Joy's avatar

March 15, 2024

Tonight is misty outside

Tonight is misty outside. It's a bit like London fog in a movie scene- mystery, but not scary, of course. And I kinda like this atmosphere. Maybe I'll read a detective story before going to bed.



Tonight it's misty outside

It's misty outside tonight. /Tonight, it's misty outside.

It's (a bit) like London fog in a movie scene- mysteryious, but not scary, of course.

(And) I kinda like this atmosphere.

Joy's avatar

May 11, 2024


Thank you!

Tonight it is misty outside

Tonight is misty outside.

It's a bit like London fog in a movie scene- mystery, but not scary, of course.

And I kinda like this atmosphere.

Maybe I'll read a detective story before going to bed.

Joy's avatar

March 23, 2024


Thank you!

Tonight, it is misty outside

Tonight, it is misty outside.

It's a bit like a London fog in a movie scene- mystery, but not scary, of course.

And I kinda like this atmosphere.

Maybe I'll read a detective story before going to bed.

Joy's avatar

March 17, 2024


Thank you!


Tonight it's misty outside

Tonight it's misty outside.

It's a bit like the London fog in a movie scene - mysteryious, but not scary, of course.

And I kinda like this atmosphere.

Maybe I'll read a detective story before going to bed.


Very nice!

Joy's avatar

March 16, 2024


Thank you for your correction and your feedback! :-)

Tonight i(t')s misty outside

It's a bit like London fog in a movie scene- mysteryious, but not scary, of course.

And I kinda like this atmosphere.

Maybe I'll read a detective story before going to bed.


Well done! Sounds like a nice night.

Joy's avatar

March 16, 2024


Thank you for your correction and your feedback! :-)

Tonight is misty outside

Tonight i(t')s misty outside

Tonight it's misty outside

Tonight, it is misty outside

Tonight it is misty outside

Tonight it's misty outside

Tonight is misty outside.

Tonight it's misty outside.

Tonight, it is misty outside.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

It's misty outside tonight. /Tonight, it's misty outside.

It's a bit like London fog in a movie scene- mystery, but not scary, of course.

It's a bit like London fog in a movie scene- mysteryious, but not scary, of course.

It's a bit like the London fog in a movie scene - mysteryious, but not scary, of course.

It's a bit like a London fog in a movie scene- mystery, but not scary, of course.

It's a bit like London fog in a movie scene- mystery, but not scary, of course.

It's (a bit) like London fog in a movie scene- mysteryious, but not scary, of course.

And I kinda like this atmosphere.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

(And) I kinda like this atmosphere.

Maybe I'll read a detective story before going to bed.

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This sentence has been marked as perfect!

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