March 21, 2024
Earl cherche à donner des leçons de vie à son petit-fils Nelson.
« Tu vois, Nelson, le rôle le plus important d'un grand-père est celui de donner des conseils aux autres.
Après tout, à quoi bon avoir autant de sagesse si je ne peux pas la partager avec les autres ? », dit-il au petit garçon.
À ce moment, il voit Opal en train de porter un panier à linge surchargé de vêtements.
« Opal, il ne faut pas porter toute cette lessive d'un seul coup; mieux vaut faire deux allers-retours », dit-il à sa femme.
Dans la dernière vignette, on voit que c'est maintenant Earl à porter le panier à linge.
« Parfois, c'est mieux de fermer la gueule », explique Earl à Nelson.
March 21, 2024
It was an old funny story from a well-known TV job interview show in China, about seven years ago. A man who claimed he had lived in France for 10 years, however, his French ability was questioned by a beautiful CEO. Initially, nearly all the audience, host, and the remaining bosses on-site thought the interviewer was a liar, and suspected the authentication of his certificate. Following this, all the bosses and the host accused the interviewer, and even caused him to faint on the stage.
Interestingly, after the show clip surfaced on the internet. Some people who know French questioned why the interviewer couldn't catch the French question, due to the reason that the CEO's French was really bad. Furthermore, a French consulate confirmed that the certificate from the interviewer was indeed genuine.
Finally, a few days later. The beautiful apologized for her words.
If you know French, you can try to confirm her French ability.
March 21, 2024
March 21, 2024
March 21, 2024
March 21, 2024
March 21, 2024
March 21, 2024
Che tempo strano! Ha piovuto tutta la mattina e adesso c'è il sole. Preferisco la pioggia invece del sole, ma il tempo cambia costantemente.
Pioveva ancora mentre facevo una passeggiata nel parco, ma quando la pioggia è diventata più forte, sono ritornata a casa. Fortunatamente il parco è vicino e ci ho messo 10 minuti per arrivare a casa.
A casa ho un balcone grande su cui posso stare e godermi la pioggia. Devo pulirlo per tutti quei momenti di tranquillità in futuro. Mi rendono felice e mi sento meglio ogni volta in cui passo del tempo lì, ascoltando le macchine che passano.
Sono abituata a sentirle da quando ero bambina. Per una persona che è nata in città, i rumori fanno parte della vita quotidiana. Sogno di avere una casa lontano da qui, ma ancora vicina alla città. Avrò bisogno di fare la spesa o visitare alcuni luoghi.
Fra poco pranzo e poi credo di fare un sonnellino. Voglio essere pronta mentalmente per un'altra settimana lavorativa.
A domani.
March 21, 2024
March 21, 2024
I repaired a necklace by myself recently.
It's made of pearls. Even the pearls are not perfect, but I like them very much.
A few days ago, I found it's a little broken. I couldn't find a store to fix it, so I searched for methods to repair it online.
Luckily, a professional on Bilibili made a detailed video, and I found it.
I followed the instructions in the video step by step and re-strung the pearls.
I'm so happy to have my necklace back.
March 21, 2024
L’affaire de Teigin se produisit le 16 janvier 1948. Un homme survint dans une succursale de la banque Teikoku (alias Teigin) peu après la fermeture. Présentant sa carte d’affaires, il s’intitula fonctionnaire du ministère de la Santé et du Bien-être et expliqua que la dysenterie s’était déclarée aux alentours et que tout le monde avait besoin de prendre le médicament préventif. Il réussit à faire prendre le liquide, qui était en réalité du combiné cyanhydrique à toutes les personnes qui étaient là, les employés de la banque et les membres de la famille de l’homme de service. Elles s’éffondrées sur le champ les unes et les autres alors que l’auteur prit la fuite avec 160 mille yen qu’il avait ramassés (environ 16 millions de yen d’aujourd’hui). Le bilan du cambriolage s’établit à 12 morts parmi les 16 victimes qui furent empoisonnées.
March 21, 2024
March 21, 2024
March 21, 2024
誕生日の18歳は家族から離れて初めての誕生日でした。私はその日に大学から部屋へ疲れて寂しさを帰りました。部屋に入ると、ルームメイトのアンさんは料理を作っているのが見えました。食べ物の香りがとても良かったです。私は ” なぜ私はこの料理が大好きだと分かったの?” と驚いたように言いました。
March 21, 2024
March 21, 2024
March 21, 2024
March 21, 2024
March 21, 2024
March 21, 2024
March 21, 2024
Hello everyone!
I just recently found this amazing website that can help with my foreign language writing. I actually heard about Lang-8 first while I was reading a post in Chinese talking about the best way to learn Japanese. Unfortunately the other website is closed. But I am very pleased that I have found this one. Everything I tried so far worked perfectly well. And people here seem very supportive. One thing I love most is that there aren’t many distractions on this site so I can focus on writings.
I have been learning English for a long time but I have never put much attention in writing. Even during conversation sometimes I may have a hard time finding the proper word or expression. I am hoping to improve my English and Japanese here and I am sure I will if I can keep up posting. It is meaningful to correct others’ journals as well and it is nice to feel connected with people around the world.
March 21, 2024
March 21, 2024
I went to Osaka with my family and we had a lot of fun for three days.
On the first day, we strolled a long shopping street called "Tenjinbashi street"
It wasn't a sophisticated and trendy street, yet more like a street for local people.
We had deep fried skewers called "Kushikatsu" which is a specialty in Osaka.
I was looking forward to hearing Osaka dialect, but for some reason I didn't.
When I talked with waitresses or shop assistants, they all spoke standard Japanese.
That was a shame.
March 20, 2024
Opal e Earl stanno seduti sul divano nel soggiorno.
Opal guarda Roscoe, il cane della famiglia, seduto accanto a lei con la testa appoggiata sul suo grembo.
"Roscoe è il cane il più inutile che abbiamo mai avuto, osserva lei, ma fa comunque le migliori coccole del mondo..."
"...esclusa la compagnia attuale, ovviamente", aggiunge.
"Grazie!!", risponde il suo vecchio marito Earl.
"Stavo parlando del gatto", dice seccamente Opal.
March 20, 2024
Le temps est parfait en ce moment. Il y a du soleil, mais pas trop (il y a, généralement, un bon nombre de nuages). Il pleut quelques jours, mais c'est doux et temporaire. Il y a de la brise, mais pas de vent fort. Surtout, la température est idéale, environ 17°C. Il ne fait froid, ni chaud. Je peux courir sans pull, et sans avoir trop chaud. Je suis bien dehors en général.
Je profite car je sais l'été arrivera assez bientôt. J'ai horreur du plein soleil et des températures élevées.
De plus, on a l'éclosion des fleurs de printemps maintenant. Ça sent tellement bon.
12:05:55 (UTC)
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