courageuse19's avatar

April 10, 2023

Día 161 de mi reto

Hoy es el día 161 de mi reto de español. Ayer hablé con mi amigo por Skype y estaba muy feliz a verlo porque no lo vi por un rato.

courageuse19's avatar

April 10, 2023

Writing Challenge, Day 191

Today is day 191 of my daily English writing challenge. Yesterday , I sopke with my friend over Skype but we did not hear each other because the internet was so bad. Although this problem we spoke by wrote down during our conversation or our one hour.

I was so delighted to see my friend over Skype because I have not see him for a while.

veronika's avatar

April 10, 2023

Italia: paese ricco di contraddizioni

Il testo “Italia: paese ricco di contraddizioni“ Ú scritto dal Michael Pohle e tratta di un conflitto dal Nord e Sud d’Italia.
La disuguaglianza regionale Ú un grande problema che influenza alla relazione tra le due regione. Il tasso si disoccupazione nel Sud Ú tre volte più grande che questa al Nord. Due dai tre persone che emigrano a causa della disoccupazione lasciano il Sud d’Italia. Al Sud abitano il 37 per cento della popolazione italiana, ma la prestazione fa solo il 25 per cento al PIL. In questo senso Nord Ú più produttivo dal Sud.
Il divario non sembra a diminuire. A questa causa i due regione, più precisamente queste partite, vogliono separarsi e formare le regione autonome.
Economisti e sociologi cercano una possibilità per Sud, per esempio a combattere il problema con la mafia.

sho's avatar

April 10, 2023

Word Practice 8.4

I'd like to speak English more naturally and not the kind of English you would find in a textbook. Please correct me so that I can sound like a native. 🙇‍♂
It's alright even if you change an entire sentence!!

36 "He"

He is

He was

He has

He often brag about his past exploits.

37 "Become"
Became become becomes

He became famous.

It became taller than me.

After graduation, I became interested in reading.

What became of him?圌はどうなったのだろうか。

38 "ill"
worse, worst

I heard she is ill in the hospital.

Do you feel ill?‚䜓調が悪いんですか

She actually never gets ill.

She became mentally ill. And killed herself.

It's ill manner”「無䜜法

39 "during"

during は前眮詞で、埌ろには「具䜓的な出来事」の定冠詞や指瀺代名詞の぀いた名詞、ingはテストではしない。

I fell asleep during the movie.䞊映䞭に寝おしたいたした。

What's the temperature like during summer?‚倏の間の気枩はどのくらいですか

I don't want to use the train during the morning hours because it's deadly crowded.

sho's avatar

April 10, 2023

Word Practice 8.3

I'd like to speak English more naturally and not the kind of English you would find in a textbook. Please correct me so that I can sound like a native. 🙇‍♂
It's alright even if you change an entire sentence!!

30 Been

I’ve been meaning to check it out.

「I’ve been there.」は「私も経隓者だから君の気持ちが分かるよ」

Maybe, it's never been done before!

It’s been raining.最近、雚が倚いね

I’ve been eating ready-to-eat food.最近、出来合いが倚い

I've been binge-watching it.

31 Popular
More popular most popular

Is that popular in your country too?

He's really popular with the ladies in Japan.‚この堎合womenより→ladiesずいうのが䞀般。
女性の堎合、逆に→She's popular with the menずあたり蚀わないなぜか‚モテ女性なら
→Guys really like her

What are the most popular sports in your country?

It is somewhat popular. ‚そこそこ人気がある

32 Among

It is popular among teens, especially girls.

The differences in culture among countries are great.‚䞖界の文化は倧分違いたす。

Amongの埌は耇数圢䞀぀の単語を䜿うこずが倚い。After "Among," a single plural word is often used.

33 student

I want to pay off my student loan as soon as possible.

I remembered my school days.

Are you an international student?

Japan has recently increased in student entrepreneurs.

Did you often use the student discount?

34 For

I've been studying English for about two years.

I was too cool for school. So I can tell. So is he.

AI'm sorry.
BWhy? For what?

For what it’s worth, I think you're very nice person.

What do you want a new suit for?

For me, this is the best.

I’m for your plan.

Not bad for a Monday.

That’s for sure.

I'll send it to you tomorrow for sure.

35 Year

What's your New Year's resolution?

year before last

year after next

year by year

I started about two years ago.

How was your last year?

The previous year was nothing special.

Wishing you all the best in the new year.新幎があなたにずっおいい幎になりたすように

I didn’t do anything for this new year’s.今幎の倧晊日は特に䜕もしなかった

new year新幎」「new year’s倧晊日

I watch it about twice a year.

in less than a year幎も経たないうちに

sho's avatar

April 10, 2023

Word Practice 8.2

I'd like to speak English more naturally and not the kind of English you would find in a textbook. Please correct me so that I can sound like a native. 🙇‍♂
It's alright even if you change an entire sentence!!

23 "world"

I don't think we will ever achieve world peace. But I believe it is possible to bring it closer.

You’ve changed my world

Have you ever thought of wanting to travel around the world?

Sorry. I'm off in my own little world.

You got the best of both worlds.

 The world is your oyster
* あなたの可胜性は無限倧

There’s a world of difference between saying and doing.

24 "round"
Rounded rounds rounder more round, roundest 又は most round)

Should I round up?

Are round things cute, right?

I think they are open year-round

How much cheaper is this round-trip ticket?

He passes the hat round to help his country's starving people.

Bad rumor makes the rounds quickly, right?

Let’s make it a round figure.

In Japan, when you tell a scary story, we sit round. Is it the same in your country?

Get a round of drinks for everyone, please.

25 Several

I called several times, but couldn’t get hold of you.

I've only been studying for several months.

26 Were

You were

They were

We were

Where were we?

27 Afraid

I'm afraid I have to tell you something.

I was afraid of disappointing the people who believe in me. 私を信じおくれる人々を倱望させるのではないか䞍安になっおた

I'm afraid I'm going to fall in love with you

I‘m afraid to swim. Because my bald spot stands out.

I'm afraid you have the wrong number.
: 電話番号をお間違いのようですが。

A: Are we late?‹A: 我々は遅刻ですか‚B: I'm afraid so.‹B: 残念ながらそのようです。

28 Doctor

Did go see a doctor? If not yet, you should!

He's a machine doctor.

I had the doctor look at it.

29 Mr.

Mr. Cool

Mr. Perfect

Don't you think he's a Mr. right?

sho's avatar

April 10, 2023

Word Practice 8

I'd like to speak English more naturally and not the kind of English you would find in a textbook. Please correct me so that I can sound like a native. 🙇‍♂
It's alright even if you change an entire sentence!!

20 In

I was born in Chiba in 1997.

I think the best weather here is in October to me.

You are the most gorgeous woman in the world.

Good for you. You have a good friend. In me.

21 "Of"

That's one of my favorites!

I'm looking for a different color of this.

B: What about a glass of beer? 単䜍
A: I'm okay.

I think my advice is of no use, but thank yot for listening. 性質

It’s five of three. 時刻

It is kind of you to help me. 性質の䞻䜓

22 "That"

A: That'll do for now, thank you.‹A: ひずたずそれで十分です。ありがずう。

That’s what I meant.

That's just what I needed after a tough week.

That's what I thought.

That's why I want to change.

Omg. That's where I've wanted to go!

It’s not that cold! そんなに寒くないよ

That being said‚→「そうは蚀っおも / ずいうわけで」

What am I gonna do... the more I get to know you, the more I like you.

To be honest, the fact that you were so kind was surprising.

・The documentary that I saw last night was really good.

1. My English school that is located in Irvine will be closed on Obon week.アヌバむンに䜍眮する私の英䌚話孊校は、お盆の週お䌑みをしたす。耇数ある
2. My English school, which is located in Irvine, will be closed on Obon week.䞀぀だけ。

Tom is a university student that lives in Osaka. 䞻栌は省略䞍可

That she's popular is obvious.
① The idea of her being popular has already been mentioned or is under discussion, and
② you want to sound unusually literary or academic in the way you speak.

The most important point is that I'll try as hard as I can .

The rumor that she is lying is true.

I'm such a coward that I rarely take a risk.

Everyone is so tall that they can touch the ceiling.

She overslept, so she missed the train.結果

I should think carefully so I wouldn't fail. 目的

Both so(such) and that may be omitted.

Each of the four conjunctions, (1) that, (2) so that, (3) so as, and (4) so, all perform the same function.

sho's avatar

April 10, 2023

Word Practice 7.3

I'd like to speak English more naturally and not the kind of English you would find in a textbook. Please correct me so that I can sound like a native. 🙇‍♂
It's alright even if you change an entire sentence!!

17. To

I woke up to some good news.

I want to travel to America.

My dream is to eliminate putting animals down.

I have many things to do.

I'll work hard to buy this.

It’s fun to do it for me.


It was surprising for me to pass the entrance exam.
It is fun for me to learn English.
It is hard for me to speak English.

To do it is difficult for me.

Is it possible to arrive it by day after tomorrow ?

Is it possible that she'll come to the party?

be to

I'm to arrive in 5 min.予定

I was never to see her again. 運呜

You are to do it. = must 矩務

No stars are to be seen in the daytime.昌間に星を芋るこずはできない。 可胜性がない

If I was to pass the exam, I should havb studied hard more. 意図

It's too cold to get out of bed.

I’m too excited to sleep.

18 My

He is angry at my being late. 行為に察しお
He is angry at me being late. 私に察しお

My hand has pins and needles.‚手がしびれおいる

It’s not worth my while.

This is my stomping ground.

19 Has

He has

She has

It has

He only has himself to blame.

sho's avatar

April 10, 2023

Word Practice 7.2

I'd like to speak English more naturally and not the kind of English you would find in a textbook. Please correct me so that I can sound like a native. 🙇‍♂
It's alright even if you change an entire sentence!!

11. Around
Quit messing around.

I didn’t get around to it.

What goes around comes around.

turn around は「方向を180床倉える」、「Uタヌンする」、「匕き返す

It’s just around the corner from the station.駅のすぐ近くにありたす

I hope he comes around.考え盎しおくれるずいいな

I kinda feel safe around her.なんだか圌女ずいるず安心する

12. Corner

Winter is just around the corner. What do you want to do?

I’m always looking for ways to cut corners.

It’s on the corner.」は「角にありたす」

13. Was

It was
He was
She was

14. Sure
Surer surest

Are you quite sure? : 本圓に倧䞈倫

Are you sure you don't mind? : 本圓にいいんですか

I'm sure it's going to rain soon. : もうすぐ雚降るよ
‚・Don't be so sure (about that). : そう決め付けるな。結論を急ぐな。

sure is cold this morning! : 今朝は本圓に寒い

A: I'm 99% sure.
B: So it's not 100, right?
A: It's my motto. There is no 100% in the world.

Make sure you don’t drink too much.

It sure is.‚本圓にそうだね

You sure do like coffee, right?‚本圓にコヌヒヌが奜きなんだね

Sure thing.‚了解。

15. Am

I am a nincompoop.

16. The

What was the name of the actress in the movie?

【時間垯朝、昌、倕】‚the morning

【方角】‚the east東

【ホテル/劇堎/矎術通/建物】‚the Washington Monument

【砂挠/æµ·/川/運河】‚‚the Atlantic Ocean倧西掋

【乗り物】‚the busバス

‹the sun倪陜

Ouch! I looked directly at the sun.
‹the sky空

The sky is so beautiful!

the wi-fi

What's the password for the free wifi please?

vill's avatar

April 10, 2023

Mezclar lenguas

Tengo un problemita. Soy sueco y entonces, hablo sueco y inglés fluido. Aquí, inglés es casi una lengua oficial ya que no hay nadie que no lo habla. Ni siquiera podría contar cuantas veces que digo algo en inglés sin que me lo dé cuenta. Cuando no podemos encontrar una palabra específica en nuestra lengua maternal suficientemente rápido, lo decimos en inglés porque estamos seguros que todo el mundo todavía puede entendernos. Una cosa que está llamada “swenglish” por nosotros. Y entonces, tengo un habito de mezclar lenguas. Eso no fue un problema cuando estaba estudiando mi primera lengua extranjera, francés, porque era tan diferente en pronunciación de sueco u inglés para molestarme. Pero un día me dijo que “¿no sería cool, estar capaz de mirar televisión en español?” Y este día fue lo primero de muchísimos donde me encontré empezando una frase en una lengua romántica y acabándolo en una otro. Y tengo miedo de lo que pueda pasarse ahora cuando he tenido la idea brillantísima de probar a aprender italiano. Os puedo decir que ya me ha llegado esta cosa y es peor que jamás

sho's avatar

April 10, 2023

Word Practice 7.1

I'd like to speak English more naturally and not the kind of English you would find in a textbook. Please correct me so that I can sound like a native. 🙇‍♂
It's alright even if you change an entire sentence!!

0 "must"

You must be tired.

He must like you.

I mustn’t run away.

Applications must be received by December 5.

You don’t have to come into the office on the day.






1 "Children"

Children were playing at night in the park.

I'm not ready so I don't really want children for now.

She's married with 3 children.

Look at what people do, not what they say but words are important too.





2. "They"

Who's the “they”?

They don't have this back home.

They have a high turnover.

They do good business.

They’re right there.

They’re good together.

3. "Are"

You are

They are

We are

What are your hours?

4. Very

I don't like corn very much.

You’re very tech-savvy!

5. Busy
Busier busiest

I’ve been busy working and studying a lot of things.


6. These

Choose one of these.

These sheets need changing.= These sheets need to be changed.

Japanese men are becoming more beauty conscious these days.

7. Day

This isn't my day.

Such a wonderful day!

8. Bank

Let's go to that bank over there.

9. Is
It is
He is
She is

Talk is cheap.

10. Just

I just can't seem to save money.

I just remembered something funny.

This just isn't fair!

Add just a little bit of salt.

Just wondering ちょっず知りたかっただけ
‹A: Just curious.
B: What were you curious about?
A: What you like.

It’s just cute spider. Calm down.

I just ate.

He looks just like Johnny Depp.圌、ゞョニヌデップにそっくりだね。
・You think just like your mom.あんたは考え方が母芪ず党く同じやな。
・You are beautiful just the way you are. But if you do this, you'll be the most beautiful person in the world.

sho's avatar

April 10, 2023

Word Practice 6.3

I'd like to speak English more naturally and not the kind of English you would find in a textbook. Please correct me so that I can sound like a native. 🙇‍♂
It's alright even if you change an entire sentence!!

17 "Change"
Changed changes changing

I feel like if I don't change here, I'll never change.

I should've changed lanes back there.

I'll change this to a 10,000 yen.

I've never experienced changing a baby's diaper.

Did you get changed?

Can you make change?‚䞡替できたすか

I've originally hated change, but I need change.

I want to do something for a change.

My wallet is bulging with small change.
小銭で財垃が膚らんでる 䞍可算

Keep the change, please.

What changed your mind?

I chop and change意芋などをころころ倉える

I need to change my ways行いを改める

I need to ring the changesやり方などを色々倉える

It's a game changer.

It’ll be a nice change of pace.いい気分転換になりそうだね

It's time for a change.

I think he changed in a good way.

I know you can’t change how you feel, so you should tell him how you feel.自分の気持ちを倉えられないのは分かっおる、だから自分の気持ちを圌に䌝えるべきだよ

Learning English changed my life.英語を孊んで人生が倉わった

18 "Him"

There’s no way I can ask him that.

Let me put him on the phone.

I don’t care for him much.


What are you into?」「䜕にはたっおいる」
I've been into reading and studying lately.

5 into 30 is 6. : 《数匏》30÷56

I was a little too into it. : ちょっず倢䞭になり過ぎた。

Wait. If I back up like this, won't I run into the wall? 埅っお、このたたバックしたら壁にぶ぀からるんじゃない

I know what I’m getting into.ちゃんず芚悟の䞊で挑んでいるよ

We didn't go into it the other day. この前は詳现を話さなかった

Can you talk him into it? 圌を説埗しおくれない (するこずを)
Can you talk him out of it? (しないこずを)

You’re reading too much into it.深読みしすぎだよ

I can't get back into work mode.

I’m in drinking mode.呑むモヌドだ[今日は呑むぞ

How do you deal with when you run into an ex? 元圌ず偶然あったらどう察凊しおる

I can’t put it into words well.

I used to be so into movies.

You must have put a lot of effort into it.

Animals have brought lots of happiness into my life. 動物は私の生掻にたくさんの幞せをもたらしおくれ

How did you get into him?

20 "A"

I have a brother.

sho's avatar

April 10, 2023

Word Practice 6.2

I'd like to speak English more naturally and not the kind of English you would find in a textbook. Please correct me so that I can sound like a native. 🙇‍♂
It's alright even if you change an entire sentence!!
15 "Trip"
Tripped trips tripping

I'm here on a study trip.

How was your trip to the doctor’s?

「出匵」→ 「Business trip」 / 「遠足・芋孊」→ 「Field trip」 / 「修孊旅行」→「School trip」

I get the impression that the most fun part of the field trip was on the bus.


Are you okay?" Yeah, I just tripped. : 「倧䞈倫」「うん、ちょっず぀たずいただけ

Oh, the breakers tripped.

You know how to trip me up well.

That movie was very trippy. But I enjoyed it.あの映画かなりぶっ飛んでた。でも楜しかった。

I had a bad trip.

Have a safe trip home.

16 "Death"

It's the anniversary of my grandfather's death.

Are you in favor of the death penalty?

Death's too good for him. 圌には死刑では甘い。

this sound rude, but what was the cause of death?

I want honorable death!

As a result, I've become closer to death. 結果的に死期を早めた

sho's avatar

April 10, 2023

Word Practice 6.1

I'd like to speak English more naturally and not the kind of English you would find in a textbook. Please correct me so that I can sound like a native. 🙇‍♂
It's alright even if you change an entire sentence!!

1 How to Use “Mouse"

I think mice and rats are cute.

My computer mouse isn't responding.



2 How to Use “Pet"

Do you have a pet?

This pet food can also be eaten by humans.

Can I pet it?

Are there your pet peeves?

There's always one in the class who is the teacher's pet, right?






3 How to Use “Pig"

Pigs are cute but tasty. I'm terrible.

You know? Wild pigs have a body fat percentage of about 10%, which is about the same as a top athlete. Even domestic pigs are around 15%.



4 How to Use “Rabbit"

The rumor that rabbits are lonely is false.

5 How to Use “Sheep"

One sheep, Two sheep, Three sheep...

6 How to Use “Snake"

You can get a picture with a big snake around your neck. Want to do it?

7 How to Use “Tiger"

How did he go from such a cute child tiger to such a scary looking ones?


8 How to Use “Earth"

They say the earth will be uninhabitable in another 500 million years.


How on earth did this happen?

I want to tell him who on earth do you think you are?

She’s down to earth.




9 How to Use “Space"

Have you ever wanted to go to space?

10 How to Use “Moon"

Who was the first person to reach the moon?

11 How to Use “Island"

I want to party on a deserted island.

12 How to Use “Sea"

Sometimes when I swim in the sea, I get scared for some reason.

13 How to Use “Lake"

Lakes also have waves, so sometimes people drown.

14 "His"

He's drowning his sorrows.

He bluff his way.

He has his own company.

He abandoned his career. Coolest.

sho's avatar

April 10, 2023

Word Practice 5.2

I'd like to speak English more naturally and not the kind of English you would find in a textbook. Please correct me so that I can sound like a native. 🙇‍♂
It's alright even if you change an entire sentence!!

11 How to Use “October"

B: When you hear the word "October", what kind of events do you think of?
A: Halloween. And my birthday, haha.
B: Oh, what is the date?

12 How to Use “November"

B: When you hear the word "November", of what are you reminded?
A: I guess there aren't many events in November in Japan. What about your country?

13 How to Use “December"

B: When you hear the word, "December," what kind of events do you think of?
A: December has a lot of events. The first things that come to mind are Christmas and the end of the year.

14 How to Use “Chicken"

I'm such a chicken.

I love chickens and I also love eating chicken. I'm a man of contradictions.

15 How to Use “Cow"

Cows are so cute, right?

I've never milked a cow.

16 How to Use “Elephant"

I want to ride on elephants.

They say you can hang from an elephant's trunk.

Hey. There is an elephant in the room.”

17 How to Use “Fox"

Foxes are so cute, but they have an awful lot of dangerous germs, so don't touch it.

I hear you can sometimes see foxes in Hokkaido.

18 How to Use “Ear"

Are you the type of person who likes to plan out your trip, or the type of person who wants to play it by ear?

My boss’s words go in my ear and out the other.

Your ears are beautifully shaped.

19 How to Use “Frog"

Frogs have pretty faces when you look closely.

20 How to Use “Lion"

Lions are a cat family.

sho's avatar

April 10, 2023

Word Practice 5

I'd like to speak English more naturally and not the kind of English you would find in a textbook. Please correct me so that I can sound like a native. 🙇‍♂
It's alright even if you change an entire sentence!!

1 How to Use “Eye"

We’re almost there. Keep your eye on the ball.

One minute, I'll be right back. Can you keep an eye on my bag?

You have a good eye. Where did you get that shirt?

How much can you see with the naked eye?

My eyes were bigger than my stomach. I'll have it for breakfast tomorrow.

You have dark circles under your eyes. Did you stay up late?

B: I have my eye on some clothes.
A: Let me see the pictures.

Nice! I’m glad we see eye to eye.

How bad is your eyesight?

I couldn't believe my eyes.

The good times are over in the blink of an eye, right?

You're so beautiful! All eyes must've been on you when you were a student.

A: I’m eyeing a new apartment near a station or bus stop.
B: What is your budget?







A: その写真を芋せおください。






A: 私は駅近バス停の近くの新しいアパヌトを怜蚎しおいる。
B: 予算はどれくらいですか

2How to Use “January"

B: What comes to your mind when you hear January?
A: Hmmm, let's see. Lemme think. Ah, otoshidama comes to my mind now. Have you heard of Otoshidama?
B: What's that.
A: In Japan, we give money to our own children and our relatives' children.
B: Really. How much do they give?
A: It depends on the family, but around me the average is probably $800 or so.
B: Since when do you give money?
A: Well, I don't know, but I remember getting them from around elementary school.

3 How to Use “February"

B: What springs to mind when you hear February?
A: Umm, Valentine's Day.

4 How to Use “March"

B: What does March remind you of?
A: I'm reminded of graduation ceremonies

5 How to Use “April"

B: What does April remind you of?
A: An entrance ceremony or a class change pops into my head.

6 How to Use “May"

B: What do you imagine when you hear May?
A: Golden Week. Have you heard of it?
B: No, what's that?
A: It's our Spring Vacation‹B: Oh I see. Nice! Are you going to go somewhere?

7How to Use “June"

B: What do you think of when you hear June?
A: Umm, let's see. I can't really think of anything. I think of... rainy season.

8 How to Use “July"

B: When you hear the word, "July," what kind of events do you think of?
A: Summer vacation and the beaches.

9 How to Use “August"

B: When you hear the word "August," of what are you reminded?
A: It's not much different from July, but I also kind of imagine the end of summer. And jellyfish, too.
B: Why jellyfish?
A: Because in late August, jellyfish start to appear in the ocean and can't go into the sea.

10 How to Use “September"

B: What does September remind you of?
A: Hmm, let's see. I can't think of anything off the top of my head. Let me hear yours first.

sho's avatar

April 10, 2023

Word Practice 4

I'd like to speak English more naturally and not the kind of English you would find in a textbook. Please correct me so that I can sound like a native. 🙇‍♂
It's alright even if you change an entire sentence!!

1 How to Use “Sunday”

Do you have plans for Sunday?

Are you free on Sunday?

2 How to Use “Monday”

Oh, God! It's Monday.

A: Does Monday work for you?
B: Yep! Does that work for you, too?
A: Yeah, it works for me, too.
B: Great, see you then!

3 How to Use “Tuesday”

I took Tuesday off.

4 How to Use “Wednesday”

B: See you next Wednesday.
A: Wait. It's 29th, right?
B: Yes, 29th March.
A: Okay. See you on the day then.

Have a happy hump day!

5 How to Use “Thursday"

Any other free days?
How about Thursday the 30th?
Nice! Let's do that day!

I was there Thursday.

6 How to Use “Friday"

It's Friday already? Time flew by this week.

7 How to Use “Saturday"

I was there last Saturday.

Do you mean this Saturday or one after that?‚今週の土曜日それずもその次っおこず

Do you mean Saturday the 21st?‹21日の土曜日っおこず

This coming Saturday or the next one?‚今週の土曜日それずも次の土曜

8 How to Use “Lip"

My lips are sealed.

Please keep your lips sealed.

My lips are getting chapped.

9 How to Use “Mouth"

He has a big mouth.

Omg, it's mouthwatering.

Do you think you can trust this word of mouth?

10 How to Use “Tongue"

Haha you have a sharp tongue.

How far can you stick your tongue out?

It’s on the tip of my tongue!

I love ox tongue best in yakiniku!

Cat got your tongue?

I'll hold my tongue for now.

It was a slip of the tongue.

Because my mother tongue is Japanese.

11 How to Use “tooth"

It's getting a bit long in the tooth.

I like people who have straight teeth.

Oh, you have a sweet tooth?

12 How to Use “Neck"

I slept wrong on my neck.

It's a pain in the neck to get there.

13 How to Use “Shoulder"

I have stiff shoulders.

14 How to Use “Arm"

How's your arm? Does it still hurt?

15 How to Use “Finger"

B: What happened to your finger?
A: I've just gotten a paper cut.

A: I’m taking the bar exam tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed!
明日、叞法詊隓を受けるんだ。 成功を祈っおねっ‚B: I sure will! Good luck.

B: I have a job interview tomorrow.
A: Oh, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you.

I still can't put my finger on what's wrong.

I can’t put my finger on it, but for some reason I don’t like that movie.

16 How to Use “Nail"

I like women with short nails who don't get manicures.

You nailed it!

Do you usually do nails?

I'm terrible at hitting a nail.

17 How to Use “Foot"

I'm bad at thinking on my feet. I have to prepare more than anyone else.

Are there any stores at the foot of that mountain?

18 How to Use “Knee"
It was just a knee-jerk reaction. Sorry.

Okay. Should I get down on my knees?

19 How to Use “Toe"

I'm going to dip my toe in the water

Let's go toe to toe!

They keep me on my toes.

20 How to Use “Bird"

I like birds, so I don't even want to say kill two birds with one stone.

sho's avatar

April 10, 2023

Word Practice 3

I'd like to speak English more naturally and not the kind of English you would find in a textbook. Please correct me so that I can sound like a native. 🙇‍♂
It's alright even if you change an entire sentence!!

1 How to Use “now”

That's the last thing on my mind right now.

There's no turning back now.

I'm satisfied with her... for now.

B: Would you like anything else?
A: That'll do for now.

B: What time is it now?
A: You just asked me that 10 minutes ago! Forget about the time! It'll just feel longer.

Now that you mention it, I feel the same.

Now that I think of it, what I said yesterday wasn't right.

Now that I don't think I need pride or something, I don't get angry easily.

Please continue to take care of me from now on.

It’ll be hotter from now on.











2 How to Use “Cheese”

Is there any cheese you don't like?

Blue cheese stinks, but I like it.

I like this cheesy look.

There are so many different cheeses in the world.

この文では cheeseチヌズの耇数圢cheesesが䜿われおいたす。チヌズは決たった圢がなく、通垞は䞍可算扱いずなる名詞です。キヌセンテンスで cheese が可算扱いずなっおいるのは「芋方」が違っおいるから。この文ではチヌズそのものではなく、チヌズの「皮類」が意識されおいるのです。チヌズには圢がなく数えられなくおも、皮類は「A チヌズ・B チヌズ・C チヌズ」ず数えられる、だからこの文では cheese が数えられる─可算の扱いずなっおいるのです。

3 How to Use “Egg”

Do you want a fried egg or a Japanese omelet?

I have boiled eggs. Do you want some?
I want one, please.

Remove the egg whites.

4 How to Use “Honey”

Do you want honey?

Honey is no good for babies, right?

5 How to Use “Jam”
* 耇数圢jams 
* 䞉人称単数珟圚圢jams 
* 過去圢jammed 
* 過去分詞圢jammed 
* 珟圚分詞圢jamming 

What kind of jam do you like?

I jammed my finger.

The printer is jammed.

Her voice jammed.

I’m in a jam.





6 How to Use “Juice”

I don't drink juice often.

I'm full of juice.

No places sell juice. We're going to run out of gas soon.

7 How to Use “Lunch”

There’s no such thing as free lunch.

Let's talk about it over lunch.

B: Where's he?
A: He's out to lunch.




8 How to Use “Meal”

Have you made a meal plan for your trip?

It’s nice to come home to this delicious home-cooked meal everydav? I'm jealous.



9 How to Use “Meat”

Oh, my gosh. I'm dead meat...

I want some more meat on my bones.



10 How to Use “Milk”

We're out of milk.

Do you want to try milking a cow?

She's trying to milk his fortune.

Before you marry someone, you should consider the possibility of the person is trying to milk your fortune.

I bought this pc so I'm going to milk as much out of it as I can.






11 How to Use “Pork”

Which do you like best, pork, beef or chicken?

12 How to Use “Potato”

Nothing beats the combo of potatoes and butter.

13 How to Use “Rice”

Did you cook rice yet?

14 How to Use “Soda”

I don't drink soda. I get nauseous when I drink fizzy drinks.

15 How to Use “Sugar”

You need to get your blood sugar up.

Don’t sugarcoat it.

Would you like your sugar with some coffee?

It gave me a sugar rush.





16 How to Use “Spring”

Spring is in the air.

Have you ever been in a hot spring?

I'm worried that the springs in this bed have just broken now.




17 How to Use “Summer”
* 耇数圢summers 

Being a salesman in the summer sucks!

I wanna get beefy for the summer.

Ice cream is great in high summer.




18 How to Use “Autumm”

Autumm is my favorite season.

19 How to Use “Midnight”

I'll celebrate exactly at midnight!

20 How to Use “Evening”

It's still early in the evening, so you should still be able to finish it by tomorrow!

sho's avatar

April 10, 2023


I'd like to speak English more naturally and not the kind of English you would find in a textbook. Please correct me so that I can sound like a native. 🙇‍♂
It's alright even if you change an entire sentence!!

I might cry.

I'm tearing up.

Thank you for just now!

b: Sorry I couldn't go today. Let me know again next time, please.
a: Of course!


Did you know that when a buffalo becomes an old man, he can no longer reproduce, and is considered unwanted by the women, so they kick him out of the herd? Isn't that too sad?

sho's avatar

April 10, 2023


I'd like to speak English more naturally and not the kind of English you would find in a textbook. Please correct me so that I can sound like a native. 🙇‍♂
It's alright even if you change an entire sentence!!

Strawberries can get moldy easily, but they will keep for a week or so if you gently and thoroughly wipe them with a tissue so as not to damage them, and wrap them in aluminum foil with the calyx down, not doing touch each other, and put them in the refrigerator. Remove the ones that are already damaged.
Why do you put the calyx down?
I don't know. Because that's what they said. Maybe to prevent it from being damaged.
What about freezing them?
You can, but they lose their flavor. It's good for jam or something, but it's best to eat them right away.

sho's avatar

April 10, 2023


I'd like to speak English more naturally and not the kind of English you would find in a textbook. Please correct me so that I can sound like a native. 🙇‍♂
It's alright even if you change an entire sentence!!

I heard that rhinos are being killed by poachers at the rate of one a day now. I don't understand why rhino and elephant horns are traded at such high prices. They are of no use to me even if I had them. It just makes you look like a egotistical self-absorbed narcissist. At least use expensive watches and luxury cars to ego trip. Don't ego trip by killing living creatures. It is the same as killing a person, buying his bones at a high price, and displaying them in your room to show off. Also, people who use it like traditional medicine are crazy. Use ordinary medicine. Believe in current science. If you die from it, it is your fate. It has no power to cure you. Don't kill living things in vain.

sho's avatar

April 10, 2023


I'd like to speak English more naturally and not the kind of English you would find in a textbook. Please correct me so that I can sound like a native. 🙇‍♂
It's alright even if you change an entire sentence!!

Shinjuku Station is the world's busiest train station in terms of number of passengers, with an average of approximately 3.5 million passengers per day.

What is the difference between JR and private railways?
I don't know much about it, but I think JR is a privatized company's railroad that was originally nationalized, and private railways are owned by private companies. So I think there is almost no difference now.

echoooo's avatar

April 10, 2023

A trial English lesson plan

How do you present to your foreign clients for the first meeting?
Scenario: Meeting clients for the first time
1 Got more familiar with this scene
2 Got more familiar with the introduction of company and product
3 Got more familiar with new vocabulary and expressions
4 Learn more about presentation skills
1 Greeting: Good morning, everyone.
2 Name + Position:  My name is Billy and I’m the head of international sales department at Huawei. 
3 The goal of the presentation I am delighted to have the opportunity to introduce our company and give you an overview of what we do.
4 Company introduction: First of all, let me start by telling you some background information about our company. Huawei was founded in 1987 and we specialize in designing and manufacturing mobile phones. We are headquartered in Shenzhen and have over 1000 employees. has been ever since.
5 Products introduction: Now, let me give you a brief overview of our products. We offer a wide range of products, including mobile phones and digital devices. We are committed to providing high-quality products to customers around the world. And with over 36 years’ experience, we have established long-term partnerships with many suppliers, allowing us to offer our products at lower prices.
6 Service: In addition to high-quality products and lower prices, we also provide excellent customer service, and we are always available to answer any questions that you may have.
7 Conclusion: In conclusion, we believe that Huawei is the perfect partner for your business needs. We offer high-quality products and services at competitive prices, and our experienced team is dedicated to providing excellent customer service. Thank you for your time, and we look forward to the opportunity to work with you in the future.
8 Q&A: If you have any questions , please feel free to ask.

isaac's avatar

April 10, 2023

Essay: Methods of minimising the use of fossil fuels

Enviromental problems, specially the use of fossil fuels, has become one of the most urgent and challenging issues that human being will have to deal with in this century. In order to solve them, there are two major topics related with the use of materials and energy, these are accordingly: recycling and nuclear energy.
Nuclear fusion is a controversial kind of energy due to the facts that is a non-renewable one and, currently, it is impossible to revert the radiactive pollution generated by their residue. Moreover, in its short history, it has provoked enormous accidents, making some areas inhabitable. Therefore, other alternatives, as renewable energies, had better to be taken into consideration. Regarding the production of energy, it makes no sense keeping the old standards, even more when it already exists several clean alternatives to turn back all the contamination produced by fossil fuels.
Recycling, on the contrary, has demonstrated to have more advantages than drawbacks. It allowed us to reuse common use materials, as paper, glass and plastics. However we lack of a more advanced technology that imitate the natural cycles, which would lead us to an endless reusing of materials. Therefore, more funding is needed on the part of the governments in order to develop such kind of technology and make up the damage it has been doing to the Earth, even though there will no outputs in short term.
All in all, there is no point on continuing to use non-renewable sources of energy as the nuclear, since it is too dangerous in terms of life and enviroment protection. Recycling and research are by far the best solutions governments all around the world should implement.

kyle1569's avatar

April 10, 2023

