Nov. 14, 2024
If you like the Chinese traditional lifestyle, you might know this influencer, Li Ziqi.
I followed her on Weibo about eight years ago. I initially followed her not just because of the beautiful videos she made but also because she looked a little like one of my cousins.
This cousin is only 12 days younger than me. We were almost the best friends when we were kids. We entered school in the same year. Inevitably, our parents always compared our grades. Then I became the unwelcomed cousin because I always had better grades and her mother, my elder aunt would blame her for that. And then we drifted apart little by little.
Probably deep down, I hope my cousin has a strong heart and a colorful life, just like Li Ziqi.
Nov. 14, 2024
Nov. 14, 2024
Nov. 14, 2024
Nov. 14, 2024
Nov. 14, 2024
Lieber Fremder,
Ich wohne in Ithaca, New York. In Ithaca, ich liebe die Bibliotheken in Cornell und den Veranstaltungen wie das Sprachcafé, Orchesterkonzerte und Sprechstunden. Außerdem kann ich viele Bücher in den Bibliotheken auf Cornell ausleihen. Zurzeit lese ich Der Kleine Prinz auf Deutsch und als Nächstes werde ich über den Klimawandel von Olly Richards lesen. Die Uris-Bibliothek sieht aus wie eine Harry-Potter-Geschichten. Als Studentin an der Cornell-Universität war, liebte ich es, im Bill-Gates-Saal zu studieren, weil es auf jeder Etage schalldichte Kabine gibt.
Zusätzlich liebe ich es, die Wasserfälle anzusehen. Schon als ich jünger war, war ich begeistert vom Wandern und den Wasserfällen, und sie sind immer noch großartig.
Nov. 14, 2024
Nov. 14, 2024
Today, an accident took place on my street. I was in the bathroom so I couldn't see exactly what happened. I could only hear a huge impact sound and a woman shouting "Oh my Lord!". I think she was in the bar from across the street. After finishing, I went out to check out what happened. All I could see was an ambulance carrying a woman who seemed to be conscious.
It was the first time that a major accident has happened next to my house, although the street has recently became way more busier than before and I was expecting to something like this happen sooner or later. It was a violent crash of motorcycles. I hope both of the victims of that tragic accident recovery from it so they can be back on their feet and also be more aware of the dangers of vehicle traffic.
Nov. 14, 2024
For those understanding English, Russian, and preferably Japanese. Please correct my post.
For those of us learning English, one of the most difficult grammar points is singular or plural, because there is no such concept in the Japanese language. The other day on this site, there was a kind of argument about this. Some discussed subject-verb agreement in terms of singular or plural. For example, please see the following sentences.
1 Two-thirds of the country's population lives in poverty
2 Two-thirds of the country’s population live in poverty.
Which is correct, "lives" or "live"? Of course, I have to say I do not know for sure. However, interestingly, I often come across similar problematic sentences, while I am learning Ancient Greek and Russian. For example, there is a sentence in Ancient greek: «δένδρα φέρει καρπούς.» This can be translated into English as follows: "Trees bring fruits". To be precise, «δένδρα» (=trees) is in plural, but «φέρει» is the third person singular from of «φερω(bring)». In this case, it is often explained that «trees» can be considered as a singular collective noun that matches the singular form of the verb. Namely, it is not about the individual trees, but the collective term "trees" . If I translate this into Japanese, it also goes like this: 木は実をもたらす. We never say "木々(tress in plural form)は実をもたらす".
Next, I will introduce you some Russian sentences.
1 Много людей погибло.(=Many people died.)
2 Тысячи людей погибли.(=Thousand people died.)
What is interesting to me is that the verb form in sentence 1 is singular, while the one in sentence 2 is plural. I think that Russian people want to make a clear distinction between «many people» and «the number of the people».
In conclusion, although there are certainly some grammar differences between languages, I think that whether to use singular or plural might depend on what the author wants to refer to in the subject.
Nov. 13, 2024
Today was a quiet and peaceful day.
In the morning I wake up late, around 9.30am and the awakening was beautiful because was my daughter who woke me up with a kiss.
In the afternoon I accompanied my son to the pool, because He receives swimming classes. When we went back home, my daughter fell asleep and my son stayed so quiet.
Right now, is the night in my city, and the rest of afternoon was quite quiet.
I hope the rest of night is quiet as well.
Thanks for your time.
God bless you.
Nov. 13, 2024
Ich mache mir Sorgen, dass ich wahrscheinlich einen neuen Laptop kaufen muss. Mein aktueller Laptop ist schon neun Jahre alt, aber ich fühle, dass er immer noch neu ist! Seit ein paar Monaten ist der Bildschirm meines Laptops ab und zu schwarz gegangen. Ich habe das Problem recherchiert und es klingt, dass es leider nicht möglich zu reparieren ist. Hoffentlich könnte ich bis Februar warten, ein neuen Laptop zu kaufen. Das ist wann ich meine Bonuszahlung bekomme werden.
Nov. 13, 2024
Sabato, 12 ottobre 2024
I miei genitori sono adesso in Giappone. Stamattina sono andato alla città di Nagano per incontrarli. Abbiamo pranzato al ristorante "Metropolitan", poi siamo guidato alla mia città e li ho registrati nel albergo. L'albergo è pieno adesso; molti turisti vengono nella prefettura di Nagano per vedere il cambio delle foglie. La sera siamo andato a un ristorante locale con mia moglie e i miei bambini.
Nov. 13, 2024
Die vorliegende Statistik mit dem Thema „Freizeitstress“ stellt dar, durch welche Freizeitaktivitäten fühlt man sich manchmal gestresst.
68 % der Umfrageteilnehmer gaben an, dass die ehrenamtliche Tätigkeit Stress macht. Etwas mehr als die Hälfte der Teilnehmer finden die Hausarbeit und die Gartenarbeit lästig und heftig. An dritter Stelle steht mit Verwandten und Freunden zu treffen mit 43 Prozent. Regelmäßige sportliche Aktivitäten für 30 Prozent der Befragten ist auch ein stressiger Faktor. An letzter Stelle steht „persönliche Weiterbildung (z.B. Sprachkurse) “ mit 21 Prozent.
Die Ausübung eines Ehrenamts ist der erste stressiger Punkt. Man muss viel Zeit und Energie für dieser Tätigkeit widmen. Die Hausarbeit und die Gartenpflege sind auch Zeitfresser. Ständig muss man etwas reparieren, putzen oder pflegen um die Uhr.
Daraus folgt, dass die befragten Teilnehmer nicht an Kursen teilnehmen wollen.
Auch in jedem Land ist das Leben von vielen Menschen gestresst. Sie versuchen überall Verpflichtungen zu haben.
Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass die Freizeitgestaltung von Menschen kein Stress verursachen sollte.
Nov. 13, 2024
Vorrei raccontarvi dei miei viaggi. Negli ultimi anni ho avuto l'opportunità di visitare diversi paesi, e ogni viaggio è stato un'esperienza unica. Con affetto ricordo il mio viaggio in Italia. Ho visitato Roma, Genova e Venezia. Ogni città aveva il suo fascino particolare. A Roma finalmente ho visto la famosa e bellissima Fontana di Trevi.A Genova ho visitato uno dei più grandi acquari, ho trovato il Conservatorio Paganini e mi sono tuffata nel mare. Quanto mi è piaciuto mangiare gelato e pizza in questa città! E poi ho visitato Venezia, con i suoi canali e gondole. Ho anche fatto una piacevole passeggiata in Piazza San Marco.In futuro, spero di andare in Giappone o in Cina. La cultura e le tradizioni di questi paesi mi attraggono molto.Vorrei vedere il Monte Fuji e la Grande Muraglia Cinese.I viaggi per me sono un modo per scoprire nuovi luoghi e culture; comunicare con la gente del posto è sempre una gioia per me. A mio parere/ secondo me , i viaggi sono un'esperienza che arricchisce la vita e offre ispirazione e nuove idee.Spero di continuare a esplorare il mondo e raccogliere nuovi ricordi. Grazie per l'attenzione!
Nov. 13, 2024
Un giorno, Chiara decise di visitare il museo della città.Prima di andare, aveva già letto alcune informazioni online.Al museo, si rese conto che era molto più bello di quanto pensasse.Quando entrò, vide molte opere d'arte famose.Ogni volta che ammirava un quadro, pensava ai momenti passati nella sua scuola d'arte.Chiara aveva sempre amato l'arte, e spesso visitava mostre.Dopo aver trascorso ore nel museo, si sentì felice e ispirata.Quando uscì, il sole splendeva e il cielo era blu.Decise di fermarsi in una caffetteria vicino per prendere un caffè.Lì, ricordò che aveva detto ai suoi amici di voler andare al museo insieme.Si rese conto che, prima di partire, aveva già programmato una visita con loro.Sperava di tornare presto con loro.La giornata fu davvero speciale e Chiara non la dimenticò mai.
Nov. 13, 2024
Nov. 13, 2024
Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.
School is a definitely essential part of everyone's life. There are so many opportunities for self-grouth, personal development and improving our social skills. If you are a lucky person, you have a positive school experience. Personally speaking, school period is the best one in my life. I had incredibly professional teachers, who was always ready to support and give a good advice. Besides, I was interested in a variety of sport and extracurricular activities so I always was like a leader in friends' companies. If I hadn't have all of these things in my childhood, I would have been unhappier.
Nevertheless, I totally disagree with people who consider that schools are fully responsible for teaching children how to be good members of society. It goes without saying that family has the strongest impact on our character, behaviour, personal and communicative skills etc. I believe that every parent should be prepared for a real life and realise that bringing-up and the process of adaptation the child in the society is absolutely his/her responsibility.
Nov. 13, 2024
Nov. 13, 2024
1) Handing Yalova Group Aş over Marmaris, and Tuna Family sell properties themselves
We evaluated Mr Nasser splitting and forming a further company by taking advantage of tax exemption. We gave up the demerging company as there are too many properties. Instead of this, we will take action related to possessing Yalova Group AŞ. This action is that the properties belonging to Tuna Family will be sold to persons or companies whom Tuna Family prefer. We decided that we put a pledges on Tuna Family's some properties for ongoing liabilities. You may find the protocol dated November 7, related to this matter.
Mr Gürkan prepares a table indicating that what properties will remain in Parties.
2)The Risks with respect to Taxes and The Sale to Tuna Family
a) Corporate Tax:
25% of difference between market value of properties and selling prices
b) VAT
[depending on house size] 1% or 20% , difference between market value of properties and selling price
c) Deed Fee
4% of difference between market value of properties and selling prices
Nov. 13, 2024
Quand je parle de la prouesse je fais référence à cinq aptitudes en particulier. Nommé la direction essentiel pour diriger et motiver une peuple une bonne leader va falloir avoir besoin pour pousser la maxium de ses sbires. Ensuite la bravoure ôter à ce qui les autres même pas on l'observe si souvent dans l'histoire ceux qui ont prit une risque dans une moment crucial on parfois reussir au lieu d'être anéantir ils n'ont pas laisser la peur le décourager. La sagesse s'éxplique elle même. Enfin il y a aussi l'ambition et le politics.
Nov. 13, 2024
Elon Musk, the richest man in the world. He has produced a lot of amazing, unprecedented products in a wide range of industries, which including Tesla Electric Vehicles, rockets from SpaceX, Nerulink Star Chain, and implanting brain-computer-interface chips. However, he has been argued as a callous figure. His workers are discouraged from joining Union organizations and he is also recognized as inclined to the interest of China. In my mind, he is amazing and partially callous.
Nov. 13, 2024
Nov. 13, 2024
Als Erwachsene habe ich ein paar Jahre geraucht. Aber ich mache das immer nur draußen. Und es hat mir immer nicht gefallen, als man im Cafe oder im Restaurant raucht. Ich glaube, es ist sehr schlecht, in der Gemeinschaftseinrichtung zu rauchen, weil da Kinder oder Menschen mit der Erkrankung sein können.
Einige Freunde von mir rauchen auch nicht. Sie besuchen nur solche Restaurants, wo man nicht raucht. Ich habe aber auch Freunde, die gerne rauchen. Sie besuchen oft Shisha-Bars und rauchen gern beim Essen. Wenn wir zusammen essen gehen, rauchen sie natürlich nur draußen und nicht im Restaurant.
Was sind die Vorteile vom Rauchverbot? Erstens, die Kleidung riecht nach dem Zigarettenrauch nicht. Zweitens, es gibt dann weniger passive Raucher. Und das passive Rauchen ist auch schlimm für die Gesundheit. Bei diesem Thema gibt es auch Nachteile: meiner Meinung nach, keine Nachteile. Ja, die Raucher müssen dann immer nach draußen gehen, um zu rauchen. Aber es ist kein richtiger Nachteil.
Ich persönlich denke, das Rauchverbot in einem Restaurant ist eine sehr positive Sache. Ich bin froh, dass es heute ein Trend ist. Ich hoffe, es wird so in der Zukunft bleiben.
Nov. 13, 2024
なので私は交互にYoutubeの動画を見て、ベッドに寝た。昨日「Waterworld」という映画のクリップを見るのは多かった。映画には世界が環境変化のせいで、大陸が全部海に沈んでなくなった。ちょっと寂しいですね。ストーリーは災難の500年?後起こって、Mad Max みたいな映画。
Nov. 13, 2024
These days, people tend to connect with each other through phones and computers, therefore, being considered low-ability persons in communication face to face by some people. I partly agree with this view.
Whether our speaking skills decline depends on concrete individuals. With the development of electronic equipment, actually, a great number of individuals rely on them, and they may cause some stagnant actions while talking with others. Even some writers admit that the more proficient their writing skills are, the less fluent they contact with others. Nevertheless, we can still notice certain social butterflies, communicating with other people sophisticatedly no matter what platforms they choose.
Appropriate practice can compensate for the drawbacks of communication because of utilizing electronic devices for long time. There must be some people who realize the hazard of indulging ourselves in a variety of Apps, and remind people around them of employ voice messages instead of typing to prevent them from being rusty in face-to-face talking. Besides, some opt to train AI to improve their speaking skills if they are aware of themselves having not been adept at mingling with others gradually. Moreover, it is sometimes difficult for us to judge a person's ability to speak when he or she is drafting. So all the methods above will affect the result of the speaking ability of one individual.
In conclusion, we should stop stating such an one-size-fits-all perspective that human beings are losing the ability to talk with each other due to electronics.
01:51:49 (UTC)
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