Luca2024's avatar

May 15, 2024

which one should be borrect?

It's not very often that we see shooting stars, so it was a magical moment when we spotted one last night.
Not very often do we see shooting stars, so it was a magical moment when we spotted one last night.


wWhich oOne should be bIs Correct?

It's not very often that we see shooting stars, so it was a magical moment when we spotted one last night.

Not very often do we see shooting stars, so it was a magical moment when we spotted one last night.

It's not very often that we see shooting stars, so it was a magical moment when we spotted one last night.

Not very often do we see shooting stars, so it was a magical moment when we spotted one last night.


Both are correct. I'd say the first sounds more natural in normal speech though.

which one should be bcorrect?


It's not very often that we see shooting stars, so it was a magical moment when we spotted one last night.

Not very often do we see shooting stars, so it was a magical moment when we spotted one last night.


Both are good.
I like the first one, it feels more clear.

which one should be borrect?

which one should be bcorrect?


wWhich oOne should be bIs Correct?

It's not very often that we see shooting stars, so it was a magical moment when we spotted one last night.

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This sentence has been marked as perfect!

It's not very often that we see shooting stars, so it was a magical moment when we spotted one last night.

Not very often do we see shooting stars, so it was a magical moment when we spotted one last night.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Not very often do we see shooting stars, so it was a magical moment when we spotted one last night.

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