their education at a very early age. Some think they should begin by at least 7 years old. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
People have different views on the appropriate/optimal age to start formal education, with some proposing the age of seven and others arguing for an earlier commencement. From my perspective, studying formally should begin before children reach seven.
Opinions are divided on whether children should be sent to school after the age of seven or earlier. Although there are sound reasons for the approach to starting school later, I champion the other viewpoint.
On the one hand, some advocate children studying formally only when they pass seven due to concerns about the potential negative impacts of the earlier start.
On the one hand, opponents of waiting until reaching seven years of age to start formal study have their own justifiable concerns.
on the one hand, advocators of the latter begin for formal study, believe that an earlier start would have negative impacts on chldren.
They believe that children sent to school at a very young age would have less time for unstructured play and the exploration of their interests. This deprives them of a carefree childhood, which is curicial for their mental health, development, and overall happiness in life. Furthermore, younger childre, accustomed to playying freely at home, might struggle to adapt to the rigid schedules, mundane tasks, and exam-related stress and anxiety associated with formal schooling. As a result, they may develop an unfavorable view of school and even a negative attitude towards learning.
On the other hand, others, including myself, champion the earlier start. we believe that the worry about the potential adverse effects are too overcautious and unnecessary. First-grade courses are specially designed to suit young children and their needs, with straightforward, basic, and undemanding content often taught through songs and games. hence, it is unlikely that children, even those who are younger than seven, would experience stress or overload by going to school. in fact, it is more likely that they can gain many benefits from this. it is scientifically proven that the younger an individual is, the greater capacity for acquiring knowlege and information. furthremore, an early start provides more time for children to gradually absorb the necessary knowledge, giving them a head start in their educational journey.n.
in conclusion, it is imporbabale that the drawbacks of starting school early, including taking a toll on children's mental health and development, along with developing resentment toward learning, that cause widespread of its opponents would happen. this, coupled with the major benefits, for example, easier and increased time for knowledge acquirement, makes it a viable approach for children education.
Oct. 20, 2023
I am not a very self-disciplined person. Considering health as my most important concern, I never starve myself even though I want to lose weight so much. Due to my special work schedule, I usually go to bed after midnight, so I usually get up late. I often exercise on my spinning at home and take a shower later. Sometimes I take a walk on my treadmill and do some reading at the same time. I also have to take good care of my skin. Reading, exercising and skin care are all my regular tasks. Without perfect time management, I can hardly make time for English learning and musical instrument practicing. I guess I have to sleep a little less.
Oct. 20, 2023
Jag har aldrig druckit kaffe. Jag ville inte bli beronde av koffein. Dessutom är koffein inte bra för min ångest.
Mina partners måste dricka kaffe eller nånting annat med koffein i det varje dag, annars får de huvudvärk. De tycker om att ha kaffe med mycket mjölk eller kaffegrädde. På varm dagar så har de iskaffe.
Dricker du kaffe? Hur ofta?
Oct. 20, 2023
Global warming is one of the most serious issues that the world is facing today. What are the causes of global warming and what measures can governments and individuals take to tackle this issue?
At the present age, global warming is a challenging issue worldwide. This essay will discuss the causes behind this problem and state several measures that can be taken by the government and individuals to tackle this issue.
To begin with, the global warming can stem from various causes. Firstly, using too much fossil fuels such as oi, gas can release carbon dioxide and other harmful gases into the atmosphere. In cities, a large amount of gases comes from using these energy resources for transport, electricity and heating. Another reason is deforestation. Deforestation is mainly used for agriculture and logging. Hoever, trees and jungles have a important role in regulating theclimate and promoting a health envronment. Thus, when the forest is being lost gradually, this lead to the increasing amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
To tackle this problem, there are several measures that governments can consider. Firstly, they should encourage companies to change from using fossil fuels to renewable energysuch as solar energy, wind energy and water energy. This can help reduce the greenhouse gas emissions and allow companies to sa ve money in a long time. Secondly, there should be heavy penalties for illegal forest exploitation to make sure that the forests are managed and protected. As individuals, we can take part in environmental protection, use public transport instead of private cats. By taking these actions, this problem would be properly tackled.
In conclusion, global warming is a serious problem that all countries have to face. It can come from many reasons byut the governments and individuals also have solutions to tackle this problem.
Oct. 20, 2023
Oct. 20, 2023
Oct. 20, 2023
I am on the way to Kunshan, which is a county level city belonging to Suzhou, and the number one county level city in economy in China.
Giant is a famous bike brand in China. Although it's actually a bike company from Taiwan, it has three factories in Kunshan.
Compared with Chinese traditional bike brands Phoenix and Forever, Giant is expensive, but it's acceptable compared with Trek and specialized. So it has the best balance between quality, shape and cost.
I have tried to buy a Giant recently, but I can't find an ideal one in my city. I even went to the capital of my province, but I still didn't get one that I was satisfied with.
In the past few days, I looked for a bike from live streams on Douyin (the Chinese version of TikTok) and I learned that Kunshan has at least more than twenty Giant bike shops. A comment left me with a deep impression, "if you can't buy a specific model of Giant bike in Kunshan, then you are not able to buy it anywhere nationwide in China."
I want to spend about thirty thousand RMB to buy a carbon-made road bike between the model of Propel and Tcr. I really like the color of the Propel that the Giant team players used in the competition, but it was way expensive.
I hope I can buy a Giant ideal bike in Kunshan. Do you like cycling? And what are your bike brands?
Oct. 19, 2023
Oct. 19, 2023
I watched the Japanese anime Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo ep 12.
The synopsis of this episode is famous since it doesn't make sense at all.
But after watching the episode, you would understand that it describes the episode well.
The Official Synopsis: Bo-bobo and the crews have returned to the countryside. They had planted a field of disposable chopsticks with the greatest of care, and harvested a fairy-tale theme park there, but it has become the base of the A-Block Hair Hunters.
You can watch the episode on the SHONEN JUMP CHANNEL OFFICIAL YouTube channel for limited period.
Oct. 19, 2023
En el día 17 de octubre un hospital en Gaza fue atacado por un cohete,que causa 471 muertos y docenas heridos. Entre los fallecidos, una mayor parte es infantiles, en los que algunos se perdieron su cabeza. Es una de las tragedia en la historia humana y como infierno.
De momento, ningún países o organizaciones confesa a este ataque. Israel y Hamás han negado inmediatamente por este ataque. Los investigadores siguen trabajando para encontrar el autor de este ataque.
Cuando ví esta noticia, me sentía muy triste. El hospital es un lugar que salva la gente. De debería ser como un objetivo del ataque. No menciona que la mayoría de la gente en este hospital es bebés. Creo que este ataque y su autor son imperdonable.
Oct. 19, 2023
Als Kind wünscht man sich, einmal Arzt oder Lehrer zu werden. Bevor ich zu diesem Thema Stellung nehme, möchte ich mit Hilfe der Grafik einige Fakten verdeutlichen. Die Grafik mit dem Titel "Wenn ich groß bin, werde ich..." gibt uns wichtige Informationen über die Neigung von Jungen und Mädchen, einen bestimmten Beruf zu ergreifen. Wirft man einen kurzen Blick auf die Statistik, so fällt sofort auf, dass sich die Kauffrau bei den Mädchen großer Beliebtheit erfreut. Im Vergleich dazu wollen die Jungen Mechatroniker werden. Wie die Grafik zeigt, rangieren die Kindergärtnerin und der Koch auf den hinteren Plätzen, was bedeutet, dass es in Zukunft einen Mangel an Arbeitskräften auf dem Arbeitsmarkt geben wird. Es folgen die Tierärztin mit 7,1% bei den Mädchen und der Bankkaufmann mit 8,5 % bei den Jungen. Die anderen Informationen haben mich nicht so sehr überrascht.
Meiner Meinung nach sind die Berufe Kindergärtnerin und Mechatroniker nicht so perspektivsreich, um auf dem Arbeitsmarkt aufzusteigen. Aus diesem Grund erwecken sie kein Interesse bei Jugendlichen. Darüber hinaus kommt es häufig vor, dass man sich in diesen Bereichen oft mit einem geringen Einkommen begnügen muss.
Es ist zu beachten , dass die Berufswünsche von Jungen und Mädchen stark voneinander abweichen. Dafür gibt es mehrere Gründe. Zum einen möchte ich zur Erwägung bringen , dass sich Jungen vor allem Berufe auswählen, die mit der Körperkraft zu tun haben. Zum anderen sind Mädchen mehr sensibler, wenn es darum geht, sich um andere Menschen zu kümmern, z.B. Lehrerin, Ärztin, Tierpflegerin.
In meinem Heimatland ist die Situation etwas anders. Immer mehr Jugendliche, sei es Mädchen, sei es Jungen , legen bei der Berufswahl großen Wert auf Berufe, die sowohl gut bezahlt sind , als auch wenig anstrengend sind. Insofern glaube ich , dass eine ähnliche Umfrage bei uns zu einem anderen Ergebnis führen würde.
Abschließend möchte ich sagen , dass man sich bei der Berufswahl gut überlegen sollte ,welcher Beruf am besten zu einem passt, um es später nicht zu bereuen.
Oct. 19, 2023
Ma ville est située à l'est de la capitale de l'Espagne, et elle est une ville qui a eu une évolution si importante au cours des dernières années, qu'on dejá peut l'appelle une cité.
Elle a environ deux cents mille habitants, principalement grâce à les nouveaux projets d'innovation. On peut regarder des beaux paisages et des rues très soignées, et on peut s'amuser trop. Il y a deux cinemas, environ de dix terrains pour jouer au basket ou au football, et il y a nombreux de parcs pour faire un promenade. En plus, il y a beaucoup des bars pour faire des rendezvous avec des amis.
Mais, commes dans les autres villes urbanisées, ce n'est pas tout bien. On a des problèmes de pollution à cause du transport et des chimiques dangereux pour l'environnement. Néanmoins, les citoyens de ma ville sont consciencées de ces problèmes et il essayent les reduir, par example en utilisant le transport public.
C'est une très bon lieu pour vivre, et jour à jour il devient meilleur.
Oct. 19, 2023
Hej allihopa. Jag ville använda podcasten Lätt svenska med Oskar för att öva min svenska. Avsnitt 1 frågor om ditt namn och var du bor.
Jag heter Milo och jag bor i delstaten Kalifornien i USA. Jag är nära Stilla havet, i Santa Lucia-bergen. Jag älskar att bo här.
Var bor du? Tycker du om där du bor?
Oct. 19, 2023
La semana pasada mi esposo y yo regresamos de Japón. ¡Pasamos dos semanas ahí y lo pasamos muy bien! Caminábamos casi veinte mil pasos en promedio por día y teníamos las comidas más increíbles. Comenzamos nuestro viaje en Tokio donde quedamos cuatro días. Tomamos una clase para hacer sushi y visitamos los mercados, visitamos la famosa calle de Shibuya, y exploramos los museos interactivos. Luego tomamos el tren bala desde Tokio a Kioto. En Kioto visitamos muchos templos y santuarios, vimos el famoso bosque de bambú, y visitamos los monos del parque Arashiyama. Desde Kioto tomamos otro tren bala a Osaka, que nos tomó quince minutos. Osaka es similar a Tokio y es la segunda ciudad más grande de Japón. Nuestro hotel aquí era muy pequeño, no había no espacio suficiente para nuestro maletas pero afortunadamente solo quedamos ahí por un día. Visitamos Dontonburi, una famosa zona de vida nocturna y probamos el takoyaki, que es como una doña relleno de pulpo. Desde ahí regresamos a Tokio para nuestro vuelo de regreso a casa. Quedamos un poquito más días ahí y visitamos un onsen en Hakone. Desafortunadamente no pudimos ver la montaña de Fuji porque el clima no estaba bien pero esperamos verlo la próxima vez que vayamos.
08:35:26 (UTC)
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