BlackGlasses's avatar

Oct. 19, 2022

Understanding understanding.

Hello, dear reader who's correcting me, I hope you're doing it well.

I hope this information could be useful for you to learn anything you want to.

This is a summary from a Jim Kwik's podcast that I listened, I also incorporated some useful knowledge from videos and learning books.

Sometimes we need to understand something, no matter if it's for school, studies, problems, etc, and we don't know how to do it.

How do you understand things?

The first step it's to accept the ignorance, i'ts liberating and allow you to receive more information.

Have you heard that "childrens are a great learners"?

That's because they're like a empty bottle, they have an attitude that allows them to ask more questions.

And why does this matter?.

Well, that's because when we ask questions we activate the reticular zone of the brain, it directs your attention, that's it's function.

And after that you start to seek the answer out.

Questions are the answer.

When you want to understand something you can use a magic trick, it's called organization.

Organization is useful to understand things because it creates more information.

Use the method LATCH

You can organize thing by:






You can also switch between focused and diffuse mode as I wrote in other writings.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.


Hello, dear reader who's correcting me, I hope you're doing it well.

I hope this information couldwill be useful for you to learn anything you want to.

Alternately, "I think this information could be useful...." Otherwise, you are expressing the hope that the inform *will* be helpful.

This is a summary from a Jim Kwik's podcast that I listened, to. I also incorporated some useful knowledge from videos and learning books.

Instead of "books" you could say something like "textbooks" or "educational materials". "Learning books" is not a common phrase in English.

Sometimes we need to understand something, no matter if it's for school, studies, problems, etc, and we don't know how to do itcertain things that we simply aren't familiar with, whether they are related to school, studies, personal life, etc.

Edited for better-sounding style.

How do you understand thingslearn?

If the question is very general, I would put it this way.

The first step it's to accept theone's ignorance, i'ts. It is actually liberating and will allow you to receive more information.

Have you heard that "ever wondered how childrens are asuch great learners"?

I would phrase this sentence in this way. It can be a good way to open up a subject that seems trivial but has some insight you want to share with the reader.

That's because they'rea child is like an empty bottle, they. Children have an attitude that allows them to ask more questions.

And why does this matter?.

Well, that's because when we ask questions, we activate the reticular zone of the brain, itwhich directs your attention, t. That' is it's function.

And after that youwe ask a question, we start to seek the answer out.

When you want to understand something, you can use a magic trick,: it's called mental organization.

A magic trick is an illusion performed by a magician or illusionist. What you're referring to here could also be called a "mnemonic trick", "mnemonic device", or "mnemonic technique" (mnemonic means, related to one's faculty of memory).

Use the method acronym "LATCH":


You can also switch between "focused" and "diffuse" mode, as I wrote indescribed in some of my other writings.

Thanks for reading, h. Have a nice day.


Good job! One piece of advice: be sure to end sentences with a period instead of putting two together with a comma (known as a comma splice).

BlackGlasses's avatar

Oct. 19, 2022


Thank you so much! Your corrections really help me a lot, I will follow your advice.

Hello, dear reader who's correcting me, I hope you're doing it well.

This is a summary from a Jim Kwik's podcast that I listened, to, and I also incorporated some useful knowledge from videos and learning textbooks.

How do you understand things?

The first step it's to accept the ignorance, i't's liberating and allows you to receive more information.

it's / it is

Have you heard that "childrens are a great learners"?

Children is already plural

And why does this matter?.

Well, that's because when we ask questions we activate the reticular zone of the brain, it directs your attention, that's it's func. It's function is to directs your attention.

And after that you start to seek the answer out.

Questions are the answer.

When you want to understand something you can use a magic trick, it's called organization.

Organization is useful to understand things because it creates more information.

Use the method LATCHLATCH method.

You can organize things by:

You can also switch between focused and diffuse mode as I wrote in other writings.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.


Nice work :)

BlackGlasses's avatar

Oct. 19, 2022


Thank you so much!

Understanding understanding.

Hello, dear reader who correct me, I hope you're doing it well.

I hope this information could be useful for you to learn anything you want to.

I hope this information couldwill be useful for you to learn anything you want to.

Alternately, "I think this information could be useful...." Otherwise, you are expressing the hope that the inform *will* be helpful.

This is a summary from a Jim Kwik's podcast that I listened, I also incorporated some useful knowledge from videos and learning books.

This is a summary from a Jim Kwik's podcast that I listened, to, and I also incorporated some useful knowledge from videos and learning textbooks.

This is a summary from a Jim Kwik's podcast that I listened, to. I also incorporated some useful knowledge from videos and learning books.

Instead of "books" you could say something like "textbooks" or "educational materials". "Learning books" is not a common phrase in English.

Sometimes we need to understand something, no matter if it's for school, studies, problems, etc, and we don't know how to do it.

Sometimes we need to understand something, no matter if it's for school, studies, problems, etc, and we don't know how to do itcertain things that we simply aren't familiar with, whether they are related to school, studies, personal life, etc.

Edited for better-sounding style.

How do you understand things?

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

How do you understand thingslearn?

If the question is very general, I would put it this way.

The first step it's to accept the ignorance, i'ts liberating and allow you to receive more information.

The first step it's to accept the ignorance, i't's liberating and allows you to receive more information.

it's / it is

The first step it's to accept theone's ignorance, i'ts. It is actually liberating and will allow you to receive more information.

Have you heard that "childrens are a great learners"?

Have you heard that "childrens are a great learners"?

Children is already plural

Have you heard that "ever wondered how childrens are asuch great learners"?

I would phrase this sentence in this way. It can be a good way to open up a subject that seems trivial but has some insight you want to share with the reader.

That's because they're like a empty bottle, they have an attitude that allows them to ask more questions.

That's because they'rea child is like an empty bottle, they. Children have an attitude that allows them to ask more questions.

And why does this matter?.

And why does this matter?.

And why does this matter?.

Well, that's because when we ask questions we activate the reticular zone of the brain, it directs your attention, that's it's function.

Well, that's because when we ask questions we activate the reticular zone of the brain, it directs your attention, that's it's func. It's function is to directs your attention.

Well, that's because when we ask questions, we activate the reticular zone of the brain, itwhich directs your attention, t. That' is it's function.

And after that you start to seek the answer out.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

And after that youwe ask a question, we start to seek the answer out.

Questions are the answer.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

When you want to understand something you can use a magic trick, it's called organization.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

When you want to understand something, you can use a magic trick,: it's called mental organization.

A magic trick is an illusion performed by a magician or illusionist. What you're referring to here could also be called a "mnemonic trick", "mnemonic device", or "mnemonic technique" (mnemonic means, related to one's faculty of memory).

Organization is useful to understand things because it creates more information.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Use the method LATCH

Use the method LATCHLATCH method.

Use the method acronym "LATCH":

You can organize thing by:

You can organize things by:







You can also switch between focused and diffuse mode as I wrote in other writings.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

You can also switch between "focused" and "diffuse" mode, as I wrote indescribed in some of my other writings.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Thanks for reading, h. Have a nice day.

Hello, dear reader who's correcting me, I hope you're doing it well.

Hello, dear reader who's correcting me, I hope you're doing it well.

Hello, dear reader who's correcting me, I hope you're doing it well.

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