Sept. 14, 2024
Sept. 14, 2024
ネフリで少し話のダウンロード しました。
【I downloaded a few episodes off Netflix to try it out】は日本語で何と言いますか。
残念ながらもう一人のキャラクターはものすごく腰抜けです。彼を我慢 ならない。
全体的には楽しいです。【It's not worth all the hype**】は日本語で何と言いますか。
日本語音声と英語字幕で見ています。「DEMON」は「鬼滅」ではなく「鬼」と呼ばれていることに気づきました。また、「SLAYER」は「刃」ではなく「剣士」と呼ばれていることに気づきました。このアニメの名前は「鬼の剣士」にするべきだ! あるいは「鬼を嗅ぐの剣士」!
* He wears a boar head as a mask (he's wearing a boar's actual head).
** In English, if something is very popular and is good, we say it is "worth the hype" (i.e. worthy of having the hyped status). If something is very popular and isn't that good (i.e. it's overrated), we say it's "not worth the hype". This doesn't mean that it is "bad", just that it didn't meet expectations given it's hype/popularity.
Sept. 14, 2024
Sept. 14, 2024
Sta piovendo, proprio come piace a me. Credo che farò una passeggiata solo per un po' di tempo. Devo anche riciclare molte bottiglie d'acqua, quindi non voglio perdere troppo tempo.
Mi sono riposata, sebbene sia andata a letto tardi. Aspetto che la pioggia si fermi perché possa uscire.
Nel frattempo studio un po'. Così farò la passeggiata dopo aver finito con tutto ciò che ho da fare.
Mi piace quando piove perché mi sento piena di energie, come se il tempo mi caricasse di energie.
Sept. 14, 2024
Sept. 14, 2024
関西弁でしゃべるつもりはありませんが、勉強する価値がある方言だと思います。いつか漫才やお笑いの番組を字幕なしで楽しく見たいです。ちなみに、Prime Videoで「ドキュメンタル」を見たことありますか?すごく下品ですが面白いシーンもたくさんなので、お笑いが好きであったらおすすめです。ロバートの秋山さんとフットボールアワーの後藤さん入りのシーズンは最高です。
Sept. 14, 2024
There are a few exciting things I'm waiting for. The first thing is my second journey to Japan, and this time, I got a multi-visa for three years. Of course, I'm going to make the most of it. For this time, I have planned a short two-week vacation through different cities like Kyoto, Nagasaki, Nagoya, Fuji, and Tokyo because I expected they would give me a short visa plan. However, in a year, I want to visit Japan in winter to snowboarding in the mountains and to get an experience of living and working there for a month, using weekends and days off to visit different cities.
I should say Japan is the only country where I enjoy every piece of it but the most it is the food. Being a very picky person Japanese cuisine is suitable for me because they do not mix ingredients, for a typical lunch, you'll have a bowl of rice on a separate plate piece of meat or fish, a bowl of veggies and soup, and a tiny plate with some pickled snacks. This is a great practice in that every restaurant specializes in one dish but hones their skills on a high level of cooking soba or ramen or hitsumabushi.
In their country, I can get the philosophy that food is not only about consuming ingredients to get energy for a few hours but also about the harmony of different tastes and the beauty of serving it. You have to be not only well-fed by the food but your eyes and soul should be satisfied by what you see.
Sept. 14, 2024
Sept. 14, 2024
社会人になるまで、宇野昌磨が出る大会は言うまでもなく、どのフィギュアスケートの大会にも行くのは無理だと思いました。その大会の会場が私の実家から遠くて、両親に迷惑をかけたくなかったのです。しかし、今年3月には、もう大学を卒業して就職しているから、チケット代と航空券代とホテル代を払えると気が付きました。そこで、わくわくして、今年Skate AmericaかSkate Canadaを見に行く計画を立て始めました。
けれども、残念ですが、宇野昌磨は5月に引退を公表してしまいました。私はまだSkate Americaを見に行く予定ですが、フィギュアスケートの大会を見ることができると気がついたとたんに好きな選手が引退したことが悲しいです。しかも、前向きに考えたら、せめてできる人が決していないと思った4回転アクセルを見る可能性が高いです。楽しみにしています!
Sept. 14, 2024
Vorrei avere il superpotere di omnilinguismo, di avere il potere di capire e comunicare in ogni e qualsiasi lingua del mondo. Da piccola mi piaceva imparare lingue — e non fraintendermi: ad un certo livello mi piace ancora — ma non è facile in che senso che ci vuole tanto tempo e imparare una lingua da autodidatta vuol dire che sei sia lo studente che l’insegnante. Avere questo superpotere realizzerebbe un sogno che ‘piccola me’ aveva.
Se avessi questo superpotere sarei un’insegnante che può insegnare in un’aula in qualsiasi paese, o lavorerei freelance come una traduttrice o interprete quando mi va. Aiuterei rivitalizzare le lingue che sono in via di estinzione. Se avessi questo superpotere, farei molte cose importanti e interessanti.
Sept. 14, 2024
¡Guag! Tengo días cuando siento como sé mucho y otros días cuando es como no recuerdo nada. A veces estoy triste porque es difícil cuando hablo en español o como ahora mismo cuando estoy escribir. Pero en el mismo momento trato de recordar que es mejor si no termino. Quiero continuar!! Buenas noches a todas.
Sept. 14, 2024
J’ai trouve un series youtube française gratuit au lien celui-ci
Ça series commence avec un épisode sur youtube en Octobre 2010. L’épisode dure seulement environ deux minutes.
Ça se passe au parc á Paris. Trois jeune hommes assoient sur un banc. Un des hommes est en train de jeter un cannette dans un poubelle public. Soudainement, un homme ébouriffé apparait de nulle part.
Il crie ‘Non ..surtout, ne lance pas cette cannette”
Parce que …voila ce qui ça se passe. tu la lance, tu va rater par quelque centimètre et la cannette va tombe au sol
Ensuite, ton ami va annoncer il a gros envie de aller au toilette et vous renter chez nous sans ramener la cannette
Et ensuite les autre gens voir la cannette au sol, et essaient de lancer leur cannette et rater aussi.
La montagne des cannettes grandir, et ensuite moins des gens fait attention de mettre leur ordures dans le poubelle. La montagne des ordures il ensuite produit du méthane and quelqu'un alluma un cigarette ça qui provoque un explosion qui va détruire Paris
Chacun ça que tu fait peux avoir les conséquences désastre pour le future.
Je trouve cela interessant et bien fait
Sept. 13, 2024
Du bist 29 Jahre alt und er ist 31 Jahre alt. Ich bin Filipina.
Du hast keinen Hunger, aber wir haben Hunger. Ich habe zwölf Bücher.
Ich gehe in die Buchhandlung, um Bücher zu kaufen. Du gehst in der Wohnung mit mich und sie gehen in der Universität.
Ich werde Dateundanalyst und ihr wedt Ingenieur. Er wird Chemiker.
Ich nehme fünf Bücher in die Bibliothek. Du nimmst zwei Kuchen für deine Mutter. Sien nimmen meinen Mann.
Sept. 13, 2024
Stanno costruendo un tunnel a vicino alla diga nella città nostra. Oggi un uomo della società di costruzione è venuto a noi per chiedermi per l'aiuto. A quanto pare la maggior dei lavoratori sono stranieri e non parlano giapponese. Hanno bisogno di un'interprete. Ho detto che ero lusingato che abbiano pensato a me, ma non posso chiudere la mia scuola (sono un insegnante privato) per un mese o per tutto il tempo che ci vorrebbero costruire il tunnel. Mi dispiace. Sicuramente c'è una società a Tokyo che poterebbe fornire un interprete. Ha detto, sì, ma è molto caro!
Ora non ero così lusingato! I miei servizi non sono economici, neanche!
Sept. 13, 2024
Sept. 13, 2024
Heute war ein beschäftigter Tag bei der Arbeit. In der früh habe ich mich mit meinem Team getroffen, um über ein neues Projekt zu sprechen. Danach, habe ich fast meinen ganzen Abend verbracht beim Schreiben von Emails und beim Vorbereitung von Berichten. Ich musste auch einem Kollegen mit einer schwierigen Aufgabe helfen. Am Ende des Tages war ich schon müde aber ich war zufrieden mit was ich heute erledigt habe.
Sept. 13, 2024
Sept. 13, 2024
It's been a while since my last story on this site. Spending a few months away from the iland, I used to live in the last 2 years, decreased my English speaking skills even more. There was a time when I had 7 hours per week having English speaking classes and it helped me a lot to improve my fluency even though I don't have a gift for languages. However, since then I was disappointed that I didn't have the opportunity to put my skills to use and dropped it. Somehow I survived at work (it's English speaking company) because most of the time I used messages and email to answer users, meaning when I was too lazy I just wrote my answer in Russian and asked chat GPT to make it sound polite in English, then edited few things and send it to the coworkers. Now I got some kind of promotion and they want me to speak more in the meetings but I notice that my skills slowly degraded. I'm struggling to find a word to describe what I want to say I making silly grammar mistakes and sound slow like I'm reading by syllables.
That's why I plan to get back on track by taking English lessons again (this time I want to focus on the accent and sound more British) and practicing my storytelling by myself and not by using Chat GPT.
Sept. 13, 2024
The number of votes was low, and sometimes I had to choose the winner from the words with the highest results.
To catch somebody on the hop (informal) has nothing to do with jumping on one foot or with both feet together. Hops are 'the green female flowers of the hop plant that have been dried and used for making beer'. They have a form of cones that were picked by hand in the past. The process was time-consuming, and, according to an unverified source, men used to pick the cones instead of doing their work. Sometimes they were caught by the employer on the hop literally. I suggest another explanation: hops were not theirs, and the men were stealing them. Anyway, they were caught on the hop, which wasn't good for them.
The clerisy is less common than the literati. The clerisy are experts in a specific field, while the literati enjoy literature and arts. Both words are formal.
Litotes is an 'ironic understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of its contrary (e.g. I shan't be sorry for I shall be glad)'. If you still remember it, this word was always on the list of the means of expression on the Unified State Exam in the Russian language but never was the answer. I think we use litotes a lot in common speech.
Sept. 13, 2024
My favourite season is winter. There are a few reasons. First, I was born in the end of February. And the second is New Years. I really like this holiday. I live in Russia. Here we celebrated New Year from 31th December to 1th January. Up to nine years i believed in Father Christmas(i see this word in English for the first time!). And i waited every New Years so much. It was a great time. I remembered when i got up early on the 1th of January i jumped up and ran to the Christmas tree. I liked to open my sweet gift and put every sweets in row and counted them.
Also, i love winter because of temperature. I was born in Russia. Here we have a huge different between summer’s temperature and winter’s temperature. In the winter we have up to minus 35 degree. It is quite cold. You are always wear warm sweater, down jacket, scarf and mittens. I love smell cold air at the frost. It is unwritable feelings. On the one hand your nostrils start to froze, on the others your scarf get warm.
Sept. 13, 2024
Cette semaine j'ai commencé à me promener pendant dix à vingt minutes le matin et le soir. Je vous recommande ça vraiment parce que ça me met en bonne humeur immédiatement après. C'est un moyen excellent de profiter du jour. Voir le lever et le coucher du soleil est aussi très satisfaisant.
Sept. 13, 2024
Sept. 13, 2024
Vor einigen Tagen habe ich einen guten YouTube Kanal für Deustchlernen gefunden. Er ist ein Vlog einer jungen deutschen Lehrerin. Ihre Videos haben deutsches Skript und das Schriftzeichen ist genügend groß. Das ist für mich sehr hilfsbereit. Sie stellt Wörter vor, die man im Alltag benutzt. Sie spricht gewöhnlich langsam und klar, so dass ich verstehen quasi alles, was sie spricht.
Sept. 13, 2024
Sept. 13, 2024
06:15:44 (UTC)
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