July 12, 2024
Tika Tika Boum Boum
Chika Chika Boom Boom
A l’a dit à B qui l’a dit à C:
A told B who told C:
Je vais te retrouver en haut du cocotier.
I’ll meet you at the top of the coconut 🌴 🥥 tree.
Bonne idée! a crié D.
Good idea, cried D.
Je serai le premier en haut du cocotier 🌴.
I will be the first up the coconut tree.
Zoum, Zoum, Zoum.
E, F, G, H arrivent en masse.
E, F, G, H arrive together.
Tika Tika boum boum 💥
Y-aura-t-il assez de place?
Will there be enough room?
Zoum, Zoum, Zoum.
M,N,O,P sont sur leurs traces.
M, N,O, P are on their traces.
Tika Tika boum boum 💥
Y-aura-t-il assez de place?
Will there be enough room?
QRS montent en vitesse
QRS are increasing their speed
Imités par T, U, V.
Imitated by T, U, V.
Enfin voilà W!
Finally, here is W.
X, Y, Z sont les derniers.
X, Y, Z are the last.
Tout l’alphabet est en haut…
The whole alphabet is at the top!
Oh! Oh!
Tika Tika Badaboum 🤯
Zoum, Zoum, Zoum.
C’est la course folle, tout le monde s’affole.
It’s the crazy race, everyone is panicking.
Les mamans et les taties embrassant les petites.
Les papas et les tontons essuient leur pantalon.
Moms and autties kissing the little ones.
Dads and uncles wipe their pants.
Venez nous aider! crient A, B, C.
Come and help us shout A, B, C.
On voit émerger D, le genou éraflé,
E, le pied enflé,
F, égratigne,
G, tout essoufflé.
We see D emerge, the scratched knee,
E, the foot swollen,
F, hurt,
G, all out of breath.
H et I, un peu nerveux,
J et K, les larmes aux yeux,
Et puis L avec un noeud.
And I, a little nervous,
J and K, tears in the eyes,
And then L with a knot.
M a rétréci,
N a le tournis,
O c’est évanoui
M has narrowed,
N is dizzy,
O fainted.
P a l’œil poché,
Q, R, S sautent à cloche pied.
T a une dent cassée.
P has a poached eye 👁,
Q, R, S on one leg 🦵 .
T has a broken tooth.
U c’est éloigné avec V et W.
U is far away with V and W.
Enfin X, Y, Z sont sortis sans aide.
Puis le soleil c’est couché
Derrière le cocotier 🌴.
Finally X, Y, Z came out without help.
Then the sun went down
Behind the coconut tree 🌴.
Mais Tika Tika Boum Boum 💥
La lune est en plein boum.
But Tika Tika Boom Boom 💥
The moon is in full swing.
A sort du lit et dit à ses amis:
Je vous mets au défis!
Voulez-vous parier
que j’ai serai le premier en haut du cocotier?
Tika Tika Boum Boum 💥
He got out of bed and said to his friends:
I'm challenging you!
Do you want to bet?
That I will be the first at the top of the coconut tree?
Tika Tika Boum Boum 💥
🌴🥥 Tika Tika Boum Boum 💥
Tika Tika Boum Boum Chika Chika Boom Boom A l’a dit à B qui l’a dit à C: A told B who told C: Je vais te retrouver en haut du cocotier.
I’ll meet you at the top of the coconut 🌴 🥥 tree.
Bonne idée!
a crié D. Good idea, cried D.
Je serai le premier en haut du cocotier 🌴.
I will be the first up the coconut tree.
Zoum, Zoum, Zoum.
E, F, G, H arrivent en masssemble.
Tika Tika boum boum 💥 Y-aura-t-il assez de place?
Will there be enough room?
Zoum, Zoum, Zoum.
M,N,O,P sont sur leurs traces.
M, N,O, P are on their traces.
Tika Tika boum boum 💥 Y-aura-t-il assez de place?
Will there be enough room?
QRS montent en vitesse
QRS are increasing their speed
Imités par T, U, V.
Imitated by T, U, V.
Enfin voilà W!
montent en vitesse: ils vont plus vite, ou bien ils "grimpent" en vitesse?
Finally, here is W. X, Y, Z sont les derniers.
X, Y, Z are the last.
Tout l’alphabet est en haut… The whole alphabet is at the top!
Tika Tika Badaboum 🤯 Zoum, Zoum, Zoum.
C’est la course folle, tout le monde s’affole.
It’s the crazy race, everyone is panicking.
Les mamans et les taties embrassant les petites.
Les papas et les tontons essuient leur pantalon.
Moms and autties kissing the little ones.
Dads and uncles wipe their pants.
Venez nous aider!
crient A, B, C. Come and help us shout A, B, C.
On voit émerger D, le genou éraflé, E, le pied enflé, F, égratigne, G, tout essoufflé.
We see D emerge, the scratched knee, E, the foot swollen, F, hurt, G, all out of breath.
H et I, un peu nerveux, J et K, les larmes aux yeux, Et puis L avec un noeud.
And I, a little nervous, J and K, tears in the eyes, And then L with a knot.
M a rétréci, N a le tournis, O c’est évanoui M has narrowed, N is dizzy, O fainted.
P a l’œil poché, Q, R, S sautent à cloche pied.
T a une dent cassée.
P has a poached eye 👁, Q, R, S on one leg 🦵 .
T has a broken tooth.
U c’est éloigné avec V et W. U is far away with V and W. Enfin X, Y, Z sont sortis sans aide.
Puis le soleil cs’est couché
Derrière le cocotier 🌴.
Finally X, Y, Z came out without help.
Then the sun went down Behind the coconut tree 🌴.
Mais Tika Tika Boum Boum 💥 La lune est en plein boum.
But Tika Tika Boom Boom 💥 The moon is in full swing.
A sort du lit et dit à ses amis: Je vous mets au défis!
Voulez-vous parier
que j’aie serai le premier en haut du cocotier?
Tika Tika Boum Boum 💥 He got out of bed and said to his friends: I'm challenging you!
Do you want to bet?
That I will be the first at the top of the coconut tree?
Tika Tika Boum Boum 💥
Bel effort!
Il y a une fonction dans langcorrect pour écrire le texte dans la langue que tu pratiques séparément de dans la langue d'origine. C'est plutôt difficile de corriger le texte lorsque tu alternes les langues comme ça.
Zoum, Zoum, Zoum. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Tika Tika boum boum 💥 Y-aura-t-il assez de place? This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Will there be enough room? This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Oh! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Bonne idée! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
🌴🥥 Tika Tika Boum Boum 💥 This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Tika Tika Boum Boum Chika Chika Boom Boom A l’a dit à B qui l’a dit à C: A told B who told C: Je vais te retrouver en haut du cocotier. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
I’ll meet you at the top of the coconut 🌴 🥥 tree. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
a crié D. Good idea, cried D. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Je serai le premier en haut du cocotier 🌴. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
I will be the first up the coconut tree. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Zoum, Zoum, Zoum. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
E, F, G, H arrivent en masse. E, F, G, H arrivent en |
E, F, G, H arrive together. |
Tika Tika boum boum 💥 Y-aura-t-il assez de place? This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Will there be enough room? This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
M,N,O,P sont sur leurs traces. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
M, N,O, P are on their traces. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
QRS montent en vitesse QRS are increasing their speed Imités par T, U, V. Imitated by T, U, V. Enfin voilà W! QRS montent en vitesse montent en vitesse: ils vont plus vite, ou bien ils "grimpent" en vitesse? |
Finally, here is W. X, Y, Z sont les derniers. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
X, Y, Z are the last. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Tout l’alphabet est en haut… The whole alphabet is at the top! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Oh! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Tika Tika Badaboum 🤯 Zoum, Zoum, Zoum. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
C’est la course folle, tout le monde s’affole. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
It’s the crazy race, everyone is panicking. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Les mamans et les taties embrassant les petites. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Les papas et les tontons essuient leur pantalon. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Moms and autties kissing the little ones. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Dads and uncles wipe their pants. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Venez nous aider! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
crient A, B, C. Come and help us shout A, B, C. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
On voit émerger D, le genou éraflé, E, le pied enflé, F, égratigne, G, tout essoufflé. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
We see D emerge, the scratched knee, E, the foot swollen, F, hurt, G, all out of breath. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
H et I, un peu nerveux, J et K, les larmes aux yeux, Et puis L avec un noeud. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
And I, a little nervous, J and K, tears in the eyes, And then L with a knot. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
M a rétréci, N a le tournis, O c’est évanoui M has narrowed, N is dizzy, O fainted. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
P a l’œil poché, Q, R, S sautent à cloche pied. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
T a une dent cassée. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
P has a poached eye 👁, Q, R, S on one leg 🦵 . This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
T has a broken tooth. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
U c’est éloigné avec V et W. U is far away with V and W. Enfin X, Y, Z sont sortis sans aide. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Puis le soleil c’est couché Derrière le cocotier 🌴. Puis le soleil |
Finally X, Y, Z came out without help. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Then the sun went down Behind the coconut tree 🌴. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Mais Tika Tika Boum Boum 💥 La lune est en plein boum. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
But Tika Tika Boom Boom 💥 The moon is in full swing. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
A sort du lit et dit à ses amis: Je vous mets au défis! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Voulez-vous parier que j’ai serai le premier en haut du cocotier? Voulez-vous parier |
Tika Tika Boum Boum 💥 He got out of bed and said to his friends: I'm challenging you! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Do you want to bet? This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
That I will be the first at the top of the coconut tree? This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Tika Tika Boum Boum 💥 This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
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