hiratecs's avatar

Oct. 10, 2024

Watching The Sky

I enjoy watching the skies in the late afternoon, when the sun is setting. In addition to the vast array of cloud shapes that my imagination can almost always assimilate to pictures and figure, what I most like is watching the different colours that sky could be. Sometimes, it gradually gets darker only in a blue hue, sometimes it turns into a more orangish or even pinkier one. Anyways, the sky becomes different each day and it's really interesting and relaxing to daily compare its general changes.

I remember when I went to my aunt's house for vacation in southern Brazil early this year, and after some weeks, we traveled to the beach. It was the first time I'd stepped on sand's beach, so the memories still fresh. I don't want to talk about the whole experience I'd had because the text would be too long, I just want to highlight how different the sky was when you have another perspective of it. The horizon of the sea makes the whole experience feel different.

Eu gosto de observar o céu durante o fim da tarde, quando ocorre o pôr do sol. Além dos diversos formatos das nuvens que minha imaginação quase sempre assimila com imagens e figuras, o que eu mais gosto é de observar as várias cores que o céu pode ficar. Às vezes ele escurece gradualmente somente em tons de azul, às vezes ele fica mais alaranjado ou até mesmo rosa. Enfim, todo dia o céu fica diferente e é muito interessante e relaxante comparar diariamente sua mudanças gerais.

(O resto do texto foi criado sem tradução)


I enjoy watching the skies in the late afternoon, when the sun is setting.

In addition to the vast array of cloud shapes that my imagination can almost always assimilate turn into pictures and figures, what I most like is watching the different colours that the sky couldan be.

This sentence is a little clunky. You can also rewrite it to something like: "I like watching the vast array of cloud shapes, that my imagination can almost always turn into pictures and figures, but what I like most of all is watching the different colours that the sky can be."

Sometimes, it gradually gets darker only in a blue hue, and sometimes it turns into a more orangeish or even pinkier one.

"Orangeish" and "pinkier" aren't really words, but everyone would understand what you meant. But I would include the e in "orangeish" so it doesn't get pronounced with a hard G sound.

Anyways, the sky becomes different each day, and it's really interesting and relaxing to daily compare its general changes from day to day.

I remember when I went to my aunt's house for vacation in southern Brazil early this year, and after some weeks, we traveled to the beach.

It was the first time I'd stepped on a sand'sy beach, so the memories are still fresh.

I don't want to talk about the whole experience I'd had because the text would be too long,. I just want to highlight how different the sky was when you have another perspective of it.


The sunset over the ocean truly is beautiful. I have always loved all the colors of the sky and the clouds myself.

hiratecs's avatar

Oct. 11, 2024


Thanks for your feedback!

Watching The Sky

I enjoy watching the skies in the late afternoon, when the sun is setting.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

In addition to the vast array of cloud shapes that my imagination can almost always assimilate to pictures and figure, what I most like is watching the different colours that sky could be.

In addition to the vast array of cloud shapes that my imagination can almost always assimilate turn into pictures and figures, what I most like is watching the different colours that the sky couldan be.

This sentence is a little clunky. You can also rewrite it to something like: "I like watching the vast array of cloud shapes, that my imagination can almost always turn into pictures and figures, but what I like most of all is watching the different colours that the sky can be."

Sometimes, it gradually gets darker only in a blue hue, sometimes it turns into a more orangish or even pinkier one.

Sometimes, it gradually gets darker only in a blue hue, and sometimes it turns into a more orangeish or even pinkier one.

"Orangeish" and "pinkier" aren't really words, but everyone would understand what you meant. But I would include the e in "orangeish" so it doesn't get pronounced with a hard G sound.

Anyways, the sky becomes different each day and it's really interesting and relaxing to daily compare its general changes.

Anyways, the sky becomes different each day, and it's really interesting and relaxing to daily compare its general changes from day to day.

I remember when I went to my aunt's house for vacation in southern Brazil early this year, and after some weeks, we traveled to the beach.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

It was the first time I'd stepped on sand's beach, so the memories still fresh.

It was the first time I'd stepped on a sand'sy beach, so the memories are still fresh.

I don't want to talk about the whole experience I'd had because the text would be too long, I just want to highlight how different the sky was when you have another perspective of it.

I don't want to talk about the whole experience I'd had because the text would be too long,. I just want to highlight how different the sky was when you have another perspective of it.

The horizon of the sea makes the whole experience feel different.

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