Feb. 7, 2023
-Essential decisions to be made are informed to board of managers and evaluated with managers.
- At least two experts are appointed to your cases in which you need a support.
-Our approach is to build a coordination and communatication with company’s accounting department.
-We inform you about incentives, tax amnesty and other taxation issues in time.
-We assist the company on trade code, and transactions in the chamber of commerce and support on financial issues.
-Our Social security experts replies your questions on social security and labour law.
-In the audits, we recommend our clients the measures avoiding their loss of rights rather than finding a mistake.
-Accounting deparment of the company may get through to us anytime, if they have a question related taxation.
-Our activities are put into practice by prioritising not creating any risk on Corporate Income Tax, and considering the law of rules and other regulations.
Working Principles
- Essential decisions are to be made are informrelayed to the board of managers andfor evaluated with managersion.
- At least two experts are appointed to your cases in which you need a support.
- Our approach is to build a coordination and communatication withplan with the company’s accounting department.
- We inform you about incentives, tax amnesty and other taxation issues inwhich exist at that time.
- We assist the company on trade code, and transactions inat the cChamber of cCommerce and provide support onfor financial issues.
- Our Social sSecurity experts repliesy to your questions on sabout Social sSecurity and lLabour lLaw.
- In the audits, we recommend to our clients the measures which avoiding their loss of rights rather than finding a mistakes.
-A The accounting department of the company may get through to us at any time, if they have a question related to taxation.
- Our activities are put into practice by prioritiszing notthe avoidance of creating any risk on Corporate Income Tax, and considering the lLaw of rRules and other regulations.
Good work!
-Essential decisions to be made are informed tothe board of managers will be informed and evaluated with managers.
You wouldn't use "to" in this case
- At least two experts are appointed to your cases in which you need a support.
-Our approach is to build a coordination and communatication with company’s accounting department.
-We inform you about incentives, tax amnesty and other taxation issues in time.
-In the audits, we recommend our clients the measures to avoiding their loss of rights rather than finding a mistake.
Since this is happening in the future and not right now(it's designed to be a roadmap for the future) the verb is not present particaple.
-AThe accounting department of the company may get through to us anytime, if they have a question related to taxation.
-Our activities are put into practice by prioritising and not creating any risk on Corporate Income Tax, and considering the law of rules and other regulations.
Good job!
Working Principles This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
-Essential decisions to be made are informed to board of managers and evaluated with managers. -Essential decisions to be made You wouldn't use "to" in this case - Essential decisions are to be |
- At least two experts are appointed to your cases in which you need a support. - At least two experts are appointed to your cases in which you need - At least two experts are appointed to your cases in which you need |
-Our approach is to build a coordination and communatication with company’s accounting department. -Our approach is to build - Our approach is to build a coordination and commun |
-We inform you about incentives, tax amnesty and other taxation issues in time. This sentence has been marked as perfect! - We inform you about incentives, tax amnesty and other taxation issues |
-We assist the company on trade code, and transactions in the chamber of commerce and support on financial issues. - We assist the company on trade code |
-Our Social security experts replies your questions on social security and labour law. - Our Social |
-In the audits, we recommend our clients the measures avoiding their loss of rights rather than finding a mistake. -In the audits, we recommend our clients the measures to avoid Since this is happening in the future and not right now(it's designed to be a roadmap for the future) the verb is not present particaple. - In the audits, we recommend to our clients the measures which avoid |
-Accounting deparment of the company may get through to us anytime, if they have a question related taxation. - - |
-Our activities are put into practice by prioritising not creating any risk on Corporate Income Tax, and considering the law of rules and other regulations. -Our activities are put into practice by prioritising and not creating any risk on Corporate Income Tax, and considering the law of rules and other regulations. - Our activities are put into practice by prioriti |
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