courageuse19's avatar

Jan. 24, 2023

Writing Challenge, Day 115

Today is day 115 of my daily English challenge. Today, I filmed my video recipes but, I noticed I lacked photography techniques. I think that I know my fault. It was I am not still to know how to put my camera in front when I prepared my recipes. Tomorrow I will be choose a good place before to film.


Writing Challenge, Day 115

Today is day 115 of my daily English challenge.

Today, I filmed my video recipes but, I noticed that I lacked photographyic techniques.

I think that I know my faultwhat's wrong.

This is more natural in the US.

It was I am not still tois because I still do not know how to put my camera in front when I prepared my recipes.

Tomorrow I will be chooseing a good place before toI film.


Good work! You'll get there. It just takes time.

courageuse19's avatar

Jan. 25, 2023


Thank you so much Mari.

Writing Challenge, Day 115

Today is day 115 of my daily English challenge.

Today, I filmed my video recipes but, I noticed I lacked photography techniquesmy videography came up short.

I think that I know where my fault lies.

It was I am notthat I still tdo not know how to putcorrectly place my camera in front when I prepareding my recipes.

Tomorrow I will be choose a good place for my camera before toI film.


Great job :-)

Writing Challenge, Day 115

Today is day 115 of my daily English challenge.

Today, I filmed my video recipes but, I noticed I lacked photography techniques.

I think that I know my faultproblem.

It was I am not still to's that I still didn't know how to put my camera in front when I prepared my recipes.

Tomorrow I will be choose a good place beforehand to film.


Good luck!

Writing Challenge, Day 115

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Today is day 115 of my daily English challenge.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Today, I filmed my video recipes but, I noticed I lacked photography techniques.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Today, I filmed my video recipes but, I noticed I lacked photography techniquesmy videography came up short.

Today, I filmed my video recipes but, I noticed that I lacked photographyic techniques.

I think that I know my fault.

I think that I know my faultproblem.

I think that I know where my fault lies.

I think that I know my faultwhat's wrong.

This is more natural in the US.

It was I am not still to know how to put my camera in front when I prepared my recipes.

It was I am not still to's that I still didn't know how to put my camera in front when I prepared my recipes.

It was I am notthat I still tdo not know how to putcorrectly place my camera in front when I prepareding my recipes.

It was I am not still tois because I still do not know how to put my camera in front when I prepared my recipes.

Tomorrow I will be choose a good place before to film.

Tomorrow I will be choose a good place beforehand to film.

Tomorrow I will be choose a good place for my camera before toI film.

Tomorrow I will be chooseing a good place before toI film.

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