courageuse19's avatar

Dec. 29, 2022

Writing Challenge, Day89

Today is the 89th day of my daily English challenge. Tomorrow I will recieve my nephew and nieces. I'm so excited to see them. Or

Tomorrow my mother, nephew and nieces will be coming at evening. I'm so excited to see them.


Today is the 89th day of my daily English challenge.

Tomorrow I will recieve my nephew and nieces (where?-at your house?).


Tomorrow my mother, nephew and nieces will be coming atin the evening.

Writing Challenge, Day 89


Today is the 89th day of my daily English challenge.

Tomorrow I will recievsee my nephew and nieces.

Remember, in the US, we don't receive guests if they're our family and friends. We use "receive" more for people we don't really know. Also, it's fallen out of use.

I'm so excited to see them.


Tomorrow evening my mother, nephew and nieces will be coming at evening.

This sounds more natural in the US.

I'm so excited to see them.


Good work!

courageuse19's avatar

Jan. 16, 2023


Tomorrow I will recievsee my nephew and nieces.

Thank you Mari. You explained me very good!

mari's avatar

Jan. 16, 2023


You're very welcome! *\(^o^)/*

Writing Challenge, Day89

Today is the 89th day of my daily English challenge.

Tomorrow, I will recieve (a visit from) my nephew and nieces.

This is a correct way to say this but it is not very common to phrase it this way.
Another way is "Tomorrow, my nephew and nieces will visit me" or "Tomorrow, I will be visited by my nephew and nieces"

I'm so excited to see them.


Tomorrow my mother, nephew and nieces will be coming atin the evening.

This option sounds more natural. You could add "will be coming to my place in the evening" for more detail.

I'm so excited to see them.


Great writing! :)

Writing Challenge, Day89

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Writing Challenge, Day 89


Today is the 89th day of my daily English challenge.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Tomorrow I will recieve my nephew and nieces.

Tomorrow, I will recieve (a visit from) my nephew and nieces.

This is a correct way to say this but it is not very common to phrase it this way. Another way is "Tomorrow, my nephew and nieces will visit me" or "Tomorrow, I will be visited by my nephew and nieces"

Tomorrow I will recievsee my nephew and nieces.

Remember, in the US, we don't receive guests if they're our family and friends. We use "receive" more for people we don't really know. Also, it's fallen out of use.

Tomorrow I will recieve my nephew and nieces (where?-at your house?).

I'm so excited to see them.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!


This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Tomorrow my mother, nephew and nieces will be coming at evening.

Tomorrow my mother, nephew and nieces will be coming atin the evening.

This option sounds more natural. You could add "will be coming to my place in the evening" for more detail.

Tomorrow evening my mother, nephew and nieces will be coming at evening.

This sounds more natural in the US.

Tomorrow my mother, nephew and nieces will be coming atin the evening.

I'm so excited to see them.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

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