March 26, 2024
The article and the lecture are about doubts whether ancient Phoenicians circumnavigated Africa. The author believes that the Phoenicians could not have had a journey around Africa. However, the lecturer challenges the statement why this is unlikely.
Firstly, the author claims that, even though they were skilled-sailors their ships were not sufficiently prepared for long trips in the open ocean, due to the fact that ships were small and were made from wood. On the other hand, the lecturer disagrees with that statement and declares that Phoenicians were surprisingly well equipped. Their ships were strengthened with metal panels and also, they were repairing and maintaining their vessels for very long period.
Secondly, the article notes that the African continent has significant obstacles and strong currents even for contemporary sailors. Furthermore, an ancient civilization couldn’t have navigated without any equipment and navigation tools. However, even though the lecturer agrees with the complexity of landscapes, he considers the fact they were skilled sailors and they used stars and other natural landmarks to navigate in the open ocean.
In conclusion, according to the author’s last statement there is not a single real historical evidence to prove if Phoenicians ever circumnavigated Africa. All survived records indicate that they only were interested in establishing trade routes and colonies. But the lecturer challenges this and mentions an ancient Egyptian drawing that depicted the Phoenician’s ships passing along the cost in north Africa.
March 26, 2024
The article and the lecture are about the paradox of the late Bronze Age Collapse. The author gives a few theories how that could happen. At the same time the lecturer explains why these theories are not the cause and explanation of the Collapse.
The first theory suggests that climate changes could have led to natural disasters, drought and famine. The author claims that the concatenation of all these factors could be the cause of the weakening of civilizations and could have made the governments too vulnerable. The lecturer does not agree with this statement and considers the fact that this theory is unclear to historians. And moreover, there weren’t any examples of collapsing of many civilizations at the same time. No massive Simultaneous examples of civilization collapses were recorded by historians.
Secondly, the article notes the theory of intervention from outside, that could occur by pirates called “Sea People”. Their advanced sailing and military skills may have allowed them disrupt trade routes weaking and destroying civilizations. On the other hand, even though the lecturer agrees that Sea People were very dangerous, but their attacks weren’t unified, because they were small groups of pirates. The local armies could prevent their attacks successfully enough.
Finally, the author suggests the theory that instability of the political and economic systems of the time could have led to collapse. The centralized power in the hands of rulers, in turn, could be the reason of the dissatisfaction and rebellion. But, in contrast, the lecturer claims that this phenomenon wasn’t unique for the Bronze Age. Many societies of the time were politically instable, but not all of them collapsed. For instance, the Assyrians had the same problems but they were able to avoid the collapse.
March 26, 2024
From my point of view, a sign of success should be the number of people for who your achievements and activities are useful and beneficial. With this in mind, I claim Elon Musk is known as a prominent instance of success. Moreover, he has a real inspiration for many teens and adults like a successful founder and CEO of many international and profitable companies as PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX and Facebook recently.
His success became visible many years ago, when he was studying at the university. In 1995, when he was 24, he became a co-founder of an IT company that was sold for 307 million dollars four years later. Some people may not believe the fact that he became a millionaire at 24. And, despite significant fails and shortcomings in his career he keeps working and earning money. Also, he made great contribution to the development of the space and Mars colonization programs.
In the conclusion, I am confident that Musk is a great example of what can be achieved in different areas of business and life in general.
March 26, 2024
D.H.劳伦斯(D.H. Lawrence)的《普鲁士军官》(The Prussian Officer,1914)巧妙地审视了被压抑的侵略。
莉娅:没错。 而我们似乎只是隐约意识到自己在扮演什么角色。
March 26, 2024
March 26, 2024
Sehr geehrte Frau Nguyen,
ich entschuldige mich dafür, dass ich leider nicht zum Gespräch kommen kann. Der Termin ist nicht gut für mich wegen meiner Deutsch B1- Prüfung und sie ist sehr wichtig.
Ich mochte wissen, ob Sie einen neuen Termin vereinbaren könnten?
Ich warte auf Ihre Antwort!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
D. Nguyen
March 26, 2024
Einkaufen im Internet ist ein sehr interessantes Thema, über welches heutzutage oft und viel diskutiert wird. Ich bin dafür, das Einkaufen im Internet sowohl schneller und sehr praktisch ist. Es gibt viele Gründe, warum es lohnt sich. Man muss nicht stunden-lang durch das Einkaufzentrum laufen und heutzutage gibt es Shopping-Apps oder Websites für Verbraucher, das spart viel Zeit. Sollt man mit dem Produkt nicht zufrieden, könnten man das Produkt problemlos zurückgegeben. Darüber hinaus können die Menschen die Preise vor dem Kauf vergleichend mit viele verschiedenen Methoden wie mit Karten, Bank-konto…bezahlen. Es ist sehr praktisch für beschäftigte Menschen. Meiner Meinung nach ist Einkaufen im Internet in der Zukunft immer beliebter werden wird, weil im Internet gibt es alles, was man braucht.
March 26, 2024
I got a coupon from today, and I used it to order some Kagakuihiroshi's picture books. These days, I read some of Japanese picture book authors' interviews from a magazine. I became a fan of Kagakuihiroshi, when I read the interview from his wife, which was talking about his past and his work. I've always thought that the Daruma dolls drawn by Kagakuihiroshi were really cute. When I get those picture books, I'll like to jump into the cuteness and full of laughter world he created.
March 26, 2024
March 26, 2024
Quelles langues sont les plus faciles pour les francophones à apprendre ? Je participe régulièrement dans une réunion sur MeetUp et nous avons discuté cette question. Quant à moi, j’ai pensé que la langue la plus facile serait l’espagnol. D’autres ont eu d’avis que ce serait l’italien.
Nous avons fait des recherches et nous avons trouvé un article qui a affirmé que c’était l’anglais. J’étais étonnée puisque l’anglais est compliquée. D’après l’article, l’anglais était facile car les genres masculins et féminins n’existaient pas. Tous les noms étaient les mêmes. De plus, cet article a constaté que les conjugaisons des verbes anglais étaient relativement faciles et aisés à comprendre. C’est vrai, on trouve certains mots en commun tels que décider, douter, hésiter et bien plus encore. Cela étant dit, l’anglais est ma langue maternelle et à mon avis, il est vraiment compliqué.
J’admets que l’article a noté que l’italien et l’espagnol sont également faciles à apprendre pour les francophones. Il existe certains mots communs et je suspecte que la structure des phrases et les expressions sont similaires.
March 26, 2024
March 26, 2024
March 26, 2024
March 26, 2024
March 26, 2024
March 26, 2024
I just finished Kira Kira by Cynthia Kadohata. I’d read several graded readers before, but it was first novel I read all the way through in English.
The story is about Katie, a Japanese American girl, living in Georgia in the 1960s. Overall, it’s a sad and heartbreaking story. Though she and her family go through a lot, she’s always hopeful, which is very moving and also impressive.
Because I’m a slow reader, it took three months to finish it. Actually, I’d read it in my native language before, so it made it a lot easier to follow the plot. While reading, I wrote down the unfamiliar words and expressions that I came across per page. By the time I’d read two-thirds of it, I noticed they gradually decreased, which boosted my motivation. It was really good read, and this is such a big achievement for me!
March 25, 2024
En marchant chez l'autre jour, j'ai vu deux oiseaux dans le ciel. Ces oiseaux sont souvent près de chez moi. Les oiseaux sont grands, marron et majestueux. Je ne sais pas s'ils sont faucons ou s'ils sont autre chose. Mais, je connais le couleur et qu'ils ont de large envergure.
En février, janvier et mars, pygargue à tête blanches viennent du nord et parce que j'habite près du nord, ils viennent près de chez moi à que fois. Bien que, je vois rarement des pygargue à tête blanches pendant cette période. Mais un jour, je l'ai vu. L'oiseau s'est envolé rapidement, donc je l'ai vu brièvement.
March 25, 2024
L'intelligence artificielle devient de plus en plus importante dans notre société, surtout la forme génératrice. Beaucoup de gens sont inquiets parce que c'est possible que tout notre histoire, les nouvelles, etc. peut devenir faux sans que nous nous en apercevons. Pour le combattre, je crois qu'il faut avoir des limites sur les personnes qui peuvent l'utiliser. Par exemple, si quelqu'un a une réputation de l'utiliser l'IA pour le mal, il devrait être interdit de s'en servir.
March 25, 2024
Cada vez tengo ganas de mirar película no sé que quiero mirar. Tengo muchas películas en mi lista pero a menudo no tengo el humor para mirar nada del lista. Hoy quería una tarde con una película o series de TV. Ahora es muy tarde, ya cocinaste algo delicioso, pero no sé que encender. Probablemente voy a encender algo de azar.
¿Usted cómo elije la película? ¿A lo mejor de actriz favorito o de director famoso?
March 25, 2024
Br Pt
Muitas pessoas gostavam acreditar que o dinheiro não pode comprar felicidade. Não concordo por muitas razões. Primeiro, muitas pessoas estão deprimidas porque trabalham demais, por isso não tem tempo para a família, amigos, hobbies etc. Segundo, as pessoas ricas que não estão felizes podem acessar os recursos como terapia, lazer, ferias etc que fazem felizes. Finalmente, se você desse dinheiro às pessoas pobres, seus problemas desapareceriam.
March 25, 2024
La energía nuclear ha surgido como una opción importante para combatir el cambio climático. Por lo tanto, el renacimiento de la energía nuclear puede contribuir a la estabilidad energética. Conjunto con la energía renovable, la energía nuclear es una opción asequible para disminuir las emisiones de carbono.
Los avances en tecnología, como los reactores modulares avanzados (SMR), están haciendo que la energía nuclear sea más accesible y económica. Pueden fabricarse en masa y colocarse en lugares remotos. Las unidades pueden ser prefabricados y enviarse e instalarse. Los SMR proporcionan ventajas de su tamaño y precio, lo que puede facilitar la energía nuclear en países latinoamericanos.
La diversificación de fuentes energéticas y la reducción de la dependencia de combustibles fósiles es una prioridad. La energía nuclear ha producido mas energía baja en carbono que cualquier otro fuente. Conjunto con las emergía renovable, la energía nuclear es una opción atractivo para solucionar la escasez de fuentes de energía limpia y disminuir los efectos de los desastres naturales y las guerras.
Sin duda, las medidas de seguridad pasivas han mejorado la seguridad de las centrales nucleares. Los reactores están diseñadas para apagarse rápidamente para prevenir un accidente como la de Fukushima en 2011 cuando un tsunami inundó los reactores. Aunque, las preocupaciones sobre las seguridad de la energía nuclear y desafíos en relación del almacenamiento y eliminación de residuos nucleares pueden impedir la adopción de la tecnología a la escala global.
En suma, la energía nuclear conjunto con la energía renovable se erige como una estrategia duradera para abordar los desafíos energéticos y ambientales. Con los advances de SMR, los reactores nucleares pueden transformar los fuentes de energía. Es fundamental que podamos aprovechar de la tecnología para construir un futuro mas sostenible para generaciones futuras.
March 25, 2024
Ich gehe fast jeden Tag (außer am Wochenende) zur Universität.
Ich nehme Klassen zum Thema Unternehmensentwicklung.
Manchmal sind die Unterrichten interessant, aber manchmal langweilen sie mich.
Das hängt von der Lehrkraft und dem Thema ab.
Wenn der Unterricht langweilig ist, stelle ich dem Lehrer während des Unterrichts viele Frage.
Das hilft mir, wach und engagiert zu bleiben.
Nachdem der Unterricht vorbei ist, koche ich gern zu Hause Abendessen.
Danach schaue ich mich gern Online Videos an, um Deutsch zu lernen.
March 25, 2024
Je garde mes ongles courts. Je n'aime pas quand ils sont assez longs que je les sens, par exemple, en tapant sur le clavier. Si je suis d'humeur, j'utilise un polissoir à ongles pour les rendre brillants. Pour les ongles longs, il faut qu'ils soient uniformes en longueur et en forme. Quand ils sont courts, ce n'est pas important.
Le vernis à ongles est joli sur les ongles courts ou longs, mais ça ne vaut pas la peine pour moi. Il faut trop de temps (le temps de le faire, puis le temps d'attendre qu'ils sèchent), et je trouve que le résultat ne dure pas assez long. Une fois que l'un d'entre eux est ébréché, c'est gâché. Ensuite on doit enlever tout avec de l'acétone puante. Bien sûr, ces produits ne sont pas bons pour la santé des ongles.
Bref. Je dois bientôt les couper ; ils commencent à me gêner.
March 25, 2024
« Papy, tes mains ont l'air tout rêches et usées, observe Nelson, le petit-fils de Earl.
— Beh, j'imagine que c'est parce que mes mains ont beaucoup travaillé au fil des années. Elles ont coupé du bois, ont creusé des trous dans la terre, ont pelleté de la neige ... ont réparé des voitures, ont repeint des maisons, ont enfoncé des clous ...
— Mince, se sont-elles jamais amusées ?
— Seulement quand elles te donnaient des noogies sur la tête, ! », dit Earl en donnant une noogie à Nelson.
March 25, 2024
Benim neden Türkçe öğrenmeye başladığımı biraz tuhaf bir hikaye. Durum böyle:
Bir Türk arkadaşım var. Şu arkadaşımla bir süre sık sık takılıyorduk. Bazen internette birlikte oyun oynuyorlarduk bazen gerçek hayatta vakit geçtik. Bir gün arkadaşım aile ziyaret etmeye için Türkiye'ye gitti. Genellikle Türkiye'ye gidiyor her bir iki yıl. Türkiye'de iki hafta geçti ve eve döndüğünde bana yalnızlığını ifade etti.
Yalnız hissediyordu çünkü ülkemizde çok az türk var. Türkçe onunla konuşacağı hiç kimse yoktu. Bu yüzden ben bir şeye fark ettim. Ben Türkçe ogrenirsam arkadaşımla konuşabilirdim. Benim için Türkçe öğrenmesi en çok sebeplerden biri bu.
Birlikte konuşması çok güzel olacağını düşünüyordum ve Türkçe öğrenmeye başladım.
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