courageuse19's avatar

Jan. 16, 2023

Writing Challenge, Day 107

Today is day 107 of my daily English challenge. Yesterday I filmed my video recipes but when I wanted to edit it. I noticed I lack photograpy techniques.

Today I was to film other video but my new phone can't work. That reason I had to pick my phone to the shop for fix it.😥 I was very sad because I spent a lot of money: I bought a ring light, a tripod stand and microphone.😊😊

I spoke to myself : I am a good person I deserve a good things not bad. I know like Greman saying: " Beginning may make a good ending."

I know tomorrow will be good and my day.


Writing Challenge, Day 107

Today is day 107 of my daily English challenge.

Yesterday I filmed my video recipes but, when I wanted to edit it, I noticed I lacked photography techniques.

I noticed I lack photograpy techniques.

This should go with the previous line.

Today I was to film another video but my new phone cadoesn't work.

Thate reason I had to pick up my phone ato the shop for fix itwas to have it fixed.😥 I was very sad because I spent a lot of money: I bought a ring light, a tripod stand and microphone.😊😊


I spokeaid to myself :, I am a good person and I deserve a good things, not bad.

I know like Greit's like the German saying:, " BA beginning may make a good ending.


I know tomorrow will be good and my day.


Good for you! Good work!

courageuse19's avatar

Jan. 18, 2023


Thank you so much.

Yesterday I filmed my video recipe videos but when I waented to edit it.,

I noticed I lackthat I was lacking in photograpy techniqueskills.

Today I was going to film another video but my new phone cawouldn't work.

TFor that reason, I had to picktake my phone to the shop forto fix it.😥 I was very sad because I spent a lot of money: for it; I bought a ring light, a tripod stand and microphone.😊😊

I spokeaid to myself : , "I am a good person I deserve a good things not bad."

I know like GreLike the German saying:, " BThe beginning may make a good ending."


I know tomorrow will be good and will be my day.


Very good writing.

Sorry for your phone, hope everything will get better soon!

courageuse19's avatar

Jan. 17, 2023


Thank you so much.

Writing Challenge, Day 107

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Today is day 107 of my daily English challenge.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Yesterday I filmed my video recipes but when I wanted to edit it.

Yesterday I filmed my video recipe videos but when I waented to edit it.,

Yesterday I filmed my video recipes but, when I wanted to edit it, I noticed I lacked photography techniques.

I noticed I lack photograpy techniques.

I noticed I lackthat I was lacking in photograpy techniqueskills.

I noticed I lack photograpy techniques.

This should go with the previous line.

Today I was to film other video but my new phone can't work.

Today I was going to film another video but my new phone cawouldn't work.

Today I was to film another video but my new phone cadoesn't work.

That reason I had to pick my phone to the shop for fix it.😥 I was very sad because I spent a lot of money: I bought a ring light, a tripod stand and microphone.😊😊

TFor that reason, I had to picktake my phone to the shop forto fix it.😥 I was very sad because I spent a lot of money: for it; I bought a ring light, a tripod stand and microphone.😊😊

Thate reason I had to pick up my phone ato the shop for fix itwas to have it fixed.😥 I was very sad because I spent a lot of money: I bought a ring light, a tripod stand and microphone.😊😊


I spoke to myself : I am a good person I deserve a good things not bad.

I spokeaid to myself : , "I am a good person I deserve a good things not bad."

I spokeaid to myself :, I am a good person and I deserve a good things, not bad.

I know like Greman saying: " Beginning may make a good ending.

I know like GreLike the German saying:, " BThe beginning may make a good ending."

I know like Greit's like the German saying:, " BA beginning may make a good ending.



This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I know tomorrow will be good and my day.

I know tomorrow will be good and will be my day.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

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