ponta's avatar

Jan. 25, 2021

What's Your Favorite Book or Movie?

Now, I'm working on studying for final exams, so I can't read a book or watch a movie at all. I'll read and watch a lot during February and March thanks to my spring vacation. Please tell me your favorite one.


What's Your Favorite Book or Movie?

Now, I'm working onRight now, I'm studying for final exams, so I cadon't have time to read a book or watch a movie at all.

Your sentence is grammatically correct, but sounds stiff. For example, "studying for exams" is more concise and tells the reader the same thing as "working on studying for final exams." (Unless you are not actually studying but working on studying itself, like if you are building up motivation/buying materials in order to study or improving your studying methods.)

I'll read and watch a lot during February and March, thanks to my spring vacation.

Please tell me your favorite one.

I might write: "Please tell me your favorite book or movie." since it's clearer and using "one" here sounds slightly unnatural compared to just saying "book."


Good job! Right now, one of my favorite movies is 風の谷のナウシカ, and one of my favorite books it The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin.

ponta's avatar

Jan. 27, 2021


Thank you so much!
I also think Nausicaa is really good, and I'm looking forward to reading comics of Nausicaa.
I didn't know the book, but its theme looks intriguing so I'll read it!

Frank's avatar

Jan. 28, 2021


Wow, another Le Guin fan! The Left Hand of Darkness is actually really great. It's one of my favourites.
Also interesting to note, that Studio Ghibli has also adapted Tales of Earthsea (ゲド戦記), which is also by Ursula K. Le Guin, though the film is very different from the actual book series.

ponta's avatar

Jan. 29, 2021


I've watched Tales of Earthsea but didn't know the original was by him. Actually, when I was a kid, I was so scared of a part of the film that I couldn't go to the bathroom alone. But I like the film now.

What's Your Favorite Book or Movie?

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Now, I'm working on studying for final exams, so I can't read a book or watch a movie at all.

Now, I'm working onRight now, I'm studying for final exams, so I cadon't have time to read a book or watch a movie at all.

Your sentence is grammatically correct, but sounds stiff. For example, "studying for exams" is more concise and tells the reader the same thing as "working on studying for final exams." (Unless you are not actually studying but working on studying itself, like if you are building up motivation/buying materials in order to study or improving your studying methods.)

I'll read and watch a lot during February and March thanks to my spring vacation.

I'll read and watch a lot during February and March, thanks to my spring vacation.

Please tell me your favorite one.

Please tell me your favorite one.

I might write: "Please tell me your favorite book or movie." since it's clearer and using "one" here sounds slightly unnatural compared to just saying "book."

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