Dec. 29, 2022
Peu importe comme forte, rapide, intelligent et cetera tu deviens tu dois jamais croire que tu es superieur qu'autres. Ce n'est pas juste une faux pensée mais aussi mal pour toi même. Quelques gens sont nées avec certaines talents et pourraient attirer quelques chose plus vite qu'autres mais ça ne change pas le fait que nous somme toutes humaines nous tous ont notre mérite et façon de vivre nos vies. Chacune de nous a le potenial d'attirer les grandes choses. En plus si on croit d'étre supérieur tout le temps nous retenons nous-mêmes, car on croit qu'il y a personne qui peut nous montrer quelque chose nouvellle.
Dec. 29, 2022
Dec. 29, 2022
Dec. 29, 2022
Dec. 29, 2022
Bonjour à tous
Mantenant je suis à la maison .Dans la famille nous sommes quinze enfants .J'ai mon cher , Elle s'appelle Odille , Elle aime moi trés bien et moi j'aime mon cher trés bien Mais moi je ne sais pas comment montrer l'amour .
J'ai des amis , un il s'appelle Aphrodice , deux elle s'appelle Immaculée. J'aime mon des amis car ils sont vraiment magnifique.
Moi j'aime jouer football , donc moi j'aime vraiment jouer .
Mon travail est danser à la club de saint famille .j'ai travail à la club de saint famille depuis cing ans .
J'ai étudié à l'école secondaire du Saint Famille pour neuf ans .
Nous avons habité à Kigali depuis 2015.
Merci pour lire mon histoire
Dec. 29, 2022
Il giorno prima di ieri stavo per andare a Porto Rico per stare con la mia famiglia per alcuni giorni dopo di Natale. Dopo che mio marito mi ha lasciato all'aeroporto, ho notato che l'aeroporto era molto pieno. L'aeroporto aveva un sacco di gente aspettando aiuta e in attesa di controllare i loro bagagli. Mi ricordo di aver pensato che era strano vedere tanta gente lì. Le persone sembravano molto stressate e in fretta. All'inizio, avevo pensato che la situazione era solamente per il check in dei bagagli, ma dopo di andare attraverso il checkpoint di sicurezza, mi sono accorta che il problema era diverso. Il volo non poteva partire perché la linea aerea non aveva sufficiente personale per tutti i voli. Quindi, non sono riuscita ad andare a Porto Rico. Forse dopo di aver ricevuto i soldi del rimborso potrò comprare un nuovo biglietto per un'altra occasione.
Dec. 29, 2022
Dec. 29, 2022
Estimado Don ********,
Este es un recordatorio de la oficina de cirugía dental de ******** para recordarle que tiene usted una cita con nosotros el 17 de enero. Abajo hay algunas notas para que su cita sea lo más productiva posible.
- Vístase de ropa suelta y cómoda. Además, traiga una chaqueta ligera para calentarse si tiene frío.
- Traiga con usted un(a) familiar/compañer@ a la cita. No va a poder conducir durante las próximas 24 horas y no recomendemos que tome usted transportación pública mientras le queden los medicamentos en la sangre (alrededor de 12 horas).
- Tenga preparado algo de comida blanda para después de la operación. Incluso después de la cirugía, le van a doler la boca y los labios durante algunos días.
- No beba ni coma por las 12 horas antes de la operación.
Si tiene usted algún problema, siempre nos puede contactar a este correo electrónico (************@*****) o con este número de teléfono: ***********
Que tenga usted buen día.
******* ****
Dec. 28, 2022
I decided to start writing a new type of essay which is related to my current vocabulary notebook. I've written and continue to write up to 30 words and phrases on each page of my notebook and I'm going to use them in one essay. One page of the vocabulary notebook - one essay. I am not sure if I can keep that up for long, but I believe it will help me to practice my English better. It will be a really wild mix of arbitrary words in one essay. I'll start with the first pages of the notepad.
Today I'll train the following words from my written wordbook:
glamorous, firm, nature, cluster, second nature, charming, speaking frankly, shaft, inanimate, comforts of home, consecutive, bell, decay, heads or tails, feature, in my opinion, that's why, viewpoint, handyman, heavy-duty, as for me, habit, toss.
A story (a tall one):
Ages ago a friend of mine used to work in a tourism company for two months. Two months is not a perceptible term to talk about, but not in his case. It was a time full of CHARMING NATURE, every day for a couple of weeks. As he was telling me the story, I started to envy him a bit, SPEAKING FRANKLY.
The company he worked for, conducts a lottery every six months for its workers. And it doesn't matter if you are a rookie, or you've been working there for years, or a silent goldfish in an aquarium, or even an INANIMATE picture on the wall. Everyone gets implicated. So, my friend, let's name him Jack, won the lottery on his first official day. It was a chance for a million. The same day his superiors organized a GLAMOROUS party and presented him the award. It was a travel package to one of the forests in Europe which is located in three countries concurrently. The next day Jack immediately started gathering all the necessary documents for a visa and three weeks after he finally went to the place of stay.
The first thing he noticed in his hotel room was a lack of COMFORTS OF HOME. It seemed like the hotel authority deceived the company about luxurious conditions. THAT'S WHY it is important to check the reviews of the hotel on specialized web resources. Besides a DECAYING CLUSTER of leaves in the corner, there was only a single bed, one chair, and a small half-broken table with a BELL on it. Yes, just a bell, a tiny mechanic bell, which is typically hung up near the door. And yet, the room had a FEATURE - a big window with a tremendous view of a forested mountain ridge. In my opinion, Jack won the second lottery at that moment.
On his first day after having a shower, Jack went upstairs to the roof of the hotel and found out that there were 360 degrees of VIEWPOINT stand. It was a 3 meters long tapered area extended beyond the main roof. Before the tourism company, Jack earned his bread and butter by being HANDYMAN. He had drilled SHAFTS and installed various HEAVY-DUTY equipment. An experience accumulated so far helped him instantly observe that the viewpoint stand wasn't FIRM and even dangerous. Noticing such dangerous situations is SECOND NATURE to him after a construction job. In spite of his immense desire to step on the stand, he decided not to TOSS a coin and play HEADS OR TALES with fate and turned back to his room.
The next 10 CONSECUTIVE days he spent in the forest. However, this is already another story. AS FOR ME, my view of the story is having a sustainable HABIT of spending time in nature at least once a year is better than getting out into nature by winning the lottery or a TOSS.
Dec. 28, 2022
"Heuzutage ist unser Leben so stressig dass man Freundschaften kaum noch pflegen kann" Diskutieren Sie (Übung 2).
Ich stimme zu, das unser Leben ist sehr stressig und schnelllebig geworden. Aber heißt das, das wir Freundschaften "kaum nich pflegen können?". Die Antwort finde ich nicht so eindeutig. Am ende, es hängt von vielen Sachen ab, wenn oder nicht wir zeit für Freundschaften haben. Frenden zu haben braucht aber immer eine bewusste Anstrengung, in Kontakt zu bleiben und manchmal treffen zu organisieren. Das bedeutet aber nicht jeden Tag und jede Sekunde in Kontankt zu sein. Freunden helfen sehr beim Stressabbau, und Freundschaften sind, meine Meinung nach, die Gegenmittel für Stress.
Dec. 28, 2022
Dec. 28, 2022
Es tecnología ponernos más solos? Eso es una pregunta que nos preguntamos desde la aparición de los primeres ordenadores y mobiles.
Primeramente, la tecnología es un instrumento útil para conectar con personas en todo el mundo. Gracias a la tecnología, podemos utilizar langcorrect par aprender una idioma!
Pero, la tecnología también puede impedir las relaciónes en la vida real. Hay muchos ejemplos de personas que están adictas a su mobil o videojuego. Aunque en casos menos extremos, sabemos que nuestros mobiles son, de vez en cuando, una resistencia para sortir o hacer cosas fuera de nuestra zona de descanso.
Así que tecnología puede ser un instrumento para conectar con otros, pero necesitamos ser cuidadosos de la manera que la utilizamos.
Dec. 28, 2022
Today is the 88th day of my daily English challenge. My sister and I went to the supermarket. we bought cheese, milk, yogurt,chocolate,biscuits. Then I went to another store to buy the games for my nieces and my nephew.
In the afternoon, I spent my time to watch some videos of recepices. I'd like to prepare and variety of foods to my nephew and my nieces.
Dec. 28, 2022
For many people, studying is something very hard to do, not because they are too lazy to sit down and open their books, but because they feel they are just wasting time every time they do it, since then they can not remember anything they read.
In my case, I have developed my self study technique to face almost all the troubles I have had. It is not such a thing, but it has been working and will work, at least for me.
In my opinion, everyone must have their own technique to study, but I think I can give you some advices, so you can develop one that is really helpful.
You have to read slow and steady if you really want to comprehend deeply the meaning of what you are reading. Therefore, you can explain the important information of the whole text with your own words. The way in which you explain it does not matter, it can be talking to yourself, or writing a text, as I am doing right now.
This is more or less, what I think you should do while studying. Obviously, you can adapt these steps to your own Technique, these are just advices. Since I started use a better self study technique, I can now comprehend, learn and remember what I learnt for long time.
Dec. 28, 2022
I am really appreciate those who corrected my journal Ep.1,2,3,4, and 5.
Actually, I didn’t expect that I could receive corrections like this detailed one.
Those corrections and advices are valuable and significant.
Since those are individually tailored instructions, I can find it nowhere but here.
I am truly satisfied with the corrections for kanji stories.
This is very practical.
I am thinking I’m going to write “my favourite quotes” next.
It will not finish one episode. I have many nice quotes come up my mind. I can’t choose one.
But before that, I have quarterly exam on first week of February.
Usually I allocate one month for preparing for exam.
It looks I suddenly disappear from society.
I might reply in slow on WhatsApp or twitter or FB even sometimes not replying.
I might not going out with my friends. Some of them do come to my place for checking whether I am still alive or not. In order to avoid being rude not to respond and giving them unnecessary worries, I change my icon on my profile. That icon says “ Allison is super duper busy at exam.” Even that sometimes friends ask me to going out or visiting my place especially weekends. Eh? Didn’t they notice my icon? Are they wanting me that much? Or just they are being selfish? I put dry smile on my face and politely decline. Haha! I still love them but I don’t want to stop thinking or writing once I started my essay or assignments until my hands stop writing. If I stopped, my ideas or thoughts gone somewhere and I can never recall them.
I might not so active in January, but I’m still alive on this website.
I want to correct, the problem is correction has to be done at one time.
Once correction has started, it can’t send in the middle of that.
Anyway I’ll try best both journal and exam :)
Thanks for reading until the end.
Dec. 28, 2022
“Project Gutenberg“ is a website in which many literary works whose copyright has expired is open to the public.
“Winnie-the-Pooh” which I'm thinking of reading in English, was also published.
Same as “Project Gutenberg,“ there is a website “青空文庫 (Aozora bunko)” in Japan.
However, I rarely use Aozora bunko.
Their works are hard to read, because old works use also old expressions, so I think it is not right to read them for entertainment.
I am concerned that the expressions of the works in Project Gutenberg may be old same as Aozora Bunko.
But I'm not so familiar with English, so it might not bother me.
Dec. 28, 2022
Dec. 28, 2022
À mon avis chaque parent doit faire sûr que son enfant reçoit la meilleure éducation à son disponible. Ce n'est pas bon de prenez soin de les parce qu'ils vont avoir une faux image de la monde. Comprenez pas mal je ne dis pas d'être méchant avec son propre enfant mais faire justement sûr qu'il est prêt pour le monde extérieur. Enparticulier les indivaux qui viennent d'une famille noble. C'est une gaspillage de pas donner leurs enfants la meilleure éducation. Cependant on doit pas oublier de donner l'enfant assez temps libre.
Dec. 28, 2022
Dec. 28, 2022
En Australie, on appelle le jour après Noël « Boxing Day ». Quel qu’un m’a dit que dans certains pays, on l’appelle la fête de Saint-Etienne parce que celle-ci aussi été célébrée le 26 décembre.
Apparemment l’origine de « Boxing Day » vient de l’Angleterre et les pays qui ont appartenu à l’ancien empire britannique marquent l’occasion. Je remarque que ce n’était pas seulement dans ces anciennes colonies mais bien plus encore dans plusieurs d’autres pays. Comme j’ai déjà dit l’origine est de l’Angleterre et à l’époque les riches offraient des cadeaux aux pauvres. Personne n’est vraiment sûr l’origine du nom « Boxing Day ». Une théorie est que les cadeaux ont été donnés dans des boites. Mais, j’ai entendu dire d’une autre théorie où l’argent pour les pauvres a été mis dans des boites de collecte dans l’église. Personnellement, je préfère cette théorie.
Quoi qu’il en soit, de nos jours, c’est un jour férié et beaucoup de gens vont faire les soldes le 26 décembre. Tous les magasins sont bondés, les files d’attente sont longues et les vendeurs très stressés. En outre, c’est difficile de trouver un parking. Je déteste des foules, alors j’évite les centres commerciaux ce jour-là. Je préfère faire mes achats en ligne où bien entendu, on peut profiter des mêmes promotions.
Dec. 28, 2022
Dec. 28, 2022
Dec. 28, 2022
Dec. 28, 2022
Un corto salto en el avión y llegamos en Frutillar. El aire y los campos son similar a Inglaterra en primavera, pero la presencia de un volcán grande estropea la comparación.
El volcán Osorno esta encaramado al lado un lago de azul perfecto. Las nubes de algún modo son enfrente y detrás el volcán, creando una imagen increíble. Cabinas de madero tracen el borde del lago y situado en tierra y arena negra.
Al lado de lago Llanquihue fue un experimento. Desde los 1850s al siglo veinte los chilenos bienvenidos treinta mil alemanes buscando por una vida mejor. Los alemanes no les gustaban la monarquía y chile, un país joven, necesitaba habilidades. Setenta por ciento a los chilenos en esta época eran analfabeto. Entonces, Llanquihue fue designado un área de colonización, a dentro el país de Chile.
Dec. 27, 2022
Esta resolución de año nuevo nunca funciona bien, pero aquí va….
El año pasado he leído de la cantante operática Gabriel Wyner. Él tiene una teoría que escribiendo en otra lengua acelerará el proceso de aprendiendo.
Entonces, voy a usar este libro para practicar escribiendo en español. Con la ayuda de la página web LangCorrect (la sugerencia de Wyner, el Lang-8, no acepto suscripciones nuevas) voy a practicar mi español y ojalá escriba sobre reflexiones y aventuras por el camino.
Después anos largos de pandemia, el paisaje está abierta para viajar y esta mañana reservó un viaje de Frutillar y Chiloé. Entonces, las aventuras van a comenzar…
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