March 27, 2024
Certains considèrent que la Bahasa Indonésie est la langue asiatique la plus facile à apprendre. Mon amie habitait à Bali pendant cinq ans et elle parle l’Indonésien couramment. Elle m’a raconté l’histoire de sa vie en Indonésie : c’était intéressant.
Après avoir travaillé en Australie pendant quelques années, elle a décidé de voyager en Asie. L’Indonésie est une voisine de l’Australie ayant une population de 270 millions d’habitants et indonésien est la langue officielle pourtant j’admets qu’il existe plusieurs autres langues.
Mon amie m’a expliqué que l’indonésien est l’une des rares langues asiatiques qui utilise l’alphabet latin. De plus, la prononciation est facile et les conjugaisons sont moins complexes. Elle m’a encouragée d’aller à Bali,et y rester quelques mois. Elle avait confiance que c’est tout à fait possible d’acquérir un niveau basique en deux ou trois mois. Je suis tentée de l’essayer.
March 27, 2024
March 27, 2024
March 27, 2024
March 27, 2024
I have some thoughts about adopting children.
Should adoptive parents let the children know that they are adopted and tell them who their parents are? If so, what would the feeling be that the children have towards their biological parents and their adoptive parents? In a word, adopting children would lead to many problems.
I won't let others adopt my children, no matter how many children I have, and how poor I am. Instead, I will try my best to raise them.
If I adopt a child, when they grow up, I will let them know that they are adopted, and tell them who their parents are. I am also glad to see them in contact with their biological parents if they like. I only raise them to help them, not to get something from them.
March 27, 2024
J’ai veillé tard hier soir, presque jusqu’à trois heures et demie. Je travaillais sur mon devoir de systèmes de dialogue. J’aurais dû me coucher plus tôt parce que quand je me suis levé ce matin, je l’ai fini très vite – mon esprit était clair après une bonne nuit de sommeil. C’est très passionnant parce que c’est la première IA réelle que j’ai fait – elle peut générer des courts paragraphes qui font la critique d’un film sur la base de sa description.
March 27, 2024
March 27, 2024
March 26, 2024
March 26, 2024
March 26, 2024
Fear is an integral part of our lives. Doubtless, every person is afraid of something.
Generally speaking, fear is the normal reaction of something. Our consciousness give us a signal that something wrong or the situation is not enough safe. So that's a reason of two people' reactions: run or freeze. I mean, our fears are caused by uncomfortable or danferous situation so our body and brains try to avoid.
As for society, we all have a few fears about our appearance. We are afraid of social condemnation, bullying, ridicule because of weight and height. That's why many women used to always keep yourself and your appearance under control.
And I'm no exception. Moreover, people often doubt their decisions and are afraid to act as they want. I think that's a good idea: "If you fear make it work". Sometimes we fear for good reasons and sometimes we fear for absolutely no good reason at all. So this is about using fear to open your life, not close it in.
You see if you fear, make it work for you. People have fear. Sometimes we accept it and sometimes we move through it. Adele has a fear of large audiences. Jennifer Aniston has a fear of flying. It hasn't stopped them. Could you imaginne if it had?
March 26, 2024
Что общево между бретонским портом и белорусским городом? На первый взгляд, ничего. Но и в Беларуси и Франции находится город под названием «Брест».
Французский Брест находится в западной Британии, на атлантическом берегу. Он маленький город с типичными серыми гранитными домами. Под Ришельё, он стал военным портом: сегодня, Брест всё ещё вторый по величине военный порт Франции. Во время Второй мировой войны, немецкая армия разрушила большую часть города, но жители её перестроили потом. Существуют 2 этимологические теории, которые объясняют название «Брест»: по первой, оно происходит из бретонского «бег ар рест», которое значит «остриё замка» (в самом деле стоит замок в Бресте); по второй, оно происходит из галльского слова «бриста» («бой», «холм»).
Белорусский Брест находится в западной части страны, недалеко от польской границы. Он сначала относился к Киевской Руси, а Монголы разрушили город а потом, после её перестройки, Речь Посполитая его захватила. После первого раздела Речи Посполитой, Российская империя получила регион этого города. Брест, который в то время зовали «Брест-Литовск», славился в истории Брестским миром, благодаря которому Российская Империя вышла от Первой мировой войны. Этимологие этого Бреста также обсуждается. Согласно самой вероятной теории, оно происходит от слова «берест», но оно смог бы происходить от литовского «браста» («брод»).
Кажется, что находятся красивые достопримечательности и в французском и в белорусском Брестах. К сожалению, я никогда не посетил ни один из обоих. Может быть я когда-то еду в один или в другой... а почему нет в оба!
March 26, 2024
March 26, 2024
Esta mañana cuando abrí una pagina de noticias en internet, me sorprendió ver un titular acerca del derrumbe de una puente por parte de un buque de mercancías. Luego durante una rueda de prensa, el alcalde divulgó más detalles relacionadas con el accidente. Supuestamente la tripulación perdió control del barco antes de que impactara un pilar del puente. Como consecuencia del daño que recibió el pilar el resto de la estructura se desmoronó. Los expertos familiarizados con el diseño de puentes han afirmado que un colapso de tal escala pudiera haber sido evitado si habrían construido la puente en segmentos independientes.
March 26, 2024
Montar a bici es mi deporte favorito. De niña tenía una bici amarilla, pero no montaba a menudo. Recuerdo una vez que fue al centro comercial. En la calle era un puente y al viento fue muy fuerte. Una abeja fue enredada en mi cabello. Tuve mucho miedo, pero hoy recuerdo de ese día y río.
La bici se convirtió en mi hobby hace cuatro años cuando compré una bici usada en al mercado de pulgas. Desde entonces monto muy a menudo y voy a montar para más de 40 kilómetros cada fin de semena. Mi cuerpo no es tan fuerte, pero quiero participar en un carrera. El año pasado fuimos con mi novio pero lo estuve demasiado difícil y no podemos ir en el verano. A lo mejor montaremos esté otoño.
March 26, 2024
Hi there!
My name is Oksana, and I'm taking part in a language challenge, where I study English, Spanish and German. English is my strongest language, but, despite having pretty good understanding skills and the ability to pass grammar tests, I am much less confident and impressive while speaking or writing. So, that's what I'll try to change here, to add some practice that I lack.
Of course, writing is in a way easier, because I have time to think and the opportunity to check expressions if I doubt. However, I believe that working on my writing will also contribute to how I speak.
Well, let's begin with reflections on the last week (more precisely, 10 days)...
03/17 - We had presidential "elections" in Russia... It was just a farce, as you may know. I don't believe in these "87%", neither did I vote for our irremovable "tsar", nor anyone of my friends. But nobody wants to fall victim to the system's mercilessness in a doomed attempt to oppose. There is no chance to stop this train throwing yourself under it. Any actions should be highly practical and pragmatic, and appeals to lofty ideals that exist only in theory (in fairy tales) must be some kind of manipulation.
Also, on that day I did a bunch of grammar exercises on Spanish past tenses (but for now I don't see much of its effect on my speaking).
03/18 - That day was marked by a therapist session. It's my new attempt to tackle problems with my will power and the lack of industry. Not that I advanced much...
03/19 wasn't any remarkable.
03/20 - I went for a walk with my husband and later attended an English conversation club (offline). This one was much better than the previous that I'd tried. I mean the organisation of it - the guidance and possibility to talk to everyone vs. chaos and awkwardness - and it's free of charge. The topic was "Productivity", and, though I'm the least productive person, issues with all of this is also something on topic, isn't it?
03/21 - Nothing special, just a little of German training. It's the weakest of these three languages I'm working on at the moment. I've been learning it for 3 years in school as a second foreign language, but at that time I wasn't into the languages in general and the materials and methods weren't that good... so I remember just the very-very basics and some words, and I need to work further to be able to say that I certainly have (at least) A1.
03/22 - I attended a screening of a Mexican film "Luna Negra" in a fancy cinema "Angleterre". The film was shown in Spanish with Russian subtitles. It's a drama about one family life in the context of their town fighting against the construction of a dam. I quite liked it, but expected the ending to be less indistinct. One has to search for articles about the true events underneath the plot to find out the outcome. As for the language, it seemed to me quite comfortable for perception - in terms of pace, clarity, sound volume and regional aspects (although I couldn't detect every word, of course). Also, I would like to mention the final song of the film - I find it very beautiful! Unfortunately, I couldn't find any particular information about it (like the lyrics) or its singer.
After that, I joined an online meeting of the Spanish conversation club organised within the challenge. I still have troubles with turning my passive knowledge into active skills - like a dog, I can understand the language, but barely can speak it.
03/23 - On that day, my friend and I had an art-party. I had started an oil painting (not big at all) of a flower several years ago, but haven't finished it yet, as we get together very rarely (and all the materials are hers). I would like to finish it this week, so I can send it to my grandma as a birthday present.
03/24 - Nothing special, except for German training.
03/25 - Even more German. I'm finally done with the 4th unit both in coursebook book and workbook, although still a bit behind the schedule.
03/26 - Today I've done minor repetitions for all my languages and written this piece of a diary as part of my English improving process. It took me quite a long time! I hope there will be some feedback.
March 26, 2024
Jeanne : Alors, je suis quel genre de personne ?
La barista : Conservatrice ?
Jeanne : Tu juges.
La barista : Je préfère me dire perspicace.
La barista hausse les épaules, ses lèvres pincées, en nettoyant la machine à expresso. Jeanne réfléchit.
Jeanne : En fait, j'allais à un tas de concerts. Quand tu étais encore petite.
La barista : Ouais ? Et t'as arrêté pourquoi ?
Jeanne : La vie ? Les responsabilités ?
La barista : Tu veux dire les distractions.
Jeanne la regarde, pleine d'attitude.
Jeanne : T'as pas de responsabilités, toi ?
La barista : Pas vraiment. Et je préfère comme ça.
March 26, 2024
March 26, 2024
Tenía problemas con la procrastinación mucho en el pasado. Me tomó algunos años para superar, pero hay dos conceptos que me han ayudado. Primero, mi identidad es vinculado con el concepto de "trabaja primero, juga después". Así que, yo ya no estoy una persona que no hace sus tareas. Segundo, quedo en el presente y trato de ser consciente de mis acciones. Si pasara demasiado tiempo chateando con mis amigos en lugar de haciendo mis deberes, me recordaría que necesito completar mis tareas o mi yo futuro va a sufrir jajaja. Pienso que la procrastinación es aparte muy normal en nuestras vidas, así que hay que ser amable con uno mismo mientras mejorando.
March 26, 2024
March 26, 2024
Online zu lernen und zu arbeiten ist für mich am besten. Man kann sich besser konzentrieren, weil zu Hause es leiser ist, man kann die Aufgabe in seinem eigenen Tempo bearbeiten und man muss nicht Zeit mit pendeln verschwenden und kann sich mit wertvollere Dinge beschäftigen. Außerdem, lerne ich viel besser selbständig, z.B. indem ich ein Buch lese, als wenn ich jemandem beim Sprechen zuzuhöre.
March 26, 2024
March 26, 2024
Il vecchio Earl entra in soggiorno e trova Opal e la loro figlia.
"Parlando biologicamente, ho già superato da molto tempo la mia utilità su questa pianeta", dichiara lui.
Passano alcuni secondi di silenzio imbarazzante.
Earl guarda la moglie poi la figlia.
Nessuno dice niente.
"Allora? Nessuno mi vuole contraddire?!", esclama Earl infastidito.
March 26, 2024
March 26, 2024
Finalmente stanno arrivando i miei giorni liberi! Domani e dopodomani sono libera di fare tutto ciò che voglio. Cercherò di studiare oggi, ma non prometto niente.
Ho pensato a un piano per studiare un po' oggi. Ogni ora studierò per 15 minuti. In questo modo, lo studio non mi stancherà e potrò studiare durante le pause al lavoro. Spero di riuscirci, come al solito. Anche se non riesco a studiare, non c'è nessun problema.
A domani.
06:16:26 (UTC)
Streaks reset at midnight (00:00)