Sept. 26, 2024
Sept. 26, 2024
Ich habe mich früh an der Kollektion der Edelstein-Accessoir begeistert. Sie sind aber nicht teure Steine, z.B. Diamant oder Saphir, sondern wenig teure Steine. Auf japanisch werden sie gewöhnlich naturelle Steine geheißt, doch weiß ich nicht auf deutsch was man sie heißt.
Ich muss, unter ihnen, einen Amethystring und eine Amethystkette haben. Ich suche sie seit einigen Tagen, aber kann nicht finden.
Sept. 26, 2024
As mentioned in my previous entries, I have just recovered from Hypothyroidism that lasted for over 600 days.
When I got home yesterday with the latest health examination report, I reviewed those days and the whole process, then I summarized some lessons for myself in the future.
1. Take my body seriously
I aimed to excel academically in school and to remain driven in my professional career. I thought It was the right way to be a good person. And indeed I had some achievements in this way.
But I had ignored my body for a too long time until COVID-19 hit me with Hypothyroidism.
Now I have a checklist that includes diet, exercise, sleeping time, etc. Additionally, I have established a series of daily routines to ensure that I can prioritize my physical well-being every day.
2. Instead of regretting and complaining, think about what I can do right now
In the beginning, I regretted a lot. I shouldn't have worked overnight when I hadn't fully recovered from COVID-19. I should go to the hospital the first time I felt something wrong with my body. I also complained a lot. Why did my parents bother me with small things when I was sick? etc. etc.
I found that regret and complaints were detrimental things that only worsened my feelings and the situation.
Then I started to make plans and schedules to help myself get better.
3. Choose people who can positively influence me and tell them the truth.
My parents don't know anything about my disease of thyroid, not even today. The reason I chose not to tell them was that my parents tend to blame me for everything bad that happens to me. I had done some research online and found that I would suffer many low and depressed feelings because of the disease. Usually, I could deal with my parents well, but I didn't think I could handle it well when I was in a bad mood.
So I just told four of my closest friends about my situation.
I'm so appreciative that they cheered me up every time I was down, and gave me many great pieces of advice when needed.
4. Be considerate of others because I don't know how others are suffering
When you see a person with a weakened thyroid, you would probably assume that he is a healthy person, who is at best a little fatigued. I hadn't known that before, and I thought there were more things like that.
I realized that when I was treated inappropriately. Then I decided to try my best to be considerate.
That's all today. I will try to write more tomorrow.
Sept. 26, 2024
Apprendre une langue seconde est difficile. Je sais qu'il y a beaucoup d'avantages, mais c'est tellement ardu parce qu'il y a beaucoup de règle qui est différent de ma langue maternelle, l'anglais. Par exemple, quand j'apprends le français, je peux voir beaucoup de différences avec l'anglais. Alors, je suis devenu désorienté parce que je dois les mémoriser et leurs exceptions. Après que je dois les utiliser peut-être années à partir de maintenant. Cependant, il est si facile à oublier parce que je n'utilise pas toutes les règles dans ma vie quotidienne, donc je dois les re-mémoriser. En fin de compte, je suis entraîné dans un cycle de mémoriser et re-mémoriser la même chose de nombreuse années, et est reparti avec le sentiment qui apprenant une langue seconde est difficile.
Sept. 26, 2024
Sept. 26, 2024
Sept. 26, 2024
This is a speech I'm going to say in a English class I study about "Who am I?":
I’m Eliel and I work as a Telecommunication Specialist. I consider myself as a person who has many values and want to practice them always I can. These are: Love, not only myself but the people who I have near to me. Tolerance, respect, compassion, fellowship and humbleness.
I’m passionate about my beliefs, you already know I’m Christian and I’m profoundly committed to it, it’s the way I’ve decided to live, sometimes has been difficult but sometimes has been peaceful and quiet. Something I enjoy is sharing my faith to others, maybe that’s why I talked much about it here. Also, I like my job in the telecommunications field, there’s a say: “There’s no more lucky man than the one that has a good wife and enjoy the job he has”. It’s a good say and at this point of my life in a certain way represents me, maybe not 100% but a big percentage of it. I’m not married yet but I’m with a good girl and in the say it’s a good way to express what I’m talking.
Despite having now many good things in my life and having reached many goals I wanted I don’t think that makes me happier than before moments in my life. At the end I’m not my goals and I’m not the things I’ve reached (and part of the joking is I haven’t reached so many), I’m a human being with flaws that think life is still enjoyable even without many things and being obsessed with reaching goals and projects.
Sept. 26, 2024
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Sept. 26, 2024
I've been using this website for a while and I'm loving the feedback that everyone gives me, but I noticed that the Portuguese writing community is basically dead. I haven't seen any entries in Portuguese for me to correct them, and the last message was sent almost three weeks ago. The only entries I can correct are the old ones which are previously there. Not bad enough, most texts were sent by one account, which means that every time I correct it, its correction indicator goes up.
This looks very unbalanced since we all need a good correction rate. All the feedback goes to one single person who will have to make way more corrections to its native language to be able to write more texts. I wish more people had knew about this website so this problem could be fixed. The website creators should've invest more on ads or something that could bring more users around. I feel a bit guilty when I have to correct texts from the same person so many times, especially the ones that were previously corrected by other person. Lang Correct has everything we need to improve our language learning, it only needs to be more well-known.
Sept. 25, 2024
Sept. 25, 2024
Ich habe jetzt einen neuen Job als Datenanalyst. Ich liebe meine Arbeit, weil sie interessant ist est und ich mit Daten arbeite. Ich mag die Aussicht im Büro, denn sie ist atemberaubend. Ich mag meine Kollegen und meinen Chef. Sie sind nett und freundlich. Es gibt viele gesellschaftliche Ereignisse im Büro.
Sept. 25, 2024
Aujourd'hui, je travaillais avec mon collègue sur un problème quand je me suis rendu compte que j'avais fait une bêtise en omettant une partie importante de mon programme. Nous avons perdu presque deux heures à cause d'elle. Je l'ai réglé et cela a résolu la plupart des problèmes, mais certains d'entre eux reste encore. Je dois me réveiller très tôt demain pour finir mon projet à l'heure.
Sept. 25, 2024
Bonsoir! J'ai sais je trouverai cet site web plutôt enjoyable, même si la française étais difficile, ce qui c'est certainement ! Heureusement, mes examens de la française n'est pas trop près, mais malheureusement, j'ai beaucoup d'examens demain ! J'ai un examen de la chemie pour passer, et en vendredi, j'passerai un examen de la physique et de la bio ! Cepandant, je l'ai préparé beaucoup bien, vu que j'ai écrit beacoup des ____ en la passé, ce qui aiderais moi demain !
Je dois continuer mon préparation, donc...bon huite!
Sept. 25, 2024
Viime aikoina mä oon lukenut Ylen selkouutisia opiskellakseni suomea.
Tämän päivän yksi aihe oli panda.
Uutisissa sanottiin, että kaksi pandaa annetaan takaisin Kiinaan, koska pandojen hoito maksaa paljon.
Lisäksi uutiset sanoivat, että turistit ei tullut enemmän kuin odotettu.
Se oli mielenkiintoinen. Japanissa pandat ovat tosi suosittuja, mutta Suomessa eivätkö pandat suosittuja paljon?
Sept. 25, 2024
I want to walk with a straight back. I want not to waste a time for useless thing. I want a quality rest. I want be really smart woman. I want a clear skin and clear mind. I want to love, to be loves and hang out with lovely people. I want to be more confident. I want to be brave, little cheeky and a bit scare of my plan because it is huge. I want not scary watch in eyes people which don’t like me for any reason. I want to talk even I am choking on anxiety. I want to build my health and my future.
Sept. 25, 2024
Die Gewerkschaft hat einen Streik in Berlin und Hamburg organisiert. Der Streik dauert schon 4 Wochen. Die Mitarbeiteren des Gewerkschaftes fordern den Lohn zu erhöchen sonst werden sie ab 5. September nichr mehr Müll aus der Stadt sammeln. Sofort hat Die Verwaltung Verhandlungen geführt, aber zurzeit haben beide Seiten keinen Kompromiss finden können. Es ist eine zeitliche Lösungen für die Situation - den Müll auf die Straße einfach abzuwaschen, trotzdem viele Einwohner nicht zufrieden darüber sind.
Sept. 25, 2024
Sept. 25, 2024
Sept. 25, 2024
Sept. 25, 2024
Sept. 25, 2024
Sept. 25, 2024
Das ist noch eine kurze Lektion.
Zwei Frauen sprachen miteinander.
Ein Mensch, der des Mannes einer der Zwei Frau ist, kocht, und die andere Frau probiert, was er kocht.
Es schmeckt gut.
Die Frau des Mannes sagt, dass er oft kocht.
Die andere sagt, dass ihr freunde glücklich ist, denn "Ein guter Koch ist ein guter Arzt".
Sept. 25, 2024
Che giornata piena di faccende! Non ho camminato molto oggi. Stavo facendo una passeggiata quando mio marito mi ha telefonato e mi ha chiesto di andare con lui in un negozio di occhiali.
Era ora che comprasse un paio nuovo. Quelli vecchi si erano rotti. L'ho aiutato a sceglierne uno bello, perfetto anche per stare tanto tempo di fronte al computer.
Credo di comprarmene uno entro la fine dell'anno. Dovrei sempre mettermi gli occhiali, ma non penso che mi stiano bene. Almeno li metto solo quando lavoro perché passo molte ore al giorno al computer.
Ho approfittato della pausa pranzo e ho già preparato il pasto per le prossime giornate. Domani sarò impegnatissima e non avrò il tempo per cucinare.
Sept. 25, 2024
Sept. 25, 2024
12:46:01 (UTC)
Streaks reset at midnight (00:00)