ericfournier's avatar

July 19, 2024

日本語の日記 (2024年7月18日)

今娘たちと一緒にプールから帰ったところです。ここに書いている間に娘に水着とタオルを部屋干ししてくれて、 パジャマを着てくれることと頼みました。でも、実は彼女がそれをしそうもないと思います。

dubai03nsr's avatar

July 19, 2024



milky's avatar

July 19, 2024


¿Mis frases parecen normál o natural? Porque … como, yo siento que me parecen bien, una persona que no es nativa. Y cuando (puede utilizar como “as”? en este caso) consumo cosas comprensibles, como videos de Dreaming Spanish, mis frases parecen bien. Y entiendo que yo solo entiendo los vídeos novices (para novices?) porque los otros son muy rápidos para yo comprender. Por lo tanto, no tengo más vídeos difíciles a comparar con mi conciencia. Necesito más experiencias.

Solo necesito realmente estudiar vocabulario, porque me encuentro, muy a menudo, buscando palabras que no sé. Ahora … ¡voy a estudiar EL SUBJUNTIVO! ¿Finalmente, sí? Después como, una semana.

Espero que yo visito (o es ese en la futura? ) mi papá este fin de semana porque hemos visto cada otro en un tiempo largo. (Esta frase es terrible T_T … me corrige) Pienso que entiendo el subjuntivo presente. ¿Debo aprender hoy el subjuntivo pasado? Pienso que debo. Pero esperaré aprender hasta mañana.

TNewfields's avatar

July 19, 2024









デイビッド・シーヴキングの「David Wants to Fly」(2010年)は啓発的なドキュメンタリーでした。


dubai03nsr's avatar

July 18, 2024



marblemenow's avatar

July 18, 2024

Mes pensées sur la vidéo d'Easy French

Merci pour ta dernière vidéo sur les livres ! Franchement, je trouve que les Français lisent beaucoup de livres parce qu'il y avait beaucoup de libraires quand j'ai voyagé à Paris et à Lille. Il y avait beaucoup de gens qui veulent acheter des livres là-bas. Quand j'y suis allée, j'ai acheté trois livres en totale. J'en ai acheté deux à Lille et j'en ai acheté un à Paris.

Personnellement, j'adore lire des livres. Mon genre préféré, c'est de la fiction. Donc voilà.

Dojega's avatar

July 18, 2024



galoarellano1987's avatar

July 18, 2024

Todays's morning before work

Today I wake up early, specifically at 6:40 am. I went out from my bed and I walked across the living room to got the refrigerator. I opened the refri and I took a some water and 2 fruits, because at this moment I decided to prepare a juice for my son.

After the prepare the juice, I went to the bathroom and I took a shower with boiled water, it was very relaxed.

At 7.15 am. I got dressed, specifically I put on a Jean, my nike shoes and a T-shirt. The T-shirt is kind of Polo-Ralph.

I got the bus at 7:30am and the bus traveled fast, so I arrived to my office at 7:50.

It was a great trip from my home, and the weater was very pleasent.

I hope today is a great day.

Hyakusai's avatar

July 18, 2024

Une blague

Chez un dentiste.
Le dentiste a dit à un patient.
« Ça coûtera 500 euros pour arracher une dent. »
« 500 euros par une dent ?! Mais, ça ne prendra que 5 secondes ! »
Quand le patient a protesté, le dentiste a répondu.
« Je prendrais 5 heures pour le faire, si vous vouliez. »

jnpathetic's avatar

July 18, 2024

Les cheveux

La coiffure peut faire des grandes choses pour notre apparence. Il y a tant de style qu'on peut essayer avec ses cheveux. On peut deviner la personalité de quelqu'un si on observe les petites signes les cheveux y compris. Par exemple on peut se dire que l'apparence est important à quelqu'un qui a toujours les cheveux coiffés. Quand j'étais gamine je m'en ficher de l'apparence mais maintenant je comprends qui sont important même si ça nous plait pas tout le monde à une image de nous dés qui nous voient. Je ne dise pas de stresser que l'autre pense de nous mais de comprendre que prendre soigne de son apparence est aussi bon pour nous mêmes.

lendz's avatar

July 18, 2024

Challenge myself with Ielts writing task 2 (18/07/2024)

I do not need an Ielts certificate for work, but I decided to challenge myself and you know what? I found out that, it was very hard and took me 2 hours to complete this essay. To be honest, if I write this essay in my native language, I will not definitely do it well.

Large businesses have big budgets for marketing and promotion and as a result, people gravitate towards buying their products. What problems does this cause? What could be done to encourage people to buy local products?

Nowadays, many big businesses have big funds for marketing and promotion and as a result, their customers gravitate to buying their products. In this essay, I will discuss what problems cause that and what could be done to encourage people to buy local products.
On the one hand, many big businesses have big funds for marketing and promotion, which causes some problems. Firstly, the quality of their products is reduced, which means that people using their products will be damaged usually and they will depress the products. Secondly, a lot of local companies will be faced with declining revenue, which causes many small companies to be less competitive and might be closed and the local economy would be delayed. When people gravitate toward purchasing the products of many big businesses, the local products are at risk of being forgotten, that not only affects the economy but it also causes loss of cultural identity.
On the other hand, to protect the local products, what local companies need is to build their brands efficiently. Firstly, They can use social media to spread the messages behind their products. For instance, if your product is chopsticks you can spread the message “chopsticks are made from natural bamboo stalks, good for health and environmental protection”. Secondly, the government needs to pay attention to policies to support the small local companies, such as tax reduction, finance and organizing fairs about local products.
Conclusion, many people gravitate to buying the products of big companies that affect not only the economy but also the quality of product and cultural identity. Therefore, it is essential to collaborate between the government, businesses, and consumers to protect and promote local brands. By doing that, we can ensure the sustainability and growth of local economies and preserve cultural identity.

thuannguyen04's avatar

July 18, 2024

How stress affects our body.

"It's not a life if there is no hurdle."
All we have been experiencing stress, especially when we're overwhelmed or challenged. Stress is hardwired physical response that travels throughout entire our body. In the short term, stress can be advantageous which helps improve our cognitive function. But if it occurs frequently, it can harm our body in a variety of ways.

To understand how stress occurs, it starts from the adrenal gland which is connected with the kidneys. When we're facing with a real seriously problem, adrenal gland will release stress hormones into the bloodstream, they are adrenaline, cortisol and norepinephrine.
As these hormones reached the heart, they make it beats faster, causing hypertension. And when stress becomes chronic, it may create some fatty plaques inside the vein which is called the early stage of atherosclerosis.
Simultaneously, these hormones reached our brain, making it send signals to the intestinal nervous system that you need more energy to get over the challenge. Then the stomach will release more digestive juice, causing butterflies and heartburn.

By the way, cortisol enhances our appetite, making us to crave high carbs and fatty food which cause other chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes,...

In general, stress can not be erase out of our body, we need to learn how to live with it and by somehow take advantage of its benefits. If you can curb and keep stress in control, in the short term you will perform better and in the long term you will live longer.

elizziebeth9's avatar

July 18, 2024

Mon itinéraire pour ce soir

Ce soir, je vais aller à un concert. Le concert est à Boston et les portes ouvertent à 19h. À 15h, je vais partir chez moi. Je vais voyager en voiture à la maison de mon frère. Le trajet dure deux heures. À 17:30h, mon frère va m'emmener à la station de métro à Alewife. Ensuite, je vais prendre la ligne rouge et je vais descendre à Harvard Square. La salle de spectacle est 3 minutes à pied de la station. Je suis très enthousiaste! Après le concert, je vais prends le métro à Alewife et mon frère va me chercher. Je vais passer la nuit chez lui et je vais rentrer chez moi dans le matin.

shadowfax26's avatar

July 18, 2024

Giovedì 18 luglio

È quasi finita la settimana, non vedo l'ora che arrivi il weekend. Voglio davvero riposarmi questo weekend. Sabato mattina farò una passeggiata e poi ripasserò un po' d'italiano.

Ho già prenotato alcuni lezioni per agosto. Faccio ogni settimana gli esercizi che l'insegnante mi ha assegnato. Ne ho già fatti più di 10.

Non sono sicura quale sia il mio orario di lavoro ad agosto, ma spero che potrò pianificare meglio le cose.

È meglio raggiungere i propri obiettivi e non essere bloccati allo stesso livello, ma contemporaneamente mi manca il tempo libero.

Qualche ora fa ho parlato con un'amica e ci vedremo venerdì prossimo vicino a casa mia. Dopo aver concluso la settimana lavorativa, andremo al parco.

lexiisbritish's avatar

July 18, 2024

Este Verano

Este verano, estoy aprendiendo turco para hablar con mi amiga turca en su lengua materna. Tambien, voy a practicar mi espanol con libros, peliculas y mas. Me encantaria pasar mucho tiempo con mis amigos asi que vamos a ir al centro de la ciudad a menudo. (Lo siento, mi portatil no tiene acentos).

qara's avatar

July 18, 2024







waz's avatar

July 18, 2024

La Radio

Pour pratiquer l'écoute, j'essaie d'écouter la radio tous les matins. Quand ils parlent des États-Unis, c'est très facile d'y prêter attention parce que c'est au moins quasi-pertinent, mais quand ils traitent les problèmes locals de l'Europe, comme de l'agriculture ou de la gouvernance quotidienne, je trouve que c'est beaucoup plus difficile de rester concentré. J'aimerais bien une station de radio française qui parle des actus de ma ville ou mon état, mais malheureusement le français n'est pas très populaire où j'habite.

chrisleafy's avatar

July 18, 2024

A fairy tale

By the sea lived a fisherman and his children. The fisherman sailed out everyday to fish, providing for his family. The children left behind often worried: would their father return with enough food, or would the stormy sea somehow take him away? Windstorms and hurricanes were frequent, claiming many boats. They often asked their father, "What can we do? When can we join you at sea?" The father always smiled quietly, gently touching their soft hair and small hands. Only a few times did he say, "Don't worry. Your mother is a mermaid. If I'm delayed, that's because she misses me so much that she wants me to stay with her a little longer."

cooperS's avatar

July 18, 2024

Mis vacaciones

Yo quiero viajar a Costa Rica en enero. Yo tengo que convencer a mi familia que es un buen idea. Yo quiero ir porque es un país tan bella. Yo quiero traer mi bicicleta y montar en bicicleta por las montanas y la costa. Yo iré a un país en enero para viajar afuera de los Estados Unidos y ojalá sea Costa Rica.

luthothegreat's avatar

July 18, 2024

Ma maison

Ma maison est tres bon en comfortable. Au rez de chaussee, il y a qautre salle: le garage, le grand cuisine, une salle de bain en salon. A l'etage, il y a ma parents chambre, mon soeur chambres, ma chambre et trois salle de bain. Un petit escalier monte au grenier ou se trouve le gernier. J'adore ma maison, c'est tres grand moderne et jolie. Dieu merci pour ma maison!

FieldQuartz's avatar

July 18, 2024

Приключения Тинтина – Чёрный Остров - Страница 10, часть 1

Мой план: я посмотрю простое видео на французском языке о Бельгийском комике «Приключения Тинтина: Чёрный Остров». Потом я постараюсь описать что случилось.

Это десятая страница. Сначала, я сделаю только одну линию за один раз.

Короткий обзор (что случилось раньше): Тинтин стоит на краю обрыва с двумя бандитами. Один из бандитов направил оружие на нём, и приказал его спрыгнуть с обрыва. Тинтина преданный пёс (Милу) спасли его – он взбесил козёл чтобы козёл преследовал его. Милу намеренно побежал навстречу бандитам, и так козёл столкнулся c мужчиной с пистолетом и повалил его. При этом бандит отпустил пистолет и оружие летело по воздуху.

Страница 10 – линия 1.

Тинтин удачно ловит пистолет и выгладит очень счастливым. Он сразу направляет пистолет на бандитов и говорит: «Поднимите руки вверх!» Но есть проблема. Козёл ещё преследует Милу, и сейчас Милу бежит к Тинтину. Странно, другой бандит (мужчина с усами) предупреждает Тинтина об опасности.

Тинтин пятится, и удается избежать катастрофу. Но Тинтина нога ударяется камень, и он теряет равновесие и падает на землю. Тинтин теряет время и так бандиты сбегают.

Один из бандитов говорит другому: «Свали! Миссия провалилась.» Они хотели убить Тинтина, но им это не удалось. Их миссия – провал.

Мы видим машину бандитов на дороге. Машина темно-красная. «Клянусь, отомстим!» объявляет один из бандитов. Плохие парни включают двигатель и уезжают. Тем временем козёл продолжает преследовать Милу.

Конец первой линии.

DBee's avatar

July 18, 2024

一个问题 🙋

大家好!我有一个问题: ”还“ 和 ”也“ 有什么不同?有时候我觉得 ”还“ 和 ”也“ 是一样的。但我不确定。
》你也认识张老师吗?【还是】 还认识张老师吗?
〉我也认识她 【还是】还认识她。

DBee's avatar

July 18, 2024

Lo que aprendí hoy

Hoy aprendí que es muy importante considerar todas tus opciones antes de tomar una decisión - especialmente con las decisiones muy importantes que potencialmente tendrá consecuencias grandes. Porque si decides hacer algo sin pensar bien en él, podrías hacer algo que te arrepentirás después. Sin embargo, cuando haces algo que arrepientes, lo más importante es seguir adelante. Llora si tienes que llorar, grita si quieres gritar, sentir la tristeza y el dolor, pero no te estancas. Seguir adelante podría ser lo que necesitas hacer para arreglar el problema. Y incluso si no lo puedes arreglar, estar atrapada en la tristeza, la culpa o el arrepentimiento no vale la pena a largo plazo.

nutty's avatar

July 18, 2024




bor_r's avatar

July 18, 2024

2024年 7月 17日 水曜日

今日、The Boyfriendを第4話から第6話まで見た。番組はもっと面白いになっている。でも、ユサクさんは去ったから、私は悲しかった。



ともかく、キャストの3人はカズトさんが好き。すごいのかな。。。 (カズトさんもキャストの一つ)

たくさんの人たちは私に好きのは、どんな感じなんだろう。圧倒的すると思う。高校生の時は、休憩の間に彼女は私に告白した。その間、彼女は自分の一つが親しい友達。私は驚いてめっちゃ気まずいお感じした。私たちの間に何も起こらなかった。 彼女は私も男が好きのことを知らなかった。(笑)
