shadowfax26's avatar

Feb. 2, 2023

Il fine settimana

È iniziato il mio fine settimana. Sono felice grazie a due motivi: ho scoperto una nuova rock band italiana che mi piace molto. Ho appena finito di ascoltare alcune canzoni e mi sono inammorata di loro. Ho intenzione di ascoltare di più.

Ho imparato molte parole e frasi dalle canzoni e potrei usarle spesso.

Ora non ho niente da dire di più perché sono stanchissima. Sogno di andare a letto per un po' del tempo.

Forse quando mi sveglio mi sentirò più riposata.

appalachia's avatar

Feb. 2, 2023

How geothermal energy is used to produce electricity.

The diagram illustrates the whole process of using cold water to produce electricity.
In the first two steps, cold water stored in a tank is pumped down by a 4.5 kilometers injection well into a horizontal geothermal zone under the ground, which is filled with hot rocks. And then, heated water which arrives in the production well is subsequently pumped back to over the ground.
The remaining steps are about how to change hot water to electricity. Hot water enters a condenser, where it becomes steam. At the next stage, the steam is sent through a narrow tube, in which it is used to power a turbine, before generating electricity with the help of a turbine used in the last step. Finally, generated electricity can be transferred into the power grid.
Overall, the geothermal power plant has five steps, ranging from instilling cold water into the geothermal zone and then pumping up to the condenser, eventually to generating electricity.

karina_rus_'s avatar

Feb. 2, 2023

Many or the many. Grammar


It is the first time I have seen the following sentence:

If the many apps on your phone keeping you from work, then you need App Detox.

Can I say “if many apps on your phone keeping you from work, then you need this app“?

What’s the difference in meaning between many and the many?

I am extremely confused. Help me, please.

appalachia's avatar

Feb. 2, 2023

The causes and solutions of a throw-away society

In today’s world, people like to throw products quickly, even if they are still in contact and functional. It is important to know the reason why this trend has developed, and so some measures can be taken into consideration.
With the blooming of advanced technologies, the cost of various kinds of products is relatively low, in contrast to the past. Many products with complex production processes, including smartphones, computers, electronic tablets and stuff like that, almost realize mass production, which is way more time-consuming as well as labor-consuming. With the production cost decreasing, people are more likely to afford these devices to a large extent. So in some cases, if these commodities are broken, they will replace them with a newer model instead of recycling them.
On the other hand, the public doesn’t recognize their throw-away habit can have an adverse effect on the whole society’s environment. The original materials of every item are obtained from the natural environment while deliberate and random throwing are able to cause damage to the local nature at the same time, all of which I suppose people don't have a basic ground in them. For example, in order to produce an appliance, workers need to get original materials, such as metals, plastics and so on, from nature. If people decide to throw it after using few times, it will be difficult to degrade, and as time goes by, it will release some toxic gases into the air, which definitely pose a threat to people’s health and air quality.
There are indeed some methods to solve this problem. On the one hand, the government has the right to enact some laws to restrict people’s consumption. For instance, society is able to impose taxes to different degrees on certain goods, like household appliances and electronic devices. In this way, it can efficiently discourage people to buy some items that are still recycled, helping people develop a habit of recycling and being helpful to the environment. Apart from that, the government is supposed to come up with ideas to raise people’s awareness of environmental protection. For example, holding some lectures or activities on a regular basis in some communities is an excellent way. And also there will probably be more lessons at school that focus on developing children’s abilities to reuse necessary items rather than throw them away deliberately.
In conclusion, the rapid development of technologies and the lack of environmental awareness of building a recycling society contribute to a throw-away society. The government and schools should tack actions to solve or reverse this issue.

Monsieur_Elephant's avatar

Feb. 2, 2023


Empecé a ver un anime llamado "Monster". Normalmente, los anime no son santos de mi devoción, pero este me gusta mucho.

Se trata de la historia del doctor Tenma Kenzō, un neurocirujano japonés genial que trabaja en Alemania. Está comprometido con la hija del director, y le preocupa sobre todo su carrera. Un día, la policía descubre que asesinaron una pareja de refugiados políticos de RDA recientemente llegados en la ciudad en que Tenma trabaja. Su hija adoptiva está en estado de choque, y le destacaron a su hermano, pero sigue vivo. El niño ha sido ingresado primero en el hospital, pero el director ordena a Tenma que opere el alcalde, porque es un hombre importante que da mucho dinero al hospital. A pesar de todo, Tenma desobedece, y decide salvar al niño, extrayendo la bala que tiene en el cerebro.

Por su desobediencia, el director le quita a Tenma cualquiera oportunidad de carrera, y su prometida le deja. A Tenma no le importa; cuando el niño es salvo, entiende qué significa ser un doctor: salvar vidas, no construirse una carrera. Sin embargo, el director es asesinado poco después, y los gemelos desaparecen. Por supuesto, las sospechas caen en Tenma. Entonces, el doctor va a buscar los orígenes de los gemelos...

No quiero divulgar la historia, pero es interesante y hace referencia a algunos eventos reales que ocurrieron en Alemania en aquel tiempo. El anime hace preguntas interesantes sobre el libro albedrío, transmitiendo un mensaje muy existencialista. Aunque trata de temas difíciles, es conmovedor y optimista sin hacerse empalagoso, ¡y este necesita talento!

¡Es realmente un anime que yo recomendaría a todo el mundo!

anouk's avatar

Feb. 2, 2023

Mélange (V)

Parfois j'aime l'erreur.
Par ceci je n'entends pas mes erreurs; d'ailleurs cela voudrais dire que je suis coupable du péché le plus méprisable : le trop amour pour soi-même. En revanche je ne suis pas assez intelligent pour saisir la beauté de l'erreur en soi, du moins la plupart des fois. En fait j'ai souvent besoin de quelque chose d'autre pour l'apprécier ; cette "chose" que je viens de décrire est tout à fait simple en réalité : peut-être qu'un mauvais comportement cache une vertu, ou qu'un défaut se montre par ce que cette personne se fie de nous et donc choisit de le montrer.
Mais ces derniers temps je me suis interrogé sur la beauté de l'erreur en soi et sur le motif de ma incapacité de la saisir. Clairement, la logique ne peut pas résoudre cet problème ; par ailleurs il n'y a pas des étapes : il faut un élan d'humanité, l'élan sur lequel je remplis des pages et des pages, mais dont je ne peut pas être le sujet.
Dois-je seulement attendre? Ou dois-je faire quelque chose ? Probablement je vais me convaincre que cette beauté-ci n'existe pas, et que la poursuivre sert à rien ; et si jamais le hasard me donne le susdit élan, je ne peut qu'espérer de n'avoir lâché celle poursuite-là pas du tout...

js's avatar

Feb. 2, 2023

Divagaciones 16

Hola, logré probar los dos sistemas más recientes ayer. El primero tiene el cuerpo de inyección con 38 gr/min y es el sistema que me está causando problemas. El segundo es el sistema que llegó hace una semana y funciona perfecto, hasta donde sé. Según los datos y cómo suena todo, creo que está perfectamente bien. Probé los dos sistemas bajo las mismas condiciones y con el mismo resistor. Bueno, logré ver con un manómetro que la presión es constante y no hay problemas con eso. Aparte de este síntoma extraño que te voy a mencionar, el primero sistema funcionó más o menos bien. Pero hay algo extraño pasando cuando el sistema se desacelera después de producir una potencia alta. Como verás en los gráficos, RPM, corriente, y voltaje están bien y el motor funciona suavemente bajo una carga alta. Cuando desconecto la carga, algo está pasando con RPM, y hay mucho ruido eléctrico. Durante este tiempo, el motor está funcionando, pero de manera muy áspera. Estos datos son de un log de Tuner Studio. Por lo que puedo ver, creo que el problema con la detección de RPM está causando el problema. Cuando bajo el acelerador más, este síntoma desaparece. Parece que está sucediendo solo en esta zona de operación. Has visto este problema o este síntoma antes?

hannahmt's avatar

Feb. 2, 2023

Les vacances del estiu vinent

Aquest estiu m'agradaria anar de vacances a un lloc a on pogués arribar amb transport públic o amb cotxe. Estic evitant volar quan possible perquè ara mateix els vols costen molts diners, i és millor pel medi ambient anar amb autocar o tren. També és una mena d'aventura explorar els pobles petits i veure els paisatges en camí.

Voldria anar a un lloc molt que tingués platges o cales perquè pogués nadar en el mar. M'agradaria passar uns dies a la ciutat, i uns en el camp també. M'interessa molt l'arqueologia, i per això m'encantaria si hi hagués uns monuments antics.

Potser que vagi al sud de França, Itàlia o les Illes Balears!

05_toshiba_laptop's avatar

Feb. 2, 2023

小老鼠 有 从前 一直

小老鼠 有 从前 一直
小老鼠 吃 草莓。草莓 是 卢瑟 的。草莓 不 好 吃。小老鼠 发现了 一个 不同 的 草莓。

short storymousemicestrawberriesmandarin chinese
patate's avatar

Feb. 2, 2023

Dziszejszy krótki tekst

Od dawna nie napisałem niczego tu. Nie wiem czy to brak motywacji, dyscypliny albo czasu, ale byłoby szkoda definitywnie przestać robić to ćwiczenie, które pozwali dużo uczyć się i wyrażać się łatwiej.
Nie wierzcie, że nie pracowałem o moim polskim ostatnio. Nauczyłem się wielu słów (dzięki używania Anki) i teraz naprawdę czuję, że mogę lepiej rozumieć oraz szybciej czytać artykuły. Teraz będę organizować mój planning, abym mógł napisać przynajmniej jeden tekst co tydzień. Jeszcze nie wiem, czy ten, który obecnie pan(i) czyta, się liczy.

notme's avatar

Feb. 2, 2023


“不是,我是巴基斯坦人。我学习汉语 但是我的中文不太好。

eloise404's avatar

Feb. 2, 2023

IELTS Writing Practice 7

Topic: New technologies and ways of buying and selling are transforming the lives of consumers. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

With the development of new technologies and brilliant business models, how people purchase and sell has changed their lifestyles significantly. From my personal experiences, I totally agree with this opinion.

For one thing, thanks to the improvements in financial technology and the prevalence of credit cards and smartphones, online shopping has become one of the most popular ways of spending. In the past, we could not buy daily groceries and clothing without visiting the physical stores. Today, these techniques allow us to order things anywhere and anytime with a few clicks on the digital service, saving a lot of time and efforts while still meeting our needs.

For another, more and more successful business models were built because of potential needs of modern people were discovered. Take food delivery service for example. This service has been used for years mostly for fast food chain stores and beverage shops, though, it is now contracted with most of the restaurants and food stores in the city, sending freshly cooked meals to the hungry customers. It is obvious that before the food delivery firms were founded, people have less options of food if they do not go to the stores themselves.

Nevertheless, there are some drawbacks and hidden threat of these technologies such as impulsive buying and health problem. The convenience of shopping websites and easy payments increase the extra expenditures on unnecessary things. Also, the efficient delivery of snacks and drinks raise the consumption of fat, sugar and salt, causing obesity and diabetes for people lacking self-control. Therefore, we should focus on our real needs to avoid buying excessive things.

In conclusion, it will become a lot more difficult and time consuming to satisfy people’s needs without the use of technology, however; consumers still have to be aware of the risks so that they can make good use of technology to improve their lives.

eloise404's avatar

Feb. 2, 2023

IELTS Writing Practice 6

(The picture of the topic is provided. Please help me refine my essay. Thank you.)

It is clear that there are noticeable changes in the university campus between 2010 and now, only the lake stays the same.
Compare with the campus in 2010, the campus nowadays adds one more student accommodation next to the old one, which is on the left side of the load, across the lake. The shops and restaurant were closed and rebuilt to a dormitory. Before the science building was constructed, the same place stood the university offices. It was separate from teaching block where arts and science courses were conducted there. The old site of teaching block is currently the arts building.
Lawn and seating area in the past were disappeared while the lake is still locating there. The four-floor-high student accommodation was turned into the student facilities which includes shops, offices, etc.
In conclusion, the number of dorms increased by one, the arts and science faculties were separated, and finally, the student facilities combined with shops and offices and so on.

Romany's avatar

Feb. 2, 2023

Un cours d’immersion en français

Pendant ces derniers mois, j’ai rencontré plusieurs personnes qui ont fait un cours d’immersion en français. Sally habite au Canada et l’année dernière, elle est allée à Bordeaux et a suivi un cours intensif. Il a duré 2 semaines, les cours commençaient à 9 heures et se terminaient à 15 heures. Il y avait 15 d’autres étudiants qui venaient de partout : des autres canadiens, des américains et des anglais. Plutôt que de rester dans une famille, Sally a logé dans une maison d’hôtes. L’expérience lui a beaucoup plu et son français a amélioré énormément.

Mon colleague Frank a décidé de faire un cours similaire mais en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Vous connaissez Nouvelle-Calédonie qui est un territoire de France, et se trouve dans le Pacifique, à proximité de l’Australie. La Nouvelle-Calédonie a été colonisée par France en 1850, mais ça, ce n’est pas l’histoire de ce journal. Je connais vaguement l’histoire de Nouvelle-Calédonie et je vais me renseigner un peu plus sur ce sujet.

Alors, retournons au cours intensif en Nouvelle-Calédonie : le modèle est différent. Il dure une semaine et les leçons sont seulement le matin. L’après-midi, on est libre de faire ce qu’on veut. J’ai lu le programme qui suggère de nombreuses activités différentes comme des visites aux musées ou à la plage. Je ne suis pas au courante avec tous les détails mais une suggestion pour visiter un marché, acheter des produits et préparer un repas m’a beaucoup plu. Ce qui m’a le plus attiré, c’est le séjour dans une famille locale (homestay) : quelle belle façon d’améliorer son français !

Eledaria's avatar

Feb. 2, 2023











redd's avatar

Feb. 2, 2023


好きな運動は散歩。色んな場所を見て、風と太陽を感じるので散歩はとても好き。 数回筋トレを試したがルーティンにできなかった。

Fernanhaiku's avatar

Feb. 2, 2023

Day 26: Language Exchange

Today I talked with a british boy on discord. I helped him to practice his Spanish and it was really fun. I am from Mexico and he is from England, we are at seven hours of difference. I would never have thought that it were even possible for me to talk with somebody who is not from the American continent but I did it.
I think that my favorite part about language learning is talking with native speakers as it's really fun and interesting to talk with somebody who is from another culture and who thinks in a different way.
This month I'm going to focus on looking for a language partner and a possible friendship.

sebobafett's avatar

Feb. 2, 2023

El quinto día - Cena con Nana

Nana es la abuela de mi esposa. Hoy tuvimos cena con Nana en su casa con mi cuñada y su prometido. La comida fue pasta con bolas de carne, pan, y ensalada. Fue bueno pero no era riquísimo.

Durante la cena hablamos de muchas cosas, ella es de sudáfrica y nos relató cómo llegó a ser un cuidando de los estados unidos. Hablamos del mal que los inmigrantes no pueden trabajar legalmente quando llegan. Y de los inmigrantes ilegales y cómo a veces es más fácil estar pobre usando los servicios del gobierno que trabajar y perder estos incentivos.

Hablamos un poco de religión y me dijo que quiere ver su esposo otra vez. Él murió hace casi un año. Es difícil perder su amados especialmente su marido pero tengo fe que vamos a ser unidos con nuestras familias en la vida venidera.

felixir's avatar

Feb. 2, 2023


1. 그 책이 뭐예요?
한국어를 배웠을 때 공부했던 교과서예요.

2. 어제 뭐 했나요?
영화관에 갔어요. 영화를 봤던 진짜 재미있었어요.

3. 강아지는 사진에 귀여워요!
태어날 때부터 키웠던 강아지예요. 당시는 너무 작았는데 지금은 너무 키가 커요.

4. 민주의 생일을 위해서 케이크를 샀어요?
네. 어제 갔던 빵집에서 케이크를 샀어요.

5. 이탈리아 여행은 어땠어요?
완전히 대박이에요! 이탈리아에서 먹었던 음식은 너무 맛있었어요.

cindy7711's avatar

Feb. 2, 2023

Une réflexion sur les temps ardus

La dernière semaine était ardue. J'ai eu quatre examens et encore j'ai deux dates limites cette semaine. À cause de ça, je me dirais toutes les nuits « je n'ai rien de temps pour une entrée de journal un paragraphe de long, qui avoir besoin d'une demi-heure, en moyenne. Ni l'exercice ! » Sans aucun doute, puis je me sentais mécontent de m'arrêter de faire les habitudes bénéfiques, alors j'ai lu un article de James Clear sur la solution à maintenir les habitudes.
Il dis: « une habitude est la plus viable si elle on demande moins de deux minutes à faire. »

Il a du sens. Naturellement, on n'a pas toujours une heure pour faire les habitudes fortes, particulièrement quand la vie est trépidant. Mais, je crois, on peut baisser les espoirs pendant ces jours ardues, et simplifie les habitudes pour les réduire à deux minutes. Si je ne pouvais pas faire l'exercice intensif, je pourrais m'étirer. Si je n'avais pas une demi-heure pour écrire une entée de journal français un paragraphe de long, je pourrais écrire quelques phrases.

Je souhaite que ce couseil vous aiderez à maintenir les habitudes et les bonnes résolutions pour cette année.

mengzhen's avatar

Feb. 2, 2023



damameng's avatar

Feb. 2, 2023

Color of umbrella

What is color your umbrella?
It is green it.
What color is your shirt?
It's white.
Whose is this car?
It is My mother's.
This is her car.

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Feb. 2, 2023

My Life in SZ (11) - My Rent Room

On the second day when I arrived at download SZ. Diana rented a 25 square meters for us as male dormitory where adjacent to the highest building in SZ, so it was a continent and expensive place, which would be charged 1500 yuan per month.

Sister Wang has trained us we must show how professional before customers and must keep speaking or chattering without a pause. Therefore, I bought a book to learn some knowledge about porcelain ware and traditional paintings. I even learned the process from the extraction of natural resources to end with a final product, as for me, it was not only for the future sales but actually I indeed enjoy it.

There were another two family on the same floor, we shared a same corridor. I read the book loudly at my room. My neighbors could hear my voice, however, they didn’t care it and once said to me that they enjoy listening to. At that time, people in this young city appreciated any energized and positive life style.

A about 25 year-olds beautiful girl stayed next to our room, her boyfriend was much older than her. I highly suspected that the man was her sugar daddy in Hong Kong. She often invited me to have a meal together and asked me buy clothes with her, I felt comfortable when walking with her on the street. She told me that she wanted to open a clothes store at her hometown, I hope she succeeded. Frankly speaking, I am regret why I haven’t developed an intimate relationship with her. A month later, when her Hong Kong old boyfriend saw me eye to eye, they quickly moved. If I were back into the time, when I saw they were moving, I would ask her to give a phone number to me. I was shy young man in 1996.

Jack's avatar

Feb. 2, 2023

Elections in China

Before electing the next president, elections start gradually from the lowest government to the top government. Not all citizens can vote.

The government elects representatives who can vote for the next president. All representatives should be members of the China communist party because China's communist party is the leading party in China.

The lowest government is the township government, so township level representatives should be elected first. The second step is that township representatives elect county level representatives. Then in this way, from lower to top, the prefecture-level city representatives, the provincial representatives, the national representatives. National representatives have the right to elect the next president.

In the last present election, there were 2379 national representatives. They were officials at different levels of government, and other successful people in different fields.

Of course, all those representatives voted for it at the Great Hall of People of China on the 22nd of October last year, 2022.

lindsmar's avatar

Feb. 2, 2023

Mi confianza.. o falta de confianza

Me gusta mucho mi trabajo y creo que soy bueno en eso. Sin embargo, espero mucho de mí mismo porque creo necesito ser perfecto. Cuando trabajo con mis colegas, siempre veo lo bueno en ellos y lo malo en mí. Siempre pienso que mis errores son peores que otros. Estoy tratando de ser menos duro conmigo mismo, pero tengo un largo viaje por delante.