June 23, 2023
June 23, 2023
June 23, 2023
Ich versuche die Amazon Serie „Beat“, anzuschauen. Es ist schwierig zu verstehen, wenn dein Deutsch nicht so gut ist.
Ich habe die erste Folge gesehen.
Der Hauptcharakter Robert Schlag, nennt als „Beat“, ist Klubpromoter beim Klub seines besten Freunds Paul und lebt ein Leben von Drogen und Sex.
Richard Diemer, der arbeitet bei der ESI, einem Geheimdienst, denkt, dass Beat ihnen helfen könnte, Kriminelle zu untersuchen. Er befielt Emilia, eine ESI Mitarbeiterin, Beat zu überreden, ihnen zu helfen.
Zugleich erscheinen zwei Leichen, die hängen an der Decke Beats Klub. Es scheint eine Verbindung mit Jasper zu haben. Ein Mann, der als Kind in demselben Kinderheim als Beat war.
Nächste. Folge zwei.
June 23, 2023
Ya que vivimos en la ciudad, quiero disfrutar todo lo que tiene para ofrecer
Probé carne Wagyu por la primera vez, y fue absolutamente fenomenal. No sé si fue vale el precio, pero sin duda, fue el mejor bistec que he comido en mi vida.
Déjame saber cuándo es mi turno
Déjame saber cuándo es me toca
Es me toca ahora?
Es mi torna ahora?
June 23, 2023
Sehr geehrter Herr Lanz
Ich schreibe Ihnen, weil ich ein Abschiedsparty für Frau Lester organisieren möchte.
Seit Jahren habe ich mit Frau Lester zusammengearbeitet, Im Lauf der Zeit empfinde ich Sie allmählich als eine nette Freundin, ein zuverlässige Partner.
Ich weiß, dass Sie bald in den Ruhestand gehen. deswegen möchte ich ein besonderer Abschiedsfeier für Sie gestalten und zum Schluss noch ein wunderbares Gedächtnis für uns schaffen.
Dazu habe ich viele Idee. Was halten Sie davon, wenn wir Alle Fotos, die wir mit Frau Lester zusammen fotografiert haben, ausdrucken und hängen in einem Leeren Büro?
Noch ein weitere Idee von mir wäre, dass wir einfach ein Restaurant bestellen und zusammen die Spezialität genießen. Ich weiß ein Restaurant, das leckere Frühlingsrolle kocht, ausgerechnet Frau Lester beliebt.
Natürlich sind alles nur Entwurf. Ich bitte Sie, dass wir ein Planungsgespräch machen können.
Wir wäre es, dass wir uns morgen Abend im Kaffeehaus, dessen Marke eine Katze ist, treffen?
Ich warte auf Ihr Antwort.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
June 23, 2023
Heute möchte ich über das Thema große Karriere berichten.
Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass fast alle sich von einen erfolgreichen Karriere träumen. Deswegen gilt Berufsleben als ein notwendiger Abschnitt in ganzen Leben.
Die Erfolg am Arbeitsplatz wirken erheblich positiv nicht nur auf die Weiterentwicklung der Angestellten, sondern auch auf die eigene physische und psychische Gesundheit.
Die Leute, die großen Beitrag zur Verbesserung des Unternehmens leiten, bekommen immer mehr Aufstiegschancen und Gehaltserhöhungen.
Darüberhinaus ist es denkbar, dass eines Alltagslebens auch davon profitieren kann.
Dieser Erfolg vermittelt man das Gefühl, dass er das Leben kontrolliert hat und es hilft auch bei Selbstverwirklichung.
Es gibt eine Reihe Faktoren, die zu beruflichen Aufstieg führen können.
Fachkenntnisse stehen auf jeden Fall am ersten Platz, Danach folgt die sogenannte Soft-Skills. Es bedeutet die Kompetenz,wie man mit Mitmenschen umgehen.
Außerdem werden die Einsatzbereitschaft, Teamfähigkeit, Selbstständigkeit,Verlässlichkeit und Anpassungsfähigkeit auch verlangt.
Arbeitgeber,Arbeitsmarkt und Gesellschaft stehen derzeit vor tiefgreifenden Herausforderung.
Um ein Beruf sicher zu halten, sollte man zuerst den Trend mitmachen und eigene Fähigkeiten ständig verbessern. dabei ist Weiterbildung eine gute Wahl.
Die Konkurrenz zwischen Mitarbeitern sollte man nicht ignorieren, wenn man diese Konkurrenz nicht für negativ hält, sondern empfindet sie als ein Impuls, dann könnten wir Teamgeist aufbauen und zusammen besser entwickeln.
Karriere ist in unserem Leben das A und O. Ich hoffe, dass alle ein zufriedenes Leben führen und alles unter einen Hut bringen können.
June 23, 2023
June 23, 2023
Mari is a lady who is titled a moderator on this website. She has corrected nearly all my entries, even those that previously reviewed by other native English speakers. She always provides me with another option for a sentence. She is an American, yet possesses extensive knowledge and excels in both writing and speaking in Japanese. It's rare for an American to master Japanese as far as I know.
I once learned Japanese for a while, and in most cases, she would comment on my entries in Japanese which encourage me a lot. If I hadn't met such an enthusiastic lady like Mari, I would not have continued my writing on this website, especially in the initial period.
From May 26, I haven't seen Mari's words on this website, her activities abruptly ceased. I thought something had happened and sincerely hope everything is well.
June 23, 2023
À mon avis on devrait se souvent dire que l'on va mourir un jour. Je sais que cela a l'air stupide et lugubre mais il ne faut pas oublier que la mort est quelque chose naturelle quelque chose qui peut arriver à tout le monde. Peu importe si on est riche ou pauvre, une femme ou un homme, une humaine ou un animal ça change rien. En se souvenir plusieurs fois on va commencer à apprecier plus le petit temps que l'on a sur cette monde. On va commencer à essayer beaucoup plus de choses comme jamais parce qu'on réalise que chacun entre nous à qu'une seule vie. On va arrêter de laisser les petits choses nous énervent car ce serait un perte de temps.
June 23, 2023
Sono ancora infelice a causa del programma di luglio. Il mio orologio biologico sarà confuso. Lavorerò addirittura tutti i weekend. Molti colleghi vanno in vacanza in questi giorni, quindi io e gli altri dobbiamo lavorare di sera. È stancante, ma non posso farci niente.
Dopo aver scritto qui, farò una breve passeggiata. D'estate non cammino molto, fa troppo caldo. Stamattina volevo andare al negozio, ma non sono riuscita. Era troppo presto, il negozio era chiuso.
Domani ritornerò a lavorare, voglio godermi gli ultimi giorni in cui lavoro da mezzogiorno.
A domani!
June 23, 2023
June 22, 2023
June 22, 2023
June 22, 2023
It’s Serhan, from BV Turkey. I am in charge of International Taxation and overseas clients ofBV Turkey. We have multiple clients both at home and abroad. We have wide range of experience in many area such as taxation, social security, trade code etc.
Please visit our web page and you will get to find much information about what we are doing.
June 22, 2023
Caro George!
Como estás? Por aqui está tudo bem, e a vida tem corrido bem.
Fico feliz de saber que vens para Barcelona. Teria gosto em poder fazer-te uma visita guiada pela minha cidade. Posso mostrar-te os monumentos mais emblemáticos e os lugares mais espectaculares. Como sei que gostas muito da comida, acho que podemos jantar em restaurantes aos quais tenho ido e dos quais gostei muito.
Boa viagen e tudo de bem para ti!
Um abraço,
June 22, 2023
J'aime l'odeur de la forêt après la pluie qui suit une longue période de sécheresse. Les arbres sont contents et déplient leurs feuilles. Les gouttes de pluie qui restent sur la surface des feuilles tombent pendant la journée au sol et surprennent les randonneurs. Un vent peut même donner l'impression d'une nouvelle pluie en secouant le feuillage découvert de gouttes.
June 22, 2023
As I said, we started texting more. Then we found out that we have quite many similarities. I remember how a few days ago during the night time we were chatting and she started flirting with me. She told me that I'm really hot and so on. I couldn't believe it because after my overthinking I was almost sure that she was straight. I was extremely shy and I had no idea how to reply her, partly because I've never flirted with anyone, especially with a girl, + all that was so unexpected. After she went to bed, my face still was going red and I couldn't fall asleep for about 1-2 hours. In the morning I had to wake up earlier than usual because we agreed to meet. We live in different towns, but we're kind of close (we're separated by 10 km). And when I was already waiting for my bus on the stop, I noticed a new message from her: when I was at home, she texted me that she has some problems and she'll come 50 minutes later. I could understand her because I often have this sort of problems when I plan to see my other friends. I didn't get furious and I thought of going to explore that town because it would be too dull to wait in a park for almost an hour, and 10 minutes before our meeting I would just go to the park and wait for her there. That's what I did. She was late already for 10 minutes and I started to get annoyed. I texted her and she told me that her bus wasn't coming (she lives quite far away from that park). I was waiting. She was already late for about 20 minutes, I was becoming more furious and I was about to cry because it seemed like she was making fun of me and she was at home. I decided to wait about 20 minutes and then I'd just go home and cry. And when there were remaining only 10 minutes, I heard her calling my name and running to me. She suggested to have a coffee and I agreed, so we went to a coffee shop which was very close. She was friendly and talkative as usual, but I was really mad (not only because of her), I didn't talk very much and I was quite cold. After I ordered my coffee, she wanted to pay for it, but I refused lol. We were sitting at our table and she was looking at me like I'm a doll, and then she said "You're really quite a pleasure to look at", which was so cute. After that we both started talking and my madness went away. We drank our coffees in about 15 minutes and went to another park.
June 22, 2023
La ville de Manaus se trouve dans le nord-est du Brésil. C’est la septième plus grande ville du pays avec une population de presque 3 millions d’habitants. C’est la capitale de l’État de Amazonas et se trouve le long du fleuve Nègre. Comme l’État, l’Amazonas est énorme et inclut une grande partie de la forêt amazonienne. En effet, on considère Manaus comme l’entrée à la forêt (Gateway to the forest).
En faisant quelques recherches, j’ai appris que Manaus est surnommée «le Paris des tropiques». Honnêtement, je ne suis pas sûr que ce surnom soit approprié. J’ai vu nombreuses photos de la ville et ce n’est pas du tout comme Paris. Quelqu’un m’a expliqué que dans les années 1800, de nombreuses familles aisées européennes se sont y installées et la ville est devenue un centre culturel.
La ville était fondée en 1669 et à l’époque c’était le fort de Sao José do Rio Negro. Au cours des siècles, il a grandi et en 1832, a été nommé Manaus après les tribus indigènes du peuple de Manaus.
Maintenant, c’est une métropole très active. Même si la ville se trouve au milieu de la forêt amazonienne, elle a un aéroport, un port, certaines usines et plusieurs musées.
June 22, 2023
Mon plancher est en bois et mes murs sont vert clair. J'ai trois placards avec des vêtements. J'ai un frigo et je garde l'eau en cela. J'ai deux étagères et elles sont pleines. J'ai un ventilateur blanc. Il y a livres partout, car mes étagères sont pleines. J'ai beaucoup affiches sur mon mur. Mes rideaux et mon tapis ont des fleurs dessus.
June 22, 2023
At the moment, people are getting used to public vehicles mainly used for transportation. / Nowadays, it is said that public vehicles are mainly used for transportation. There are two types of vehicles that they often use: 2-wheel vehicles and 4-wheel vehicles. About 2-wheel, they use motorbikes / motorcycles to drive anywhere because it is one of the most popular vehicles used in any location: city, countryside, etc. Besides, if they want to use vehicles to travel and carry or they just need a vehicle that is more beautiful and more convenient if they can afford it, they will use cars. On the other hand, both traditional motorcycles and cars have the most important problem is the burning of petrol. It is one of the issues that cause air pollution due to CO2 emissions. Therefore, thanks to the development of science and technology, now we can use electric vehicles instead of petrol. Electric bikes and cars are on the rise, it brings more advantages than other traditional vehicles. Moreover, if a person doesn’t have money to afford it, they can buy a bike to cycle because it is both good for their health and environmentally friendly to the earth.
June 22, 2023
Esta mañana me levanté sin ánimo y no sabía si iba a ir al gimnasio o no. Hice lentamente mi rutina matutina, que consiste en preparar el café mientras veo una serie mexicana. Preparé mi almuerzo para hoy y luego me di cuenta de que el paquete de hielo que normalmente meto en mi lonchera para mantener todo frío no había estado en el congelador anoche. De todos modos no iba a importar mucho ya que para entonces había decidido no hacer mucho en el gimnasio, así que la comida no iba a estar en el coche durante mucho tiempo. Además, no hace tanto calor hoy, aunque seguramente la temperatura aumentará mucho a lo largo del día. Hice quince minutos de cardio, me duché con agua fría, y me fui. Llegué a la oficina alrededor de las 8, pensando que pronto iba a tener una videollamada con un amigo, pero me canceló y acordamos hacerlo mañana.
June 22, 2023
My diary is in English and before I'll write this story there, I'd like you to check my grammar. Thanks.
After my recent heartbreak I told to all my friends that I was not going to fall in love with anyone any time soon. How wrong I was!
A month ago I got to know an attractive girl with an old money vibe from my English class. She used to compliment me quite often during my course and we've had a few smalltalks. I remember how once after we finished our lessons, I was walking out of the classroom with my another friend and suddenly I heard someone calling me by my name. That was her. We already were in the hallway so I stopped to listen to what she was going to tell me. She was outstretching a hairpin and telling me how she saw it falling from my bag. I told her it wasn't mine (actually, I stopped using all those hairpins and elastics decades ago because my hair is quite short), but her acting was pretty good (well, I believe it was an acting considering the fact how much attention she gave me, yk, compliments and so on) and she continued to insist that she saw it falling, so I told her again that it's not mine and went home. A few lessons later I tried to do the same she did, to compliment her first. So when our class ended, I wanted to tell her that she has an unique style, but I was so nervous so I told her that I like her lipstick shade lmao. After that I couldn't even walk like a normal person because my legs were trembling and in that moment I realised I have a kind of attraction for her. A few weeks later, when our English course was coming to an end, I took my heart and asked for her contacts. She gave me her IG and suggested to walk together to the bus stop. I agreed. During our walk we had a pretty good conversation, she was really outgoing and talkative. She even asked if we could go and have a coffee, I really wanted to but I had to refuse because I was hurrying to get home. I remember how excited I was after this walk, so I called my friend and I was literally screaming while I was telling her what happened. We didn't chat very much until June 15 because she had to prepare for her exams and I just don't like disturbing people. After she passed her exams, we started texting more often. You know, I rarely do get to meet someone in real life who is as interesting as her, which is one of the reasons why I am so anti-sociable. Anyway, I genuinely like spending time with her, partly because she is really talkative as I said and I do not have to make her talk (I had this problem with other people I was interested in). I often have a feeling like we are so similar but at the same time we are so different. I had never met anyone like her. My feelings for her started growing and I felt like now it's more than a simple attraction, it's a crush. But this thought made me feel more hopeless because we live in a very homophobic country and I knew that most likely I have zero chances + she's going to move away to another country before autumn.
June 22, 2023
Monsieur le maire,
Je vous écris concernèrent une idée pour notre ville. Je viens de voir une diffusion sur le sujet d'environnement. C'est a dit que il y a plusieurs de solutions pour le crise d'énergie et environnement, mais j'ai observé que nous n'en faisons rien ici. Alors, je vous proposerais nous commençons quelque chose avec le but d'améliorer notre situation.
Le premier que je souhaiterais vous proposer est l'introduction de recyclage pour la ville. C'est vraiment mal que nous ne faisons pas encore de recyclage, je crois que vous serez d'accord. Je sais que ce n'est pas facile, mais maintenant est le temps de le faire.
Le deuxième proposition est un objectif d'utiliser seulement d'énergie renouvelable dans la ville à 2025. Oui, c'est un grand objectif, mais j'ai foi en vous et je crois que c'est possible !
J'espérerais que vous serez d'accord. Nous n'avons pas le temps de perdre !
Je vous prie de croire, Monsieur, à l'assurance de mes salutations distinguées,
June 22, 2023
If an employee of BV Netherland comes to Turkey to operate the equipment, in this case BVTurkey has to withhold 30% of each payment. For example; BV Netherland issues invoice of 1000 EUR to BV Turkey. BV Turkey makes payment of 700 EUR to BV Netherland, payment of 300 EUR to tax office. However, the withheld amount (300 EUR) can be recovered from the tax which BV Netherland pays in Netherland.
As for VAT, on the one hand, whether to charge VAT or not depends on local rules in Netherland. On the other hand, BV Turkey has to self-account for VAT on the total amount of the invoice which BV Netherland issues. Self-accounting VAT is not cost for BV Turkey.
If Ipek LLC has an exemption from VAT, BV Turkey invoices to Ipek LLC excluding VAT. If no exemption, BV Turkey has to invoice with VAT to BV Netherland. Even if TUPRAG grants an exemption to Ipek, it has nothing to with BV Turkey. So BV Turkey invoices with VAT to Ipek LLC.
June 22, 2023
13:57:20 (UTC)
Streaks reset at midnight (00:00)