japprends's avatar

March 18, 2024

Un passage d'un scénario (25)

À l'intérieur du café Trou du Lapin.

De la musique hip-hop plus rauque. Les ordinateurs portables ont été remplacé par l'happy hour. Les yuppies et hippies discutent après le travail.

Jeanne fait la queue et regarde derrière le comptoir du bar. Au fond, un barista fait un falafel. Déçue, elle baisse les yeux en palpant son portefeuille.

Elle lève la tête, et le barista à la casquette apparaît qui porte des grains de café par l'arrière. Jeanne s'agite en le regardant et s'avance vers la caisse.

L'homme devant Jeanne commande une bière. Il met des espèces dans le pot à pourboires, et prend un prospectus pour un groupe.

La barista regarde Jeanne.


Rowdier hip-hop music. The lap-tops have been replaced by happy hour. Yuppies and hipsters chatting after work.

Jean waits in line, looking behind the bar. In the back, a male barista shovels in a falafel. Disappointed, she looks down, fidgeting with her wallet.

As she looks up, the barista in the baseball hat appears, carrying coffee beans out of the back. Jean shifts, watching as she takes her position at the register.

The MAN in front of Jean orders a beer. Puts some change in the tip jar. Takes a FLYER for some band.

The female barista eyes Jean-


Un passage d'un scénario (25)

À l'intérieur du café Trou« Le Terrier du Llapin ».

"holes" dug by animals to make dwellings are called "terrier", and so "a rabbit hole" is "un terrier de lapin"
Cafe, restaurant, shop names very often include an article

De la musique hip-hop plus rauquforte/percutante.

"forte" if you meant "rowdier" in the sense "louder"; "percutante", "hardcore" if you mean the content itself was rowdier (with lyrics not suitable for every age for instance)

Les ordinateurs portables ont été remplacés par l'happy hour.

LDes/les yuppies et hippiesters discutent après le travail.

These terms are specific to Northern American culture, so they don't really have any translation. "Yuppie" sometimes is translated to "jeune cadre dynamique" (lit. "young energetic executive") but it lacks the success-craving, unscrupulous, dog-eat-dog connotation of the word "yuppie"

For the record, we do have a "sociological" category which sort of combines hipsters and yuppies, which is "bobo", short for "bourgeois-bohême". "Bobos" are upper middle class/upper class educated urban people who take pride in their progressive and tolerant ideas and often mocked for their hypocrisy, like being too politically correct or eating bio quinoa for to "respect nature" while having the latest smartphone and taking the plane 6 times a year... that kind of things

Jeanne fait la queue et regarde derrière le comptoir du bar.

Au fond, un barista fait un falafel.

Déçue, elle baisse les yeux en palptripotant son portefeuille.

Would be even better for "fidgeting" ("tripoter" can also have... sexual connotations but that wouldn't be the case here!)

Elle lève la tête, et lea barista à la casquette apparaît qui , (ap)porteant des grains de café parde l'arrière-boutique.

"porter" would mean "to carry" (emphasizing the fact he has something with him), "apporter" would mean he brings them until a particular place
the back of a shop is called "l'arrière-boutique", and "par" would rather mean "through", not "out of"
If Jeanne watches "her", it means she is "UNE barista" (a female)

Jeanne s'agite en lea regardant et s'avance vers la caisse.

L'homme devant Jeanne commande une bière.

Il met des espèces dans le pot à pourboires, et prend un [flyer/prospectus] pour un groupe quelconque.

In such a situation, the anglicism "flyer" would be used. "Prospectus" has a wider meaning, but small leaflets advertising a band, a party etc definitely are called "flyer" even in French
"quelconque" to translate "some"

La barista regarde Jeanne.

japprends's avatar

March 19, 2024


Merci! To be honest, the word "yuppie" was already dated when this script was written. I don't think it's been commonly used since the 90s, lol. You are right that bobo is a great replacement for that scene; I forgot about that word.

I was, in fact, told to avoid using tripoter for the sexual connotations! Because of my poor level, it's a word I just avoid (much like baiser, even though in certain contexts it does just mean kiss...).

The le vs la barista parts are confusing, I know, but per the original scene there is a male barista for this entire duration until the end where the female barista comes into play.

Monsieur_Elephant's avatar

March 19, 2024


Actually, if you're a golden boy shark favoring social Darwinism or openly conservative, you technically wouldn't fit into the "bobo" category, there's a bit of a political aspect in "bobo". I guess it's almost a synonym of "liberal", at least when it comes to quite wealthy classes. San Francisco would definitely be "une ville bobo", for instance.

In CERTAIN contexts, yes, in old literary works mostly, but the average modern French speaker wouldn't understand it in the sense "to kiss" so it's a wise decision to avoid it :-D

Yep, don't worry, I managed to grasp it thanks to the pronouns ("his" and "her")

Un passage d'un scénario (25)

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À l'intérieur du café Trou du Lapin.

À l'intérieur du café Trou« Le Terrier du Llapin ».

"holes" dug by animals to make dwellings are called "terrier", and so "a rabbit hole" is "un terrier de lapin" Cafe, restaurant, shop names very often include an article

De la musique hip-hop plus rauque.

De la musique hip-hop plus rauquforte/percutante.

"forte" if you meant "rowdier" in the sense "louder"; "percutante", "hardcore" if you mean the content itself was rowdier (with lyrics not suitable for every age for instance)

Les ordinateurs portables ont été remplacé par l'happy hour.

Les ordinateurs portables ont été remplacés par l'happy hour.

Les yuppies et hippies discutent après le travail.

LDes/les yuppies et hippiesters discutent après le travail.

These terms are specific to Northern American culture, so they don't really have any translation. "Yuppie" sometimes is translated to "jeune cadre dynamique" (lit. "young energetic executive") but it lacks the success-craving, unscrupulous, dog-eat-dog connotation of the word "yuppie" For the record, we do have a "sociological" category which sort of combines hipsters and yuppies, which is "bobo", short for "bourgeois-bohême". "Bobos" are upper middle class/upper class educated urban people who take pride in their progressive and tolerant ideas and often mocked for their hypocrisy, like being too politically correct or eating bio quinoa for to "respect nature" while having the latest smartphone and taking the plane 6 times a year... that kind of things

Jeanne fait la queue et regarde derrière le comptoir du bar.

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Au fond, un barista fait un falafel.

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Déçue, elle baisse les yeux en palpant son portefeuille.

Déçue, elle baisse les yeux en palptripotant son portefeuille.

Would be even better for "fidgeting" ("tripoter" can also have... sexual connotations but that wouldn't be the case here!)

Elle lève la tête, et le barista à la casquette apparaît qui porte des grains de café par l'arrière.

Elle lève la tête, et lea barista à la casquette apparaît qui , (ap)porteant des grains de café parde l'arrière-boutique.

"porter" would mean "to carry" (emphasizing the fact he has something with him), "apporter" would mean he brings them until a particular place the back of a shop is called "l'arrière-boutique", and "par" would rather mean "through", not "out of" If Jeanne watches "her", it means she is "UNE barista" (a female)

Jeanne s'agite en le regardant et s'avance vers la caisse.

Jeanne s'agite en lea regardant et s'avance vers la caisse.

L'homme devant Jeanne commande une bière.

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Il met des espèces dans le pot à pourboires, et prend un prospectus pour un groupe.

Il met des espèces dans le pot à pourboires, et prend un [flyer/prospectus] pour un groupe quelconque.

In such a situation, the anglicism "flyer" would be used. "Prospectus" has a wider meaning, but small leaflets advertising a band, a party etc definitely are called "flyer" even in French "quelconque" to translate "some"

La barista regarde Jeanne.

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