anouk's avatar

Oct. 2, 2023

Einführung in den Positivismus (XVI)

In den vierziger und dreißiger Jahren gibt es eine Institutionalisierung, und daraus eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen Ländern und eine Typgenehmigung der Methodiken. Außerdem gewinnen die Mathematik und die Physik an Bedeutung. Die organische Chemie und die Physiologie beginnen sich andererseits zu entwickeln; die sind sehr wichtig für die Wissenschaft von Lebewesen.

Bair's avatar

Oct. 2, 2023

Journal #12: "How I'm Learning English"

I told you how I watched the movie "Shrek" at last journal. I forgot to tell you about one more English serial. It name is "Blue Mountain State". I started to watch it at last weekend. I saw first three series. It was so funny and giggle. I think I can't told about the story or some interesting moments, because it's PG-16. So, if you want to watch this serial, you're welcome. You can find this in intenet.

Thanks for raeading my journal.

Shen's avatar

Oct. 2, 2023




为了尽可能使得外国影响力透明可控,国安法规定凡为国外政权进行有影响力活动的 实体或个人必须在法定任期内登记及揭露其背后势力,否则所暗自行为一律视同违法。 根据内政部发表的解释资料,登记的人有别于间谍,。内政部预计法律明年春季实施,针对所有英国公民和于英国居住的外国国籍。


Shen's avatar

Oct. 2, 2023


2017年,台湾国防建立资通电车(正名国防部资通电车指挥部,又称网络作战部队),就变成台湾第一兼具攻守的军事网络安全单位,被蔡英文总统交付保护国家机密,防护国家关键基础设施的重任。 鲜少人注意到,资通指挥部的成立也意味着台湾全面进入资讯作战时代,将近年盟国的科研成果纳入台湾资通防范的规划中。在两岸走势不断下滑的情况下,此举标志着台湾顽固抗拒电子侵略的决心。

Shen's avatar

Oct. 2, 2023





不错,或许敌人是人口、经济、军队比你小十倍的国家,随心所欲就好了。目前的中国不处于弱国的状态,却是个财源难以用尽,人力难以枯竭的国家。 哪怕在中美关系中,中国还未打破美国的优势,也处于主动地位,近年不断争取,集中并巩固自己的优势。再则,即使占领并吞并台湾不会给大陆带来明显的经济或资源,放弃迫使台湾回归也会使中共对带领中国的自称天命受了致命的创伤。

再者,大多中国人的确对还是急切期待台湾回归,直截了当地拒绝任何名义上建立两个独立国家制度的和平协议,也有不少愿意为国流血送命,不乏其人 。所谓牺牲小我,顾全大我,是吧?




即使中共要想方设法使得台湾人陷入恐惧,我想要把太多资源花在降低中国给台湾问的宣传,几十年的交往已经使台湾人对中共的好感大打折扣,两岸的关系不超于生意合伙,几则讯息不易突然改变这种状况。 同时,要用相当多的资源分配在维持高昂的士气,深得民心,以免通过内政裂痕而减损举国底气,耗尽精力。

Shen's avatar

Oct. 2, 2023







在旁观了小四翻天覆地的变化,观众也结识小镇其他人物。一位经营小本生意的邻居本来对张举(小四的父亲)心怀嫉妒,介意两家阶级差别, 结果一夜喝得酩酊大醉,不留神便跌入路边的水沟,可巧在快要被淹死之际,小四冲过去挽救他,死里逃生。此后,邻居对张家温暖了,彼此相处融洽。即便电影的情节注重在青春期的主人公与父亲坍塌的过程,可是我们也看出在此过程中这些充满悲哀的人物还是可以给其他人带来希望。


Archiekinz's avatar

Oct. 2, 2023

Talk to me in korean day 1

1. 나는 회사위이에요
2.이 주말를 나는 바 빠요.
3. 나는 진구을 주말을 만나에요
4. 나는 가피 마일은 마시에요.
5. 영하조하어요
6. 나는 주만을 너무바빠요.

knightsjohn2's avatar

Oct. 1, 2023

La reflexión del cierre de Machu Picchu.

Esta mañana he visto una noticia en la que dice que uno de los Patrimonio Mundial, Machu Picchu, se cerrarán 3 entradas del turismo por deterioro. Según los datos oficiales, estos 3 áreas se ha visitada por 4 mil de los turistas diariamente, incluyendo locales y extranjeros. Por eso, para mantener el completo de este Patrimonio, la oficial decidió cerrar las 3 áreas por el momento.

Machu Picchu representa la Imperio Incaico, dónde de había construyendo en el siglo XIV, y es un nombre de referencia al “ciudad vieja”. También es uno de los populares puntos de visita en Perú para los turistas. Pero ahora, se fue dañado gravemente por la gente.

En mi opinión, necesitamos proteger y cuidar los Patrimonios Mundiales para que todas las personas puedan verlos. Los Patrimonios mundiales también pueden ayudarnos recordar la historia en varios países.

raylenev's avatar

Oct. 1, 2023

Cherchant une maison

Depuis quelques mois, on cherche une maison pour acheter. On veut un bungalow avec un sous-sol qui est complété avec une chambre de couche, une salle du bain, une chambre de famille et aussi un petit bar/cuisine.

On veut que la cuisine principale ait une entrée à un patio ou grand perron où l’on est capable de diner dehors dans l'été.

On veut aussi qu’on soit proche de transit et des parcs.

elinadeutsch's avatar

Oct. 1, 2023

Grafik beschreibung

Die vorliegende Grafik verdeutlicht uns die Herkunft über Nahringittlekonsum früher und heute in Deutschland . Die Angaben sind in Kilogramm pronperson angegeben und stammen aus dem 1957 Jahr und aus dem 2004 Jahr . Die Grafik wird von Globus Infografik veröffentlicht . Man kann anmerken, dass der Jährlicher Verbrauch in Produkten stark verändert . Die Leute haben in 1957 am meisten Kartoffeln bevorzugt , nämlich mehr als 140 Kg pro Person , in 2004 nicht so populär zwischen Deutsche . Andere Produkten als Fisch , Fleisch , Obst und Gemüse nicht so populär waren . Im 2004 , am vorbreitesten Essen hätten Gemüse und Obst gewesen . Die Deutschen ein Konsum von Kartoffeln eingeschränkt und teurere und nützlichere Produkten bevorzugt .
Schlüssfolgern lässt sich sagen, dass Deutsches Volk im 1957 und im 2007 Jahren haben im Konsumbereich ziemlich unterschieden . Der Hauptgrund davon ist , dass Deutsche Wirtschaft verbessert hat . Wenn im 1957 Jahr Leute haben hauptsächlich Kartoffeln bevorzugt, weil sie billig gewesen haben und konnten nicht wegen der Lebensmittelkrise teure Produktion sich selbst kaufen leisten.

journeytoc1's avatar

Oct. 1, 2023

Le retour aux études

Je n'ai aucune idée la dernière fois que j'ai tapé quelque chose en français pour être corrigé. Ou bien la dernière fois que j'ai vraiment essayé de m'améliorer dans la langue. Ça fait quatre ans que je dis que je « parle » français au lieu de «étudie». Je sais que je continue de me tromper mais je suis capable de m'exprimer et de comprendre. Cependant, il ne suffit plus. Je veux perfectionner ma connaissance de la langue française. Donc, je commence aujourd'hui ◡̈.

avalon27's avatar

Oct. 1, 2023

Hva er kunst?

Hva er egentlig kunst? Hvordan ville du definere den?

Spørsmålet ser ganske lett ut, siden vi alle har hørt om kunst før, or forstår begrepen. Men faktisk synes jeg at det er nesten umulig å forklare det sånn at mestparten av folk skulle bli enige. For eksempel, er graffiti kunst? Når du spør folk vil mange folk bli enige at Banksy er en kunster, og at hva han gjør er også kunst. Ville det samme graffiti hadde vært kunst hvis en person som du eller meg hadde gjort den? Hvis Banksy hadde bare testet graffiti-sprayen på en mur, uten mening, ville det være kunst eller ikke?

I hvert fall, poenget mitt er at hvis du spørre et hundre folk til å gi en definisjon til ord "kunst" så vil du sannsynligvis ha et hundre forskjellige meninger. Det er ganske morsomt tror jeg fordi alle forstår begrepet, og samtidig finnes det ikke så mange ord som er så uklar å definiere.

Hva synes du?

shadowfax26's avatar

Oct. 1, 2023


Oggi è l'ultimo giorno a Bologna. È stato meraviglioso e incredibile. Non voglio ritornare a casa, ma ogni bella cosa finisce.

Domani torniamo a casa.

js's avatar

Oct. 1, 2023

Divagaciones 62

Después de un cierto tiempo, empecé a percibir un rencor entre nosotros que iba creciendo día tras día.

Debido a la variabilidad en la cadena de suministro, casi no podemos predecir las llegadas de los envíos.

Quién hubiera sabido lo mucho que iba a costar la guardería durante la semana. No estábamos preparados para eso.

A ver lo que nos depara la semana que viene, ¿no? Al menos no hará tanto calor.

Bair's avatar

Oct. 1, 2023

Journal #11: "How I'm learning English".

I want to tell you how I watched animation film "Shrek" 2001. This film showed a lot of time ago. It's so strange to realize. Men from DreamWorks Animations made a lot of work. If you want to watch modern animation films, "Shrek" didn't look like old animation. Humor is relevant today. Maybe story was simple, but in 2001 it was new for indastry: mix story, humor, animation etc. I forgot to tell you, I saw in original with subtitles and voices Mike Mayers, Eddie Merphy, Cameron Diaz etc. I understood maybe 60% or 70% of dialogs. I think it isn't bad for my English level. I saw this movie at movie theater when I was young. For me man (his name is Alexey Kolgan) who voiced Shrek was better than voice of Mike Mayers, because voice of Alexsey Kolgan fit to image of Shrek. You can cheak it if you want. I don't hate Mike Mayers. Voice of donkey was best choose. Eddie Merphy was amazing. Hat's off to Eddie!!!!! What about Cameron Diaz? Well, she was good, beacuse her voice was tipical in this movie. Sorry if I hurt someone. I will must see next chapters "Shrek" in a future.

Thanks for reading mu journals.
Oh, I forgot to tell you. Alexsey Kolgan voiced a lot of characters. For example, Vernon Dursley from Harry Potter, Viktor Navorski from The Terminal, Jack Torrance from The Shining etc.

arinakas's avatar

Oct. 1, 2023

My studing(?)

I start to learn English again. I was learning English language at school, but it's nothing to give me. One of my problem is I'm haven't person to speak with him on his native language. On the other side I'm learning English to watching movies or reading books. I don't know, have I need to speaking, but it's would be helpful. I do exercises and writing dairy on English every day. I didn't write big texts on this language until that day, because I was afraid of mistakes. I can say only very simple sentences. I don't know what i can write else. So it's end.

lintopher's avatar

Oct. 1, 2023

Quelle est ma saison préférée?

Si je dois placer chaque saison en ordre de le plus aimé au le moins aimé, ce serait comme ça:
Le meilleur est l’automne, le deuxième rang est l’hiver, puis il y a l’été, et enfin le printemps. J'expliquerai brièvement.

L’automne a le meilleur paysage parmi les saisons. Le temps est très agréable, ce n’est pas trop froid ou trop chaud. Donc, la mode est polyvalente. Ce point suivant peut sembler un peu absurde, mais la première moitié d’automne est une époque super joyeuse pour moi. Parce que c'est juste avant beaucoup de vacances aux Etats-Unis, par exemple: Halloween, Thanksgiving (je ne sais pas comment le dire en français), Noël, etc. Du coup, tu peux apprécier l’enthousiasme pour les vacances même avant qu'ils se passent. Beaucoup de gens, au moins aux Etats-Unis, se sentent stressés en préparant pour Noël ou même Thanksgiving. Alors, parfois ces vacances ne sont pas aussi agréables qu’on espérait. C’est pour cette raison qu’on peut être innocemment heureux avant les vacances plutôt que d'être déçu après. C’est logique?

L’hiver est aussi incroyable grâce à Noël pour moi personnellement. Si Noël n'avait jamais existé, alors l’hiver serait la pire saison. Donc, le décembre est l’un des meilleurs mois, mais janvier et février sont horribles. Dieu merci pour Noël. Par ailleurs, je pense aussi que le temps froid encourage chacun d’être très douillet chez eux, ce qui est assez agréable.

L’été n’est pas mal, parce qu'il y a plusieurs mémoires plaisantes de mon enfance jusqu'à la fin d’université grâce à la pause entre semestres d'école. Cependant, après l’université, ça ne m'intéresse plus. À cause de la chaleur immense et le manque de vacances, parfois c’est très difficile à l’apprécier.

Enfin, le printemps a toujours été très ennuyeux. Le temps est banal à mon avis. De plus, la plupart de mes mémoires désagréables se passent durant le printemps. Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais c’est vrai. Franchement, je n’ai pas grand chose à dire du printemps. Peut-être aussi qu’il y a beaucoup d’insectes qui m'énervent.

Et voilà. J'espère que cette lecture a été intéressante à lire.

dagny's avatar

Oct. 1, 2023

My Thoughts on F. Scott Fitzgerald

F. Scott Fitzgerald has written many engrossing short stories, but my favorite one is The Offshore Pirate, which is included in his first short story collection, Flappers and Philosophers.

In Fitzgerald's eyes, his era represented a time when Americans became disillusioned with prevailing social norms and were plunged into self destruction and self-indulgence. Therefore, a lot of his stories mirrored the hedonistic excesses of the Jazz Age, as well as his own ephemeral happiness.

But The Offshore Pirate is just so unique and different from many of his stories. What shines through in the entire story is the novelist’s enthusiasm for life. One can feel his expectation of finding something wonderfully unexpected in life when reading through the breathtakingly beautiful passages. This story is imbued with his dazzling virtuosity and inexhaustible imagination.

Apart from the compelling storyline, one of the things that stands out to me the most about this story is his writing style: it's vivid and intoxicating, but not overly flowery. This an unlikely story, but the descriptive narrative is so evocative that you feel like you're experiencing the female protagonist's journey alongside her.

Another book by him that I appreciate is Tender is the Night. I perceive Tender is the Night as a reflection of Fitzgerald's own life with his wife Zelda, a genuine representation of how their relationship had unfolded. He wished for intoxication and wished he'd never wake from it. But in the end, he was the one who got the most drunk, only to wake up the most sober. After reading Tender is the Night, all of the previous books seem like a dream, a bizarre detour, a mere prelude to the irretrievable breakdown of his marriage. They leap from youthful excitement to breathtaking tenderness to desperately melodramatic anguish.

I've also read many of his other books, and as I've grown older, many of them have taken on new meanings. I first read The Great Gatsby in translation when I was 14, but I felt nothing in particular after reading it because many things got lost in translation. At that time, I could only relate to the themes of idealism and the pursuit of dreams depicted in the novel. Recently, I’ve been trying to re-read it in English. This time, the greatness of the book became more apparent. The final sentence of The Great Gatsby is truly amazing. It beautifully captures the theme of the novel and the human condition. It's a real shame that his books fell into near obscurity when he died, and he only achieved posthumous renown.

Although his stories mainly reflect the empty, hedonistic, and conflicting spirit of Americans after the First World War, they don't have a nihilistic feel to them. I think Fitzgerald crafted many of his stories to be a romanticized world that is desirable and full of optimism and youthful energy. It might go contradictory to popular ideas, but I believe such a free, joyous sense of life is one of the things that makes him an enduring legend of modern American literature. More than many other writers, he represents the bliss and gaiety of youth.

calcifer112's avatar

Oct. 1, 2023



koshkanavt's avatar

Oct. 1, 2023

Мой день

Сегодня был прекрасный день и стояла хорошая погода.

Утром изучала русский сорок пять минут. В учебнике были два интересное чтения. Одно, о самых известных животных мира, а другое, о самых странных отелях. Было очень интересно, потому что я ничего не знала о этих темах. Например не знала, что у Майла Джексона был шимпанзе, который умел рисовать картины, и что в Швеции находится отель снега, который строители должны строить заново после каждого лета! Как необычно!

После обеда, посмотрела передачу по телевизору с мамой и приняла душ, а потом пошла к подруге на ужин. Моя подруга — студентка на факультете медицины, а я закончила университет четыре месяца назад. Она любезная и симпатичная девушка, и нам было очень весело вместе.

omikami's avatar

Oct. 1, 2023


哎呀,我上個星期其實想寫一篇日記但是我太忙了。 我有一個大項目需要我好好準備一些材料。我需要寫一些目標,但是我不知道怎麼能開始。辛虧我可以跟別人問我的問題。

mahmoud72's avatar

Sept. 30, 2023

a horror story

The Forest
"I can't find him anywhere," my daughter mumbled, looking for Billy, her cat. "Maybe he got lost in the forest.

"Perhaps he's just playing around," I said, "but I'm worried about Billy. He's never been gone this long before." She chimed in.

"Fine, let's go find him," I said.

As we entered the forest, searching for my daughter's pet the beam of my flashlight sputtered and died, leaving me in sudden darkness. I felt a chill run down my spine as the silence pressed in.

"Billy?" I called out, my voice trembling.

No answer.

I took a tentative step forward, my heart pounding. I reached out my hand, feeling my way through the darkness, hoping to find Billy and leave this place.

I knew we had to go back.

I turned to walk towards the house, but my daughter grabbed my arm.

"Dad, where are you going?" she asked.

"We have to get out of here," I said.

"But Billy is still out there," she said, her voice trembling. "He might be scared."

I took a deep breath. "I'm not going back," I said. "It's too dangerous."

My daughter looked at me with pleading eyes. "But Dad," she said. "Billy is alone."

I put my arm around her shoulders. "I know," I said. "But there's nothing I can do for him now. We have to get to safety."

My daughter nodded sadly, tears dropping from her eyes. "Okay," she said.

We started walking back to the house, but as we did, we heard screams echoing through the trees. My heart raced as I tried to escape the noises. They were getting closer. I scooped up my daughter in my arms and ran as fast as I could.

After what felt like an eternity, the screams stopped and we were back at the house. I burst through the door and slammed it shut behind me. I held my daughter close, my chest heaving.

"I'm so sorry," I said regretfully.

cthylla's avatar

Sept. 30, 2023

Learning Korean (1/4)

Hello everyone. My name is Anna. I'm from Spain.I'm 23 years old. I'm studying Korean. I speak Spanish, English and a little bit of Russian. I'm learning Korean because I want to go there someday and because I want to watch K-dramas, videos and live streams without subtitles.

brit's avatar

Sept. 30, 2023

Apprendre une langue étrangère

Quand j'etaits petite j'ai voyage à Ukraine. J'etaits trés frustèe quand les autres enfants n'parlez pas avec moi. J'ai veux parlez avec toute le monde et je n'ai pouvais pas. J'ai etudiè et puis j'ai trouvez j'ai pouvais parlez Russe. J'aime apprendre les langues maitenant! J'ai mes ami du Quebec et je veux parlez avec eux en francais.
Merci pour la lecture.

viktor_shlay's avatar

Sept. 30, 2023


今年我十六岁, 所以我的生活很不好。
我的弟弟对我不好。 因为我是二哥, 如果我让他往东走,他应该不会偏西走。 可是他是不乖的孩子。 爸妈说这是我的错, 我不知道什么意思。。。