Oct. 28, 2023
Il existe des dizaines et des dizaines de réseau sociaux. En fait, je pense que on n’a jamais compter combien il y en a. Les réseaux sociaux que je connais sont Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram et j’en oublie. Facebook est le réseau social le plus utiliser. Selon un sondage presque 3 milliards de personnes le utilisent. J’étais étonnée car j’ai toujours pensé que Tick Tock était le plus populaire. Apparemment, TikTok est le réseau social sur lequel, les utilisateurs passent le plus de temps.
Ça s’est bien vu que beaucoup de gens utilisant cette nouvelle technologie ne connaissent pas les règles. Ça veut dire, le réglage des paramètres de confidentialité et la marche à suivre pour faire supprimer des contenus. On entend parler de harcèlement des adolescents et particulièrement des filles. L’expression «cyber-bullying» est utilisée de plus plus en plus.
Alors, comment fonctionnent ces applications ? Ce sont les programmes informatiques intelligents qui récupèrent ce qu’on fait, lit et cherche sur internet. Par exemple le type de video qu’on regarde ou si on aime un programme et fait un like. En bref, elles utilisent cette information pour mieux connaître leurs utilisateurs et de leur envoyer les publicités qui vont les intéresser.
Oct. 28, 2023
Hi, everyone. Today I want to describe my desk. My desk is big. On the desk I have two monitors and beautiful keyboard. On my desk you can see some pencils and notebooks. I have four or five notebooks. Some of them I use for studies, some of them I use for describing my own thoughts. Also on my desk I have a lamp. That's all!)
Oct. 28, 2023
Mi sono svegliata tardi perché sono andata a dormire davvero tardi. Sarei felice di riuscire a fare titte le faccende domestiche oggi, ma fortunatamente non ne ho molte. Vorrei avere più ore per rilassarmi. Dato che è il weekend, è possibile per me dimenticare di ciò che succede al lavoro.
Fra poco andremo a fare la spesa e comprare un regalo per mio papà. Spero che troviamo uno perfetto. Andremo in macchina, perché a volte è più veloce che a piedi.
A domani.
Oct. 28, 2023
Desde el ataque de Hamás a Israel en 7 de octubre, la situación en Próximo Oriente es cada más peor. En la región se ocurrió tantas ocasiones como la operación terrestre israelí, y EE UU. ha enviado 2 busques al mar cerca de la región para que impida la extension de la guerra.
Últimamente, EEUU. ha lanzado cohetes para atacar instalaciones en el este de Siria, en las que EEUU. Sospecha que estas instalaciones fueron utilizadas por grupos proiraníes. Estos ataques se iría peor en la region de Oriente Medio.
En mi opinion, la población en la región ha sufrido más en la guerra. Por ejemplo, la mayoría de los palestinos ahora se faltan agua, alimento y materiales medicos, y dicen que su primera tarea cada día es buscar agua para sobrevivir cuando les despiertan. Estos malos eventos siguen sucedidos cada día en la Franja de Gaza desde que Israel se la asediara. Espero que la guerra haga pausado inmediatamente y ambos abran un diálogo para su población.
Oct. 28, 2023
Oct. 28, 2023
Oct. 28, 2023
In 2014, I traveled to Vietnam with my wife. The most unforgettable thing was Banh Mi which was provided in the hotel breakfast, it was so tasty that I have ate so much every morning. It is said that Vietnam bread was famed because the French chefs taught local people how to bake bread when they colonized the country in the late 19th century.
I am thinking of how allured the Banh Mi is, then the French bread might be more enticing.
I wish I could make it and also wish to travel to France to taste French bread. Now, my mouth seems to be drooling.
Oct. 28, 2023
Oct. 28, 2023
Oct. 27, 2023
Oct. 27, 2023
Soon after I lost sight of the drug dealer somewhere in the crowd, however, there was a pretty blond girl with two bumps on her head, dressed in a red transparent crop top, white bra, and high-west jeans. I like her movements and style and got the pleasure of watching her.
One guy made me feel awkward. Initially, I thought that there wasn't enough room and that is why he danced close to me. I moved forward, and he followed me, I was stepping back and so did he. I came closer to my friend just in case that guy tried to pick me up I thought, maybe if he had noticed that I was with someone he wouldn't have been so clingy. It worked, for some time he disappeared and appeared again when I decided to take a break at the wall. I was flattered but it's not how I planned to finish my night.
I got home around 5 a.m.
Low construction, always opened windows, Cypriots started their days at 7-8 a.m. and even earplugs won't save you from waking up. My morning had started at 10. I was about to make a fancy breakfast and not a toast with cheese again. However, after a little chit-chat with coworkers, I agreed to show them a beautiful place on the Island.
Chocolate and coffee like I am in my 20s and here I am sleepy, with a little hangover, in the car riding to the sea caves.
Well, she had brought a dog so my day became brighter.
Oct. 27, 2023
在今时代中,拥有一家企业和事业有成经过很多因素。这些因素之一是教育水平。大部分人想读高等教育时, 应考虑到很多因素。当做出这个决定时工作机会的比例有重要的影响。
一般来说, 大学教育提供了更多工作机会。如果一个人会接受本科教育,他的在行业工作的机会会更多。而且,具有具体本领决定人在哪个领域职业道路。例如,假设一个人具有写作技能,在新闻学和作家等领域中她有更多的成功。
Oct. 27, 2023
vivo in città piccolo nordico. abbiamo spesso freddo. quando ho caldo di solito bevo il tè caldo e mi vesto caldo. non amo l'estate e il calore perchè quando ho caldo mi sento male. quando ho fame preferisco molto facile snacking. se voglio bere io di solito bevo l'acqua, te o caffè. se voglio dormire cerco di fare lo sport. non ho paura del buio.
Oct. 27, 2023
Moriko a une peinture. La femme de la peinture porte la robe indigo, les lunettes noirs. Elle a les cheveux roux. Il y a le fauteuil beige à sa droite. Il y a la écharpe bleue sur le fauteuil. Il y a la vase de verre sur la table devant le fauteuil. Il y a du pétales roses à côté de la vase. Le piano est à sa droite. Il y a quelques vieilles partitions musicaux au-dessus. Il y a une chambre petite dans la chambre de Moriko.
Oct. 27, 2023
Mia mamma è venuta a trovarci oggi, è andata qualche ora fa. Le abbiamo dato i regali ed è stata molto felice. Mi piace tanto farle sorprese piacevoli.
Sono felice di riuscire a fare tutte le faccende domestiche per oggi. Desidero di avere più ore per rilassarmi, ma non è possibile durante la settimana lavorativa.
Sto per prendere la pausa pranzo. Domani compreremo un regalo per mio papà, il cui compleanno è anche la settimana prossima ( il suo compleanno è un giorno dopo quello di mia mamma. Quando ero bambina e non avevo soldi, era molto difficile comprargli regali! ).
A domani.
Oct. 27, 2023
In the last 20 years there have been significant developments in the field of information technology, for example the world wide web and communication by email. However, these developments in IT are likely to have more negative effects than positive in the future.
In the last two decades, there has been remarkable growth in the information technology district
It gives us such as communication advancement, mobile phone, internet, ect, although.
Many people believe that, this development in the IT sector could be more harmful effects than advantageous in upcoming years. I quarrel with this to a large extent for some reasons.
My essay is argued further with the explanation.
For the first reason, Information Technology can change the global business market. Most of the trade shall be conduct automated and without human intervention.
in addition, in the manufacturing part would be efficient and increase the high quality of goods.
To add to this, some cars would be drive driverless automatically with assist of artificial intelligence.
Secondly, the business can improve file management, large data storage, could hosting.
Moreover, there shall advanced in communication network in future as IT growths, the speed and frequency of internet would be higer than before.
However, I would not skip the few risk of IT. The foremost one is cybersickness.
People who hook on internet, will tend to give up their routine activities.
Beside, personal information can be attacked on social media. The account could be hacked by any hacker and they demand money.
In conclusion, although in the development in IT has some drawback, but i believe that it growth would be definitely beneficial for human life advancement and information technology shall to enable us in the most unimaginable ways in the approaching years.
Oct. 27, 2023
The bar chart illustrates the percentage of Australian women of six different age groups, 19 and under, 20-24, 25-30, 30-34, 34-39, and 40 and over, who bore their first child in 1966, 1986, and 2006.
The bar chart compares the proportion of first-time mothers of six different age groups, , in 1966, 1986, and 2006.
Overall, the age at which women gave birth to their first child increased over time. There was an overall downward trend in the percentage of first-time mothers aged 24 and under, while those aged 30 and over saw the opposite trend.
In 1966, the proportion of first-time mothers at the age of 20 to 24 (60%) far exceeded those for the other age groups.
In 1966, women in their early twenties accounted for the highest percentage (60%), but that figure decreased to.
In 1966, six in ten women were between 20 and 24 years old when delivering their first child, compared to just over 3 in 10 for the younger group. After four decades, these figures dropped sharply to around 34% and 15%, respectively. In contrast, the 30-34 and 34-39 age groups had the opposite trend, rising from approximately 13% to 47% and from 8% to 30%, respectively.
Additionally, the 25-30 age group accounted for 38% of all first-time mothers in 1966, but that increased to 55% in 1986, the highest proportion in that year. It then fell to 45% in 2006.
Additionally, the 25-30 age group had the most erratic changes, with a significant rise from 38% in 1966 to 55% in 1986, the highest proportion in that year, followed by a drop to 39% in 2006.
Finally, the 40-or-above age group remained basically flat between 1966, 1986 and 2006, ranging between 2% and 4%.
Oct. 27, 2023
The four pie charts compare the distribution of employment in three different sectors, manufacturing, sales, and services, in town A and town B in 1960 and 2010.
Overall, town A saw the greatest increase in the percentage of people working in services, which rose from the least to the most popular sector. In town B, however, sales remained having the highest proportion of the workforce despite a relatively substantial decrease.
With respect to/looking at town A, 41% of the employees in town A had a manufacturing-related job, about 10% higher than the figures for manufacturing and services, at 30% and 29%, respectively. By half a century later, however, employment in manufacturing and sales had approximately dropped by half, at 21% and 14%, respectively, whereas services nearly tripled, surpassing the other two to attract the highest proportion of workers (64%).
In terms of/turning to town B, manufacturing attracted the majority of its employees, despite a drop of 17% from 70% in 1960 to 53% in 2010. The other two, by contrast, had an opposite trend, with a significant rise for services, from 10% to 25%, and an insignificant one for sales, from 20% to 22%.
Oct. 27, 2023
Tengo muchos amigos del instituto y son muy diferentes pero tan interesantes y flipantes. Mi amiga, Carla, es la graciosa y es muy loca ¡le quiero! Mi amiga Lizzy es muy bien con el teatro y mi amiga Kay es muy inteligente. Katie es muy deportista y Chris monta su monopatín en el parque y en las tiendas. Les quiero a mis amigos porque son los mejores
Oct. 27, 2023
과학기술의 양면성 과학기술 발달은 인류 문명의 발전에 크게 기여했다 .과학 덕분에 우리는 말과 이미지를 기록할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 시간과 공간을 통해 전송할 수 있습니다. 과학은 또한 우리가 미시 세계를 탐험하고, 새로운 물질을 만들고, 질병을 치료하고 생명을 연장하는 데 도움이 되는 약을 만드는 데 도움이 됩니다. 확실히 우리는 과학과 기술이 사람들에게 가져다주는 모든 기적을 말할 수 없습니다.
전체적으로 보면 과학기술에는 긍정적인 측면뿐만 아니라 부정적인 측면도 있음을 알게 될 것입니다. 우선 과학과 기술의 발달 덕분에 사람들은 점점 더 위험이 증가하는 폭탄, 미사일, 화학 및 생물학적 독과 같은 나쁜 것들을 만들고 있습니다. 두 번째 자연계에 미치는 영향이며 가장 가까운 것은 우리 자신의 생활 환경입니다. 우리는 강을 채우고, 숲을 파괴하고, 쓰레기를 버리고, 종을 파괴하고, 수원을 오염시키려고 합니다. 현대의 교통수단은 우리를 게으르게 만들고, 식량의 풍부함은 질병을 퍼뜨리게 한다.
따라서 미래 과학기술의 악영향을 제한하기 위해서는 녹색-청결-아름다운 환경을 항상 지키고 보호하는 의식을 가진다. 또한 풍력 에너지, 태양 에너지 등과 같은 자연의 청정 에너지원 사용을 극대화합니다. 게다가 석탄, 석유 등 환경에 심각한 영향을 미치는 에너지원의 사용을 제한하다. 화학 독성 물질인 핵무기의 생산을 제한하다. 과학기술혁명의 폐해를 만인에게 선전하고 환경보호에 동참한다.
Oct. 27, 2023
Le lundi marque le début de ma semaine de travail. Je travaille à temps partiel, 3 jours par semaine. Après avoir passé un bon week-end, je n’ai jamais hâte d’aller au bureau. Je préférais faire du grasse matinée ou mieux encore, un week-end prolongé. Hélas, il faut que je vais au bureau.
Tous les lundis, je me réveille tôt et parfois, je fait un peu de méditation avant de m’habiller. J’admets que souvent, je suis paresseuse et je préfère rester dans mon lit un peu plus longtemps. Je me lève à contrecœur et je bois une grande tasse de café. Cela me réveille. Ensuite, après avoir pris mon petit déjeuner de yoghourt et de fruits, je prépare mes sandwichs pour le déjeuner. J’emporte des sandwichs soit aux œufs soit aux jambon et fromage soit au thon.
Je quitte la maison à 8 heures précises puisque mon autobus arrive à 8:15. Je prends le même autobus tous les jours et désormais, je connais les autres passagers. Il y a M. Robert qui est infirmier, Mme Smith qui est enseignante et Julie qui est serveuse dans un petit café. Mon trajet ne dure pas longtemps et à 9 heures, j’entre et je m’assois à mon bureau et commence à travailler.
Oct. 27, 2023
Oct. 27, 2023
Thema B: In einem kulturwissenschaftlichen Seminar sollen sie sich mit der Frage auseinandersetzen, welche Rolle "Traditionen" in der heutigen Zeit noch spielen bzw. spielen sollten.
Traditionen sind seit immer ein wichtige Teil unseren Lebens. Sie können komplett anders von Mensch zu Mensch und von Familie zu Familie sein. Traditionen haben einfluss von Kultur, Lände, Religion und so weiter. Es gibt kleine, persönliche
überlieferungen wie ein Frühstuch jede Sonntag mit Ihre Familie, und großer Traditionen wie Weihnachten oder Ostern. Meiner Meinung nach, es ist vorteilhaft, Traditionen zu haben.
Heutzutage wir haben immer weniger Zeit. Ich meine, dass für viele Personen, Ihre Leben ist schneller als vorher. “Schneller” bedeutet das im Vergleich zu vor 50 Jahren, wir als Gesellschaft haben mehr möglichkeiten. Alles ist einfacher und mehr verfügbar mit dem Internet, günstig Reisen und offene Grenzen. Deswegen, es ist eine tolle Gelegenheit wenn zum Beispiel in viele Länder, wir haben eine Pause für Weihnachten. Wir können diese Zeit nur für Familie oder Freunde haben. Die Gefühl das es gibt ein besondere Tag oder Woche ist auch sehr erfüllend. Ein andere Vorteil von Traditionen ist, dass man eine Neue Kultur entdecken kann. In Deutschland muss man beim Prosten, Augenblick erhalten. Das ist eine kleine Überlieferung das man in ein einfacher weg näher zu eine Kultur bringt.
Anderseits, Traditionen können manchmal altmodisch oder stressig sein. Manche Menschen wollen kein Verplichtung mit Ihren Familien zu treffen wegen ein "Tradition" . Es kann auch sehr stressing sein, wenn man muss geschenke kaufen. Ich glaube, dass es soll ein möglichkeit sein Traditionen zu wechseln mit Zeit oder Gebrauch. In meiner Familie wir geschenken keine Geschenke zu Weihnachten oder Geburtstagen aber ohne anlass. Deswegen, wir haben weniger Druck und mehr Fokus auf der gemeinsam verbrachte Zeit. Um beim Beispiel Weihnachten zu bleiben: für Menschen anderer Religionen die in Länder leben, in denen Weihnachten gefeiert ist, kann es eine schwierige Zeit sein.
Abschließend, meiner Meinung nach, Traditionen können sehr großartig sein. Sie können erleichtern, zeit für Familie zu finden und ein Gefühl der Besonderheit geben, was erfüllend sein kann. Jedoch, ein Gleichgewicht zwischen Verantwortung und Freude ist wichtig, auch wie der möglichkeit die Traditionen zu wechseln wenn nötig.
Oct. 27, 2023
Oct. 27, 2023
03:57:55 (UTC)
Streaks reset at midnight (00:00)