mingming's avatar

Oct. 29, 2022



Rumble_Bumble's avatar

Oct. 29, 2022

Something's wrong with me or with them

Over time, I learned to question my beliefs about anything in this world. It was especially complicated when I was a teenager because every teenager wants to seem mature in the eyes of adults. Every time I stumbled on something I was not sure of, something that distorted my way of thinking and perception of the world, I felt weak and unsafe. It may seem that it was easier to embrace someone else's point of view than fight for my principles, but I just couldn't for some reason.

I still don't understand why I didn't simply go along with some ideas and rules that I observed; maybe it was because I was curios or rebellious, or maybe I just intuitively felt that there was something wrong with the opinions of others. I challenged everything that I encountered, from the concept of happiness to the bliss of motherhood. It was always a hard and lonely process; shuffling through books and stories, I was forming my point of view, then reevaluating it while observing the people around me. I did all this for the sake of understanding reality, the holy grail of truth.

When I saw how someone embraced religion, I asked myself, why they did this, and what were they seeking. The same questions popped up in my mind when I saw violence and injustice, heard harsh critiques, or observed how physical force overweighted the truth. For the sake of what one person did to threaten the other, and why did the other person tolerate this behaviour? How does this man or this woman put up with their weaknesses and flaws? How could they sleep when they knew that that same evening they had humiliated their partners or relatives? What words do they use to justify their ruthless actions, ignorance, and disfiguration of morality?

This observation wasn't really pleasurable, but it taught me to notice things. It gave me the ability to analyse anything clearly before making any judgement. In the obedient woman, scared to leave her husband, I saw not only fear and dependence, but also an inclination for easy answers and an unwillingness to fight. In the lazy relative who was unwilling to graduate from college, I saw not only laziness but the desire to be a man, craving to rule his own life, family, and children.

Throughout the years, I involuntarily developed an ability to notice more subtle and distinctive details in people and situations. Neither I wanted to observe it, nor I trained myself to do this — others' actions and events just caught my attention. I couldn't take my eyes off of the hideous misbehaviour of some, or the astonishing generosity of others. I always tried to understand the reasons for it.

Endless times I encountered awful or amusing episodes of both, right and wrong things, in my own family and my life. Simple shouting made me stunned, and simple gestures of kindness made me melt. Many times I tried and couldn't figure out how the same person in different situations can be both cruel and gentle. While others chose their point of view, their idols, and principles, whether it was family, religion, or force, I couldn't do this.

During this time, I wondered whether it was something wrong with me, or with them. Later on, it occurred to me that I was supposed to choose my cage and restrict myself with a set of rules, but somehow I refused to do this. At my core, I hesitated to adopt only one point of view or one explanation of the world. I observed and measured them, but I never stepped into any of them too deeply. Somehow for me, life was often not how seemed for my family or people who I've met.

One of the most astonishing observations struck me suddenly one evening when I understood that points and faiths are just lenses. Many people around me chose their lenses early on in their lives, often unintentionally. They chose their lenses whenever they decided to humiliate someone, to give birth instead of going to college, or to keep silent instead of responding to criticism. When they shouted at each other and ruined their relationships, drank to death, lied, and swore, they started to base their morality and opinion on their lenses, and justify their wrong actions to appear as good people.

None of them saw life as a process of change, and rarely did any of them feel gratitude for the miracle of their life. They were too busy with their daily worries, too clingy with their beliefs and choices, and too indifferent to see life as something other than a relentless and exhausting process of daily chores. Not many people I knew were ready to change their opinions and admit their misunderstanding of things. Even fewer were strong enough to look at the liquidness of life with curiosity or amusement, not with awe or fear.

vinaspa's avatar

Oct. 29, 2022

Haustiere in der Großstadt

Liebe Damen und Herren der Redaktion,
Ihre Sendung über „Haustiere in der Großstadt“ hat mein Interesse geweckt und deswegen möchte ich meine Meinung dazu äußern.

Einerseits tut es mir wirklich leid, wenn ich an Hunde und Kätze denke, die den ganzen Tag allein zu hause bleiben. Sie fühlen sich bestimmt einsam, bis ihre Hundebehalter:innen nach Hause kommen. Besonders brauchen Hunde Bewegungen unter freiem Himmel und es ist schade, dass sie so wenig draußen verbringen.

Andererseits können wir sagen, dass Haustiere das Antidot gegen Depression von viele Menschen sind. Als Beispiel kann ich meine eigene Mutter nennen. Sie lebt mit ihrem Hund jetzt, weil meine Schwester in Portugal und ich in Deutschland lebe. Wenn es keinen Hund bei ihr gäbe, würde sie sich einsamer fühlen. In unserer heutigen Gesellschaft sind viele Menschen durch sozialle Medien verbunden, aber nicht unbedingt im echten Leben. Gründe dafür kann es viele verschiedene geben, aber abgesehen von welchen auch immer darf man sagen, dass Haustiere eine wichtige soziale Funktion erfüllen. Nicht nur fühlt man sich besser, wenn man die Gesellschaft eines Tiers hat, sondern können Haustiere auch dabei helfen, sich mit anderen Menschen zu verbinden.

Nicht selten sieht man jemanden mit einem Hund im Park und aus Nichts kommt eine vom Hund angezogene Person. Am Anfang spricht dieser Person den Hund an, aber danach beginnen viele ein Gespräch mit diejnigen, die mit dem Hund sind. Es wird schon von Fällen erzählt, dass es sich daraus sogar romantische Beziehungen ergeben haben.

Nichtsdestotrotz darf man nicht vergessen, dass leider nicht jeder sich leisten kann, ein Haustier zu erziehen. Man muss Geld haben, nicht nur für das Füttern, sondern auch für Tierartz, wenn etwas Schlechtes passiert, ganz zu schweigen von der Zeit, die man für das Tiererziehen benötige. Manche Menschen haben weder Geld noch Zeit, wie ich zum Beispiel. Mir ist nichts anders übrig als mich damit zufriedenzugeben, mit den Hunden meiner Freunden ab und zu zu spielen.

Abschließend muss ich betonen, dass man sehr verantwortlich verhalten muss, wenn man ein Haustier besitzt. Es macht nicht nur Spaß, sondern ist das auch eine große Verantwortung wie ein Kind. Man sollte darüber gut überlegen, bevor man die Entscheidung trifft, ob man ein Haustier bekommen wird. Sie sind genauso wie wir, Menschen, und brauchen viel Aufmerksamkeit und Zuneigung.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit.

Ved's avatar

Oct. 29, 2022

Exercise 1.2d - La vie au collège

J'habite en Inde. Ici, les cours sont très diffèrent de à ceux en France. J'ai quinze ans et je suis donc en neuvième année. Les noms de cours sont différent en France et en Inde. En france, les cours commencent de la treizième à la première année. Cepedant, en Inde, les cous commencent de la première année à la deuxième année.

Dans mon école, j'étudie once matières comme les maths, l'anglais, l'économie, les études de commerce et la français. Pour les sciences, j'apprends la physique, la chimie et l'informatique. Les cours commençent à huit heures chaque matin et finissent à dix heures et midie. Après ça, la récréation commence qui dure quinze minutes. Puis, les cours commencent encore à dix heures quarante-cinq. Nous avons quatre leçons et puis nous avons la pause-déjeuner qui est de treize heures à treize heures trente.

J'aime la plupart de mes profs. Ils sont sympa et bien informés. De plus, Les classes sont intéressants.

Nous avons un uniforme pour l'école. Alors, je ne met longtemps à choisir mes vêtements.

J'aime mon école, ma vie au collège est très bien.

sun111's avatar

Oct. 29, 2022

A janela indiscreta

Esta semana tenho descoberto um programa de televisão bem interessante na televisão portuguesa. Chama-se "A janela indiscreta" e toma o seu nome de um filme muito famoso que Alfred Hitchcock rodou em 1954.
Este programa fala de la actualidade do mondo do cinema e traz-nos as últimas criações não só das grandes produções de Hollywood mas também do panorama português e mesmo do cinema europeu.
No primeiro programa que eu tenho visto falam de um filme de super heróis, Black Adam, uma superprodução norte-americana, e depois falam sobre um par de estreias portuguesas, uma de elas uma interessante denúncia sobre a condição de muitas mulheres casadas durante a época chamado o Estado Novo que o pais atravesso entre os anos 30 e 70.

jnpathetic's avatar

Oct. 29, 2022


Si tu crois que tes amis ont changé pour le pire et ils ne sont plus bien pour toi, c'est probablement mieux de te distancer d'eux. Comprenez-moi bien, parfois les gens remarquent pas qu'il ont changé du pire et c'était pas leur intention. Comminication est importante on doit les aussi dire comment on se sent mais s'ils ne sont quand même pas prêt de changer ce temps de se distancer. Cependant il pourrait aussi être que ce n'est pas leurs qui ont changé, dans certains cas on est incapable de voir ce qui est évident.

applebubble's avatar

Oct. 29, 2022

La ville de New York 1

Ceux qui ont admiré et ont fait un signe de la tête à l'œuvre de Piet Mondrian, intitulé "La ville de New York 1", en des nombreux musées dans le monde au cours des années, seraient peut-être étonnés en sachant que, en fait, ils l'ont gardé à l'inverse. Comme a expliqué une source, il paraît que quelqu'un qui travaille au musée de New York Metropolitan Art l'a mis incorrectement en 1945 et personne n'a pas s'en rendre compte. L'œuvre a fait objet de la collection au sein d'un musée en Allemagne après 1980 et un fin limier a découvert la gaffe.

Est-ce que c'était une erreur quand quelqu'un a retiré l'œuvre de sa boite ? Ou est-ce que quelqu'un était très négligent quand l'œuvre était en cours de livraison ? C'est impossible de pointer le doigt au coupable. L'œuvre, achevé en 1941, s’est fait de lignes croissantes de ruban adhésif coloré.

BlackGlasses's avatar

Oct. 29, 2022

Assignment 2: Meanwhile.

Hello! I hope you're doing well :)

Thank you for always correcting me.

Today I'm doing a assignment where I need to imagine that my neighbour was robbed and then answer some questions about it.


The theft occurred between 6 pm and 8pm. What were you doing when the thieved were stealing your neighbor's house? Mention three consecutive activities. Use first, after that and then

First I took a shower

After that I brushed my teeth.

Then I studied phisics.

Who do you live with? What were they doing before, during and after the theft? Mention three persons and two activities of each one.

I live with my mom, my brother and my grandmother.

Before the theft, my grandmother was watching the TV.
During the theft she searched some chocolates in the kitchen cabinet.
After the theft she sleeped for a while.

My brother was playing videogames before the theft.
During the theft he did some exercise.
After the theft he maked coffe.

My mom went shopping before the theft.
My mom was cooking when the theft was occuring.
My mom was taking a shower after the theft.

Write three questions that you would ask to your neighbor

Did you lost something important?

Is your house in disorder?

How do you feel about this theft?

juestebanmar's avatar

Oct. 28, 2022



Le goût et le dégoût

Le goût, et bien sûr le dégoût, sont des choses très personnelles, mais ils peuvent aussi changer considérablement pendant sa vie et en fonction de son environnement. Je dirais que j’ai un estomac plutôt fort, mais il y a néanmoins des choses que je ne peux pas gérer, comme quelques fromages qui sent particulièrement fort (désolé les amateurs de fromages français). Je suis ouvert à l’idée de manger des insectes, même si je ne l’ai pas encore fait. C’était drôle quand un boulanger sur « Great British Baking Show » la semaine dernière a dit aux juges qu’il va ajouter des sauterelles dans ses petits pains. On aurait pu s’attendre une réponse horrifiée de la part des juges, mais en fait, tous les deux sont ravis de cette idée, et a même dit pendant le jugement qu’il fallait ajouter de plus !

samanthag's avatar

Oct. 28, 2022

Die Bücher Die Ich Gerade Lese (Teil Eins Von Vier)

Im Gegensatz zu vielen meiner Freunde, die maximal ein oder zwei Bücher zur gleichen Zeit lesen, bin ich seit Jahren die Art von Person gewesen, die immer mehrere Bücher zur gleichen Zeit liest. Ich lese aktuell vier Bücher: Fear and Trembling von Soren Kierkegaard, The Book of Lies von Brad Meltzer, The Culture of Terrorism von Noam Chomsky, und Das Bildnis Des Dorian Gray von Oscar Wilde.

Ich habe nur ein kleines Teil von Fear und Trembling gelesen, also kann ich gerade nicht viel darüber sagen, aber es ist ein philosophisches Text über die religiose Geschichte von Isaak und Abraham. Obwohl ich Christin bin, habe ich seit immer die Botschaft hinter dieser Geschichte nicht verstanden. Deshalb interessiere ich mich riesig für diesem Buch.

basedgirl24's avatar

Oct. 28, 2022

Algunas frases

El objetivo para todos los grupos político es ganar poder

Las pequeñas empresas deben recopilar y analizar datos sobre sus clientes

Los políticos suelen ganar votos proponiendo políticas populistas que responden a las actitudes públicas

Tienes que descargar esta aplicación en tu télefono

Subí el archivo aquí

En cualquier caso no me molesta

Escuché que solía haber muchas máquinas

Este es mi vestido para el baile

Admiro tu relación con tu suegra

Nadie podría saber que es discapacitada

Ella es alguien que no quiere ningún trato preferencial debido a su discapacidad
Es bueno tener aficiones

Es triste que él no sea particularmente amante de su nuera

courageuse19's avatar

Oct. 28, 2022


I am not sure my sentences are correct.

I'll be beginning to make English tenses challenge on next month. I have difficulty with tenses.

Or, Could I say. I'll begin to share English tenses challenge on next month.

courageuse19's avatar

Oct. 28, 2022

Two questions

I would like someone to help me explain. What's the difference between "For you" and " To you"?

What's the difference between "I speak over Skype" and " I speak on Skype" ?

BlackGlasses's avatar

Oct. 28, 2022



あの.. 時々はタメ語とフォーマルを混ず、それならごめん。



この写真は自分のじゃない、大好きな画家の自分だ、twitterに探してみて! 彼女の名はnihellie.


courageuse19's avatar

Oct. 28, 2022

Challenge, Day 28

Today is day 28 of my daily English challenge. First of all, I read the corrections that I sent yesterday. I tried to understand your corrections and your advices. Then , I wrote down and read many times.

In the afternoon, I read a book in English called " The Secret of 50/50" by DR. Shad Alshammari.This book was translate from English to Arabic.But I read it in English.

Then, I wrote down a bunch of sentences with a new words. I alos reviewed my lessons.

To be honest, I wasn't do many things today because I am in pain. I have cervical hernia. It is not easy to write with a pain. Really not easy for me.

I am grateful for this web site and everyone who as helped me.

TarYosh's avatar

Oct. 28, 2022

Bizarre Existence

There are many memorable characters in Kabutoborg.

Manson is one of the most memorable characters.
His personality is not crazy, but his existence is.

He is a middle-aged guy with an afro.
He only appears in a single episode, but in the episode, he is depicted as a crew of the main characters, as if he has been friends with them for a long time.
He is not even mentioned in other episodes at all, so viewers definitely get confused.

The episode shows some flashback images from previous episodes, and he is in them somehow.
Another weird thing is that he is a professional pianist.

Check out a related video in the Notes section.

BlackGlasses's avatar

Oct. 28, 2022

Assignment 6: Opening Ceremony.

Hello! I hope you're doing well :)

Thank you all for always correcting me.

Write three questions in English to know the specific information in the opening.
Write long answers.

Who will assist? Politicians, photographers, the president and hundreds of people will assist.

When will the ceremony start? The ceremony will start at 8pm o'clock.

What is the purpose of this ceremony? The purpose of the ceremony is to explain what the president and politicians did when they were governing.

Write questions about what will your partner do before the opening day.
Wirte long answers.

Will you wear a black suit? Yes, I will wear a black suit with a red tie.

How you will manage your time before the opening day? I will dinner, after that I will open my agenda and call my assistant, then I will drive my black car and finally I will come to the ceremony.

What will you do before the opening day? I will prepare my speech and buy a new suit.

In a paragraph write how English can help you to get a better job.

When hiring, people prioritize polyglots or bilingual people in order to get foreign customers. Therefore, English can be benefitial for me to create a positive customer experience to others when getting a job.
It will also makes me confident if I want to communicate to other people. I would be able to work in places where English is spoken such as Australia, United Kingdom and United States. This is really important because all of them are industrialized countries, they have a strong economy and important technology developments.
Learning English is a priority because it is the most spoken language worldwide, and if I speak it I will get access to more information and free sources to improve my skills in my future job.

Elevive's avatar

Oct. 28, 2022

Esta semana

Esta semana ha sido bastante bien para mi. Compré una boleta para un concierto de dos bandas que me gustan.

El concierto se ocurrirá el próximo julio cerca de la costa. Me alojaré en un hotel una noche y regresar a casa el día después.

He sido muy ocupada en el trabajo. Soy funcionaria y habían muchos proyectos que tuve que completar. Afortunadamente, los completé todos, y mi gerenta fue muy contenta con mi.

¡Ahora es el fin de semana, y voy a descansar mucho! Sin embargo, también voy a usar mi bicicleta para ejercicio. Quiero hacer 20 kilómetros el sábado y domingo. Ahora mismo, estoy viendo el tenis en la tele.

!Espero que la semana que viene sea tan buena!

azedien's avatar

Oct. 28, 2022

Eine Reise

Lieber Michael,
Wie geht es dir? Ich hoffe, es geht dir gut. Bei mir ist alles in Ordnung.
Ich schreibe dir, weil ich dir von meiner Reise nach Lattakia, die ich letzte Woche hatte, erzählen möchte.
Lattakia ist eine kleine Stadt an die Mittelmeerküste, und hat einen schönen Strand.
Die Reise war wunderbar, trotzdem dauerte sie nur 3 Tage.
Wir lag am Strand und spielten Volleyball mit Freunden, die wir dort kennenlernten.
Außerdem die frische Luft und blaue Himmel gefielen mir.
Schade, dass du mit uns kommen konntest.
Wann hättest du Zeit? Ich möchte gern eine Reise mit dir machen.
Ich freue mich auf deine Antwort.
Liebe Grüße,

anouk's avatar

Oct. 28, 2022

? I

En descendant de l'autobus, ses réflexions commencerènt, comme d'habitude. Un observateur extérieur l'aurais analysé comme un sujet aven rien d'extraordinarie; et ça on peut dire que était
son objectif: ne sembler pas extérieur ou étranger aux autres pour ce qui concerne l'appearence physique, mais en même temps nourrir sa intelligence et sa sensbilité. Avec ses renseignement, on peut avancer des hypothéses à propos de son réflexions en retrant à la maison. A fin de simplifier le travaille, on doit préciser des choses très importants: d'abord, il a l'habitude de se perdre dans son pensées; ces sont tellement vagues et confuses que aucun ne peut le comprendre pas; mais d'un autre côté part de ses idées étaient fortement
influencè par ce qu'il observe: ce type des réflexions était plein de incohérence et fugacité. Quel serait la beauté et la satisfaction de deviner ces réflexions sans savoir de cet garçon?

BlackGlasses's avatar

Oct. 28, 2022

College or highschool?

I have a question, when I want to express that I am between third grade of highschool and university what word would fit better? College or highschool?.

Thank you for reading :).

BlackGlasses's avatar

Oct. 28, 2022

Assignment: Be a Positive Thinker.

First of all, thank you all for always correcting me.

This assignment is due in two months but I wish complete it earlier so I'll have more free time in the future.

In this assignment I need to write things I would like to improve about myself, emotionally, professionally and economically.

Think about things you would like to improve in your life.

I want to finish my book "a mind for numbers"
I want to organize efficiently my time.
I want to improve my Japanese, and be able to speak more fluently.

-In the next year.
I want to master English
I want to take care of my mental health.

-In two years.
I want to start learning a new language like Chinese, Korean or French.

Emotional (family and friends).

I want to be more kind with people, and smile more.
I also want to be more generous.
I want to control my anger.

-In the next year.
I want to have more friends.
I want to take care of my grandmother so she can live longer.

-In two years.
I want to have friends from other countries such as Japanese, Chinese and United States people.


I want to sew more clothes to become a professional fashion designer.

-In the next year.
I want to watch internet courses related to fashion design to improve my sewing skills.

-In two years.
I want to buy a new sewing machine and create clothes for men because I have never tried this before.

I want to read the book "The Cashflow Quadrant" so I can stop trading time for money and start creating systems that works for me instead of me working for systems.

-In the next year.
I want to save money so in the future I can move to another country and get a job there.

-In two years.
I want to improve my skills such as sewing and speaking languages so I can get a better job.

Write a paragraph of 5 to 8 lines, describing how you will be in 5 years.

I will be taller, and my hair will be longer.
I will be a polyglot; that will allows me to have friends from other countries and access to more information. I will master English and Japanese and I will start learning a new language.
I will be efficient, and be able to organize and prioritize important goals such as studies and work.
I will be more kind and friendly.
I will improve my sewing, dancing, painting skills.
I will be healthier, I will eat the nutrients that my body needs.
I will read several books; therefore I will have more vocabulary.

whisperofspring's avatar

Oct. 28, 2022



Elevive's avatar

Oct. 28, 2022

El futuro 2

Dentro de un siglo, los coches de gasolina dejarán de existir, y serán sustituir por los coches eléctricos.

Asimismo, creo que profesiones como el taxisto no existirán porque todos los vehículos serán vehiculos sin conductor en el futuro.

No pienso que se puede predicir el futuro. Nadie sabe que va a ocurrir. No creo en los horoscopos, pero cuando era joven, los leía en el periódico cada semana.

Los videntes solo quieren ganar dinero, y aprovechar de los más dasfavorecidos.