Je faut vais à la Banque!

C'est un parfaitment jour. Je rester à ma maison. Je mange mes voinneseries. Mais attendez! Je faut vais à la Banque aujourd'hui! Je mets sur une chemise et vais par la porte. Mais quand j' arrive, c'est fermèe! Alors bien. Il y a autre fois toujours.

Yossarian's avatar

Jan. 27, 2024

Стволовые клетки (2/2)

До конца настоящего года у организации будет своя лаборатория в Москве. Причём работа выполняется в Санкт-Петербурге и Новосибирске. Банк <<Kpиомедика>> также планирует бесплатно обучать медицинским работникам процессу сборки клеток. В будущем <<Криомедика>> планирует открыть такие банки во всех крупных городах России и СНГ и проводить целый ряд исследования по возможности использования стволовых клеток в медицины

Yossarian's avatar

Jan. 27, 2024

Стволовые клетки (1/2)

В России начал работать первая банка стволовых клеток. Сейчас любая семья может содержать стволовые клетки их ребёнка. Эти клетки, в случае необходимости, помогают <<хозяину>> с лечением инфарктов, диабета, и много других опасных болезней. Деятельность российского банка стволовых клеток основа на опыт подробного банка в США.

Yossarian's avatar

Jan. 27, 2024

Астероид 2/2

Это значительная находка по астрологии потому, что до настоящего времени учёны только могли предсказать орбит астероида на несколько десятилетий. Долгосрочное предсказание стал возможным благодаря тому, что мы сейчас знаем положение настоящего дня так и пятьдесят лет назад, и благодаря особенному характеру этого астероида и факт, что он возвращает на одно место через каждый пятьдесят лет мониторинг легче. Тем не менее, даже если астероид представляет себя риск у нас несколько веков найти способы предотвратить столкновение.

Yossarian's avatar

Jan. 27, 2024

Астероид 1/2

Астролог, ищущие астероиды недавно посмотрели астероид, впервые обнаружен пятьдесят лет назад. То открытие дал учёных достаточно информацию, чтобы предсказать его путь через следующие восемь столетия и то, что он может столкнуть с нашей планетой шестнадцатого марта две тысячи восемь десятого года. Возможность столкновения очень маленькая.

frannie_'s avatar

Jan. 27, 2024

Escrito 2, 2024

Hola a todos. Espero que les vaya bien. Esta semana quiero escribir sobre mi viaje reciente a Tailandia. Salí de Australia en el 25 de diciembre y regresé solo hace una semana. Fue la primera vez que había viajado a otro país y pasé tanto tiempo con otra persona, porque viajé con mi amiga de alma. De verdad me siento muy afortunada de haber tenido esta oportunidad para viajar, aunque aprendí que no me gusta mucho viajar con otras personas ni pasar mucho tiempo lejos de casa. Además, aprendí que prefiero pasar la mayoría del tiempo relajándome durante las vacaciones en lugar de explorar o realizar actividades.

El evento que fue lo más memorable era el festival de lámparas durante el día antes de nuevo año en Chiang Mai. Aunque sobre todo disfruté del viaje porque aprendí muchas cosas sobre mi misma y no tengo nada arrepentimiento, no pienso que voy a viajar otra vez hasta el próximo año. Asimismo, creo que viajara por mi misma a un país latinoamericano. Me interesan viajar a México, Argentina o España. Eso es porque quiero comprobar mi nivel de español y mejorarlo para que sea competente.

¡Gracias por leer y sus correcciones!

Suricate's avatar

Jan. 27, 2024

27 stycznia 2024

Byłam bardzo zmęczona po wczorajszej wędrówce. Spałam do 9:30.
Dzisiaj miałam trening softballu. Pogoda była ładna, nie była za gorąca.
Potem, posprzątałam łazienkę i grałam na pianinie.
Dzisiaj był kobiety singli finał Australia Open.
Aryna Sabalenka wygrała nad Zheng Qinwen, 6-3, 6-2. Sabalenka jest za silna!

michael122's avatar

Jan. 27, 2024

Sollten der Zugang zu den Internet als Grundrecht gelten?

Seit der Erfindung des Internets in den 90en Jahren hat es einen der wichtigsten Teile unseres Lebens geworden. Auf der Welt ist der Internet derzeit für ungefähr 60 Prozent der Menschen verfügbar, die am meisten in gut entwickelte Ländern wohnen. Aber in den Ländern, die generell weniger Geld und Ressourcen verfügen und nicht so technologisch fortgeschritten sind, bestehen dort einen Mangel an der Zugang zu den Internet. Daher die Frage: Sollten die als Grundrecht gelten, sodass alle frei und fair den Internet verwenden können?
Viele würden sagen, dass das Internet ein wunderbares Werkzug ist, mit dem man sich Vorteile und Gelegenheiten verschaffen kann, deshalb niemand auf das begrenzt werden sollte. Das Internet beinhaltet vor allem fast alle Kenntnisse im Laufe unserer Geschichte, an Webseiten wie Wikipedia, an denen Informationen über jede Sache einfach abgerufen werden können. Es hilft auch, dass man sich schnell über die Neuigkeiten und Geschehen auf der Welt informiert und damit führt es dazu, dass man einen größeren Überblick bekommt und bessere Entscheidungen machen können, die das Leben verbessern. Außerdem können die Leute in dem Internet mehrere Gelegenheiten ergreifen, beispielsweise wenn man einen Job finden möchtet, benutzt man Webseiten, die Firmen die leere Stellen veröffentlichen. Ich denke, dass das macht einen großen Unterschied für das Berufsleben, weil es einfacher ist, die Jobangebote zu vergleichen und bessere Jobs zu sichern. Im Gegenteil erledigt man mit höheren Schwierigkeiten dieser Aufgaben ohne Internet, sodass diese Leute wohl an der Ungerechtigkeit leiden. Da das Internet wirklich unverzichtbar für das Überleben und ein mögliche Weg aus der Armut ist, ist es mir sinnvoll, dass das Internet für alle kostenlos anbietet sollten.

shadowfax26's avatar

Jan. 27, 2024


Lavoro durante il weekend di nuovo, che sorpresa. Non ho i weekend liberi da ottobre. Non mi piace affatto, ma non c'è niente che possa fare.

Mi sono abituata a camminare molto, allora ho fatto una lunga passeggiata. Ho camminato per 2 ore. Sono andata fino alla zona in cui è il mio ufficio, ma ovviamente sono ritornata. Non dovremmo andare in ufficio durante il weekend e, oltre a questo, ci sono già andata per questo mese. La regola è che ognuno di noi deve andarci 4 volte al mese.

Aspetto l'ora di pranzo, ho una fame da lupi e non ho avuto il tempo per fare colazione.

Ho già iniziato a lavorare. A domani.

Student123's avatar

Jan. 27, 2024

La toxicidad de la positividad excesiva

La toxicidad de la positividad excesiva es como una espada de doble filo: la positividad conlleva beneficios hasta cierta cantidad, pero demasiado positividad plantea riesgos a la salud mental. Definitivamente, la positividad excesiva es un tema controversial.

La positividad puede fomentar un ambiente optimista. Aunque la positividad excesiva puede crear un entorno motivador y alentar a las personas a enfrentar desafíos con una mentalidad optimista. Personas positivas son amigos agradables y una actitud positiva puede inculcar hábitos motivadores en el ámbito laboral que pueden enriquecer amistades y relaciones profesionales. Una actitud positiva pueden desarrollar estrategias para enfrentarse a los desafíos diarios y propicia habilidades para la adopción a situaciones difíciles.

No obstante, el enfoque excesivo en la positividad puede generar expectativas poco realistas, lo que lleva a la decepción cuando las cosas no salen como se esperaba. También, cambios duraderos a amistades y relaciones pueden resultar debido a una falta de la vulnerabilidad y confesiones auténticas. Mantener una fachada de perfección plantea riesgos inherentes a la salud mental incluyen depression, ansiedad, y suicidio.

La positividad extrema es perjudicial para el bienestar emocional y las relaciones personales. Sin embargo, aspectos positivos de la positividad incluyen la motivación, la capacidad de adaptación y la abilidad a robustecer los lazos familiares. La clave es para entender la cantidad de positividad excesiva que es perjudicial y para practicar los hábitos de autocuidado a asistir con regulación emocional.

breadhouze's avatar

Jan. 27, 2024

[24-01-26] 금요일의 복습

1. 저기에서 사람들이 많은데 복잡한 편이네요.
정말요? 큰 일이 있을텐데요?

2. 요즘 민주는 인스타에서 게시물을 안 올리던데요.
이상하는데 보통 매일 3번쯤 올리더라고요. 그 친구는 바쁠 텐데요.

3. 지훈이가 벌써 10분 늦어요.
잠깐 기다릴까요? 길이 막힐 텐데요.

4. 저 가게는 세일이 있으니까 들어오자.
요즘은 그 브랜드가 유행하지 않을 텐데요.

5. 왜 사장님이 일찍 퇴근하시나요?
모르는데 중요한 일이 있을 텐데요.

splinterofchaos's avatar

Jan. 27, 2024



emili325's avatar

Jan. 27, 2024

HSK 5 WB unit2 & 3

2. 昨天下午我们被通知了小明的车碰撞了其他卡车。我们全家人一直路上发愁死了。我们都盼望他没受到很危险的伤害。李太太也来看小明因为意外是在小明为工作出去的路上发生的。好幸福,他的情况不严重,未来要好好照顾他的脚。

3. 看到Pinterest上的其他家照片启发我来装修我的房子。把我的房子漆成绿色以来,我的心情明显地变好了。我最喜欢我的卧室变化。跟我想象的一样。全国旁边放着有新月形状的灯,亮着灯时真的像月光一样,漂亮极了。

Devine_05's avatar

Jan. 27, 2024

About a movie I watched

Studio Ghibli is known for making movies with beautiful and moving stories, esthetically pretty animation, and captivating soundtracks.
And even though I can consider myself someone who grew up watching their movies, I haven't watched all of them, so I decided to enjoy some of the ones I didn't know, and recently picked "Kiki's Delivery Service" up.
The story follows Kiki, a young witch who, just like all witches, goes out of her home by herself, for a year, to grow as a witch.
I really can't say that was my favorite movie from Hayao Miyazaki, but I still enjoyed it.
The animation and the soundtrack were as beautiful as always, and the story itself was very catchy and interesting, and, of course, there's the cozy and nostalgic atmosphere I feel every time I watch some of these movies.
I must confess that at the beginning of the movie, I really didn't love Kiki, I thought she was very impulsive, childish and quite egoistic, but then I remembered that she is basically a child. She acts like that because she is a child entering her teenage years, and that's how she is supposed to act (I really don't know what I had in my head to think she should behave like an adult). She was also a child that was away from home, and if it wasn't for Jiji she would have been completely alone in a city she didn't know, with people that were not used to witches.
The movie shows Kiki adapting to her new life, seeking independence, facing problems and doing her best to solve them. It also shows her leaving her child self and her childlike manners behind and gaining the maturity proper of a teenager.
Kiki also goes through a self-acceptance journey. Even though is not really that explicit, we can see that in some scenes, she was envious of the way other people dressed because it was prettier than the witch vest; she wanted to be more like those "common people". There's also the scene when she is with that boy who wanted to befriend her and his friends arrive. When she sees them Kiki feels out of place, feeling the difference on their behaviors and dressings, she feels like she doesn't fit in, and ends up getting upset. Of course, that's how I interpreted it, because as I said, none of that it's explicitly stated in the movie, although one can intuit it.
In any case, I adored seeing Kiki embrace her differences, while maturing and becoming more independent and confident. I felt really proud of her and happy for her because she ended up meeting people who liked her and accepted her. Her story really warmed my heart.

dgunay's avatar

Jan. 27, 2024



最近我看“汉化日记(God Troubles Me)"。是关于一个女人。她的爸妈告诉她他们是神仙然后离开家旅游。后来她租房子。当在新的房子她发现她的东西们也是神仙。她的手机和空调都是神仙。就连她的猫是神仙。


tiger_tiger's avatar

Jan. 27, 2024

Metaphorische Sprache

Liebe Freunde,

heute möchte ich über metaphorische Sprache und ihre Rolle in der interkulturellen Kommunikation schreiben. Mir ist aufgefallen, dass es schwieriger ist, Metaphern zu verstehen, wenn man einer anderen Kultur angehört. Einmal wurde ich Zeuge, wie sich zwei Freunde aus unterschiedlichen Kulturen redeten. Einer von ihnen sagte, dass etwas so ruhig sei wie eine Katze in Metallrüstung, die über ein heißes Blechdach läuft. Natürlich er meinte, dass es überhaupt nicht ruhig war. Der andere Freund antwortete mit einer Frage: Warum sollte eine Katze eine Metallrüstung tragen? Offensichtlich gab es dort Missverständnisse.

Ein anderes Mal gab es diesen Dialog:
- Willst du Pizza?
- Ist der Himmel blau?
- Also... willst du Pizza oder nicht?

Das war wieder eine Missverständnisse.

Menschen aus unterschiedlichen Kulturen denken unterschiedlich und wenn man die Fremdsprache spricht, kann man manchmal den Kern verfehlen. Das brachte mich zum Nachdenken. Sollten wir jede metaphorische Sprache vermeiden, wenn wir mit Ausländern sprechen? Oder sollten wir mehr über fremde Kulturen und ihre Denkweise erfahren wenn wir Fremdsprachen lernen?

Bis zum nächsten mal!

marblemenow's avatar

Jan. 27, 2024

Mon projet de recherche et l'apprentissage de français

Hier soir, j'avais une réunion avec un professeur de la psychologie. Nous avons parlé de mon projet de recherche pendant une heure. Après la réunion, j'étais trop fatigué et je voulais faire une promenade, mais il pleuvait tellement à ma ville. Malheureusement, je n'ai pas pratiqué ma grammaire française. Plutôt, j'ai écouté des podcasts sur Spotify et j'ai vu des vidéos sur YouTube. J'adore ces chaînes : French Mornings with Elisa et InnerFrench. J'aime bien cette chaîne : myBetterSelf, mais Louise parle trop vite pour moi. Louise est une féministe qui parle plusieurs choses comme les standards de beauté, l'histoire de féminisme, etc. Je la sais sur Instagram. Pour les podcasts, j'ai écouté "Little Talk in Slow French" et "LanguaTalk SlowFrench". C'était difficile de comprendre les épisodes de ces podcasts sans les transcrits, donc j'ai écouté les épisodes des podcasts passivement.

Aujourd'hui, je suis allé à la maison avec mon copain. Je souhaite que je n'ai pas beaucoup de travail de faire. Demain, ce sont les vacances "Thanksgiving" aux États-Unis.

Parfois, je souhaite que je pratique mon français plus en plus, mais il n'y a pas de gens qui parle français avec moi.

yidacode's avatar

Jan. 27, 2024

온천에 간다

낮부터 친구들과 온천에 간다.
숙박하는 휴양소는 회원이 2000엔, 회원 아니어도 3000엔으로 숙박할 수 있다.
식사는 없지만 30분 정도 걸으면 술집 등 많이 있고 메인 관광지까지 걸어서 10분이라 아주 편리다.
지금까지 몇 번이나 이용했는데 모두에게 호평이다.
아. 기대된다.

sachisachi's avatar

Jan. 26, 2024

The app Langaku (30)

I watch YouTube videos while drying my hair every day.

This is my favorite time.

My friend has asked me before that can you here it using the dryer?

It's fine because I use subtitles.

Yesterday, while I was watching a channel that showed up on the recommendation, they introduced an interesting app.

It's Langaku that you can read manga both in English and Japanese and it's free for one episode.

It has also a read out loud feature.

However, I'm not really sure, but it might be allowed using only in Japan.

It seems like the company Shueisha manage this app.

I just made my account yesterday, and I'm going to use it to see how it is.

moumounorinori's avatar

Jan. 26, 2024

Australia 2

In the evening, We had dinner at nice restaurant in Sydney and we enjoyed chatting over dinner.

My friend and I stayed same Hotel and same room. I wanted to talk a lot with her but I fell asleep without take a shower.
I might be tired/exhausted.

The next day, I wake up early and we talk a lot. She told me that she wants to be more healthy. And she want to has self sufficient.

She has breakfast around eleven am and she has dinner six pm.
She told me that it's very important for digest.

Sometimes she preachs like a teacher and mother but I like her.

deux_ex_machina's avatar

Jan. 26, 2024


結局、BOOK WALKERに登録し、そこで小説の電子書籍版を715円で買えました。

tsukeyyy's avatar

Jan. 26, 2024

I wrote this after reading the article.

Edward Drinker Code and Othniel Charles Marsh were friends in 1868. They studied of dinosaurs fossil together. But one day Code made a mistake when he was splicing dinosaurs code. He put the skull on the skeleton’s tail rather the neck. And Marsh made fun of this mistake. Cope was hurt so he became an enemy to Marsh. Cope told newspapers about the bad things Marsh ever did. They cheated on their work because they wanted to win. So they blew up dig spot when they are done the research. All the things they did was because of that disagreement. Both of them died in the late 1890s.

Maysam's avatar

Jan. 26, 2024


دلیل دیگری که برخی از ستاره‌ها نام خود را تغییر می‌دهند این است که نامی را می‌خواهند که تلفظ آن به انگلیسی آسان باشد.

quintinahe's avatar

Jan. 26, 2024

The impact of my childhood experiences

Thinking back to my young age. I was never a girl that satisfied with a stable and pure environment.
But it might be a bit over-exaggerated, the truth is, I was never been in a peaceful and quiet class.
Not to mention the competitive atmosphere in Chinese schools, it was quite unusual that the school leaders packed pupils with different levels like sardines.
The naughtiest, most noisest ones sat at the back of the classroom, in front of the room were the tops in the school. The good pupils are quiet, leaving precious questioning opportunities to the poor pupils. The formers used it to challenge the authority of the teachers. They provoked and fought physically with the poor adults. The more demanding and strict teachers were, the more he or she suffered physically and mentally.
Serious and rigid teaching doesn't give the students a soul-stirring experience, that was why they never listened. Students who are self-motivated to learn will always learn on their own without the need for persuasion. So do I. Just because I was a good student with good grades, I was a teacher's helper.
You must think I'm on the same page as the serious teachers who thought little kids should all just sit still for 45 minutes and then be quiet. Yet I always love to ask questions and appreciate the quirky ones.
Quite frankly, I like street smart. I would love to be one of the gang boys or girls who are not that good at grades but dress differently. They looked stupid but vibrant when they fought with their dignity with fists and cursing. Even though after graduation they will soon get married and raise their children poorly, secretly slipping into the same track like their parents.
Becoming a good student in the upper class requires being tamed in that 45 minutes. But their knowledge and education seem to lead them to a more permanent rebellion or the opposite.
And resistance to knowledge and education makes poor students quickly surrender to reality when they leave school.
I found myself way too accustomed to those experiences between two opponents. I began to work as a waitress in a local bar, in a way that many people thought was vulgar and not decent.
What if people don't need to be defined? What if we can use our knowledge like obedient students but with critical thinking techniques? That's why I don't judge people whether they are highly educated or work with their own hands for the family.

What if people are hard to define on the occasion that we need to go on living and have to abandon our privileges as a certain class in society? Is your pride or prejudice worth to starve to death?
What is the meaning of your life? A decent job in a Tech company and overworking until you end up in the ICU?
Is there another way to make this situation different?

bam's avatar

Jan. 26, 2024




