dagny's avatar

March 30, 2024

"This Be The Verse" by Philip Larkin (2)

However, in the second stanza, the speaker acknowledges that parents were "fucked up in their turn," recognizing the generational patterns of dysfunction within families. As spiritual trauma passes down through generations, so does the sense of victimhood. Parents unwittingly perpetuate this cycle before they can break free from their own victimhood, as they themselves grew up in tumultuous family environments and had parents with unresolved issues and problems. Therefore, it would be both pointless and unjust to solely blame a parent for their child's hardships, as too many generations collectively contribute to these negative experiences and circumstances.

In the final stanza, the speaker emphasizes the universality of the problem, stating that 'Man hands on misery to man.' This suggests that a person's life is destined to be merely a continuation of past pain, for which no one can be blamed. The speaker compares the perpetuation of pain to a deepening 'coastal shelf,' implying that it will only become more entrenched and complicated over time. At the end of the poem, the speaker advises against perpetuating the cycle of misery, urging people to "get out" as soon as possible and "don't have any kids." This stark declaration reflects the speaker's belief that the problem is systemic, cyclical, and essentially unresolvable unless humanity ceases to exist. Consequently, any imputation of blame to one's parents or others is futile and provides no relief. Only by foregoing life and parenthood altogether can people put an end to the everlasting existential pain.


"This Be The Verse" by Philip Larkin (2)

However, in the second stanza, the speaker acknowledges that parents were "fucked up in their turn," recognizing the generational patterns of dysfunction within families.

As spiritual trauma passes down through generations, so does the sense of victimhood.

Parents unwittingly perpetuate this cycle before they can break free from their own victimhood, as they themselves grew up in tumultuous family environments and had parents with unresolved issues and problems.

Therefore, it would be both pointless and unjust to solely blame a parent for their child's hardships, as too many generations collectively contribute to these negative experiences and circumstances.

In the final stanza, the speaker emphasizes the universality of the problem, stating that 'Man hands on misery to man.'

This suggests that a person's life is destined to be merely a continuation of past pain, for which no one can be blamed.

The speaker compares the perpetuation of pain to a deepening 'coastal shelf,' implying that it will only become more entrenched and complicated over time.

At the end of the poem, the speaker advises against perpetuating the cycle of misery, urging people to "get out" as soon as possible and "don't have any kids."

This stark declaration reflects the speaker's belief that the problem is systemic, cyclical, and essentially unresolvable unless humanity ceases to exist.

Consequently, any imputation of blame to one's parents or others is futile and provides no relief.

Only by foregoing life and parenthood altogether can people put an end to the everlasting existential pain.

However, in the second stanza, the speaker acknowledges that parents were "fucked up in their turn," recognizing the generational patterns of dysfunctionality within families.

Dysfunction + nality would be better here

Parents unwittingly perpetuate this cycle before they can break free from their own victimhood, as they themselves grew up in tumultuous family environments and had parents with unresolved issues and problems. themselves

Therefore, it would be both pointless and unjust to solely blame athe parent for their child's hardships, as too manysuccessive generations collectively contribute toresult in the accumulation of these negative experiences and circumstances.

Specify the object. Blame not just "a" parent of the child but "the" parent.


Good gosh you can write well wow!

Zachary's avatar

March 31, 2024


You are far from intermediate this is better than a lot of native speakers

dagny's avatar

April 2, 2024


Thank you very much for your corrections and feedback!

"This Be The Verse" by Philip Larkin (2)

However, in the second stanza, the speaker acknowledges that parents were "fucked up in their turn," recognizing the generational patterns of dysfunction within families.

As spiritual trauma passes down through generations, so does the sense of victimhood.

Parents unwittingly perpetuate this cycle before they can break free from their own victimhood, as they themselves grew up in tumultuous family environments and had parents with unresolved issues and problems.

Therefore, it would be both pointless and unjust to solely blame a parent for their child's hardships, as too many generations collectively contribute to these negative experiences and circumstances.

In the final stanza, the speaker emphasizes the universality of the problem, stating that 'Man hands on misery to man.'

This suggests that a person's life is destined to be merely a continuation of past pain, for which no one can be blamed.

The speaker compares the perpetuation of pain to a deepening 'coastal shelf,' implying that it will only become more entrenched and complicated over time.

At the end of the poem, the speaker advises against perpetuating the cycle of misery, urging people to "get out" as soon as possible and "don't have any kids/children."

This stark declaration reflects the speaker's belief that the problem is systemic, cyclical, and essentially unresolvable unless humanity ceases to exist.

Consequently, any imputation of blame to one's parents or others is futile and provides no relief.

Only by foregoing life and parenthood altogether can people put an end to the everlasting existential pain.


Your summary was very well written. The content of the book is downright depressing. :c
I made a note never to read any books by Philip Larkin. :-)

Consequently, any imputation of blame to one's parents or others is futile and provides no relief.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Only by foregoing life and parenthood altogether can people put an end to the everlasting existential pain.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

At the end of the poem, the speaker advises against perpetuating the cycle of misery, urging people to "get out" as soon as possible and "don't have any kids."

At the end of the poem, the speaker advises against perpetuating the cycle of misery, urging people to "get out" as soon as possible and "don't have any kids/children."

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This stark declaration reflects the speaker's belief that the problem is systemic, cyclical, and essentially unresolvable unless humanity ceases to exist.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

"This Be The Verse" by Philip Larkin (2)

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

However, in the second stanza, the speaker acknowledges that parents were "fucked up in their turn," recognizing the generational patterns of dysfunction within families.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

However, in the second stanza, the speaker acknowledges that parents were "fucked up in their turn," recognizing the generational patterns of dysfunctionality within families.

Dysfunction + nality would be better here

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

As spiritual trauma passes down through generations, so does the sense of victimhood.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Parents unwittingly perpetuate this cycle before they can break free from their own victimhood, as they themselves grew up in tumultuous family environments and had parents with unresolved issues and problems.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Parents unwittingly perpetuate this cycle before they can break free from their own victimhood, as they themselves grew up in tumultuous family environments and had parents with unresolved issues and problems. themselves

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Therefore, it would be both pointless and unjust to solely blame a parent for their child's hardships, as too many generations collectively contribute to these negative experiences and circumstances.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Therefore, it would be both pointless and unjust to solely blame athe parent for their child's hardships, as too manysuccessive generations collectively contribute toresult in the accumulation of these negative experiences and circumstances.

Specify the object. Blame not just "a" parent of the child but "the" parent.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

In the final stanza, the speaker emphasizes the universality of the problem, stating that 'Man hands on misery to man.'

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This suggests that a person's life is destined to be merely a continuation of past pain, for which no one can be blamed.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The speaker compares the perpetuation of pain to a deepening 'coastal shelf,' implying that it will only become more entrenched and complicated over time.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

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