May 15, 2024
I would always have bet for that fighter if he hadn't disrespected to fans.
I would always have bet for that fighter if he had been respectful of fans.
I would always have bet for that fighter if he had shown respect for fans.
wWhich oOne should be ois Okay?
I would always have bet foron that fighter if he hadn't disrespected tohis fans.
I would always have bet foron that fighter if he had only been respectful ofto his fans.
I would always have bet foron that fighter if he had shown respect for his fans.
which one ishould be okay?
I would have always have bet for that fighter if he hadn't disrespected to fans.
Since "disrespected" is a verb, we don't need the "to" after it.
I would have always have bet for that fighter if he had been respectful of fans.
I would have always have bet for that fighter if he had shown respect for fans.
Any of these are fine (except for flipping the "have" and "always" as I indicated on each entry). I think version #1 is probably my top choice because it feels more direct to me. "Had been" and "had shown" are both in passive voice. This tends to be overused by English speakers, and generally if you can be more direct (e.g., version 1) I prefer that. You may get several different opinions though!
I would have always have bet foron that fighter if he hadn't disrespected to fans.
I would have always have bet foron that fighter if he had been respectful of fans.
I would have always have bet foron that fighter if he had shown respect for fans.
We bet "on" things like people, games, and teams.
which one should be okay? which one is
I would always have bet for that fighter if he hadn't disrespected to fans. I would have always I would have always Since "disrespected" is a verb, we don't need the "to" after it. I would always have bet |
I would always have bet for that fighter if he had been respectful of fans. I would have always I would have always I would always have bet |
I would always have bet for that fighter if he had shown respect for fans. I would have always I would have always I would always have bet |
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