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Dec. 23, 2022

What does the ending of Minecraft mean?

For most of us, the ending of Minecraft is just a bunch of motivational phrases piece together in a credit screen, and by the nature of these phrases, we use to think that this credit screen is telling to us "Go out and fill those lungs with fresh air".

But today I'm gonna introduce to you this theory that explains the ending of this wonderful game.

First of all, obviously this is not just a motivational screen, this is way deeper. Allow me to say that this ending is perfect for a game like Minecraft, because it reminds us how big the game is, and in a very strange way, how big the life is too.

You see, these phrases say that there are two dreams in the everything; Minecraft and "the real life". And both of them are equally important (in fact as you can see, it's the opposite idea of "go out"). They also say that we are made of the same materials of a star, yes! Something as big as a star is made of the material as us. And finally, if we mix these ideas with the last phrase "wake up", we get a final message that it doesn't say "Go out and live and stop wasting your life" because according to the phrases, the real life and the game are equally important, but it says that we have all the tools that we need to make big things like a star, all we got to do is go out and get down on it.

A simple but powerful message for a big game such as Minecraft is.

All of this information is according to this video:
Thank you :)


What does the ending of Minecraft (actually) mean?

Since you are discussing it (discursive style of text), the use of actually is not only colloquial and embodies native slang, but additionally aligns with the colloquial aspect of this modern text discursive style!

For most of us, the ending of Minecraft is just a bunch of motivational phrases pieced together ion a credit screen, and bythrough an analysis of the nature of these phrases, we use to think that this credit screen iit was commonly thought that it was telling to usus to "Go out and fill those lungs with fresh air".

Pieced; because you are referring to an action that has been completed, in the past tense, thus you must use the past participle.

On; because we regularly refer to things being on the screen when referring to programs, e.g. “Modern Family is on (the screen/tv)!”

You cannot say “we used to think”; because you cannot assume that the audience and you both interpreted this message in the same way. You could say, “and I used to think” because you are speaking truly for yourself/your opinion.

But today I'm gonna introduce to you this theory that explains’d like to purpose an alternate message to the ending credits of this wonderful game., in the form of a theory.

First of all, it is obviously that this is noscreen isn’t just a motivational screen, th. There is isa way deeper. message that is involved.

Allow me to say that this endingFurther, I would like to say that this alternative suggestion is a perfect ending for a game likesuch as Minecraft, because it reminds us how big the game is, and in a very strange way, how big the life is too.not only alludes to the vastness of the game itself, but in a strange way, creates verisimilitude with the vastness of real life itself.

A C1 level correction !

You see, these phrases say theory implies that there are two dreams in the everythinggame itself; Minecraft, and "the real life".reality.

You need to keep consistency with your usage of theory at the start, in a native level, sophisticated discursive text, we would use alternative language to this and keep referring to theory throughout.

And both of them are equally important (in fact as you can see, it's actually the opposite idea of "going out").

Theyse messages also saimply that we are made of the same materials of a star, yes!indeed!

Keeping your tone sophisticated.

SAnd, conversely, something as biglarge as a star is madecomposed of the same matterial as us.


And finally, if we mix these ideas together with the last phrase of the screen, "wake up", we gcan interpret a final message that it, which doesn't sayimply to "Go out and live and stop wasting your life" because according to the phrases, the real life and the game are equally important, but it says that we. It says that we all have all the tools that we need to make big things likecreate things in reality that are as amazing as a star, and all we gothave to do is to go out and get down ondo it.

You don’t need to repeat that certain clause I’ve omitted, as you’ve already said it prior.

AWhat a simple bu, yet powerful message for a biglarge game such as Minecraft is.

Colloquial, native level exclamation.


I loved reading about this, as a long-time Minecraft player. I understood everything you were trying to say, the text type you chose to write in is just very advanced, and requires many facets of grammar and idiomatic expression to work fluently. You are going quite well, well done!

What does the ending of Minecraft mean?

For most of us, the ending of Minecraft is just a bunch of motivational phrases pieced together in a credits screen, and by the nature of these phrases, we usetend to think that this credit screen is telling to usus to "Go out and fill those lungs with fresh air".

But today I'm gonna introduce to you thisa theory that explains the ending of this wonderful game.

First of all, this is obviously this is not just a motivational screen, this is way deeper.

Allow me to say that this ending is perfect for a game like Minecraft, because it reminds us how big the game is, and in a very strange way, how big the life is too.

You see, these phrases say that there are two dreams in the everything; Minecraft and "the real life".

I'm not sure what you meant by "dreams" here.

And both of them are equally important (in fact as you can see, it's the opposite idea of "go out").

They also say that we are made of the same materials of a star, yes!

Something as big as a star is made of the same material as us.

And finally, if we mix these ideas with the last phrase "wake up", we get a final message that it doesn't say "Go out and live and stop wasting your life" because according to the phrases, the real life and the game are equally important, but. Instead it says that we have all the tools that we need to make big things like a star, all we gothave to do is go out and get down ton it.

A simple but powerful message for a big game such as Minecraft is.


What a thoughtful post! Good writing!

What does the ending of Minecraft mean?

For most of us, the ending of Minecraft is just a bunch of motivational phrases pieced together ion a credit screen, a. And by the nature of these phrases, we used to think that this credit screen iwas telling to us "Gus to "go out and fill those lungs with fresh air"."

But today, I'm gonnaing to introduce to you this theory that explains the ending of this wonderful game.

"Gonna" is a casual way of saying "going to." I think it's better to use "going to" for this type of writing.

First of all, this is obviously this is not just a motivational screen, this; instead, it is way deeper.

Allow me to say that this ending is perfect for a game like Minecraft, because it reminds us how big the game is, and, in a very strange way, how big the life is too.

You see, these phrases say that there are two dreams in the everything; Minecraft and "the real life".

Two dreams in the everything?

And bBoth of them are equally important (in fact, as you can see, it's the opposite idea of "go out").

They also say that we are made of the same materials of a star, y. Yes!

Something as big as a star is made of the same materials as us.

And finally, if we mix these ideas with the last phrase "wake up"," we get a final message that it doesn't say "Ggo out and live and stop wasting your life" because, according to the phrases, the real life and the game are equally important, but it say. The message means that we have all the tools that we need to make big things like a star,; all we gothave to do is go out and get down on it.

Very big comma splice here. Be careful not to abuse commas too much. Break up those sentences!

A simple but powerful message for a biga game suchas big as Minecraft is.

What does the ending of Minecraft mean?

For most of us, the ending of Minecraft is just a bunch of motivational phrases pieced together in a credit screen,for the screen credits and, by the nature of these phrases, we use to think that this credit screen isthought that they were telling to usus to "Go out and fill those lungs with fresh air"."

But todayToday, however, I'm gonnaing to introduce to you thisa theory that explains the ending of this wonderful game.

"gonna" is not used in formal writing.

First of all, obviously this is not just a motivational screen, t. This is way deeper.

Allow me to say that this ending is perfect for a game like Minecraft, because it reminds us how big the game is, and, in a very strange way, how big the life is, too.

You see, these phrases say that there are two dreams in the everything;: Minecraft and "the real life".

A semi-colon (;) separates two related complete sentences. A colon (:) is used to list items.

And bBoth of them are equally important (i. In fact, as you can see, it's the opposite idea of "going out")."

They also say that we are made of the same materials of a star, yes!

Something as big as a star is made of the same material as us.

And fFinally, if we mix these ideas with the last phrase "wake up"," we get a final message that it doesn't say "Go out and live and stop wasting your life" because, according to the phrases, the real life and the game are equally important, butso instead it says that we have all the tools that we need to make big things like a star,: all we gothave to do is go out and get down ton it.

A simple but powerful message for a big game such as Minecraft it is.


Good work!

What does the ending of Minecraft mean?

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

What does the ending of Minecraft (actually) mean?

Since you are discussing it (discursive style of text), the use of actually is not only colloquial and embodies native slang, but additionally aligns with the colloquial aspect of this modern text discursive style!

For most of us, the ending of Minecraft is just a bunch of motivational phrases piece together in a credit screen, and by the nature of these phrases, we use to think that this credit screen is telling to us "Go out and fill those lungs with fresh air".

For most of us, the ending of Minecraft is just a bunch of motivational phrases pieced together in a credit screen,for the screen credits and, by the nature of these phrases, we use to think that this credit screen isthought that they were telling to usus to "Go out and fill those lungs with fresh air"."

For most of us, the ending of Minecraft is just a bunch of motivational phrases pieced together ion a credit screen, a. And by the nature of these phrases, we used to think that this credit screen iwas telling to us "Gus to "go out and fill those lungs with fresh air"."

For most of us, the ending of Minecraft is just a bunch of motivational phrases pieced together in a credits screen, and by the nature of these phrases, we usetend to think that this credit screen is telling to usus to "Go out and fill those lungs with fresh air".

For most of us, the ending of Minecraft is just a bunch of motivational phrases pieced together ion a credit screen, and bythrough an analysis of the nature of these phrases, we use to think that this credit screen iit was commonly thought that it was telling to usus to "Go out and fill those lungs with fresh air".

Pieced; because you are referring to an action that has been completed, in the past tense, thus you must use the past participle. On; because we regularly refer to things being on the screen when referring to programs, e.g. “Modern Family is on (the screen/tv)!” You cannot say “we used to think”; because you cannot assume that the audience and you both interpreted this message in the same way. You could say, “and I used to think” because you are speaking truly for yourself/your opinion.

But today I'm gonna introduce to you this theory that explains the ending of this wonderful game.

But todayToday, however, I'm gonnaing to introduce to you thisa theory that explains the ending of this wonderful game.

"gonna" is not used in formal writing.

But today, I'm gonnaing to introduce to you this theory that explains the ending of this wonderful game.

"Gonna" is a casual way of saying "going to." I think it's better to use "going to" for this type of writing.

But today I'm gonna introduce to you thisa theory that explains the ending of this wonderful game.

But today I'm gonna introduce to you this theory that explains’d like to purpose an alternate message to the ending credits of this wonderful game., in the form of a theory.

First of all, obviously this is not just a motivational screen, this is way deeper.

First of all, obviously this is not just a motivational screen, t. This is way deeper.

First of all, this is obviously this is not just a motivational screen, this; instead, it is way deeper.

First of all, this is obviously this is not just a motivational screen, this is way deeper.

First of all, it is obviously that this is noscreen isn’t just a motivational screen, th. There is isa way deeper. message that is involved.

Allow me to say that this ending is perfect for a game like Minecraft, because it reminds us how big the game is, and in a very strange way, how big the life is too.

Allow me to say that this ending is perfect for a game like Minecraft, because it reminds us how big the game is, and, in a very strange way, how big the life is, too.

Allow me to say that this ending is perfect for a game like Minecraft, because it reminds us how big the game is, and, in a very strange way, how big the life is too.

Allow me to say that this ending is perfect for a game like Minecraft, because it reminds us how big the game is, and in a very strange way, how big the life is too.

Allow me to say that this endingFurther, I would like to say that this alternative suggestion is a perfect ending for a game likesuch as Minecraft, because it reminds us how big the game is, and in a very strange way, how big the life is too.not only alludes to the vastness of the game itself, but in a strange way, creates verisimilitude with the vastness of real life itself.

A C1 level correction !

You see, these phrases say that there are two dreams in the everything; Minecraft and "the real life".

You see, these phrases say that there are two dreams in the everything;: Minecraft and "the real life".

A semi-colon (;) separates two related complete sentences. A colon (:) is used to list items.

You see, these phrases say that there are two dreams in the everything; Minecraft and "the real life".

Two dreams in the everything?

You see, these phrases say that there are two dreams in the everything; Minecraft and "the real life".

I'm not sure what you meant by "dreams" here.

You see, these phrases say theory implies that there are two dreams in the everythinggame itself; Minecraft, and "the real life".reality.

You need to keep consistency with your usage of theory at the start, in a native level, sophisticated discursive text, we would use alternative language to this and keep referring to theory throughout.

And both of them are equally important (in fact as you can see, it's the opposite idea of "go out").

And bBoth of them are equally important (i. In fact, as you can see, it's the opposite idea of "going out")."

And bBoth of them are equally important (in fact, as you can see, it's the opposite idea of "go out").

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

And both of them are equally important (in fact as you can see, it's actually the opposite idea of "going out").

They also say that we are made of the same materials of a star, yes!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

They also say that we are made of the same materials of a star, y. Yes!

They also say that we are made of the same materials of a star, yes!

Theyse messages also saimply that we are made of the same materials of a star, yes!indeed!

Keeping your tone sophisticated.

Something as big as a star is made of the material as us.

Something as big as a star is made of the same material as us.

Something as big as a star is made of the same materials as us.

Something as big as a star is made of the same material as us.

SAnd, conversely, something as biglarge as a star is madecomposed of the same matterial as us.


And finally, if we mix these ideas with the last phrase "wake up", we get a final message that it doesn't say "Go out and live and stop wasting your life" because according to the phrases, the real life and the game are equally important, but it says that we have all the tools that we need to make big things like a star, all we got to do is go out and get down on it.

And fFinally, if we mix these ideas with the last phrase "wake up"," we get a final message that it doesn't say "Go out and live and stop wasting your life" because, according to the phrases, the real life and the game are equally important, butso instead it says that we have all the tools that we need to make big things like a star,: all we gothave to do is go out and get down ton it.

And finally, if we mix these ideas with the last phrase "wake up"," we get a final message that it doesn't say "Ggo out and live and stop wasting your life" because, according to the phrases, the real life and the game are equally important, but it say. The message means that we have all the tools that we need to make big things like a star,; all we gothave to do is go out and get down on it.

Very big comma splice here. Be careful not to abuse commas too much. Break up those sentences!

And finally, if we mix these ideas with the last phrase "wake up", we get a final message that it doesn't say "Go out and live and stop wasting your life" because according to the phrases, the real life and the game are equally important, but. Instead it says that we have all the tools that we need to make big things like a star, all we gothave to do is go out and get down ton it.

And finally, if we mix these ideas together with the last phrase of the screen, "wake up", we gcan interpret a final message that it, which doesn't sayimply to "Go out and live and stop wasting your life" because according to the phrases, the real life and the game are equally important, but it says that we. It says that we all have all the tools that we need to make big things likecreate things in reality that are as amazing as a star, and all we gothave to do is to go out and get down ondo it.

You don’t need to repeat that certain clause I’ve omitted, as you’ve already said it prior.

A simple but powerful message for a big game such as Minecraft is.

A simple but powerful message for a big game such as Minecraft it is.

A simple but powerful message for a biga game suchas big as Minecraft is.

A simple but powerful message for a big game such as Minecraft is.

AWhat a simple bu, yet powerful message for a biglarge game such as Minecraft is.

Colloquial, native level exclamation.

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