courageuse19's avatar

May 15, 2023

Writing Challenge, Day 226

Today is day 226 of my daily English writing challenge. Today there was not a sand strom, so we had a nice day! I spoke with a friend over Skype. She corrected some sentences in Spanish. We'll be speaking on Thusrday at the same time. She share with some recipes.


Today there was not a sand strorm, so we had a nice day!

You can also use "wasn't" here instead of "was not" if you'd like

I spoke with a friend over Skype.

She corrected some sentences in Spanish.

We'll be speaking on Thusrsday at the same time.

She will share with some recipes with me.

Use future tense since she will be sharing with you recipes on Thursday.


Nice job!

Today there was non't a sand strorm, so we had a nice day!

She corrected some sentences I said in Spanish.

We'll be speaking on Thusrsday at the same time.

She share withd some recipes. with me.

Writing Challenge, Day 226

Today is day 226 of my daily English writing challenge.

Today there was not a sand strom, so we had a nice day!

"Storm". This sentence might sound better as "There was no sandstorm today, so we had a nice day"

I spoke with a friend over Skype.

She corrected some sentences in Spanish.

We'll be speaking on Thusrday at the same time.

She share with some recipes.

"She shared some recipes" or "She shared some recipes with me"

Writing Challenge, Day 226

Today is day 226 of my daily English writing challenge.

Today there was not a sand strorm, so we had a nice day!



Today there was no sandstorm, so we had a nice day!

I spoke with a friend over Skype.

She corrected some of my sentences in Spanish.

We'll be speaking on Thusrsday at the same time.


We'll be speaking on Thursday again at the same time.

She share withd some recipes with me.


Good work!

TodayWe had a nice day today because there was non’t a sand strom, so we had a nice day!orm!

I spoke withtalked to a friend overn Skype.

We'll be speaking on Thusrdaytalk at the same time on Thursday.

She share withd some recipes with me.

Writing Challenge, Day 226

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Today is day 226 of my daily English writing challenge.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Today there was not a sand strom, so we had a nice day!

TodayWe had a nice day today because there was non’t a sand strom, so we had a nice day!orm!

Today there was not a sand strorm, so we had a nice day!

Congratulations! or, Today there was no sandstorm, so we had a nice day!

Today there was not a sand strom, so we had a nice day!

"Storm". This sentence might sound better as "There was no sandstorm today, so we had a nice day"

Today there was non't a sand strorm, so we had a nice day!

Today there was not a sand strorm, so we had a nice day!

You can also use "wasn't" here instead of "was not" if you'd like

I spoke with a friend over Skype.

I spoke withtalked to a friend overn Skype.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

She corrected some sentences in Spanish.

She corrected some of my sentences in Spanish.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

She corrected some sentences I said in Spanish.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

We'll be speaking on Thusrday at the same time.

We'll be speaking on Thusrdaytalk at the same time on Thursday.

We'll be speaking on Thusrsday at the same time.

or, We'll be speaking on Thursday again at the same time.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

We'll be speaking on Thusrsday at the same time.

We'll be speaking on Thusrsday at the same time.

She share with some recipes.

She share withd some recipes with me.

She share withd some recipes with me.

She share with some recipes.

"She shared some recipes" or "She shared some recipes with me"

She share withd some recipes. with me.

She will share with some recipes with me.

Use future tense since she will be sharing with you recipes on Thursday.

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