Oct. 24, 2023
弁解がないと言いた。子供をだったから。幼年に私たちは恥じることがよくだった。でも、親睦今も昔もどやって知覚するか。区別はどうか?子供の親睦はいつも変。理由は子供の人物まだ終わらない。そして時々、彼が何をしているのかそれがどれほど正しいのかを理解できないこともない。子供はまだ小さいという理由だけでどのように行動すべきかを知らない。両親と住んでいる、最小限責任、未発達な性格、制御できない感情、若いすぎる年齢。すべては私たちの認識を歪める。 その結果、私たちは幼年に、気づかないうちに些細なことで口論になってしまった。しかしなぜこんなことが起こったのか。私たちは子供の頃、夢や願望の好みを認識していた。でも、本当に性格や好なきものや嫌い物が知らないかもな。そして、子供からまだ理解していないというだけの理由で、これを友達に説明することはできない。
Oct. 24, 2023
Ha Noi , den 23. Okt. 2023
Liebe Eva ,
es geht mir gut . Ich hoffe , dass es dir gut geht . Ich freue mich sehr über deinen Brief . Ich gratuliere dir , weil du eine gute Stelle bei der Zeitschrift VIA bekommen hast . Sie ist nicht nur gute Arebeit , sondern auch interessant und war immer dein Traumberuf . Ich hoffe , dass du mit neuer Arbeit viel Spaß hast.
Im Mai bin ich nach Ha Noi umzogen , um Deutsch zu lernen .Ich lerne im Vogel Zentrum und ich spreche ein Uhr pro Tag mit mein Deutschlehrer . Nächsten Monat werde ich mich an wichtigen B1 Prüfung beteiligen . Zwar habe ich viele Ängsten , aber ich werde mich bemühen , um beste Note zu erreichen .
Daneben ist mein Traumbreuf Koch , weil ich sehr gern Kochen mag . Am Wochenende koche ich oft mit meinen Eltern . In der Zukunft könnte ich als Chefkoch in Deutschland arbeiten .
Zum Schluss möchte ich dir erzählen , dass ich eine neue Wohnung letzen Monat gekauft habe . Sie ist ziemlich groß und hat viele neue Möbel . Vieleicht Könnten wir uns bei mir treffen . Was denkst du darüber ? Schreib mir so bald wie möglich .
Viele Grüße
Oct. 24, 2023
Oct. 24, 2023
When I received corrections, they are counted by sentences.
Even though I only wrote 3 entries, I already received 45 corrections.
But when I correct Chinese entries, no matter how many sentences one's entry contains, I can only finish all the corrections in one input box. So no matter how many corrections I give, they are only counted as 1 correction.
It's not fair.
Who can I complain to about this?
Oct. 24, 2023
Oct. 24, 2023
Oct. 24, 2023
Durante mi día de trabajo, me sentía frustrado porque mi computadora no funcionaba por algunas cosas. Traté de trabajar en cosas que pude pero muchos veces no pude terminar las tareas. Toda la tarde me peleé con mi computadora.
Después del trabajar, fui a una clase de spin a para sentirme mejor y mejorar mi estado de ánimo. Ahora estoy estudiando español y me siento mejor.
Oct. 23, 2023
Giovedì 13 luglio 2023
Ho comprato un patente di guida internazionale al centro di guida a Shiojiri. È circa una ora di mia casa. Nella macchina ho ascolto il podcast La Storia di Roma in inglese. È molto buono. Mi piace la mia macchina per molti ragioni, l'uno è il Wi-Fi per solo 10 euro per mese.
Oct. 23, 2023
Oct. 23, 2023
Oct. 23, 2023
Oct. 23, 2023
Oct. 23, 2023
Ho già pubblicato un testo in italiano su questo argomento in italiano, perciò, vado a cercare altri stereotipi sul proprio paese.
1) I francesi fanno sciopero tutto il tempo
È vero che i sciopieri sono frequenti, per ragioni che sono più o meno buone. Sia qual che sia, la gente è attaccata al nostro modello sociale, e questo non le posso rimproverare. Gli ultimi scioperi non hanno fatto il governo cambiare idea per niente, ma nonostante tutto, sono un buon modo perché il governo sappia che il popolo è arrabbiato.
2) Discutiamo spesso di Napoleone
Ho visto molte domande da stranieri del tipo "che pensano i francesi di Napoleone oggi?". In realtà, Napoleone non importa molto nei dibattiti publici di oggi. Ci sono individui molto più controversi, como il maresciallo Pétain: eroe della prima guerra mondiale, ma responsabile principale della collaborazione nella seconda...
3) Amamo tutti Jerry Lewis
Un stereotipo che hanno gli americani, perché sembrano credere che tutti i francesi amino Jerry Lewis. È totalmente falso. Di fatto, la maggior parte dei francesi non lo conoscono nemmeno!
4) I francesi sono eleganti (ma puzzano)
Bene, al tempo dei re di Versailles, lo stereotipo era abbastanza vero, ma oggi, credo che ci laviamo ni più ni meno del resto di Europa. Quanto all'eleganza, dipende molto dal posto: nei centri città ricchi, si trovano molte persone vestite in modo chic, ma altrove, si vedono tutti tipi di tenute, abiti normali o "casual". Nella mia generazione, direi che ci sono situazioni estreme: ragazze vestite e truccate come Donatella Versace all'uscita del liceo, e al contrario persone vestite in modo trasandato, kitsch o originale, il cui obiettivo non è essere alla moda.
Oct. 23, 2023
Some people feel that the government should pay the costs of running universities so that a university education will be free for anyone who wants it. To what extent do you a agree or disagree with this opinion?
A number of people think that the government should pay the costs of running universities so that a university education will be free for anyone who wants it. I do not completely agree with this opinion
The government should support spending on school facilities. The government helps 50% school fees for families have a disadvantaged. Education is very important there are other sectors that the government also needs to pay attention to. The government should support spending on school f facilities. A typical example is medical universities students have always earn expensive school fees than students the other universities. Because the facility, the machine, the equipment is very high, when the government can do this, may be help a part for students and their families. The government should support 50% school fees for families have a disadvantaged, by reason of schooling is the most important tool in unemployment, there are people who are truly talented but just because of tuition money, they cannot go to college. The government can know that by creating a survey to help. Education is very important but there are still other sectors that the government must pay attention to, the tourism industry in Vietnam this year contributed 13,9% GDP to Vietnam GDP, brining great income to Vietnam. The import-export industry rank second in Asia. We can see that these two industries alone can bring abundant economic resources to the country, and that is why the government must pay attention to their development.
In short, the government should support facilities and those who want to go to should but have difficult circumstances,
Oct. 23, 2023
I skipped a few days of my "everyday diary" because of quite eventful weekends.
Tip for the future: prepare 2-3 texts ahead in case there won't be enough time to write anything.
Anyway, I had to tell you about a girl I usually hang out with, so this weekend wasn't an exception. She found a thrift shop nearby and wanted to check it out. We met in the morning with a plan to eat at the coffee shop across the street but on that street was a Ferrari parade. You can imagine how loud and crowded it was and all the cafes were fully packed.
We are not into cars so we went to another coffee shop with less variety of food but excellent coffee and friendly workers.
Luckily for us, the parade was done when we returned to the thrift shop. The unlucky part is the amount of clothes was even less than in my wardrobe.
It seems, that she was determined to buy something which is why we went to the nuts shop where she bought a big bag of everything.
Around 7 p.m. we went home, I had an invitation from a local guy to get a drink with him and his friend late in the evening.
When I agreed to meet him in the company of 3 unknown guys I was a bit scared. My friends were joking it wouldn't finish well but the Cypriots are so friendly!
We had a really nice chat with all of them we discussed differences between our cultures, what words in Greek or English sound funny for Russians because of similar pronunciations, we talked about jobs and snow and food and bars and even a little politics. The best part I felt free to talk about everything and wasn't tired to the end.
Later on, some of them said goodbye and went home and my local friend suggested attending a techno party in the club.
That was a completely new experience and a culture shock.
Oct. 23, 2023
Elche est la ville où je suis né et où j'ai grandi. Elle est située en Espagne, près de la côte méditerranéenne, où l'on peut profiter du soleil et de la chaleur presque tous les jours de l'année. Aujourd'hui, Elche compte environ 235 000 habitants et ne cesse de croître.
Elche est généralement connue pour ses sites inscrits au patrimoine mondial : tout d'abord, la palmeraie, qui est une zone pleine de palmiers où il est très facile de se perdre si l'on ne la connaît pas bien. Deuxièmement, le Misteri d'Elx, une représentation religieuse de la vierge, en plus, le chantier est accompagné de chansons et de performances. Pour finaliser, le musée de Pusol qu'est un lieu crée pour connaître l'histoire et comme les gens vivaient dans le passé.
C'est une ville magnifique si tu aimes les espaces vertes, les endroits nets et surtout si tu aimes la bonne ambiance et la nourriture savoureuse et bon marché.
Oct. 23, 2023
Elche c’est la ville où je suis née et où je suis grandi. (Et j'aimerais que vous m'aidiez à améliorer ma ville). Actuellement la petite cité compte environ 235.000 d’habitants et ne cesse de croire. Malgré le fait que la ville a de beaucoup d’espaces vertes, c’est nécessaire nettoyer autres endroits qu’ils sont négligés. Il y a mesures que nous pouvons utiliser pour trouver à Elche un second souffle.
D’abord, nous pouvions installer un système de nettoyage qui fera un tourner pour les endroits plus négligés avec l’objectif de maintenir la cité nette. En plus, avec le suffisant d’argent sera possible l’installation des bus hybrides et électriques pour aider l’environnement. Enfin, pour donner une image plus moderne à Elche, la peinture et rénovation des hangars, usines et bâtiments effondrés est essentiel.
Oct. 23, 2023
Nowadays, families are not as close as in the past and a lot of people have become used to this. why is this happening> do the advantages of this trend outweigh the drawbacks?
These days, families have a lack of bonding in relationships as compared with the old days, and this situation is largely accepted by society. The busy schedule and exercise use of digital platforms are the core reasons for demonizing the closeness. There are some cases for this and examine the advantages and disadvantages of this development.
One of the first motives why families are no more closer is tough routing work on a diurnal basis. The nature of the jobs force people to word longer hours, thUs eventually, they fail to spend quality time with blood relations. In Pakistan, for instance, bankers completely live a robotic life, as they never meet family members for the months. Another point to consider is that the high usage of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp is also contributed to this trend. People are more keen on their online life than interacting with a family in their leisure time.
This trend has numerous good points. The primary merit is that everyone can pursue a career without minimum distractions and enhance the living standard. Another positive aspect is that people turn into mature early and easily adopt decision making skill. Because the exposure of new avenues shapes their personality in an advantage way. In other words, they became independent and seek opportunities to establish themselves. However, there is a drawback as well of this approach. The most pivotal factor is that they benefit from emotional security and support. Consequently, it will fatter difficult to cope with the challenges of contemporary life. In addition, it will also rise a mental health issue.
In conclusion, the busy modern lifestyle and social media are resulting in families to become less close. Therefore, those have more negative than positive outcomes.
Oct. 23, 2023
Oct. 23, 2023
Si l'on se fait une petite liste avec des tâches il est plus probable que l'on va le faire. Surtout si l'on fait avec un morceau de papier à cause de cela on se souvient plus facilement à les tâches qu'ils nous restent. C'est aussi un moyen de se motiver quand on les ecrit c'est comme on fait une promesse à soi une quelle on ne veut pas rompre. De plus on se sent heureuse quand on arrive à l'accomplir les tâches que l'on a donné a soi.
Oct. 23, 2023
Stressi ja kiire ovat täydentävät käsitteet eli jos kiire tulee teidän elämään, siis ahdistus ja stressitila tulevat todennäköisesti myös.
Me elätään ajassa, kun me ollaan jatkuvassa juoksussa. Meillä on runsaasti velvollisuuksia, omia menoja, suunnitelmia ja haluja. Me aina pyritään parempaan elämään, ilman nykyhetken huomiota. Tämän lisäksi meidän elämä täynnä melua, kaikki ovat aina kiireessä, he haluaisivat ehtiä enemmän, ansaita yhä enemmän ja pärjätä paljon paremmin. Nykyisin ihmiset yrittävät jopa käyttää mahdollisimman vähän aika ruoanlaittoon, jotta heillä on vielä aikaa uppoutua töihin. Meidän aivoilla on aina liikaa ajoituksia menneisyydestä tai tulevaisuudesta. Surullisinta on se, että ihmiset eivät tajua miten sellainen elämätapa voi vaikuttaa heidän hyvinvointiinsa.
Me kohtamme monenlaisia seurauksia elämällä sellaista elämää. Me emme keskittyä riittävästi huomiota meidän perheisiin ja sen jälkeen me törmäämme ongelmiin. Perheissä syntyvät tuskallisia riitoja. Myös elämä kiireessä haittaa sekä fyysiseen, että henkiseen terveyteen. Ahdistus, uupumus, masennus ja psykosomaattiset sairaudet voivat yllättää täysin. Siksi nykyään kiire on todella vakavaa ongelmaa.
On monia keinoja taistella seurauksien kanssa, mutta kukaan ei halua kohdata niitä. Siis mitä me voidaan tehdä, jotta estää negatiivinen lopputulos etukäteen?
Tärkeintä on nykyhetken oleminen. Se on paras tapa hidastamaan. Voi aloittaa harrastaa joogaa ja kokeilla itseäni erilaisissa hengitysharjoituksissa. Jos on mahdollista, työtauoilla mene ulos hengittämään raikasta ilmaa ilman musiikkia kuulokkeilla. Yritä kuulla erilaisia ääniä, esim. lintujen laulua tai lehtien kahinaa. Suunnittele aikaa, jonka voi viettää perheen kanssa, omistautua harrastukseen tai rentoutua yksin. Sen lisäksi voi pitää kiitollisuuspäiväkirjaa, johon kirjoitetaan asioita, joista olette kiitollinen tänään. Nämä ovat vain muutamia juttuja, jotka auttavat olemaan hetkessä tässä ja nyt.
Meillä on vain yhden elämän ja se on tosi lyhyt. Meidän pitää nauttia josta hetkestä ja elää joka päivää kuin viimeinen. Älä anna kiireen olemaan halussa teidän elämää. Älä unohda olla nykyhetkessä ja se ehdottomasti parantaa teidän elämänlaatua.
Oct. 23, 2023
When I was a schoolgirl, I luckily had a wonderful English teacher. She was the kind of teacher who never screams, speaks politely, but has such authority that it’s quiet in the class and all have prepared for the lessons (naturally, our boys didn’t like Mondays because every weekend they had been doing their English homework).
She lived for several years in London and taught us how to speak. The teacher had told us that speaking is the most important skill if you want to survive abroad.
Apparently, she was very surprised when I didn’t go to study languages. In fact, I liked her lessons very much, but I never wanted to be a teacher. Unfortunately, I thought neither about the career of a translator nor about opportunities that might give me knowledge of the languages.
Many years have passed, and now I think that it was my biggest mistake in life.
But never say never!
So, two years ago, I eventually retired and started to prepare for exams.
It was a long way, but finally, I’m here and trying my best to study. Occasionally, it can be physically painful for me, yet it is nonetheless interesting.
This saying “better late than never” will become a real truth after my first salary as a translator.
Oct. 23, 2023
Oggi non è una giornata qualsiasi, è l'inizio della settimana lavorativa. Sono già stanca, ma tutte le mie giornate sono stancante e lunghe.
Mi sono rilassata nel fine settimana. Ho letto tutto il libro "1984", in inglese. In realtà è un libro che ho letto molte volte, ma talvolta mi manca leggerlo. Credo che il mondo sia così come nel libro, almeno recentemente. Sono certe persone che leggono quel libro e lo utilizzano in modo sbagliato, seguono solo il loro benessere. Orwell era un visionario avanti al suo tempo. C'è tanta gente a cui consiglio leggere questo autore.
Quando è possibile, preferisco leggere un libro senza traduzione. Alcune traduzioni sembrano male e non possono mostrare il vero significato.
Ho più forze dopo il weekend e spero di avere una settimana tranquilla al lavoro. Niente potrà arrabbiarmi, vorrei essere una persona più tranquila la quale controlla i momenti difficili.
A domani!
Oct. 23, 2023
Разумеется, теперь неправильный момент для путешествий по России. Но, к сожелениую, эта война может продолжаться ещё годы... и я не хочу ждать так долго.
На мой взгляд, сама Россия, скорее всего, безопасна, если избегать границы с Украиной. Поэтому я решил, что хочу посетить Россию когда-нибудь в следующем семестре.
Мне всё ещё надо строить полный план, но сейчас я думаю о следующем:
Сначала я полечу в Гданьск, а там уеду на автобусе в Калининград, где я могу улетать местным пролётом в Санкт-Петербург. Не знаю как долго длиться проезд поездом с Санкт-Петербурга до Новосибирска, но мне кажется, ездить поездом - уникальный и классный способ открыть Россию. Пока я не решил какие города я хочу посетить между ними, так что если у кого-нибудь есть рекомендацию, я бы любил её слышать. Чтобы вернуться, я собираюсь лететь домой из Новосибирска через Турцию.
Возможно, этот план не имеет никакого смысла. Мне ещё надо собрать инфо про визу, билеты и так далее. Но я уже с нетерпением жду этого.
Oct. 23, 2023
Pittsburgh Penguins – Calgary Flames – 5:2
1) Alex Nedeljkovic was a goaltender the Penguins and Jacob Markstrom had been defending gates the Flames.
2) The first NHL goal is scoring by Matt Coronato. For right wing American it was the 3rd game on this level. He scored in power play when teams hadn’t yet opened match score by the end of 2nd period.
3) The Penguins got a score tied in 18 seconds after start of 3rd period. Sidney Crosby had saved a puck into the Flames’ zone and after pass from behind the gate Bryan Rust scored.
4) The Penguins scored the 2nd goal in 23 seconds after the first. Evgeni Malkin took part in a scoring combination again. He gave the pass. Russian forward scored 4th Penguins’ goal too. These are his 5th and 6th points at first 3 games of new season.
5) All of their five goals the Penguins had scored at 3rd period. By the way, there wasn’t penalty last 20 minutes. All of three power play game the Penguins have got at 1st period, but they hadn't realized it. Two of three penalties were earned on Evgeni Malkin.
06:10:51 (UTC)
Streaks reset at midnight (00:00)