Minianya's avatar

June 19, 2024

Which comes first, thought or feeling?

This message going to be short, because the topic is more difficult then just talking about daily stuffs. But I find it so interesting!
Now I'm reading psychologic book which calls "The New Mood Therapy". I have started to read this book because I got noticed how fast and sharply my mood changes. So, I decided to help myself and to explore this fact.
According the book we should distinguish our thoughts and our reality. The thoughts can be false if they was build up on our negative convictions. Usually our negative convictions are wrong and they don't connect with our reality. So there is a simple process - we had got some negative conviction in the past (like 'everyone hates me' or 'I will never find the partner') then some situation happens in our present and we estimate it basing on our past experience and using negative conviction. We don't analyze our present situation we just use our past pattern. So the next step - our thoughts give us some feelings. And the questions is which type of feelings we can get basing on our negative convictions? Obviously it will be negative. So, if we don't work out with our negative convictions we will often feel sad and negative emotions.
As far as I concerned analyzing and controlling our thoughts is the key to be happy and calm, and I couldn't agree more. And you?


This messagetext is going to be short, because the topic is more difficult then just talking about daily stuffs.

Or "will be short"

But I find it so interesting!

N(Right) now, I'm reading a psychologicy book which callsed "The New Mood Therapy".

Or "which is called", but called alone is more natural

I have started to read this book because I got noticed how fast and sharply my mood changes.

To me, "I had started" implies the starting came first, and then you noticed the mood changes.

So, I decided to help myself and to explore this fact.

According the book we should distinguish our thoughts and our reality.

TheOur thoughts can be false if they wasere build upt on our negative convicperceptions.

Usually, our negative convicperceptions are wrong and they don't connect with our reality.

So there is a simple process - we had got some negative convictionthoughts in the past (like 'everyone hates me' or 'I will never find thea partner'), then some situation happens in our present and we estimateinterpret it basinged on our past experience and using our negative conviperspectionve.

We don't analyze our present situation, we just use our past pattern.

So the next step - our thoughts give us some feelings.

And the questions is w, "Which type of feelings we cando we get basinged on our negative convicperceptions?"

Obviously, it will be negative.

So, if we don't work out withn our negative convicperceptions, we will often feel sad and negative emotions.

work out = plan with intention
work on = spend time improving

As far as I concernedunderstand, analyzing and controlling our thoughts is the key to be happy and calm, and I couldn't agree more.

If you use "As far as I'm concerned," that would be correct but it would make the "and I couldn't agree more" irrelevant, since "As far as I'm concerned" signals your opinion.

And you?


Great text!

Minianya's avatar

June 19, 2024


Thank you! Thank you for your help!

Which comes first, thought or feeling?

This message is going to be short, because the topic is more difficult thean just talking about daily stuffs.

then = after something.
than = comparing two things. A vs B

But I find it so interesting!

Now I'm reading psychological book which callsed "The New Mood Therapy".

I have started to read this book because I got noticed how fast and sharply my mood changes.

Do not need "have" or "got" as "started" and "noticed" are the action/verb.
"-ly" (e.g. sharply) is usually used to describe a verb. In this case, "fast and sharp" describes "mood" which is a noun. Therefore, do not need "-ly".

So, I decided to help myself and to explore this fact.

According the book, we should distinguish our thoughts and our reality.

The thoughts can be false if they wasere build up on our negative convictions.

was = one/singular, were = more than one/plural/multiple. Since item is "thoughts" with an "s", therefore, it is plural.

Usually our negative convictions are wrong and they don't connect with our reality.

So there is a simple process - we had. We got some negative conviction in the past (like 'everyone hates me' or 'I will never find the partner') t. Then some situation happens in our present and we estimate it basinged on our past experience and using negative conviction.

Made it into separate sentences to prevent run-on sentences. It is easier to read and flows better.

We don't analyze our present situation, we just use our past pattern.

So the next step - our thoughts give us some feelings.

And the questions is which type of feelings we can get basinged on our negative convictions?

Obviously it will be negative.

So, if we don't work out with our negative convictions we will often feel sad and negative emotions.

As far as I am concerned analyzing and controlling our thoughts is the key to be happy and calm, and I couldn't agree more.

And you?How about you? (or What do you think?).

"And you?" is not incorrect. But sounds a bit impolite and very direct, especially in writing.


Nice job and effort for tackling such a hard topic! Message was clear, just a few corrections with some extra words. You will get more comfortable with the sentence structures as you read and write more.

Minianya's avatar

June 19, 2024


Thank you so much! It is very important to me to receive feedback and explanations!

So the next step - our thoughts give us some feelings.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

And the questions is which type of feelings we can get basing on our negative convictions?

And the questions is which type of feelings we can get basinged on our negative convictions?

And the questions is w, "Which type of feelings we cando we get basinged on our negative convicperceptions?"

Obviously it will be negative.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Obviously, it will be negative.

So, if we don't work out with our negative convictions we will often feel sad and negative emotions.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

So, if we don't work out withn our negative convicperceptions, we will often feel sad and negative emotions.

work out = plan with intention work on = spend time improving

As far as I concerned analyzing and controlling our thoughts is the key to be happy and calm, and I couldn't agree more.

As far as I am concerned analyzing and controlling our thoughts is the key to be happy and calm, and I couldn't agree more.

As far as I concernedunderstand, analyzing and controlling our thoughts is the key to be happy and calm, and I couldn't agree more.

If you use "As far as I'm concerned," that would be correct but it would make the "and I couldn't agree more" irrelevant, since "As far as I'm concerned" signals your opinion.

And you?

And you?How about you? (or What do you think?).

"And you?" is not incorrect. But sounds a bit impolite and very direct, especially in writing.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

We don't analyze our present situation we just use our past pattern.

We don't analyze our present situation, we just use our past pattern.

We don't analyze our present situation, we just use our past pattern.

Which comes first, thought or feeling?

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This message going to be short, because the topic is more difficult then just talking about daily stuffs.

This message is going to be short, because the topic is more difficult thean just talking about daily stuffs.

then = after something. than = comparing two things. A vs B

This messagetext is going to be short, because the topic is more difficult then just talking about daily stuffs.

Or "will be short"

But I find it so interesting!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Now I'm reading psychologic book which calls "The New Mood Therapy".

Now I'm reading psychological book which callsed "The New Mood Therapy".

N(Right) now, I'm reading a psychologicy book which callsed "The New Mood Therapy".

Or "which is called", but called alone is more natural

I have started to read this book because I got noticed how fast and sharply my mood changes.

I have started to read this book because I got noticed how fast and sharply my mood changes.

Do not need "have" or "got" as "started" and "noticed" are the action/verb. "-ly" (e.g. sharply) is usually used to describe a verb. In this case, "fast and sharp" describes "mood" which is a noun. Therefore, do not need "-ly".

I have started to read this book because I got noticed how fast and sharply my mood changes.

To me, "I had started" implies the starting came first, and then you noticed the mood changes.

So, I decided to help myself and to explore this fact.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

According the book we should distinguish our thoughts and our reality.

According the book, we should distinguish our thoughts and our reality.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The thoughts can be false if they was build up on our negative convictions.

The thoughts can be false if they wasere build up on our negative convictions.

was = one/singular, were = more than one/plural/multiple. Since item is "thoughts" with an "s", therefore, it is plural.

TheOur thoughts can be false if they wasere build upt on our negative convicperceptions.

Usually our negative convictions are wrong and they don't connect with our reality.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Usually, our negative convicperceptions are wrong and they don't connect with our reality.

So there is a simple process - we had got some negative conviction in the past (like 'everyone hates me' or 'I will never find the partner') then some situation happens in our present and we estimate it basing on our past experience and using negative conviction.

So there is a simple process - we had. We got some negative conviction in the past (like 'everyone hates me' or 'I will never find the partner') t. Then some situation happens in our present and we estimate it basinged on our past experience and using negative conviction.

Made it into separate sentences to prevent run-on sentences. It is easier to read and flows better.

So there is a simple process - we had got some negative convictionthoughts in the past (like 'everyone hates me' or 'I will never find thea partner'), then some situation happens in our present and we estimateinterpret it basinged on our past experience and using our negative conviperspectionve.

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