Tammy's avatar

June 13, 2024

What would you do?

What would you do if your friend shared some news that you thought was wrong?

In the past, I would have expressed my disagreement directly. But I've found that it might hurt my friends sometimes.

Recently I just let it go if it was not a big issue.

Not just because I love my friends, but also because I think it's natural that everyone has different thoughts.






What would you do?

What would you do if your friend shared some news that you thought was wrong?

In the past, I would have expressed my disagreement directly.

But I've found that it might hurt my friends sometimes.

Recently I just let it go if it was not a big issue.

Not just because I love my friends, but also because I think it's natural that everyone has different thoughts.

Tammy's avatar

June 14, 2024


Thank you!

What would you do if your friend [shared some news] that you thought was [wrong]?

To me, “shared some news that you thought was wrong” doesn’t really make sense. “Shared some news” means either “told you about something that happened” or “sent you a link to a news article.” Both “something that happened” and “a link to a news article” tend to be based on objective facts and therefore unlikely to be things that you would judge as right or wrong, so I’m having trouble figuring out what you mean.

Could you be more specific than “shared some news”? Maybe you mean “told you about something they’d done/said/thought”?

“Wrong” is also problematic. Since you mean that the news itself was wrong, something more specific like “inaccurate” would be better, in my opinion.

In the past, I would have expressed my disagreement directly.

But I've found that ithis might have hurt my friends sometimes.

Recently I have just [let | been letting] it go if it wais not a big issue.

I revised my correction to this sentence, again.

[I’m doing this not | Not] just because I love my friends, but also because I think it's natural that everyone has different [thoughts | opinions].

Technically your original sentence is incomplete, but it’s OK to write that way casually.

“Opinions” make more sense to me here than “thoughts.”


I changed my correction to a sentence marked above ^^

Tammy's avatar

June 14, 2024


Thank you!

Well, talk about "be based on objective facts and therefore unlikely to be things that you would judge as right or wrong" -- Now I'll let it go, and the old I'll ask you how about the conflicting accounts of the same event on both sides of the war in the Middle East.

JoeTofu's avatar

June 14, 2024


In that case, it isn’t the news (the events) that are wrong, but the news story—the account of the news. If this is what you mean, you could say, “…if your friend shared a news story that you felt was inaccurate,” or “gave what you thought was an inaccurate account of some news.”

Tammy's avatar

June 14, 2024


Thank you for the new corrections!

JoeTofu's avatar

June 14, 2024


No problem. I’ve added a comment about “wrong.”

What would you do?

What would you do if your friend shared some news that you thought was wrong?

In the past, I would have expressed my disagreement directly.

But I've found that it might hurt my friends sometimes.

Recently I've just letstarted letting it go if it was not a big issue.

Not just because I love my friends, but also because I think it's natural that everyone has different thoughts.


I think if it is not hurting anyone, or if it is not hurtful to anyone, I let it go.

Tammy's avatar

June 14, 2024


Thank you!

That's a good point!

What would you do if your friend shared some news that you thought was wrong?

In the past, I would have expressed my disagreement directly.

But I've found that it might hurt my friends sometimes.

Recently, I just lethave just been letting it go if it was not a big issue.

Not just because I love my friends, but also because I think it's natural that everyone has different thoughtopinions.

Tammy's avatar

June 14, 2024


Thank you for the corrections!

What would you do?

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

What would you do if your friend shared some news that you thought was wrong?

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

What would you do if your friend [shared some news] that you thought was [wrong]?

To me, “shared some news that you thought was wrong” doesn’t really make sense. “Shared some news” means either “told you about something that happened” or “sent you a link to a news article.” Both “something that happened” and “a link to a news article” tend to be based on objective facts and therefore unlikely to be things that you would judge as right or wrong, so I’m having trouble figuring out what you mean. Could you be more specific than “shared some news”? Maybe you mean “told you about something they’d done/said/thought”? “Wrong” is also problematic. Since you mean that the news itself was wrong, something more specific like “inaccurate” would be better, in my opinion.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

In the past, I would have expressed my disagreement directly.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

But I've found that it might hurt my friends sometimes.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

But I've found that ithis might have hurt my friends sometimes.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Recently I just let it go if it was not a big issue.

Recently, I just lethave just been letting it go if it was not a big issue.

Recently I've just letstarted letting it go if it was not a big issue.

Recently I have just [let | been letting] it go if it wais not a big issue.

I revised my correction to this sentence, again.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Not just because I love my friends, but also because I think it's natural that everyone has different thoughts.

Not just because I love my friends, but also because I think it's natural that everyone has different thoughtopinions.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

[I’m doing this not | Not] just because I love my friends, but also because I think it's natural that everyone has different [thoughts | opinions].

Technically your original sentence is incomplete, but it’s OK to write that way casually. “Opinions” make more sense to me here than “thoughts.”

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

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