tonyabirds's avatar

March 13, 2023

TV series Review "Billions".

This winter I watched the TV series "Succession" and my friend who has the same movie taste recommended watching "Billions". She was right, I literally enjoyed it. It took some time to finish watching this TV series because it has 6 seasons. This picture shows us how much influence has money and how people can be obsessed with it. If you are a small human in this big world without a bank account full of money, your chances to change something or protect yourself are common to zero. Every season describes the different periods of our life, for example, the 11 of September, Coved. The director tells different stories about the government, how they play "games" with reach people, and how they don't care about citizens.
If you don't like "love stories" and want to watch something modern "in the background" when you do something, "Billions" is a great variant.


TV sSeries Review of "Billions".

This winter I watched the TV series "Succession" and then my friend who has the same movie tastetaste in movies as I do recommended watching "Billions".

She was right,. I literaltruly enjoyed it.

It took some time to finish watching ithis TV series because it has 6six seasons.

This picturee series shows us how much influence has money has and how people can be obsessed with it.

If you are a small human in this big world without a bank account full of money, your chances to change something or protect yourself are common toalmost zero.

Every season describes the different periods of our lifeves, for example, the 11 of September, 11 and Coveid.

The director telldepicts different stories about the government, like how they play "games" with reachich(?) people, and how they don't care about its citizens.

If you don't like "love stories" and want to watch something modern "running in the background" whilen you do something, "Billions" is a great variantoption.


Good work!

She was right, I litereally enjoyed it.

"literally" describes someone who is not speaking figuratively.

This pictureseries shows us how much influence has money and how people can be obsessed with it.

"Picture" is another word for a film, not a series.

If you are a small human in this big world without a bank account full of money, your chances tof changeing something or protecting yourself are commonlose to zero.

Every season describes the different periods of our life, for example, the 11 of September, Coved and COVID.

The director tells different stories about the government, how they play "games" withto reach people, and how they don't care about citizens.

If you don't like "love stories" and want to watch something modern "in the background" when you do something, "Billions" is a great variantchoice.

A "variant" is used to describe a different type of thing. I think here you mean "choice" or "option"


Very good! Some incorrect usage of words but that can be fixed pretty easily with a good dictionary. Keep up the good work!

tonyabirds's avatar

March 13, 2023


Thank you ;)

TV series Review "Billions".

TV sSeries Review of "Billions".

This winter I watched the TV series "Succession" and my friend who has the same movie taste recommended watching "Billions".

This winter I watched the TV series "Succession" and then my friend who has the same movie tastetaste in movies as I do recommended watching "Billions".

She was right, I literally enjoyed it.

She was right, I litereally enjoyed it.

"literally" describes someone who is not speaking figuratively.

She was right,. I literaltruly enjoyed it.

It took some time to finish watching this TV series because it has 6 seasons.

It took some time to finish watching ithis TV series because it has 6six seasons.

This picture shows us how much influence has money and how people can be obsessed with it.

This pictureseries shows us how much influence has money and how people can be obsessed with it.

"Picture" is another word for a film, not a series.

This picturee series shows us how much influence has money has and how people can be obsessed with it.

If you are a small human in this big world without a bank account full of money, your chances to change something or protect yourself are common to zero.

If you are a small human in this big world without a bank account full of money, your chances tof changeing something or protecting yourself are commonlose to zero.

If you are a small human in this big world without a bank account full of money, your chances to change something or protect yourself are common toalmost zero.

Every season describes the different periods of our life, for example, the 11 of September, Coved.

Every season describes the different periods of our life, for example, the 11 of September, Coved and COVID.

Every season describes the different periods of our lifeves, for example, the 11 of September, 11 and Coveid.

The director tells different stories about the government, how they play "games" with reach people, and how they don't care about citizens.

The director tells different stories about the government, how they play "games" withto reach people, and how they don't care about citizens.

The director telldepicts different stories about the government, like how they play "games" with reachich(?) people, and how they don't care about its citizens.

If you don't like "love stories" and want to watch something modern "in the background" when you do something, "Billions" is a great variant.

If you don't like "love stories" and want to watch something modern "in the background" when you do something, "Billions" is a great variantchoice.

A "variant" is used to describe a different type of thing. I think here you mean "choice" or "option"

If you don't like "love stories" and want to watch something modern "running in the background" whilen you do something, "Billions" is a great variantoption.

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