Nov. 11, 2022
Nov. 11, 2022
Ciao Alberto!
Abito a Budapest, perciò penso che possa aiutarti con queste domande.
Innanzitutto, credo che Budapest sia un buonissimo scelto. È una bellissima città con molti luoghi interessanti e storici. Generalmente non piova molto, ma raramente sì. Perciò vi consiglio a prendere degli impermeabili con ve. Se fossi in te lo prendi con me anche alle sere, perché in qualunque ora potrebbe piovere. Non dimenticate di mettere anche i vostri passaporti. Credo che due bagagli a mano vi due bastarono. Prendete anche i propri vestiti e spazzolini da denti.
Nelle chiese e sinagoghe vi consiglio di entrare in pantaloni lunghi e scarpe. La causa non è le religioni comandano di metterli, però è un segno di rispetto per i credenti.
Quando sei in Ungheria, potresti visitare anche altre città famose. Ti raccomando Szeged e Visegrád, perché entrambe le due hanno molti monumenti e luoghi storici. Se fossi in te, anche visiterei il lago Balaton, uno dei più grandi laghi di Europa centrale.
Ci sono diversi modi possibili per arrivare a Budapest. Dipende da dove abiti, puoi arrivare nell’autobus, nella ferrovia, o nell’aeroplano.
Se ancora hai delle domande non vergognati, mandami un messaggio! Il mio e-mail è vedibile nel mio account. C’è anche molta informazione sull’internet. Buon viaggio!
Nov. 11, 2022
Ça fait une semaine très occupée et je pense qu’il faut me régaler. Comme ma amie a acheté un très bon camera et on a pris pas mal de bonnes photos ensemble, je voudrais aussi acheter un nouveau camera ou changer l’objectif de mon vieux camera. Ça faisait longtemps que je n’utilisais pas mon vieux camera parce que son objectif n’était pas marché, et donc j’utilise simplement mon smartphone pour prendre de photos. En fait, je suis déjà contente de mon smartphone mais pour améliorer la qualité de mes photos dans certaines conditions, comme la nuit et à l’intérieur, je voudrais acheter quelque chose de meilleur. Mais je ne voudrais pas y dépenser trop de l’argent parce que je viens d’acheter un nouveau smartphone. Enfin, aujourd’hui, j’ai trouvé un objectif qui ne me coûtait pas trop et dont la qualité de photos est ce que je voudrais !
Nov. 11, 2022
1 Do you think people are familiar with their neighbors?
I think most people are not familiar with their neighbors. As employment opportunities and the cost of living have increased significantly over the last decade, there are an increasing number of people who are occupied with working. So people have less time for human interaction. Another reason is that people’s favorite pastime nowadays seems to be scrolling through their smartphones, rather than interacting with their neighbors. In my neighborhood, the scene of children gathering in the street and playing traditional folk games is less common compared to when I was young.
2 How can people improve the relationship with neighbors in a community?
There are many ways you can do to have a better relationship with your neighbors. For example, try to be friendly. When running into your neighbors, you can wave, smile, say hi, or even have small talk with them. Another way is to offer a hand when you see your neighbors struggling. For example, helping a neighbor carry something heavy or take in their laundry when raining can be small yet effective gestures to improve neighbor relationships. Being respectful is also critical when it comes to building a strong relationship. For example, you should say thank you and sorry whenever necessary, and avoid causing any inconvenience such as opening music too loudly or littering in public spaces.
3 How do children build relationships with others in a community?
Parents can create opportunities for their child to meet with people in their community. They can take their child to community events, such as local volunteering, festivals and fitness programs, and public spaces, like parks and squares, to meet and play with other children and parents. Also, children nowadays spend less time outdoors playing with the neighbor kids because they would rather stay at home scrolling through their phones. So in order to facilitate community connections and friendships for children in the community, parents should limit their sons or daughters’ screen time.
4 Is it beneficial to get along well with neighbors?
Absolutely. If you have good relationships with your neighbors, your lives can be peaceful and comfortable. It is because the neighbors may be reluctant and think twice before doing anything that can cause inconvenience to you if they are your friends; they may be less likely to be loud and rowdy, or litter in front of your house. There will be less conflict too. Also, neighbors who are on good terms with you are more willing to help and watch out for you, as well as your property when you are not around. This is a major benefit as modern people tend to live far away from their families, which makes it easier for them to reach their neighbors for help than their families.
Nov. 11, 2022
Ich kürzlich campen ging. Ich merkte sehr bald, dass ich muss ins Wohnheim zurück, bevor es dunkel wird. Ich war allein, ich hatte kein Zelt, und ein Lagerfeuer ist in diesem Wald verboten. Es war vier Uhr. Was ich nicht realisierte war, es war Ende Oktober und es wird früh dunkel. War es sieben Uhr und sehr dunkel, als ich habe den gewählten Teil des Waldes durchquert. Ich hatte mich seltsam gefühlt. Ich war in Panik verfallen, und ich war verängstigt, aber ich war immer noch froh, weil ich bin frei (und sicher). Ich ging durch die Müllhalde aus Metall und Vorstadt. Da waren Hunde gewesen, und ein Mann hat seine Thujen mit einem Schlauch gegossen. Ich hörte, dass die beste Zeit zum Gießen ist in der Nacht, aber sein Haus war wie ein neues Cottage, und ich denke, er hätte sich Leuchte leisten können. Am Ende, ich hab die U-Bahn-Station erreicht.
Ich dachte, störte es mich nicht, aber ich hab vor wenigen Tagen ein Traum. Ich war auch im Wald, dann war es schnell dunkel und ich war verängstigter als in der real Wald.
Nov. 11, 2022
I was told that American Stock is the largest and most active stock market in the world three years ago. I could not resist how exciting I could earn money at home , I opened a stock account and started to trade stock in American market.
I earned about 30% profit in the first year, I felt happy and exciting , I thought I was a genius and intelligent stock expert.
But in the next 2 years, my stock lost around 60%. I get to know the best investment for me is deposit cash in bank, do nothing.
Nov. 11, 2022
سابق وزیر اعظم کو ایک احتجاجی مارچ میں گولی لگا دی گئی تھی۔
احتجاجی مارچ حکومت سے انتخابات کروانے کا مطالبہ کر رہا تھا۔
عمران خان نے کہا کہ مارچ منگل کو جاری رہے گا۔
سابق وزیر اعظم کو اتوار کے روز ہسپتال سے رخصت ہوے تھے۔
ان کو احتجاجی مارچ میں گولی لگا دی گئی تھی۔
ایسا لگتا ہے کہ حملہ آور عمران خان کو قتل کرنے کی کوشش کر رہا تھا۔
Nov. 11, 2022
В амазонских джунглях, коренные жители разных культур и национальностей соединились, чтобы создать единый голос в кинематографических рассказах своих историй, вместо позволить, чтобы посторонни сделали одно и то же самое. На прошлой неделе, колумбийская племя сотрудничала вместе с бразильским племенем, чтобы получить кинематографическое образование.
"Мы не знаем, как действует камера. Поэтому, они просветили нам своими знаниями, представив другие точки зрения, доказывая таким образом серьёзность в нашем образовании", сказал член колумбийского племени
В прошлом месяце, члени организации совершили путешествие, длившись 7 дней, во время которого они пересекли бурные реки, и проникли в густые джунгли, чтобы поделить с сообществом коренных жителей свои знания.
Как только начинался курс, один из членов со своеобразной татуировкой кота значился перед группой, доказывая им как фокусировать камерой.
Он принадлежит к группе, известной
татуировками котов на лице. Они уроженцы долины, пресловутой очагом произведения наркотик, вырубки и нелегальной рыбной ловли. Журналист был убит там в июне.
Nov. 11, 2022
I would never forget one thing when I was in high school. My chemistry course was not good at that time, generally scored around point 60( full is 100).
But at one unit testing, I scored 90, ranked first 5 in my class.
At that time, teacher usually ask the first 10 ranking students queue to step onto the class platform to get their exam paper.
My teacher said there was maybe somebody cheating on this test, so he got a better result, that was a shame.
I thought the teacher was setting me up, I felt upset and hated this teacher much.
Of course , I totally lost interest of learning chemistry.
Nov. 11, 2022
Nov. 11, 2022
Unfortunately, there is no Japanese dubs and subtitles in this game, even though there are the Japanese versions of the trailer and website.
However, I also understand why they didn’t include a Japanese localization.
I think the Japanese audience wouldn’t pick up this game, even if they localized it for Japanese people.
The main reason is that the character designs are not attractive.
Basically, the character design in the Borderlands series is not appealing to Japanese people.
Moreover, the designs of the main characters in New Tales from the Borderlands are the worst.
I can’t deny that, even though I like the characters.
I play games for fun, not for appearances of characters, so this is not a big problem for me.
Nov. 11, 2022
Nov. 11, 2022
Plus tard, j’irai chez Steven, mon ami, qui habite loin de la capital, où je vis. Ca prendras plus de deux heure pour y arriver et je ne suis pas prêt pour le voyage car j’ai facilement le mal des transports. Malgré ça, je suis très excité pour ce soir. Une des raisons que je voulais y aller, c’est car il fait plus froid là-bas. Il habite en haut sur une montagne alors il y a beaucoup de vent chez lui. Ce n’est pas que moi qui va lui rendre visite, il y a 3 autres ami(e)s qui nous joindront. J’ai hate de quitter la grande ville pour changer !
Nov. 11, 2022
I like traveling and always make a travel plan in advance.
I planned travels from east to west, start from the Southeast Asia to the Middle East, then the former communist countries in the Eastern Europe , the western Europe, and finally go to Northern America from Britain, it will cost me 10 years to finish it.
I don't know why I forget or ignore the countries like Australia, Italy, the South America and the African continent.
Nov. 11, 2022
Mi dormitorio es mediano. Tiene tres ventanas y un clóset pequeño. A la derecho hay un espejo, una cama y junto a la cama es una mesa de noche. Sobre la mesa de noche tiene mi diario y un alarma. A la izquierda hay un cajón, un cesto y una lámpara alta. A el miedo hay un escritorio con un computadora a sobre. Y junto a el escritorio está un estante con mis cuadernos para estudiar y los varios libros.
(Una pregunta: ¿Es el dormitorio igual a el cuarto o la habitación? Y ¿Es la cama igual a el lecho? Gracias podría decirme.)
Nov. 10, 2022
Nov. 10, 2022
Nota: quiero usar el pronombre "ustedes" con el dialecto de América Latina. Quiero sonar lo más auténtica posible, por favor, siéntete libre de dejar cualquier corrección.
1. What is your level of English?
- ¿Qué es tu nivel de inglés?
1. Is my speaking pace ok or is it too fast for you?
- ¿Mi ritmo de hablar está bien o es demasiado rápido para ti?
1. What topics do you want me to ask you about?
- ¿Cual temas quieres que te pregunte?
1. The university I am going to attend only offers Barcelona for an exchange.
- La universidad que voy a ir solo ofrece Barcelona como un lugar para intercambio.
1. Do you want to teach locally or in different countries?
- ¿Te gustaría enseñar localmente o en países diferentes?
1. My parents did not let me get a passport, so I just got one now because I turned 18.
- Mis padres no me han permitido tener un pasaporte, acabo de recibirlo porque cumplí dieciocho.
1. Sorry, my parents are arguing.
- Perdóname, mis padres están peleando.
1. We had to reschedule the phone call.
- Teníamos que reprogramar el llamado.
1. I would like to do an official DELE exam in February.
- En Febrero me gustaría hacer un examen oficial de DELE.
1. Have you done any language exams?
- ¿Has hecho algún examen de idiomas?
1. Are you doing a teaching degree?
- ¿Estás estudiando una licenciatura de la enseñanza?
1. Here we call them diplomats or a study of diplomacy.
- Aquí los llamamos diplomáticos o un estudio de diplomacia.
1. Does your university have a lot of facilities?
- ¿Tu universidad hay muchas instalaciones?
1. Do you want to teach younger students or older students?
- ¿Quieres enseñar los jóvenes o estudiantes más mayores?
1. It was nice to meet you.
- Era un placer conocerte
1. Some natives will correct you.
- Algunos nativos te corregirán.
1. It went well, it was a bit boring though.
- Me fue bien, aunque estaba un poco aburrido.
1. By Saturday, I will have finished everything in relation to high school.
- Para el sábado, habré terminado todo en relación con el cole.
1. I am excited to start my life and to leave high school in the past.
- Estoy emocionada a empezar mi vida y salir cole en el pasado.
1. I think the old owners of my dog used to abuse him.
- Creo que los dueños anteriores de mi perro lo maltrataban.
Nov. 10, 2022
Customers loyalty is a crucial advantage that can help businesses increase their revenue and build long-lasting relationships with clients. People devoted to your brand will come back to you time after time, spend more money, and tell their friends and family about your company. In the modern tech world, it's becoming harder and harder for companies to compete with their rivals, not to mention stand out from others. And that's the key reason you need to build and maintain a close bond with your clients.
In this article, I'll share with you some proven tactics that will help you forge exclusive relationships with your customers and make them long-standing advocates for your brand.
Why You Need Your Customer Loyalty
What benefits can you get from a loyal audience? Let's find out.
They Spend More
Customers become loyal when they trust that you can provide them with quality products or services. If you successfully win over your customers, they will be more willing to spend more money on your items and choose you over your competitors on a regular basis.
Research proves that for any kind of business it's much cheaper selling to existing clients than attracting new ones. Thus, customer loyalty will help you maximize your profits, which is a downright win-win.
They Shop Regularly
Another advantage is that loyal customers will buy from you more often because you've already earned their trust. There is no more need to prove to them that you produce high-quality products, or provide quick shipping and competent customer support. According to research, the revenue from repeated purchases makes up on average 50% of total companies' profits. That's another reason why loyal customers are a key asset of your business.
They Allow You to Plan In Advance
With loyal customers, you get the unique advantage of being able to plan your business strategy. You already know how many customers you have and how much money they are ready to spend each month. With this knowledge, you can set up your marketing goals, tweak your content strategy or experiment with new products. Whereas other companies are fighting for customer loyalty, you can play around with various options and try new strategies.
How to Build Customer Loyalty
Personalise customers experience
I suggest trying to analyze the data and find out more about your customers: their names, ages, and preferences. Don't get me wrong: you shouldn't be spying on your clients. It's just a fact that knowledge of your audience's preferences can skyrocket your sales and greatly improve your customers' experience. When you know what exactly what buyers want, you can bring them closer to your brand and build a unique relationship with every client.
Here are a couple of examples to show what I mean. You can send your client a birthday newsletter or a personalised gift card. Another option is you can notify clients about upcoming discounts and new products in your shop. A small tip: оne of the best ways to increase loyalty is by sending personalised item-related newsletters. For example, it might be a digest-related email with a list of products that this exact client is more likely to purchase. Personal recommendations work excellently because in personal emails people see exactly what they want to purchase rather than general marketing offers. So, there are chances that this approach will highly increase your conversion rate.
Create a Loyalty Program
This kind of program encourage customer loyaltyand help maintain a sustainable revenue stream. There are a lot of different types of programs — bonus programs, credit card programs, and so on — so you can choose whichever will serve your goals best.
One outstanding example of a loyalty program is the one of Sephora. This brand created a traditional point system; the company's customers earn rewards for each purchase. The novel part is that they can choose how to spend their reward points. Sephora provides a vast range of options for this: clients can spend their points on gift cards, discounts, and even on limited-edition products and beauty courses.
Engage with Your Customers on Social Media
Social media is a great way to ratchet up your customer loyalty. You can communicate with your customers and provide them with a more personal experience than, say, your company site. Social media allows you to foster your brand's voice and interact with your followers directly. With social media accounts, it's easier for a brand to broadcast its core values, share behind-the-scenes information, and make your audience aware of new products or sales. In other words, it's the perfect tool for building and maintaining close relationships with your clients, so don't ignore it.
Ask for Feedback
Last but not least — you should be interested in your customers' opinions. If you ask me why it's important, the answer is that it'll help you build credibility. Customers always value brands that take notice of their opinions. So, if you want to stay in high regard, ask your clients about your company.
How do you do that? You can create email surveys, question them on social media, or gather reviews from brick-and-mortar stores. Keep in mind not only assemble feedbacks, but also implement it for your work. Also, let your audience know how you use their recommendations. The best way to do this is to share information about your improvements on your site and social media.
Nov. 10, 2022
Nov. 10, 2022
La compañía más grande en el mundo de fabricar los componentes eléctricos especiales, Foxconn, declaró este lunes aumentar la provision de sus ventas. Esta modificación fue contribuido buenas ventas en móviles y servidores, aunque se preocupa que la inflación provocaría la demanda más despacio. Como las compañías de fabricación en el mundo, Foxconn sigue tratando de solucionar la falta de los chips, que impacta la producción de móviles de sus clientes como la compañía Apple. Las razones parciales de faltar los chips ha contribuido por el confinamiento de China contra el COVID-19.
Nov. 10, 2022
Nov. 10, 2022
Gener 25 - Robbie Burns Day - Celebrem el poeta escocès, Robbie Burns. Hi han sopars on es menja haggis, el plat nacional d'Escòcia, i es llegeixen els seus poemes.
L'últim dimarts de gener - Up Helly Aa - Una festa vikinga que celebren en les illes de Shetland. Els homes es vesteixen en roba vikinga i cremen un vaixell amb un gran incendi.
Febrer - Pancake Day - El primer dia de Quaresma quan cuinem i mengem pancakes.
31 octubre - Halloween / Samhain - Els orígens de Halloween venen de la festa celta que es diu Samhain. És la nit en què les mampares entre el món d'humanes i el món de fantasmes desapareixen.
31 desembre - Hogmanay - La celebració del cap de l'Any. Tradicionalment, els escocesos feien "first footing", quan anaven de casa a casa visitant a tota la seva família i tots els seus amics amb una ampolla de whisky. Ara desafortunadament està poc fet
Nov. 10, 2022
Nov. 10, 2022
Nov. 10, 2022
Liebes Tagebuch,
erinnerst du dich an meine Frage ? Zwei Tage später hast du mich nichts geantwortet. Vielleicht hast du zu viele Arbeit und keine Zeit für mich. Ich dachte, dass ich besonders für dich ware. Obwohl du mein kleines Herz gebrochen hast, verzeihe ich dir dein Schweigen. Du bist halt nur ein digitales Heft, und ich brauche dich sowieso, um auf meine Schreibfähigkeit zu üben.
Du bist auch sehr hübsch und süß, ich kann dich nichts ablehnen.
Deswegen sage ich dir : bis bald!
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