June 15, 2024
Lieber Hoang,
wie geht es dir? Hoffentlich geht es dir gut. Wie du weißt, bin ich letzte Woche ins Kino gegangen. Deswegen schreibe ich dir diese E-Mail, um dir von dem Film zu erzählen. Du kannst dir nicht vorstellen, wie interessant der Film war. Aufgrund des letzten Teiles der Avengers-Filmreihe waren die Tickets sehr schnell ausverkauft. Ich musste warten, um das Ticket online zu buchen. Natürlich hat es sich gelohnt, da ich völlig in den Inhalt des Films vertieft war. Darüber hinaus waren die Effekte und Charaktere im Film sehr attraktiv, was zum Erfolg des Films beigetragen hat. Aus diesem Grund habe ich vor, nächste Woche einen ähnlichen Film anzusehen. Hast du Lust darauf? Ich freue mich sehr darauf, es mit dir anzusehen.
Antworte mir bald!
Viele Grüße
June 15, 2024
Martedì 28 maggio 2024
Stamattina mia figlia e la sua classe del liceo sono andate all'Università di Yamanashi. Non è troppo lontano, ma sono dovuto portarla alla stazione alle cinque e mezza.
Mercoledì 29 maggio 2024
Il processo di Donald Trump è finalmente finito. Adesso aspettiamo solo il verdetto della giuria. Mi sembra di leggere la storia della Bibbia in cui Abramo negozia con il Signore: "Se riesco a trovare 20 uomini virtuosi risparmierai Sodoma et Gomorra? Che ne dici di 15 uomini? . . . Che ne dici di 12 newyorchesi?" Odiava la mia educazione religiose, ma almeno ho imparato le storie della Bibbia.
Venerdì 31 maggio 2024
Colpevole! Colpevole! Colpevole! La giuria di New York ha trovato il mafioso presidente Donald Trump colpevole su tutti i 34 capi d'imputazione! Wow! Non avrei mai pensato che questa sarebbe mai successo.
June 15, 2024
Das Thema Schönheitsoperationen wird heutzutage in der Gesellschaft und in den Medien viel diskutiert und umstritten ist.
Ich habe vor, in Folgendem eine persönliche Ansicht dazu darzustellen und weitere Möglichkeiten zu erwähnen.
Zuerst möchte ich darauf hinweisen, dass viele Menschen heutzutage Schönheitsoperationen machen, weil sie denken, dass mit dieser sowohl schöner als auch junger werden.
Meiner Meinung nach führen die steigende Zahl von Schönheitsoperation auf verschiedene Faktoren und Gründe zurück.
Einerseits lassen viele Menschen sich operieren, weil sie mit ihrem Körper oder ihrem Gesicht nicht zufrieden.
Andererseits spielt der gesellschaftliche Druck eine Rolle, der durch soziale Medien und unrealistische Ideal verstärkt wird.
Außerdem tragen technologische Fortschritte und die zunehmende Verfügbarkeit von Operation dazu bei.
Meiner Meinung nach gibt es jedoch andere Möglichkeiten, um das eigene Aussehen zu verbessern, ohne sich einer Operation zu lassen. Beispielsweise könnte man eine gesunde Ernährung, regelmäßige Bewegung und Natur Kosmetik verwenden.
Der Vorteil von Sport und einer gesunden Ernährung liegt auf der Hand, bleibt man fit und gesund, weil das Immunsystem gestärkt wird.
Zum Schluss möchte ich sagen, dass man auf jeden Fall der Vorteile mit den Nachteilen berücksichtigen sollte, bevor eine Operation machen lässt.
June 15, 2024
I canceled my Netflix subscription because I couldn't find anything truly interesting for me. The only new series I enjoyed was the Japanese animation "Delicious in Dungeon."
The deal breaker for me was when they removed "The IT Crowd," one of my favorite comedy shows. I have already finished the series, but classics like this are worth revisiting. They also removed "Hannibal" and "How I Met Your Mother."
Maybe this is the downside of streaming platforms—we never truly own our favorite shows.
June 15, 2024
Mi sono svegliata più tardi del solito. In fondo, è sabato e non ho bisogno di una sveglia. Ho letto finché non mi sono addormentata.
Sto bevendo una tazza di caffè e sto pianificando la giornata. Fra poco farò colazione e poi studierò un po'. Voglio fare alcune prove online in italiano e divertirmi mentre le faccio.
All'inizio impararlo era un hobby, ma dopo qualche tempo è diventato un obiettivo. Purtroppo sono perfezionista e studio spesso la stessa cosa finché non la so benissimo. Ovviamente il progresso è più lento, ma da oggi voglio imparare l'italiano di più.
In fondo, sbaglio anche nella mia lingua madre e tutte le persone sbagliano quando parlo la seconda o terza lingua. Non c'è nessun problema, non siamo robot.
Mi dimentico sempre che imparare qualsiasi cosa è una maratona, non uno sprint e bisogna che mi prenda il mio tempo.
June 15, 2024
June 15, 2024
June 15, 2024
June 15, 2024
Comment dit-on 救援物資 (ce qu'on envoie aux zones touchées, d'objets nécessaires, de la nourriture, de l'eau etc.) en français ? Dans mon dictionnaire, je trouve « matériel de secours » mais je suppose qu'il y a une autre tournure.
Au fait, demain, je vais passer un examen de français dans lequel il y aura les questions à propos de locutions liées à l'actualité. Il me faudrait donc m'y connaître en vocabulaire en matière de guerre, de séisme et d'olympiques.
June 15, 2024
Tatsache ist, dass eine Leidenschaft für ein Thema zu haben vorteilhaft sein kann. Ihr besitz führt uns eigentlich dazu, eine überflussige Motivation für die Auseinandersetzung mit einem Thema zu entwickeln. Infolgedessen wird beilspielseise der Lernenprozess weitaus erleichtert. Die Entwicklung einer Leidenschaft ist also im Studiumbereich sowie im beruflichen Bereich zu befürworten.
Dennoch gibt es ebenfalls Lebensbereiche, in denen intensive Begeisterung Probleme verusachen kann. In diesen Umfelden mag eine ungeheure Leidenschaft in einen Fanatismus umwandeln. Besonders betroffen sind in der Politik und in der Religion. Politiker und religiöse Leiter neigen dazu, über ein asschlaggebendes Charisma zu verfügen, das ihre Anhänger berauscht. Zudem ist dieser Sachverhalt in Kunst zu beobachten, wo künstler auf ihre Audienz viel Einfluss nehmen.
Wie erwähnt mag ein Besessein von einer Idee Angelegenheiten hervorufen. Dazu gehört die Einschränkung der Rationalität. Wenn man total von einer Idee besessen ist, muss alles sich nach der angenommen Auffassung ausrichten. Außerdem wird der verinnerlichte Glaube oftmals zu einem Paradigma, außerhalbdessen ein Räsonement nicht erlaubt wird.
Wegen dieser negativen Aspekte mussen entgegenwirkende Maßnahmen ergriffen werden. Ein gutes Besilspiel dafür ist eine ausfürhliche Verarbeitung erhaltener Information. Diese Vorkehrung bringt davon ab, leichtgläubig zu sein. Weiterhin sollte die Regierung danach streben, Bildung der gesamten Bevölkerung zur Verfügung zu stellen. Weil es eine negative Korrelation zwischen dem Bildungsgrad und der Leichtgläubigkeit gibt.
June 15, 2024
È passato un po’ di tempo da quando ho fatto la mia composizione scorsa, mi dispiace. È stato un paio di settimane impegnate per me. Due settimane fa mi sono candidata per un corso di laurea magistrale in Italia, e dopo essere stata offerta un colloquio di ammissione avevo solo una settimana per studiare un sacco di testi inerenti il contenuto del colloquio. Durante questo periodo anche ho dovuto prepararmi per la mia cerimonia di laurea: trovare qualcosa da indossare, prendere il tocco e la toga, etc. Felicemente è andato tutto bene; ho avuto un bel weekend per celebrare la fine dell’esperienza universitaria, e la mia domanda per la laurea magistrale è riuscita. Ora prendo un po’ di tempo per riposarmi avanti di prendere il prossimo passo.
June 15, 2024
June 15, 2024
After solving the problem of producing enough food for the planet, modern societies are struggling with eating nutritious food. Manufactured food with its high levels of sugar are increasing the rate of people with obesity and over weight. Some people think that making processed food more expensive will be a solution to encourage people to consume less sugar. Although I partially agree, I also think that other complementary measures are needed.
To begin, in some countries, the cost of eating healthy is so expense that making the price of processing food higher will have a minimal effect on consumer's decisions. In Canada, for example, a hamburger and a soda cost less than half the price of buying healthy prepared food. For that reason, I think that besides increasing the price of manufactured food and drink products with high levels of sugar, it is also necessary to reduce the price of healthy food.
Furthermore, people need to understand the importance of changing their food habits to improve their health, otherwise prices won't have any relevant effect. The government need to increase efforts to create campaigns in favor of eating nutritive food in schools and work places. When people understand that eating better have a lot of advantages, they will spend more money in those products that helps them to have the life they want.
In conclusion, reducing the consumer of food and drinks with high levels of sugar require far more than increasing prices. It also needs education and healthy food more accessible.
June 15, 2024
June 14, 2024
When I was a child, I lived in a small village.
To the south of my village, there was a small river flowing eastward.
To south of the river, there was a village named Dali village.
Between each village and the river there was farmland. The distance from each village to the river was about 600 meters.
The river separated the farmland of the two villages. The farmland on the south side of the river belonged to Dali village. The farmland on the north side belonged to my village.
One year in spring, we children found that a new kind of plant that looked like vegetables was planted in the farmland on the south of the river. Soon we got to know it was oilseed rape and were told it tasted good if you cooked it with noodles.
At that time, people's living conditions in the countryside were very bad. We couldn't even eat fresh vegetables.
One day, a few other children and I decided to get some of the oilseed rape to see how delicious it would be.
We crawled into the oilseed rape field near the south side of the river. Only after we had picked one or two of the oilseed rape, we suddenly heard some adults shouting from a far place, "don't run, we will catch you, little thief!"
We immediately ran to our village as soon as we heard the shouting. I felt my heart almost beating out of my chest.
In the end, we were all safe. We didn't see any adults chasing after us. Maybe, they just wanted to frighten us.
Before we sneaked into the oilseed rape field, we had done enough reconnaissance work and made sure that no one was guarding the oilseed rape field.
Even now, I sometimes wonder where the adults were and how they spotted us.
June 14, 2024
This post is the most challenging so far because I’m really tired, It’s very late, I have just a few minutes to get away with it and I had to correct 15 posts at least to get a sufficient ratio to be allowed to post a new text.
And I really need to take a shower before going to bed!
So I’m sorry for my gentle correctors, I’m not giving you anything interesting to read today! The thing is: I received a lot of new corrections for my previous posts today and because I have to correct twice as many posts before I can write a new one, I didn’t event take time to read these new corrections!!! That’s so insane!
But today was a very special day. I was uncommonly busy. I’ll take time to read everything later.
The most important thing is that my streak is safe !!
:D Have a good day, you all!
June 14, 2024
June 14, 2024
Last Wednesday, my husband and I went to豊洲 and visited a tourist spot called 千客万来, which opened last March and has been attracting a lot of tourists from both home and abroad. Shortly before, we watched a TV program featuring high-priced seafood dishes, called インバウン丼, which are served at 千客万来. It is very popular for foreign visitors who are eager to eat 海鮮丼 in Japan. However, it’s appalling that just a bowl of sushi-rice with slices of raw tuna, some sea urchin and ikura costs several thousand yen. Nevertheless, we thought that it was worth trying. Also, I was impressed by its namingインバウン丼 (inbound + donburi). The shop was not so spacious, with only 10 seats by the counter. We entered the shop as soon as it opened at 10 o’clock, but it quickly became full. We ordered the one with second highest price at 6,400yen, and we had half each. The portion was not enough, but it was enough in terms of our house budget, and I found it amazingly tasty. The couple next to us ordered the most expensive dish on the menu at 18,000 yen, in which 大トロ and a lot of sea urchin were piled up high. They were incessantly taking photos. It must look great on Instagram.
June 14, 2024
June 14, 2024
Salut à tous,
J'ai paniqué à parler français ce matin parce que je n'avais pas acheté le bon billet de train pour aller au Château de Versailles. Alors, j'ai demandé à ChatGPT et aux membres d'Easy French quelques conseils pour m'en sortir.
ChatGPT m'a donné plusieurs phrases pour cette situation :
1. Donnez-moi un moment.
2. Je suis un peu nerveuse.
3. Pouvez-vous répéter, s'il vous plaît ?
4. Donnez-moi un moment, s'il vous plaît ?
5. Je suis désolée, je perds mes mots.
6. Merci de votre patience.
7. Je ne comprends pas bien, pouvez-vous expliquer ?
8. Un instant, s'il vous plaît ?
9. Je réfléchis.
10. Je suis un peu perdue.
11. Je n'ai pas saisi.
12. Pouvez-vous m'aider ?
13. Je cherche le mot juste.
14. Je suis désolée pour l'erreur.
15. Pardon, je me suis trompée.
Un membre d'Easy French m'a dit, "Je pense qu'on avait paniqué parler français avec les natifs ; c'est normal. Je suis coupable absolument de cela."
J'essaierai de parler ces phrases quand j'irai à l'auberge de jeunesse ce soir. D'ailleurs, j'ai parlé français avec plus de confiance avec les natifs à Versailles, même s'ils ont voulu me parler en anglais au début. J'ai réussi à commander une quiche lorraine et c'était excellent.
J'ai également pris des photos au Château de Versailles. À 15 h 00, je prendrai le train pour aller au Louvre. J'espère utiliser le bon billet de train cette fois-ci.
À la prochaine !
June 14, 2024
June 14, 2024
June 14, 2024
June 14, 2024
June 14, 2024
Eu acho que pode ser meio difícil aproveitar as pontes porque, realmente, não são muito tempo. Você só tem um, talvez dois, dias adicionais no fim-de-semana e é muito fácil desperdiçar esse tempo. Então, a primeira coisa é ter um plano. Você quer uma ponte relaxada em casa para recarregar ou você quer fazer alguma coisa, tipo uma viagem ou trabalhinho especial? Uma vez que você decide, então é questão de criar e seguir um horário ou um itinerário. Meu grande problema é que eu falo que vou fazer alguma coisa durante as pontes mas não tenho nem itinerário nem plano, então fico desperdiçando o tempo até voltar ao trabalho.
07:42:07 (UTC)
Streaks reset at midnight (00:00)