Eledaria's avatar

Feb. 27, 2023




今日は運転するのが無理そうだね… 昨日買い出しに行っておいてよかった、と隣を歩いている彼に言った。



watreedisishomie2's avatar

Feb. 27, 2023


1. Geçen cumartesi türkçe ödevimi yaptım.

2. Beysbol turnuvasını başlamak için heycanlanıyorum.

3. Yaklaşık iki hafta önce spor yapmaya başladım.

4. Kiz kardeşim pastayı fırında pişirken ben bilgisarayımı kullanıyordum.

5. Genellikle sadece kahve ve ekmek kahvaltılık için alayım.

watreedisishomie2's avatar

Feb. 27, 2023


1. Yeni bir araba almayı düşünüyorum.

2. Bu yaz balık tutmaya gelemeyi karar verdik.

3. Erken uyanmayı alışmadım.

4. Teyzem’in yemek pişirmesini alışmıyordum.

5. Geçen yaz yüzmem daha iyiydi.

6. Yüzmem, Serhat’ın yüzmesinden daha iyi mi?

7. Sabahleyin düşünmem kötü.

8. Şarkı söylemem çok kötü, şarkı söylemeyeceğim.

9. Onların gülmesileri beni mutlu oldu.

hannahmt's avatar

Feb. 27, 2023

Sant Jordi

Soy de Escocia y no tenemos ninguna traición especial para celebrar San Valentín, pero donde vivo ahora en Cataluña hay algo muy especial. Los catalanes tienen su propio día para celebrar el amor que ocurre el 23 de abril - el día de Sant Jordi.

Es un día cuando las ciudades están llenas de vida. Todas las floristerías y librerías tienen puestos en la calle donde todo el mundo va a comprar un regalo para su amor. También hay música y artistas que generan una atmósfera muy bonita.

Tradicionalmente, los hombres compran una rosa para las mujeres, y las mujeres compran un libro para los hombres. Hoy en día, la traición ha cambiado un poco y todos compran el regalo que desee más su pareja.

jessica_m's avatar

Feb. 27, 2023

Essen in Texas

In Texas isst man viel mexikanisches Essen. Es gibt viele Mexikaner. Die Spezialität ist das texanisch Barbecue. Das texanisch Barbecue ist verschieden gegrillt Fleisch und Gemüse. Aber mein Lieblingsessen sind chinesisches Essen und Sushi. Ich war schon mal in Japan und ich möchte nach Japan nächstes Jahr fahren.

chiencanadien's avatar

Feb. 27, 2023

Ma race de chien préférée - 27 février 2023

Mon race de chien préférée est le labrador, pour plusieurs raisons.

Premièrement, tous les chiens que j'ai eu dans ma vie étaient labradors, alors ils me rappellent mon enfance. Quand j'était plus jeune, j'ai eu un labrador marron qu'on appelait Tess. Elle était assez grande mais elle était adorable. Elle est morte en 2018 et elle me manque toujours. (Est-ce qu'il y a des plus jolis façons à dire « elle est morte », comme en anglais ?)
Actuellement j'ai un labrador blanc qu'on appèle Juno. Elle est plus petite que Tess mais elle est aussi mignonne.

Deuxièmement, j'aime l'air des labradors. Ils ont une taille parfaite, pas trop grand mais pas trop petit. De plus, j'aime leur personnalité. Ils sont toujours à l'aise et ils sont toujours fidèles.

Si un jour je pourrais avoir un chien, je voudrais avoir un labrador. À mon avis, ils sont parfaits !

techgurl23's avatar

Feb. 27, 2023

Día 5

How es lunes y tengo la clase de español en 30 minutos. Estoy muy cansada y quiero dormir. Tengo mucho tarea hoy porque hay ellos exámenes pronto. Ayer, no tengo clases porque es domingo.

Iré al supermercado después de escuela porque necesito comida por mi casa.
También, quiero caminar por al parque para parar tiempo afuera.

Jack's avatar

Feb. 27, 2023


Before, the land of the village belonged to all villagers. They farmed together. After they harvested crops, they distributed the grains to each family. As they farmed together, no one wanted to work hard, so they only got little production. Therefore, they often suffer starvation. On one day in 1979, eighteen families got together to discuss how to distribute their land to each family and farm separately. At that time, this deed was totally against China's agricultural policies. You know China is a socialist country and the Chinese government saw this deed as capitalist practice. It was totally forbidden. The 18 people knew that their behavior was dangerous, so they did that secretly and reached an agreement that if one of them was arrested because of this, other people should raise his children until the children were 18 years old. Xiaogang village, Fengyang County, is very famous because of this event.

The Chinese saying is: to drink water, one monk uses his shoulder, one shoulder pole and two buckets to get water, two monks use one carrying pole and one bucket to carry water, three monks never have water.

frannie_'s avatar

Feb. 27, 2023

Día 5 de mi reto español: mañana

¡Hola a todos! Que les vaya bien.
Hoy fue mi último día del trabajo por la semana pasada. Hay muchas planes por mañana.

A las diez, tengo que ir a la orientación de mi uni. Será de cuatro horas. Ahí conoceré las personas que van a empezar uni conmigo la próxima semana. Tengo nervios de conocerlas, pero estoy emocionada para hacer amigos nuevos.

Como dije en mi último diario, mi amiga ha vuelto a Australia de Europa. Cuando estaba en France, me compró algunos libros en español. Uno de los es llamado ‘Una corona para tu entierra’ por James Hadley Chase. Solo he leído pocas páginas y ya estoy enamorándome del estilo de escribir. Pienso que es porque era traducido de inglés a español.

Además, esta tarde tenía mi primera lección pagada de español con una mujer mexicana. Era tan amable y me ha ganado mucha confianza en mi nivel de hablar. Voy a seguir practicándolo con ella.

Gracias por leer. 😁

js's avatar

Feb. 27, 2023

Vida cotidiana 11

Escribo este diario desde una habitación de un hotel en la ciudad de Tallahassee, en el estado de Florida. Ayer por la mañana salimos de Austin (Texas) a las 7, con destino a Miami. Paramos anoche alrededor de las 10. Ya que hemos entrado en la zona horaria del este, saltamos una hora más adelante. Pronto vamos a salir y espero que podamos alcanzar el punto más sureño de Florida antes de que el sol se ponga.

shadowfax26's avatar

Feb. 27, 2023

Il raffreddore

Sono in congedo per malattia questi giorni perché non mi sento affatto bene - mi sono presa un raffreddore.

Spero di sentire meglio domani, non so quando ritorno al lavoro, forse venerdì. Bevo molti tè caldi, prendo le medicine due volte al giorno e mi riposo il più possibile. È colpa mia - sono uscita di casa durante il weekend anche se non mi sentivo bene.

Sono fortunata di avere un datore di lavoro comprensivo. Altri posti di lavoro non hanno questa opportunità.

Questo è tutto per oggi, vado a letto, faccio un pisolino e poi mangio qualcosa. A domani, mio caro diario!

Romany's avatar

Feb. 27, 2023

La sécheresse

Ces dernières semaines, il y avait plusieurs articles publiés d’une grande sécheresse qui touchait une partie de l’Europe et certains pays africains. Parlons tout d’abord de l’Europe, l’article qui m’a plus touchée, parlait des célèbres gondoles de Venise. Le titre d’article était: les célèbres gondoles de Venise, nouvelles victimes du réchauffement climatique. Apparemment, certains canaux n’ont pas assez d’eau pour pouvoir passer sous les ponts. Chaque année, des millions de touristes visitent Venise, aussi connue comme la ville des amoureux, seulement pour faire un tour en gondole et se faire chanter une sérénade. Cette année, ils risquent d’être déçus.

Passons en France, d’après Météo-France, la France métropolitaine a connu 32 jours sans pluie, un nouveau record historique. Le mois de février était exceptionnellement sec. Je sais que l’année dernière, certaines regions européens ont connu des températures très élevées. Je me pose la question : ce qui va se passer cette année.

Finalement, passons en Corne de l’Afrique qui est menacée par une famine très grave. Au Kenya, en Éthiopie et en Somalie, 23 millions de personnes sont déjà en sécurité alimentaire et les responsables ont peur que la situation ne fasse qu’empirer. Malheureusement, la famine en Afrique n’est pas inconnue: il y a dix ans que des centaines de milliers de personnes ont été tué. J’espère que cela ne va pas arriver cette fois-ci.

Day 18 Journaling

Hi 👋
Yesterday I didn't write because I had a really busy day.
I had to do the grocery shopping with my dad, then go to a football game, and think about renovate my phone.
I hope you had a good day to.

BlackGlasses's avatar

Feb. 27, 2023

A Story

It was 18 o'clock. I was about to get out of the classroom but something inside me was telling me that Ray was acting in a strange way.
He usually is distracted and calm but I caught him looking at me couple of times and he immediately looked away and blushed. I thought that it was normal, after all, he is fairly shy. But today I realized the true reason why he was acting in that way.

He got up from his chair and asked, "teacher, do you have one moment, please?"

"Sure, is there any problem I can help you with?"

He scratched his head and looked away.

"Y-yes, I know that you are going to travel to Russia for three years and..., to be honest, I am in love with you."

What? how did he discovered that? I only told my family and my boss of that trip.

"Would you like to go out on a date with me?" he asked.

I tried to hide my surprise and act like if nothing was happening but it wasn't possible. He was waiting for my answer. However, I didn't want to loose my job. This has already happened to my coworker and I didn't want to be the next.

I searched for the best way to say "no" in a way that don't hurt his feelings.

"I am sorry, but..."
After I said that, he started crying.

I can't help but hug him and whisper into his ear "Ray, I am really sorry, but I am your teacher and going out with you is... not a right thing." I sighed and then I said "I will keep hugging you until you stop crying."

Fernanhaiku's avatar

Feb. 27, 2023

Day 50: Music

I love listening to music, I even would like to write my own songs and share them with the world someday. However, for that I need to learn to play an instrument first. Some of my options are ukelele, piano, acoustic guitar and bass. It's not my plan to become famous and I just would like to create my own songs with profound messages and relaxing melodies. The simple idea of thinking about me writing songs in a notebook, working several days trying to polish them and having a small group of people who listen to my songs charms me. I think that my soul needs to create art to be happy and calm.

Thanks for reading!!

BlackGlasses's avatar

Feb. 27, 2023



tana_gao's avatar

Feb. 27, 2023

230226-A chilly Sunday

Today I met a long-time no-see friend. He is really good at joking and I laughed. Though I have met a bad thing yesterday, I don't talk about it. I think maybe yesterday I need to do more preparation to meet my friend BB. Maybe I just lost my boundary and stick to him too much...I need to stop recalling those memories.

Back to today's experience. We have a great lunch in an Italy restaurant. He do research about it and selected fantastic dishes. The chef did a great skill with the pork and I really like it (though it is a bit too salty, I really dream to have a bowl of Chinese rice to eat the cuisine). Pasta with lamb soup is great too.

Yesterday I cried and I chose to stew my favorite favor udon for myself. Food could really comfort a heartbroken person, right?

Then we decide to go to NY. We wait for the bus and talked about what happened to us this winter holiday. He came back to China and was confused about what happened to NY which made me feel afraid to take the subway. We thought it is a complex question and safety is the priority. But the moment we arrived in NY, we lost every word about worries in this hustle and bustle city.

In our schedule, we may walk along with High Line Park, but we spent too much time at a Japanese grocery store(MUJI), and we missed the entry time of the museum. and we continue talking about food on the bus trip, Chinatown becomes the destination. It is my first time arriving in Chinatown. It looks like a vivid county in China. I bought some Chinese dim sum here. The light lights and stores closed, and when we continue walking into the heart of the town, I felt terrible cause there are fewer lights there and people began to look at us up and down with no smiles.

Worse, before we arrived the Chinatown, I shared a book I have read with him, the book's name is Sneakhead——a story about the dark history of Chinatown underworld. So it makes us more nervous. Then we decide to back to WTC and finish today's experience.

However, it is a wonderful trip and I feel really relaxed after spending time with him. Though I would say that the vibe is more like typical Chinese heterosexual dating haha. Today he pays the bills by himself, and next Thursday we would go to Flushing to enjoy Chinese food, I decide to pay for that meal too. Friendship is valuable, I would not wanna break it again.

polyglot27's avatar

Feb. 27, 2023

Une chaussure tombe du ciel. Justifiez pourquoi.

Je prends une promenade dans la rue et tout à coup, une chaussure tombe du ciel ! Je ne pourrais pas le croire. J’ai pensé « c’est vraiment bizarre ! » Alors, j’ai remarqué que quelqu’un était dans un deltaplane. Ils ont perdu leur chaussure. Bien, c'est logique. Mais, la chaussure aurait pu frapper quelqu’un. Heureusement, ce n’était pas le cas. Hmm, Je ne sais pas s'il trouvera sa chaussure. Pour moi, je n’ai jamais utilisé un deltaplane. Je n’aime pas être dans le ciel, seulement dans un avion, je suis à l’aise. En tout cas, c’était une journée bizarre.

headspin's avatar

Feb. 27, 2023

2023-02-26 Journal 08

Hier, c'était le 40e anniversaire de mon amie. Je l'ai rencontrée à l'université, il y a déjà plus de dix ans.

Elle n'a pas voulu avoir une grande fête. Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais peut-être parce qu'elle est un peu introvertie.

Bien qu'elle ne veuille pas faire trop, on a eu une bonne idée. On a embauché un cuisinier privé pour préparer le dîner, et de nettoyer ensuite. La dîner était très délicieuse. C'etait une très bonne idée, et elle l'aimait beaucoup.

orea5's avatar

Feb. 27, 2023


1. Years ago they would/ used to go on holidays abroad every winter.
2. I did never use to accept /I never used to accept / I would never accept invitations to go out.
3. He would / used to wash his BMW in a self-service car wash every Friday, now he doesn't even bother to shake the mud off the rugs when he meets his date.
4. She used to dream / would dream of becoming famous.
5. Isn't that Ali's sister's friend? Didn't she use to be at your school? / Did she use to be at your school?
6. They would/ used to go to his family town every summer holidays. His mother would bake / used to bake a millefeuile (napoleon) to welcome her sweet-toothed son. Their children and their children's cousins having littered the house by gathering all the possible toys would/ used to finally sit down around a barbecue together with the grownups to enjoy meaty sausages and crunchy grilled potatoes with garlic butter pilled in. If the screaming of children was not yet enough for someone, they would / used to soon start a fight about who would get more s'mores.

bletillastriata's avatar

Feb. 27, 2023

متحف الفن

روحت متحف الفن اليوم. كانت الخطة هي مقابلة بعض زملائي العمل، ولكن ما أريتهم. كان المتحف مزدحم قوي، وممكن كانوا هناك. للأسف معرفش أرقامهم.

الفن في المتحف جميل جدا والمتحف كان أكبر مما كنت أتوقع. ضللت الطريق مرتين وكان لازم موظف في المتحف ادى لي خريطة ههه.

روحت بعدين السوق عشاني كنت محتاج للحليب.

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Feb. 27, 2023

Tesla in Silicon Valley

My niece told me that more and more people working in silicon valley are driving Tesla including her. They even switch to auto mode in the downtown area.

I asked her: "I understand it's quite safe to auto-drive on a highway, but how dare you do that in the urban areas?"

"Because they believe it, Tesla now even owns the capability to control the car from the humans in some emergency situations." She answered me.

I told her that Tesla is forbidden to park in some parking areas because they said it's not safe and has the potential threat to other cars and state security. furthermore, some people who are working for the government are not allowed to buy Teslas.

"Oh, it's ridiculous. It is said that Tesla made in China has better quality than that in the USA even the same model, because there are more parts in a car which made in China than those in the USA. " She said.

alexwong2164's avatar

Feb. 27, 2023


She buy an island in…

If you have the money to buy an island.

Which island you will choice?

If you don’t know what I am talking about.

Please search this title in google or any other search engine.

Actually, I don’t want to discuss which island should buy or shouldn’t buy.

“Buy” is a decision mix with “right” and “wrong” together.

You can name a thousand reasons not to buy an island in Okinawa.

But you can buy an island in Okinawa with just one reason.

I like it!

So, next time when you want to buy something that no one agrees with you.

Just repeat that with me “I like it”.

alexwong2164's avatar

Feb. 27, 2023

i like it

She buy an island in…

If you have the money to buy an island.

Which island you will choice?

If you don’t know what I am talking about.

Please search this title in google or any other search engine.

Actually, I don’t want to discuss which island should buy or shouldn’t buy.

“Buy” is a decision mix with “right” and “wrong” together.

You can name a thousand reasons not to buy an island in Okinawa.

But you can buy an island in Okinawa with just one reason.

I like it!

So, next time when you want to buy something that no one agrees with you.

Just repeat that with me “I like it”.

pblake03's avatar

Feb. 26, 2023


1. 早く起きればよかったです。
2. 昨日来ればよかったです。
3. 私の自転車を売らなければよかったです。
4. もっと友達を作ればよかったです。
5. ハンバーガーをご注文しなければよかったです。
6. 食べすぎなければよかったです。
7. ざんぎょうすればよかったです。
8. かれしと別れなければよかったです。