heatedcanine's avatar

Oct. 5, 2024

Weird Japanese Difference by Western People & Chinese People

It depends on each individual Japanese learners, but I've found a steleo-type difference between weird Japanese by Western people and by Chinese people.
In case of native English speakers, their Japanese sometimes doesn't have any "meaning." In other words, I sometimes don't understand their Japanese sentence at all.
The English version might be helpful in that case. They tend to choose the wrong words in English-Japanese dictionary, and as a result, their Japanese sentence becomes weird.

In case of Chinese people, their Japanese sentences are correct gramatically, but the contexts are sometimes weird, so they don't make sense.
Chinese people use somewhat the same kanji, so their sentence is correct.
However, the misuse of particles may bring about confusions.
I don't know if they want to write something sarcastic or they just make a mistake for choosing the correct particles.

For thes reason, I tend to regard a weird Japanese sentence as "weird Japanese sentence written by Chinese people."
I thought that I had a discrimination toward Chinese people, and I had the inferiority complex against Cacasions.
But now I think it's not my discrimination against Chinese people, but the difference between the Chinese language and the English language when translating into Japanese.

I don't understand Chinese at all.
Therefore, when a Chinese person cannot speak English, we have to communicate in Japanese only.
In that case, I cannot help but annoy by their weird Japanese.







Weird Japanese Differences byetween Western People & Chinese People in their use of Japanese

In the original sentence, it's ambiguous as to whether "Japanese" refers to the people of Japan (日本人) or the language of Japan (にほんご).

It depends on each individual Japanese learners, but I've founobserved a stelreo-typeical difference betweenof weird Japanese bylanguage between Western people and by Chinese people.

In the case of native English speakers, their Japanese sometimes doesn't have any "meaning."

Perhaps you mean to say:
"their Japanese sometimes doesn't make any sense" or
"their Japanese sometimes is nonsensical"

In other words, I sometimes don't understand their Japanese sentence at all.

TheAn English versionexample might be helpful in that casto demonstrate.

They tend to choose the wrong words ifrom an English-Japanese dictionary, and, as a result, their Japanese sentence becomes weird.

In the case of Chinese people, their Japanese sentences are correct grammatically correct, but the contexts are sometimes weird, so they don't make sense.

Chinese people use somewhat the same kanji, so their sentence is correct.

However, the misuse of particles may bring about confusions.

I don't know if they want to write something sarcastic, or they just makde a mistake forin choosing the correct particles.

For theis reason, I tend to regard a weird Japanese sentence as a "weird Japanese sentence written by Chinese people."

I thought that I had a discrimination toward Chinese people, and I had the inferiority complex against Caucasioans.

But now, I think it's not my discrimination against Chinese people, but the difference between the Chinese language and the English language when translating into Japanese.

I don't understand Chinese at all.

Therefore, when a Chinese person cannot speak English, we have to communicate in Japanese only.

In that case, I cannot help but be annoyed by their weird Japanese.


As one of these people who produces "weird" Japanese; ごめなさい!

Since I am still a beginner at Japanese, I have zero intuition about whether my word choice or grammar is correct when I am writing a sentence. Whereas, with other language that have a Latin/Romance base, such as French and German, it is a bit easier to have some idea if you are constructing a suitable sentence.

The use of particles, in particular, I find to be really challenging. I asked my tutor for suggestions on how to improve my particles and she had no practical suggestion other than "keep writing, failing, and learning".

I would love to get to a stage where I could use a Japanese dictionary to look up words. But, at my current proficiency, it is overwhelming and beyond what I can currently achieve.

This is why I am grateful for this website and its users. If I didn't have native speakers correcting things, I wouldn't know if I am producing rubbish or not.

Sometimes, even our resources are not accurate or don't teach us proper usage. For example, WaniKani taught me 工学者 as the word for Engineer and I tried it out:
「先生」.... 何それ

Please continue to help us as we work on improving our Japanese!

heatedcanine's avatar

Oct. 6, 2024


It might be ironical but 父はエンジニアです would be the best Japanese sentence to mean it.
Thank you for your corrections!

lummers's avatar

Oct. 6, 2024


My teacher said the same thing!

I tried to use 工学者 as I thought it would be "more Japanese" than エンジニア. :D

Weird Japanese Differences by Western People & Chinese People

It depends on each individual Japanese learners, but I've found a stelreo-typeical difference betweens of weird Japanese byetween Western people and byand Chinese people.

In the case of native English speakers, their Japanese sometimes doesn't have any "meaning."

"In the case" and "in case" have two different meanings. "In the case" means "regarding". "In case" means "in a scenario" or in some contexts "beware", which I'm assuming your intent isn't telling people to be cautious of us English speakers haha.

In other words, I sometimes don't understand their Japanese sentences at all.

Alternately: "In other words, I sometimes don't understand their sentences in Japanese at all."

Alternately: "The English verstranslation might be helpful in that case." or "The original English might be helpful in that case."

They tend to choose the wrong words ifrom an English-Japanese dictionary, and as a result, their Japanese sentences becomes weird.

In the case of Chinese people, their Japanese sentences are correct gramatically correct , but the contexts are sometimes weird, so they don't make sense.

Chinese people use somewhat the same kanji, so their sentence is correct.

However, the misuse of particles may bring about confusions.

I don't know if they want to write something sarcastic or if they just makde asome mistake forin attempting to choosinge the correct particles.

Here I prefer to use "attempting to [verb]" because the action wasn't successfully completed.

For theis reason, I tend to regard a weird Japanese sentence as "weird Japanese sentence written by Chinese people."

I thought that I had arbored discrimination toward Chinese people, and I had thean inferiority complex against Caucasioans.

But now, I don't think it's not my discrimination against Chinese people, but the difference(s) between the Chinese language and the English language when translating into Japanese.

I don't understand Chinese at all.

Therefore, when a Chinese person cannot speak English, we have to communicate in Japanese only.

In that case, I cannot help but be annoyed by their weird Japanese.


Well written and insightful! I do sometimes wonder how the things I write in Japanese are seen by native speakers. I think "Am I too rude? Too stiff? Too blunt?" Communicating with someone who's learning your language is understandably a bit frustrating and requires some patience. They're going to stumble and make mistakes that can lead to misunderstandings, but they're trying. I think it's best to be a bit patient and derive some possible context on what they could be trying to say.

heatedcanine's avatar

Oct. 6, 2024


Even when written in one's native language, some may choose a more concise and simple version, and others may prefer more lengthy and explanatory sentences.
In my opinion, you should choose the latter to reduce miscommunication.
When there is a mistake in grammar in the former version, even a minor mistake, it would be fatal. The sentence doesn't make sense or, in even worse scenario, it's very rude without your intention.

Anyway, on LangCorrect, it's okay because we all know that we are language learners and there is no bad intention.
However, we should be very careful to use a foreign language for business, which may bring about a fatal misunderstanding.

heatedcanine's avatar

Oct. 6, 2024


Thank you for your corrections and comment.

Weird Japanese Difference by Western People & Chinese People

Weird Japanese Differences by Western People & Chinese People

Weird Japanese Differences byetween Western People & Chinese People in their use of Japanese

In the original sentence, it's ambiguous as to whether "Japanese" refers to the people of Japan (日本人) or the language of Japan (にほんご).

It depends on each individual Japanese learners, but I've found a steleo-type difference between weird Japanese by Western people and by Chinese people.

It depends on each individual Japanese learners, but I've found a stelreo-typeical difference betweens of weird Japanese byetween Western people and byand Chinese people.

It depends on each individual Japanese learners, but I've founobserved a stelreo-typeical difference betweenof weird Japanese bylanguage between Western people and by Chinese people.

In case of native English speakers, their Japanese sometimes doesn't have any "meaning."

In the case of native English speakers, their Japanese sometimes doesn't have any "meaning."

"In the case" and "in case" have two different meanings. "In the case" means "regarding". "In case" means "in a scenario" or in some contexts "beware", which I'm assuming your intent isn't telling people to be cautious of us English speakers haha.

In the case of native English speakers, their Japanese sometimes doesn't have any "meaning."

Perhaps you mean to say: "their Japanese sometimes doesn't make any sense" or "their Japanese sometimes is nonsensical"

In other words, I sometimes don't understand their Japanese sentence at all.

In other words, I sometimes don't understand their Japanese sentences at all.

Alternately: "In other words, I sometimes don't understand their sentences in Japanese at all."

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The English version might be helpful in that case.

Alternately: "The English verstranslation might be helpful in that case." or "The original English might be helpful in that case."

TheAn English versionexample might be helpful in that casto demonstrate.

They tend to choose the wrong words in English-Japanese dictionary, and as a result, their Japanese sentence becomes weird.

They tend to choose the wrong words ifrom an English-Japanese dictionary, and as a result, their Japanese sentences becomes weird.

They tend to choose the wrong words ifrom an English-Japanese dictionary, and, as a result, their Japanese sentence becomes weird.

In case of Chinese people, their Japanese sentences are correct gramatically, but the contexts are sometimes weird, so they don't make sense.

In the case of Chinese people, their Japanese sentences are correct gramatically correct , but the contexts are sometimes weird, so they don't make sense.

In the case of Chinese people, their Japanese sentences are correct grammatically correct, but the contexts are sometimes weird, so they don't make sense.

Chinese people use somewhat the same kanji, so their sentence is correct.

Chinese people use somewhat the same kanji, so their sentence is correct.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

However, the misuse of particles may bring about confusions.

However, the misuse of particles may bring about confusions.

However, the misuse of particles may bring about confusions.

I don't know if they want to write something sarcastic or they just make a mistake for choosing the correct particles.

I don't know if they want to write something sarcastic or if they just makde asome mistake forin attempting to choosinge the correct particles.

Here I prefer to use "attempting to [verb]" because the action wasn't successfully completed.

I don't know if they want to write something sarcastic, or they just makde a mistake forin choosing the correct particles.

For thes reason, I tend to regard a weird Japanese sentence as "weird Japanese sentence written by Chinese people."

For theis reason, I tend to regard a weird Japanese sentence as "weird Japanese sentence written by Chinese people."

For theis reason, I tend to regard a weird Japanese sentence as a "weird Japanese sentence written by Chinese people."

I thought that I had a discrimination toward Chinese people, and I had the inferiority complex against Cacasions.

I thought that I had arbored discrimination toward Chinese people, and I had thean inferiority complex against Caucasioans.

I thought that I had a discrimination toward Chinese people, and I had the inferiority complex against Caucasioans.

But now I think it's not my discrimination against Chinese people, but the difference between the Chinese language and the English language when translating into Japanese.

But now, I don't think it's not my discrimination against Chinese people, but the difference(s) between the Chinese language and the English language when translating into Japanese.

But now, I think it's not my discrimination against Chinese people, but the difference between the Chinese language and the English language when translating into Japanese.

I don't understand Chinese at all.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Therefore, when a Chinese person cannot speak English, we have to communicate in Japanese only.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

In that case, I cannot help but annoy by their weird Japanese.

In that case, I cannot help but be annoyed by their weird Japanese.

In that case, I cannot help but be annoyed by their weird Japanese.

Weird Japanese Different by Western People & Chinese People

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